Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 84: Myth Too Vs Myth Lao Tzu

"Ziqi comes 30,000 miles to the east!" Sima Changkong looked at the purple gas that was rolling in the east suddenly.

The purple gas is rushing, endless, and where the purple gas arrives, Hao Ran's righteousness spreads around and spreads out, as if the king came, even if the mighty righteousness caused by the Taishangjing, also avoids the general.

Tai Shangzi's eyes narrowed slightly, a horror flashed in his eyes.

I saw that the purple gas flew to the sea where the ancient sea suddenly rushed to the scroll under Bing Ji's pen.


The purple gas suddenly deformed and turned into a super huge purple pillar. Around the purple pillars, there are black and white qi, like the conversion of yin and yang.

"This is ...?" Kong Di, Qing Di and others shrank their pupils.

In the beginning, too, his face changed: "A short paragraph? The Avenue of the Law? The general outline of the Law?"

"With just one sentence, the general outline of the law is condensed?" The Buddha of the future was also surprised.

Not far from the ram Saint, Sima Changkong looked at the road in front of him. Is this really fake? Just a few words, just a few words.

This avenue rule does not seem to be weaker than the Taishangjing.

Is this written by Gu Hai?

Yes, this is the first text, and only the first text will slowly emerge from the beginning.

Gu Hai continued to read, Bing Ji continued to write.

"Everyone in the world knows beauty as beauty, and Sri is evil; all knows good is good ..."

Gu Hai's thoughts kept on, and his eyes were closed slightly. At the same time, he seemed to realize that Li Er's previous teaching to himself was ordinary.

But Bingji was shocked. At this moment, the typeface in the scroll was clearly written with a black brush, but the words written were strangely purple.

"The word becomes sacred. The Book of the Holy Word!" The outside world stared at Zi Wei.

Only four short paragraphs have been written, just four short paragraphs, has reached the level of the Holy Bible?

Qingdi and Kongdi narrowed their eyes.

But I saw the avenue of law condensed in the Tao Te Ching, and suddenly there were huge tentacles in the sky-high beam of light. The Avenue of Laws is still rough, violently colliding towards the tentacles of the Taishangjing.


The two rules collide as if they were of the same origin. There was a loud noise, and a violent storm rolled up over Tianyin City.

Not far away, Dagan Saint's eyes were frozen.

There is no need for the tentacle of Dagan Sheng, and Bei Mingshou waved his hand.


There was a billowing black gas in the void, which sucked in all the monstrous storm.

"This is Shou Zhen?" The Qing Emperor's eyes narrowed in the distance.

"The whole city of Tianyin has been shrouded in Shou Zhen? What is going to be done on Dagan Sheng?" Kong Di narrowed his eyes.

But when I saw the Tao Te Ching and Tai Shang Ching, they collided for the first time.

This time they collided, the verses hedged. Immediately collided back, regardless of the outcome.

"A draw? What a pity!"

"Mr. Gu's avenue is so powerful, how could it be a draw!"

"I knew that Mr. Gu could certainly write a great article!"




The people regretted each other, but at the same time, they were extremely excited, because when they had been defeated in the hands of Wanshou Taoism, when did they have a draw? Sima Changkong even scrapped a Holy Bible.


In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a tie, but in the eyes of Taichu, Taishang, Qingdi and Kongdi, their pupils suddenly shrink.

That ’s the Supreme Scripture. Are you four sections, four sections? Will it be a draw with it? The Supreme Bible is a complete Bible of the Word. Are you so small?

Even Taishang Daozi's face sank: "Impossible, the same source of the Tao Tetra and Taishang Sutra? How could it be more powerful than Taishang Sutra?"

draw? No, it was a draw just after writing four short paragraphs. What would happen if all of them were written?

"Benevolence in heaven and earth regards all things as ruminant dogs, and sage inhumanity regards people as ruminant dogs. Between the heavens and the earth, is it hustle and bustle? The inexorable and unyielding.

When writing the fifth paragraph, everyone was shocked.

Even Dagan Sheng also glanced at him: "Gu Hai, he knows?"

"What do you know?" A courtier showed a blank look.

"Holy, Gu Hai is indeed a reincarnation of an ancient power. He realized that maybe he had a great relationship with Tai Shang Dao in his previous life. Funny, funny, he dare to write it!" Bei Mingshou sneered.

Sure enough, after Gu Hai wrote the fifth paragraph, the tentacles on the Avenue of Law suddenly suddenly skyrocketed again.

A wave of purple gas rushed in all directions. It suddenly spread to the thirty-three cities of Tianting, and a mighty force went straight to the heavenly saints.


The uprightness of the sky Haitian suddenly turned upside down, turning the saints upside down.

"Dash, Gu Hai, how dare you!"

"Gu Hai, you dare to disrespect heaven, you are dying!"

"Junk stuff!"




Holy people drink and scold the ancient sea.

The people were very excited.

Because, with the writing of the Tao Te Ching, that powerful arrogance has gradually weakened the "Tai Shang Jing" and even surpassed the Tai Shang Jing.

"Too suspicious, too prodigious!" Taishang Daozi's face was gloomy, and his hands spread out.


The scriptures of the Taishang scripture suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance again, an anxiety appeared on the face of the Taishang giant. At the same time, in the Taishang Scripture, it seems that a vague giant is slowly condensing. The giant standing in the center of a huge pillar of light is just a prototype.

On one side, Tai Chu's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Father, what's the matter with too much scripture? How did it get stronger?" Ye Hua frowned.

Tai Chu squinted his eyes and said, "This is the summoning of the will of ancient princes, condensing the myth too!"

"Myth is too high?" Ye Hua puzzled.

"This is a mythical figure with the rule of heaven and earth taking ether as the condensed will. Unlike a real person, the rule is too high, and it is everywhere. It is everywhere, everything." Tai Chu Shen said.

"Myth is too high? Uh, then, father, can you also use the early scriptures to condense the myth too early?" Ye Hua curiously.

Nodded too early, without much explanation.

But I saw that the Taishang Daozi constantly urged Taishang Jing, and the figure became clearer and clearer, and the power of Taishang Jing soared, and the Moral Suspension was suppressed.

However, the Tao Te Ching has not been written yet, this is only the fifth paragraph, but the whole paragraph is eighty-one paragraphs.

The Tao Te Ching was suppressed, and the people in the Quartet were anxious, but Gu Hai was still thinking in a hurry, Bing Ji wrote with a touch of excitement.

The sixth paragraph, the seventh paragraph, the eighth paragraph ...

When it comes to paragraph seventeen.

"It ’s too high, it ’s known, and it ’s personally known. Secondly, it ’s feared. Secondly, it ’s regretful. It ’s not enough to believe, but unbelievable. ! "

The eleventh paragraph comes out.


Along the roar of Tao Te Ching's Law, a vague and huge figure slowly gathered in the roar.

"Too high? Guhai writes too high? He is correcting the Taishang Scripture? A sacred scripture specifically written for Taishang Scripture?" Kong Di narrowed his eyes, surprised.

"Is there a Taishang on the road of the Taoist Classics? Gu Hai, is he going to use the" Taotaising "to prove that the Taishangjing is a false scripture?" Qingdi also narrowed his pupils.

There are no hundreds of people on the Quartet, people of insight have long been stunned.

Is this the real hiccup, using the moral scripture to prove that the scriptures are false? This ancient sea is going against the sky. That's the Scripture of ancient times.

Dagan Sheng also stared at his eyes for a moment.

Gu Hai is the huge human figure who watched the Dao De Jing condensed tightly. The Taishang Scripture is passed down from ancient times, isn't the Tao Tetra Scripture? If your previous dreams were true, then the moral scriptures are on the earth, and the perfection must be longer than the Taishang scriptures, in the Spring and Autumn Period? Perhaps the history of the earth may not be credible.

The ancient sea looked coldly at the increasingly clear myth.

Taishang Daozi also stared at Gu Hai's Tao Te Ching.

"Hum, too Shang Wuji, too Shang Wuqing, too Shang Wu boundless, too Shang Wu Yi!" Tai Shang Daozi stared.


The myth is getting clearer and clearer, the huge figure is thousands of feet high, and slowly sends out a towering mighty power to go in all directions.

"Meet the Supreme Lord!" The saints in the sky worshiped respectfully.

The Taishang Jing was urged to the extreme by the Taishang Dao. The myth is too strong.

Gu Hai's Tao Te Ching continues to be written.

"The Tao has one life, two life, two life three, and three life. Everything is negative and embraces the sun, and the spirit is harmonious. Knowing the evil is loneliness and widowhood. It ’s good, or it hurts, and what I teach is what I teach. Those who are strong do n’t die! ”

The more you write, the more purple gas surrounds you.

The purple air was so overwhelming that it squeezed all the surrounding righteousness into the air.

The opposite is condensed into a myth.

The Tao Te Ching also emerged, but it was soon discovered that it was not a myth, but an old man, an old man with white hair and white eyebrows.

"Not myth too? Who is this?"

"A mythical figure united in the Tao Te Ching?"

"Who is he?"




Countless people showed a daze of color, and when the mythical figure condensed by the moral classics was unclear, only the ancient sea showed a faint look of dread.

"Brother-in-law, who is this?" Long Wanyu wondered.

"Lao Tzu?" Gu Hai stared at the huge mythical old man.

"Brother-in-law, how do you say bad words?" Long Wanyu rolled her eyes.

Lao Tzu? Some people around the ears stared at Gu Hai, yes, what swear words do you say? You are you, why do you still say Lao Tzu?

Do you look like when you were old? Will you be mythical?

Everyone didn't understand the meaning of Lao Tzu, only Gu Hai knew it, because the look of the old man in front of him had been seen in previous dreams, and he had seen it with his own eyes. That's right, it's him. Li Er. Lao Tzu.

"Emperor, do you want to write?" Bingji worried.

"Continue, continue!" Gu Hai said speeding up.

"………………, the way of heaven, there is more than loss, but not enough .... …………!" The first release of this book comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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