Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 33: Bodhisattva

"The demon, the Buddha's light is universal, and the evil is turned, the Buddha is on the top, and he is given the holy text, and the sentient beings are ...............!"

"The demon, the Buddha's light is universal, and the evil is turned, the Buddha is on the top, and he is given the holy text, and the sentient beings are ...............!"




The sound of chanting chants spread throughout the city of Tiancheng. As the seals of the characters continue to rotate and become larger, the sound becomes thicker and thicker. The golden Buddha light spreads throughout the city of Tiancheng, and even countless golden fumes are gathered. .

The ringing Bodhisattva moved the true form, and the magical scriptures reached their maximum power, and it was necessary to crush the grief fighter in one fell swoop.

People in the whole city were affected. Such a large-scale chanting of the scriptures is simply not allowed, and the city guards are soaring into the sky. However, he saw the Lord of Heavenly City standing respectfully beside Long Shenwu, watching the match below.

Countless people who practice Buddhism are folded their hands together, and their eyes flash forward longing.

Looking at that chanting sound, there was one giant magical gangster.

The demonic King Kong is furious, but in Lingshan Holy Land, this type of King Kong is also a guardian King Kong, specializing in punishing evil and good King Kong, so this angry look does not seem vicious, but a kind of majesty.

Angrily King Kong went straight to the ancient sea.

The people in the whole city saw the surpassing magic gangster passing by, and they clasped their hands together: "The infinite Buddha!"

This is a kind of great baptism. The appearance of the demons Vajrayas appears to be Dazheng, Dashan, Dawei, and Dade on the side of Lingshan Holy Land, and the group of demons who are dealt with by the demons Vajrayas become evil.

Zizhu Buddha coughed his blood and sneered.

Instruct the bodhisattva to clasp their hands together, with firm eyes.

Sima Changkong showed a hint of worry: "Master, this" Devil Sutra "in Lingshan Holy Land is really powerful, and it actually affects everyone's mind?"

Long Shenwu's face was gloomy and did not speak, but stared at the ancient sea in the field.

The golden light shrouded the city of Tiancheng, and also made the people in some cities around it show curiosity, and a large number of strong men flew towards Tiancheng City.

Under the resistance of the grief fighters, they gradually became exhausted and would no longer work.

"Well, you try it!" Gu Haixian loosened from Gou Chen's back.

Gou Chen was slightly surprised: "Lord, this tune, good, good ........."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Because the disciples of Yizhongtang could not bear it at this moment, their eyes were slightly hollow.

"OK!" Gou Chen nodded.


With a wave of the hand, the sound of the sadness suddenly stopped. The Qin fighter also disappeared suddenly.

The demons King Kong suddenly rushed towards everyone.

"Mr. Gu is careful, this demons do n’t stop at the hearts of the people. Once they are in the hearts of people, they are trying to deceive and confuse the mind!" Ao Shun frowned.

Gu Hai did not speak, but looked at Gou Chen.

"Oh!" The percussion of the bowl was instantly played by Gou Chen.

It seemed like a huge ripple of lake water spreading towards the Quartet. The surging King Kong rushed around slightly.

A series of flute sounds, wooden fish sounds, and sounds of various Buddhist and Taoist instruments were played by Guqin.

As soon as the melodious voice sounded, the people frowned.

"Is this the ancient sea that is going to fight the" Devil's Scriptures "? Joke, he is looking for death."

"The voice of the evil spirits can also fight the Zhengda's" Devil of Sutra "?"





The people looked disdainful all around.

After a slight meal, the demons King Kong rushed again.



"The demon is arrogant, kill!"




Holding down the magic weapon, the demons King Kong seemed to destroy the entire flying boat in an instant, and the faces of all the dragons changed. The disciples at Yipintang were even more horrified.

At this moment, the sound of the great tragedy finally came from the sound of the piano.

"Nanwu, drink Jaina, Yeye, Nanwu, Ahye, Poludi, Shuobo Yeye, Bodhi Sayeye ..."

Among the sounds of the piano, there seemed to be a voice chanting a Scripture that no one could understand.

But as soon as this verse came out, a colorful ray of light suddenly burst out, spreading from the place where Gou Chen played the piano to the Quartet. First met a crowd of demons.

"Boom, boom, boom ~~~~~~~~~~!"

Xia Guang seemed to have a huge power, and the dozen or so Demons who rushed to the forefront were fluttered out in an instant.

"What?" The ringing Buddha's face changed.

"What scripture is this? Mr. Sima, have you ever heard it?" Long Shenwu frowned slightly.

"No, and I do n’t understand what I ’m reading. Although I do n’t understand, I do n’t know why. There is an inexplicable sense of Zen listening to this great tragedy. Yes, I have read countless Buddhist scriptures, but, less Compared with this Zen state, is this really a Buddhist scripture created temporarily by the ancient sea? "Sima Changkong said in astonishment.

"Nan Wu, Nao Jinxian, Limoxu, Xunshaxu, Sapa Ata, Dou Shoupeng, A Suqian, Saba Sasao, Nama Posao, Namo Poga, Mo Pu Special beans. I nephew him. Hey, Apo Lulu. Lugardi. Garodi ......... "

The sound of the Great Tragedy is getting louder and louder. Under the play of Gou Chen, it seems that a golden sky lyre cloud has formed in the sky, and the sound has been instantly expanded to the whole city.

The sound is magnificent and solemn, and it is comparable to the sound of "Du Mo Jing".

Solemn, solemn, magnificent, majestic, and fulfilling, as long as the scripture spirit of the "Devil of the Demon" is the same, "The Great Tragedy" is not bad at all.

"Impossible, this is the voice of the demon. It is better than the" Demon Sutra "!"

"But why do I feel Buddhist scriptures when I listen to this" Great Tragedy "?"

"Me too, but it is impossible. How could this ancient sea have a strong Buddhist atmosphere in the Buddhist scriptures of Lingshan Holy Land?"

"Great Sadness Curse? I heard a sense of compassion!"




Countless people who practiced the Buddha, listening to this voice, suddenly felt that the pores in their bodies were spreading out. It was nothing to ordinary people, but extremely sensitive to the people who practiced Buddhism.

For a moment, everyone never looked down on The Great Tragedy again.

As for the monks, such as the Zizhu Bodhisattva and the Ringing Bodhisattva, their eyes have widened at this moment.

"Buddha? Kekeke, how is it possible, what shit" Great Tragedy ", how can there be a Buddha? Such a huge Buddha ??

Monks around were also anxious.

"During the chanting, let the demons hang out, get out of here!" Exclaimed the person who commanded the Bodhisattva.

"The demon, the Buddha's light is universal, and the evil is turned, the Buddha is on the top, and he is given the holy text, and the sentient beings are ...............!"

"Diyi Ni. Shi Bu Yi Ye. Zhe Zhe Zhe Zhe. Mo Mo Pu Mo Zhe. Mu Di Li. Yi Yi Yi Yi ... ………………!"

The two buddha sounds became entangled in Tiancheng City.

There are more and more magical monks, and they are listening to the temple square from all directions.

After the colorful clouds blocked a group of demons, they suddenly gathered quickly above Gouchen's head. The colorful clouds in the gathering burst out ten thousand times more light. The whole city, golden light and colorful clouds suddenly made Tiancheng City look bright. No one let the two rays of light, and they were fighting each other.

Above Gouchen's head, there was something condensed in the gathered colorful glow. Gou Chen, Ao Shun and others all showed their expectations.

"Sadness" is the cohesion fighter, and "Demon" is the cohesion and surrender of magic. And "The Great Tragedy" slowly formed a thing.

"Lotus?" Gou Chen was surprised.

The buds of a colorful lotus slowly enlarged. And it exudes a holy atmosphere, and with the sound of the great tragedy, people suddenly feel relieved for a while, as if they have got a great baptism of Buddha nature.

Those who practice Buddhism feel that they have been unable to get into the Buddhist practice all the year round. Suddenly, they have become loose, and they are generally improving quickly.

"Roar!" Suddenly, the demons King Kong was suddenly hit by the colorful rays of lotus.

"Roar, exterminate!"






One by one, ferocious gangsters rushed violently and were constantly knocked out. The lotus floated in the air, like a big sacred object, and the outer devil could not approach it at all.

The colorful lotus buds slowly open, as if they are about to bloom and bloom. With this blooming process, from the colorful lotus flowers, slowly spreading outward, a small lotus emerges out of thin air.

Among the sorrowful curses, hundreds of millions of small lotus flowers bloom from all directions, red, blue, pink, purple, all kinds of lotus.

The sound of the Buddha is magnificent, and the Buddha nature erupts. Bursts of Buddhism rushed to the Quartet like a flood.

"This, this, this demon voice, why do I feel more holy than the Sutra?"

"Is this a demon? Why do I feel like that the demon gold was just a demon? Are you colliding with the sacred?"

"Me too, am I not religious about Buddha?"




Around him came the bewildered colors of one Buddhist monk.

The colorful lotus is getting bigger and bigger, flying higher and higher, and slowly flying up to the sky of Tiancheng City. For a time, the people in all directions see the huge colorful lotus.

"Quick, ruin the lotus, quick, yeah, yeah!" Zizhu Boar's face growled.

The Bodhisattva Bodhisattva also changed his face. When his hands were folded together, a wave of golden light burst into his body, and the golden light of the magic drop suddenly seemed to increase many times.

"The Great Tragedy" slowly reached the end.

With the continuation of the Great Tragedy Mantra, this solemn and magnificent breath is still spreading. People no longer have to look at the evil lotus when they look at the colorful lotus.

This is the Buddhist scripture, a Buddhist scripture full of Buddhist nature. Countless Buddhist practitioners even crossed their hands and saluted in front of the colorful lotus flower, because from that lotus flower, they seemed to feel the most orthodox Buddha in it.

A thousand Arhats were sweating at this moment, and in the sky, the huge '卍' gold sign was steadily suppressed on the colorful lotus flower.

However, the colorful lotus seems to be unaffected at all and continues to bloom.

"Sister-in-law. Sister-in-law, Amu 佉 ye, sister-in-law. Sister-in-law Capricorn, Axiotuo Ye ...............

Under the sorrowful curse, the sound of the Buddha grew louder and spread to the city of Quartet, and the lotus slowly opened.

As the lotus flower opened, a colorful puppet of air was pouring from the inside.

On the lotus platform surrounded by colorful qi, there seemed to be a Buddha statue dimly.

"This is it?" Gu Hai looked at the buddha statue standing among the colorful lotus in surprise. In a haze, there seemed to be a thousand giant hands of a hazy giant Buddha image shaking out.

"No, Guan Yin Yin ........." Gu Hai's eyes widened and she almost exclaimed.

Speaking of half, Gu Hai's voice suddenly stopped. Gu Hai's eyes widened, and it seemed to be half unbelievable. In the past thirty days, there was a large array of vertical and horizontal battles. At the most, it condensed that the East was undefeated, alone and defeated, and Zhang Sanfeng.

This "Great Sadness Mantra" condenses the Guanyin Bodhisattva with the Qin Tao? Thousands of avalokitesvara have been introduced on the Earth in previous lives, on ancient sea television, in temples, and in novels? This is not the result of condensing one's own consciousness, but the effect of great compassion and great consummation that comes with the Great Tragedy Curse.

At the moment when the Guanyin Bodhisattva condensed out, the sound of the Buddha in "The Great Sorrowful Mantra" expanded infinitely in an instant, spreading farther and farther, farther and farther, and even a grand voice rushed to the heavenly city.

The thirty-three heavens of heaven are shrouded in this infinite Buddhist chanting sound almost instantly. Blossoming lotus blossoms in the void, from Tiancheng City to Tianchen City to Tianting City, spreading away, more and more. For a time, the thirty-three cities in the heavens pervaded in all directions.

Long Shenwu opened his mouth stunned and looked at this sudden and strangely magnified scene in amazement. The Luohan who read a thousand scriptures was also suddenly shocked. What do you mean?

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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