Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 94: Rebirth City

Humane mystery!

Because it is shrouded by a ball of divine light, the spirit is like an entity, stepping on the grass with a little folds.

Gu Hai and Bing Ji followed one of the folds and chased quickly.

"The emperor, too much on them, why are there two divisions?" Bingji frowned.

"I do n’t know, but be careful. The spirit body is only the three souls. Although there is still an inductive connection with the seven souls in the physical body, the power that can be used is very poor. I have not cultivated Kaitian Palace has not exercised the Three Souls. Your strength and our strengths are much weaker than their strengths, unless you use treasure! "Gu Hai shook his head.

"In case we fight, wouldn't ...!" Bingji worried.

"Generally speaking, although we are weak, we will not die!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Why?" Bingji wondered.

"In the old days of massacre, the blood army of God is not an undead? It stands to reason, as long as the physical body is intact, the **** soul body can't die in this humanitarian mystery!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Uh?" Bingji froze slightly.

"Let's go!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

The two quickly chased away in one direction, and the direction of that chase was not elsewhere.

The two rushed for a while, and suddenly, Gu Hai and Bing Ji had a slight meal, because in front, Gu Hai saw a figure? No, it should be a ghost? Blue color, transparent ghost.

A scholar-like ghost.

Gu Hai and Bing Ji saw the scholar, and the scholar suddenly saw Gu Hai and Bing Ji.

"Sage? In Xiasu Chengwen, meet two saints!" The scholar prayed respectfully in excitement.

"Oh? You call us saint?" Gu Hai wondered.

The scholar looked at them again: "Two saints, who are surrounded by the Holy Light, should have participated in the Halloween Conference to win the prize, have you heard of it?"

Gu Hai and Bing Ji did emit a slight blue light.

"Have you heard of it?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"A thousand years ago, there was a saint who had entered here, and also went to the rebirth city, where a super chess record was passed down! Legend, that saint's body is also you waiting for such a holy light!" The student was excited.

"Old man watching chess?" Bing Ji looked at it.

"The sage seems to be watching chess!" The scholar exclaimed.

"Troublesome, Your Excellency, take me to Transcendence City, okay?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Emperor, we don't ...!" Bingji immediately worried.

The grass folds are still in front of me, don't continue to follow?

Gu Hai shook his head and couldn't follow him. Starting from the appearance of this first ghost, it means that there will be more and more ghosts in the future. At that time, the ghosts will have a lot of feet and they will be easily lost.

However, knowing where the old man who watched chess has been, there may be great gains.

"Of course, two saints, please!" The scholar exclaimed.

"Thank you, but I don't know, why are you waiting here to stay here? Shouldn't you enter the underworld?" Gu Hai wondered.

The scholar smiled slightly bitterly: "It is the earth soul that enters the underworld, and I am all human souls!"

"Human soul? Isn't human soul staying in the graveyard and protecting future generations?" Bingji curiously said.

The scholar nodded his head: "Yes, I only stayed here at the grave for three hundred years."


"The sage should know that I waited at the grave, absorbed the energy of the fortune, and benefited the children and grandchildren. However, the existence of the children and grandchildren is the reason I can stay in the sun, otherwise, the sun will be exposed to the sun, the wind and the rain, All kinds of heaven and earth phenomena are melting us, we can survive, but also the power of future generations. But when the incense of my bloodline is broken, we will not exist in the sun for too long! "Said the scholar with a bitter smile.

"Oh? The grave of Yangjian, you dissipate, will you come here?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, after the incense of future generations is broken, we will be thrown into this world, or the body is gone, or there is no place for burial, untrusted graves, corpses, etc. I will dissipate and come here!" The scholar explained .

Bingji was puzzled, but Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

After Chen Xianer died, Gu Hai's most wanted was to resurrect it, but also worried that the three souls would dissipate, and everything was too late. Now, even if the human soul dissipates, it is good news to be here.

"Then what are you doing here?" Bingji curiously.

"When we get here, Heaven seems to have given our human soul a strength, and we can see the entity. We are in this world, digging three feet in the earth, looking for everything that is abnormal. It can live for three hundred years," the scholar explained.


"After three hundred years, it is completely fragmented, like those in heaven!" The scholar looked at heaven.

The ancient sea and Bingji looked up to the sky again, but they saw countless blue lights in the rolling clouds above the sky. Sky full of spirits.

"Those shards?" Bingji was surprised.

"Yeah, we are ordinary human souls, and we have lived for 300 years. However, when I perform well, the judge will give me rewards and reward some things that can increase my life. However, when I get here, I will slowly. Those who are exhausted, when they come to an end, will be turned into fragments, and of course, if they kill each other and break their bodies, they can die earlier! "The scholar explained.

"What did the human soul fragments in the sky do that day?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I don't know!" The scholar shook his head.

In the sky, rolling clouds swirled endless human soul fragments into the central black hole.

The scholar bit his lip and said, "The black hole is like a big mouth. I always feel that once it dies, it is completely gone, and then it is swallowed by the black hole in the sky."

"Don't worry too much, maybe not!" Gu Hai comforted.

"Let the saint laugh!" The scholar smiled slightly.

The crowd walked all the way and after crossing the three mountains, suddenly, Guhai saw a huge city in the distance.

The city was faint blue. At the gate of the city, there are three big characters engraved on the city. Plenty of ghosts lined up in long queues into the city.

"What are those ghosts doing?" Bingji curiously.

"People who came to hand in the task and found out what's abnormal in this world, what's special, no matter what is found, as long as there is, there will be rewards. You see, countless judges over there are responsible for recording!" The scholar explained.

"Oh? Looking for anomalies in this world?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yeah, judge records, they will analyze useful and useless. I can bring two saints today, but it is also my blessing, and I can also receive a year of Zengshoudan!" The scholar said happily.

Gu Hai nodded.

Gu Hai and Bing Ji followed the scholar and walked towards the ghost group. The ghosts around them saw Gu Hai and were surprised.

"Sage? Come again?"

"Hurry up, inform the judge!"

"Notify Reincarnation King!"




The ghosts looked excitedly at the scholar with jealousy.

The three souls of the ancient sea came to a judge.

"Master, I found two saints and brought them. I wonder if they could reward me?" The scholar said with expectation.

The judge held a book scroll in his hand and gave a white light to the scholar. Suddenly, the judge looked at the book and said, "Su Chengwen? 36 years ago into the secret world of humanity, you did a good job, you can get one for ten years!"

"Thank you, Lord Magistrate!" The scholar said excitedly.

I thought it was only one year to increase my life, but I didn't want the judge to be so generous. I gave it for ten years.

"He knows you?" Bing Ji was surprised.

"Master Judge sees countless ghosts every day. How can I know this? It is because the" Soul Book "in the Master's hand records all the souls entering this world!" The scholar explained excitedly.

The judge handed out a dark danmar. The scholar swallowed in the envious and jealous eyes of countless ghosts in all directions.

"Soulbook?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this time, the judge turned to look at Gu Hai and Bing Ji, smiling slightly.

The Quartet, the judges responsible for recording other ghost news, gathered around, and also attracted a large number of ghosts holding weapons from the city.

"Two are the two saints who won the championship at the Halloween conference?" The former judge looked at Gu Hai with a smile.

The ancient sea eyes narrowed. Bingji also frowned, watching more and more ghost soldiers surrounded.

"That's right!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Hahahahaha, when you asked me to do a great job, two, offended, give me both of them!" The judge glared and sneered.

"What?" Exclaimed the scholar.

"Su Chengwen, you are doing a good job. Do you know why I gave you ten years of life? You can help me, hahahaha, the rebirth king just gave me a reward order, and it fell into my hand in a blink of an eye. Now, look at you. How to run! "The judge suddenly excited.


Suddenly, a large number of ghost soldiers, pointing a lance at the ancient sea and Bingji.


In the reincarnation city.

A man wearing a black dragon robe is now by the side of the Zizhu Bodhisattva.

"Bodhisattva, you see, this is the chess left by the old man who watched chess. I do n’t know what it is, but I ca n’t approach it!" The man in the dragon robe pointed at a huge square in front of him, and there was a huge chessboard on it. Above the chessboard, layers of white mist floated.

Zizhu Boss looked at the chessboard with narrow eyes, looking at it, a vertigo.

"Rebirth King, this time, you worked hard. What did you say when you watched the old chess player?" Zizhu Boss wondered.

The reincarnation king shook his head: "No, oh, by the way, he seems to say‘ unfortunately, too late ’! Then he left! How many human souls did I find to solve this game, but I could n’t solve it!”

While Zizhu Bodhisattva and Reincarnation King are studying the chessboard.

"Report!" A judge suddenly rushed from a distance.

Wang Shengsheng raised a brow and looked coldly: "I said, don't disturb me?"

"The King Qisheng was born, caught. The reward order just issued, both saints were caught!" Said the judge excitedly.

"Caught it? So fast?" The reincarnated Wang slightly hesitated.

"Ancient sea? Bingji? Did you find it so soon? Huh, maybe it's here, this time, I see how you go!" Zizhu Boss said in his face.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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