Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 36: Ringing Taunt

Gu Hai let Gou Chen sing to the ring Buddha.

A group of monks are still unknown, so this time the ancient seas do not intervene? Just let Gou Chen sing? He can only sing "Sadness", right? Did Gu Hai take the initiative?

The monks do not know why, but after all, there are people who understand it.

Mu Chenfeng and Ao Shun all changed their faces, and suddenly remembered how powerful Chen Gesheng was. Mu Chenfeng was bleeding from the sound of Qiqiao.

If Gou Chen had not used "Sadness" to deal with the "Devil's Scriptures" and sang directly by himself, the Luohan would have been defeated, of course, provided that Gou Chen was not killed!

Not only did the morning breeze, on the mid-air flying boat, Long Shenwu, Sima Changkong and a group of generals all looked dumb.

Because everyone has heard Gou Chen sing, the song, like a magic sound, is still echoing in his mind. Let this demon sing? Sima Changkong and others didn't know why.

"Er, uncle, why do you look like that? Didn't Go Chen lose the song?" Long Aotian frowned.

Long Shenwu, Sima Changkong, and all the generals turned their heads, looking strangely at Long Aotian.

"Is there a problem?" Long Aotian froze slightly.

The crowd shook their heads, turned their heads strangely, and looked at the center of the field.

"Gu Hai, let's get started!" In the distance, the Bodhisattva drew the Buddha to the center of the square, and one person behind him spoke for him.

"I sing for him?" Gou Chen slightly hesitated.

"Yes, the password on Dagan Sheng, let you fight, that is to say, no one is allowed to use force, you don't worry about life danger!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Huh, Gu Hai, do you still want to scorn me for waiting? Qin Dou Qin Dou, no one of us will intervene!" Zizhu Boss coughed and snorted not far away.

Gu Hai glanced coldly and ignored him. I didn't say that you attacked Gou Chen by surprise, but I was worried that someone who didn't matter would come up and kill Gou Chen.

"Mr. Gu, let Gou set a sound barrier!" Long Shenwu looked at Gou Chen and said.

"Okay!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Master, isn't it so cheap for me to have such a nice song?" Gou Chen looked reluctantly at the ringing Buddha.

"What do you want?" Gu Hai stared.

"Okay, okay, forget it, it's cheaper for him! Oh, by the way, I bring Zheng Faming, he likes my song!" Gou Chen said immediately.

Gu Hai looked at the little beggar curled up on the ground, and nodded in silence.

Gou Chen took the little beggar to the center of the square, and everyone around him widened his eyes.

The people had now stood by the side of the ancient sea, watching the ringing Bodhisattva coldly.

"Gu Hai, you really don't pass on Chen Xin's tracks?" One person behind the commandment spoken out.

"Gou Chen deal with you, enough!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Yeah, since that's the case, let's get started!" Said the spokesman for the ringing Buddha.

Having said that, the Bodhisattva closed his hands and crossed his knees. When sitting down, the whole body emitted a burst of golden light. Above the golden light, there seemed to be small Buddha images condensing. The image of the Buddha image surrounded the ringing Buddha, as if singing some kind of Buddhist scripture.

"Sitting silently, it has already begun, Gou Chen, be careful yourself!" Ao Shun called.

"It's okay, I'm going to sing!" Gou Chen called.

"Sound barrier!" Mu Chenfeng reminded immediately.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Gou Chen waved his hand.


A sound barrier encloses Gou Chen, the little beggar, and the ringing Buddha.

A monk's face was gloomy: "Well, is it a precious piano to sing, is it so precious? Let us not listen?

The ringing Buddha sitting cross-legged sneered. No matter how powerful your piano is, I can't move in all directions, soaring like a mountain. No one can influence me, hum.

The closed meditation works, and the sound of Buddha surrounds the ringing of the Buddha, like the protection of the Buddha, and the invasion of all ways.

"Gou Chen spoke!" Mu Chenfeng exclaimed with wide eyes.

But I saw that in the boundary of the sound barrier, Gou Chen quickly entered the state, and suddenly opened his mouth and spit out the song "Little Carrot".

The singing voices are just ordinary singing voices, without the illusions of the Qin Tao artistic conception, without fighters, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and colorful lotus, just ordinary singing voices.

"That's it? Hahaha, this is not the case, we won!" Zizhu Bodhisattva said excitedly.

But as soon as the song sounded, the ringing Bodhisattva sitting across the knees suddenly froze. Left and right eyes, one click up and down, the corner of the mouth suddenly twitched unconsciously.

What does this sing?

Caution Bodhisattva suddenly arched on his back, as if facing the enemy, hands folded, a little cold sweat came from his forehead, and the closed meditation Zen was turned to the maximum.

When Gou Chen sang, he gradually got involved, and the song was heard by the Fa-ming in pain. Fa-rectification is slowly and painless, as if this song can alleviate the pain of Fa-rectification.

Slowly, Fa-ming wakes up, stands up and looks at Gou Chen.

Gou Chen saw that Fa-rectification was awake, his eyes brightened, and he sang even harder.


Zheng Faming clapped his hands like he was extremely happy. That looks like the singing of incredibly joyous, extremely intoxicated, extremely joyous, clapping, and excited like the enthusiastic fans who saw stars on the ancient past general.

"This is the right way, it really tastes unique, what it looks like ...!" Mu Chenfeng was stunned.

More than just the morning breeze, Long Shenwu was stunned, and Sima Changkong and the generals on the flying boats were also stunned.

"How heavy is this taste?" Gu Hai was also stunned.

"No wonder, it's no wonder that Gou Chen has to protect Fa-rectification when he is desperate. In this way, the tears that Gou Chen is going to sing are full of tears!" Ao Shun also said stunned.

Zheng Faming clapped his hands happily and was excited. This scene, in the eyes of others, nodded gradually.

"Sure enough, although there is no vision of the piano, this singing should be very powerful!"

"The little beggar was clapping and excited, obviously very nice!"

"Unfortunately, the King of Gods does not let us listen, and I want to listen too, it's a pity!"

"Yeah, that's a pity!"

"It's such a nice song, it's cheap to warn the Bodhisattva!"

"Yeah, it's cheaper for him!"




The people regretted it.

Good singing? That can't affect the dispensation of the Bodhisattva anymore, a group of monks have shown their confidence and finished.

The beggar's constant clapping, making Gou Chen sing aloud for a while, sing more and more excited.

All monks laughed, but no one could understand the inner feelings of the commanding Buddha.

"What the hell? What the **** is this singing? Deaf my ears!"

"Sin barrier, Sin barrier, this must be the Buddha's test to me!"

"I have a closed mouth, no wind, no wind, no wind, I can resist!"

"Can't affect me, can't affect me!"




The ringing Bodhisattva kept self-hypnosis, but the singing voice kept pouring into the ringing Bodhisattva's ears. Howling, chills, nausea, collapse. The Bodhisattva has been completely dumbfounded at this moment. Is this Qin Tao?

In particular, the look of the beggar claps and madly chased the stars, it even made the ringing bodhisattva eggs hurt, both of them hurt.

From the moment the song sounded, it was not good for the whole person to command the Buddha.

At this moment, the only thing that the Bodhisattva wanted to do was to immediately seal Gou Chen's mouth, the mouth that sang out of despair.

However, the Bodhisattva cannot do it. Everyone is paying attention to this competition. Even the future Buddha and Dagan Sheng are watching their competition. Can they use their own force? Don't say that Chen Dongwu is ticked, as long as he makes a move, Dagan Sheng can instantly destroy himself.

It's awful! It's hard to hear the impulse to die.


Caution the Bodhisattva to close its own hearing, but it is useless, even if the hearing is blocked, the song sounds like it is still singing in the soul. Still breaking your throat? Are you a celestial piano? Are you the devil sent by you?

Can't stop it? Can't stop his voice?

How could this be?

The Bodhisattva looked at Gouchen with a dumb look. At this moment, the Bodhisattva felt the horror in front of him. It is a realm to sing such a bad song.

Stop singing!

Caution Bodhisattva looked at Gou Chen, while he was dumbfounded, as if he was about to cry.

"Come on, look at the expression of the bodhisattva, he is taunting Go!" A monk said excitedly.

The sound barrier is not separated from the outside, but the outside sound can be heard by the insiders.

I'm going to be silly to mock a fart! Which idiot interpreted my expression as a mockery?

Ring out the expression that collapsed to constipation. If there is no little beggar to set it off, everyone must be thinking that it is suffering, but the little beggar's clap and encouragement should obviously not be painful, only understand the commandment Gou Chen's contempt.

Only Gu Hai, Mu Chenfeng, Ao Shun, Long Shenwu and others knew the specific situation.

"This commandment of the bodhisattva also has great will!" Lamented a general behind Long Shenwu.

"Big will is farting, winking and winking, it is not a good thing at first glance!" Long Aotian didn't know so he showed a slight disdain.

"Eh!" The generals froze slightly, but did not refute, only they knew about it.

But the people couldn't stand it anymore.

"Lingshan Holy Land is really abominable. What's so good about ringing the bodhisattva? Frowning!"

"Well, see how happy the little beggar listened, Gou Chen sings must be great, but what's so good about ringing the bodhisattva? If you can't hurt him, just frown and taunt Goo Chen?"

"Unfortunately, I used to respect Lingshan Holy Land. It turned out to be this kind of goods!"

"What's wrong? Mr. Gu didn't pass on the song to Gou Chen, do you need to use this contempt?"

"Oh! What a holy place in Lingshan!"




People looked disdainful all around.

Tianting City, within a palace of the Royal Palace.

"Keep your mouth closed? This ringing doesn't seem to learn well? I remember now that the Buddha, with his mouth closed, is moving like a mountain. This ringing is his disciples, who are fighting against Gou Chen, but winking, it's rude! The voice of Gan Sheng came faintly.

"Perhaps my heart is agitated!" The future Buddha sighed slightly.

"He is upset and irritable? I don't think he is very happy. He keeps quiet and cultivates his mind and spirit, but that's it, huh!" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

"Keep your mind silent, my Supreme Mountain Holy Land is the best way to do it. Isn't that the case? The ringing is just a momentary disorientation, and the gospel of singing has no effect on him for the moment, please!" The future Buddha confuses him.

"Supreme Secret? How did the ringing bleed? Why!" Da Gansheng chuckled.

"Uh?" The Buddha's consciousness turned to the future.

Sure enough, the ringing Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged in front of Gou Chen, at this moment, two lines of blood and tears shed in his eyes, and blood foam was spit in his mouth, and he was in painstaking persistence.

If you give up on your own, you will be completely defeated. You must stick to it. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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