Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 6: Loses when full

Tiger prison!

"Dangdangdangdang .........!"

The voice of Ming Jin's withdrawal was heard outside Huoliao Pass.

Huolaoguan is a huge tower, sandwiched between two steep cliffs. At this moment, no matter above the tower or outside Huolaoguan, there are corpses, countless rockets, and gun smoke. On the edge of the tower, a large number of ladders were burned at the moment.

Gu Qin, with white hair, stood at the entrance of the city tower, overlooking a large number of Song soldiers being withdrawn below.

Behind Gu Qin stood Chen Tianshan and Chen Liangyi.

"His, it's dangerous. Some news came a while ago. The army of Gao Xianzhi was frightened by the ancient sea. He actually stopped his troops for rectification. He never thought that he would be deceiving. He came faster than he thought. It ’s not that you have been prepared for a long time that Huolaoguan was almost broken! ”Chen Tianshan said with a guilty expression.

Chen Liangyi also nodded affirmatively: "Fortunately, you have prepared tinder oil, and as soon as they come up, they use tinder oil to burn their staircase. Otherwise, it is unthinkable, unthinkable. It really is a tiger and wolf soldier. Now, they can all meet our five soldiers, this, this ......... "Chen Liangyi was also worried.

Gu Qin did not look at the two, but looked at the distance, and said softly in his mouth: "Two, don't talk about leaks at any time, remember, I'm Gu Hai now!"

At this moment, Gu Qin's hair was dyed white, and a lot of wrinkles appeared on his face. Although it is not similar to Gu Hai, few people have seen Gu Hai. Even these years, people who have seen Gu Qin are not Many, and the ancient Qin has changed a lot now, it is difficult for ordinary people to recognize. More and faster chapters are here. Gufu's cronies are even more impossible to disassemble.

Chen Tianshan and Chen Liangyi looked at the ancient Qin and nodded solemnly.

At the time of the ancient sea arrangement, Chen Tianshan was reluctant. Worried about an accident, but at this moment, there is no resentment. At least, Gu Hai expected the enemy to take the lead, and just five consecutive hours of offensive were actually blocked. Let Gao Xianzhi return without power.

"I listen to you. You can do whatever you want, as long as you can block Gao Xianzhi!" Chen Liangyi said firmly.

"Chen Xianxian, the righteous father wants to defeat Song Guo as quickly as possible, so don't divulge the movement of the righteous father in case of accident." Gu Qin solemnly said.

Chen Tianshan nodded: "I will keep it secret for you, but just once attacked the city and killed 3,000 people. Gao Xianzhi also lost only 3,000 people. This is only a small army of Gao Xianzhi. How do you resist when you continually converge on the Tiger Prison? "

"Relax, I believe in Yifu, Yifu will soon bind them!" Gu Qin said silently.


"The one who broke through just now is Gao Xianzhi's pioneer general, the general named Lin Chong. This man is fierce and needs to focus on his attention. Turn back and let the painter draw his features and give them to all the soldiers in the city to watch. This person comes up and shoots with all his strength! "Gu Qin Shen said.

"Good!" Chen Liangyi answered.


Tiger prison.

In a big camp.

A gentleman in red, about forty years old, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand at this moment, carefully looking at a huge sand table. Above the sand table, it describes in detail all terrains outside Huolao.

Standing next to a group of guards, quiet, no one dare to disturb the elegant man holding a tea cup.

The man's face was handsome, with an inexplicable British spirit between his eyebrows, which made people feel refreshed.

I drank a cup of tea and made a hand gesture on the sand table.


Suddenly, a majestic man covered in blood rushed into the big tent.


The majestic man knelt on his knees, with guilt in his face.

The elegant man holding the tea cup turned his back to him and continued to look on the sand table map.

"Master, Lin Chong was incompetent, and failed to reach the Tiger Prison. The Tiger Prison commander, as if he knew in advance that we were going, was ready for the oil. There are two thousand different injuries, the incompetence of their subordinates, causing such a great loss, and the coach is asked to punish him! " More and faster chapters are here.

The coach holding the tea cup did not turn his head and continued to look at the sand table map.

"Please ask the coach to punish him, and his subordinates are incompetent and have not been able to attack the tower!"

"You didn't attack the tower, it's normal. If you can attack the tower, then it's abnormal!" The commander holding the tea cup said lightly.

"Ah?" Lin Chong stared blankly at the commander.

Marshal Fa Chen, Gao Xianzhi!

Gao Xianzhi slowly turned around holding a tea cup, looked at Lin Chong, and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect you to capture the Tiger Prison at once! Just let the vanguard try the quality of Tiger Prison. You do n’t need to blame yourself, The defenders are not what you can fight against! "

"Master, don't you blame me?" Lin Chong surprised.

Gao Xianzhi drank the tea in his mouth and nodded his head and said, "I have made the people survey the terrain around Hulongguan. It is indeed the ancient sea. It is so impeccable that even the dangerous mountain pass is safe. Destroyed the cliffs and cut our way! "

"But, our brother 3,000 ...!" Lin Chong still looked ugly.

"Well, there is war, naturally there are deaths and injuries. This ancient sea is different from everyone we have seen in the past. You must not underestimate him. You must treat him as an extremely powerful opponent. Remember, than me All strong! "Gao Xianzhi said in a deep voice. More and faster chapters are here.

"Ah? How is it possible, Marshal, today Song Guo, I only serve you!" Lin Chong suddenly did not believe.

"But today, I only serve him!" Gao Xianzhi said in a deep voice.

"Ah? What?" Lin Chong was surprised.

"Although I served him, I still want to defeat him, so you must be careful!" Gao Xianzhi solemnly said.


"This ancient sea is very invincible, and many outside moves make it impossible for you to discover. In the future, even if it is not on the battlefield, if something unusual happens, let me know immediately!" Gao Xianzhi said in a deep voice.


"It ’s okay to attack a group of people for another three days. They are dead. A group of inferior soldiers in Huguan Pass will also die. The group of inferior soldiers in Huguan Pass has watched their companions die. Days later, we withdrew our troops, and in the coming days, when we bring a large army to attack, they will die out! "Gao Xianzhi drank the last sip of tea and said coldly.



Three days later.

Above Huchengguan tower.

"Withdrawal, they have finally withdrawn!" Chen Liangyi was in tears at the moment.

"But we have died 10,000 people in these three days!" Chen Tianshan looked ugly.

There are only 100,000 inferior troops and 10,000 dead. How terrible is this morale blow, and the other party has 700,000 to 800,000 troops under pressure.

"Are you worried that there will be a commotion in the barracks?" Gu Qin chuckled.

"Will it?" Chen Liangyi worried.

"Yes!" Gu Qin affirmed.


"The father of Gao Xianzhi's psychological warfare, can he, and can the father not? Rest assured, leave it to me to run and promote it in another way. This 10,000 deaths will not scare them into sheep, but will arouse them fiercely. Sex, make them feel like death! "Gu Qin laughed.



Gao Xianzhi rode on a black horse with 10,000 injuries and slowly walked towards a huge city not far away.

Although he did not win the Tiger Prison, Gao Xianzhi was satisfied, because Gaoxianzhi had already planted a seed of fear into the remaining Chen of the Tiger Prison.

The death of tens of thousands of people in Huguanguan Chen Jun may inspire their ferociousness, but what about it? In the coming days, 800,000 troops will come to the city, and the seeds of fear deep inside will quickly take root and sprout, and will quickly crush all the virulentness that has just been saved.

At present is the largest stronghold of the 800,000 army, and the largest city of Chen Guo except the capital of the past. It is called the "Mall" and is the place where the richest people of the six countries started their lives here.

At this moment, he was already taken down by himself, using this as a base, and spreading his troops towards the city in all directions.

"The Marshal is back!" There were soldiers from far away to welcome the general.

"Any businessman in the mall has any wrongdoing?" Gao Xianzhi asked.

"No, the boss is assured. You have already let us monitor it, not only the mall, but also other cities, no merchants dare to mess around!" Said the first teenager.

"Huh!" Gao Xianzhi nodded.

The army slowly stepped into the city. Towards a huge school yard in the center of the city. The school ground is also a place where the army gathers, not counting soldiers and horses going out for battle. At least 300,000 troops are stationed here.

There is still a long way to go before the campus camp. Gao Xianzhi frowned suddenly, but there was a sound of firecrackers from the distance teaching field.


The firecrackers are non-stop, noisy!

"What's going on?" Gao Xianzhi frowned slightly.

"Master, here are some wealthy merchants in Song Guocheng who came to comfort our army!" Said the young man with a smile. Update the first time

"What? Rich merchant?" Gao Xianzhi's face changed.

Instantly thought of the richest man in the six countries, Guhai.


As soon as Gao Xianzhi pumped his horse, the black horse galloped away.

Soon came to the campus camp. At this moment, a group of people in the robes saluted respectfully to a middle-aged man in a Chinese robe.

"The prince is serious, I ca n’t wait for businessmen to be able to talk about my heart. It ’s really nothing. It ’s all my heart. Seeing my Song country continues to grow stronger, we are happy. Bring material for the army's use, in case Chen Gu's ancient sea gets bored! "The first rich Jinpao man respected him very respectfully.

The middle-aged man in the robe in front of him, but Prince Song Guo, was standing in front of a group of wealthy businessmen, with a flash of satisfaction in his eyes.

"The marshal is back at camp!" Suddenly a small soldier shouted.


Regardless of whether they were soldiers, princes, wealthy businessmen, or general servants, they turned around.

However, he saw Gao Xianzhi riding on the horse and approached instantly.

Not far off firecrackers rang out. Gao Xianzhi flashed a cold look in his eyes.

"I've seen a handsome guy!" Prince Song smiled.

"Meet the handsome!" A group of wealthy merchants said slightly excitedly.

"What's going on?" Gao Xianzhi said coldly. More and faster chapters are here.

"Oh, this is my chamber of commerce in Pengcheng, Song Dynasty. I heard that you ordered the supervision of the world's granaries and medicine warehouses in order to prevent the disruption of ancient marine businesses and cut off my needs. Medicinal herbs, do our best for the country and cooperate with our army! "Prince Song smiled.

"Oh?" Gao Xianzhi was slightly surprised.

After Gao Xianzhi heard about Gu Hai's leadership, the first reaction was that Gu Hai cut off resources with commerce and had long been prepared for it. However, the Chamber of Commerce in Song Guopeng City was not so conscious.

The richest businessman also smiled and said, "Congratulations to the commander, singing all the way, and even destroying Wang Chen. I waited to hear the news, and I was full of heart and conscientiousness. Therefore, I brought some military supplies and talked about my heart. , On the other hand, bring my most sincere congratulations, and ask the Marshal for permission! "

Gao Xianzhi was staring at this group of wealthy businessmen. With Gao Xianzhi's vigilance, I guessed for the first time whether they were spies from the ancient sea and what the conspiracy was, but looking at the mountains of grain and medicinal materials not far away, Gao Xianzhi showed a hint of confusion. It doesn't look too much!

However, if you really come to congratulate and provide resources, there is no need to crack down.

"Then I would like to thank you all on behalf of the entire army! The coach ran all the way, and was slightly tired, so I will not entertain you!" Gao Xianzhi began.

"That's nature, that's nature!" A group of wealthy businessmen smiled suddenly. Update the first time

"Master, go and rest, there is me here!" The prince smiled.

Gao Xianzhi nodded.


In the evening, Lin Chong walked into Gaoxianzhi's account.

"Master, I have checked it. Grain, medicinal materials, and no problem, they are the best! It seems that these wealthy merchants have nothing to do with Gu Hai!"

"Best of all?" Gao Xianzhi frowned slightly.

"Yeah, this group of businessmen is so enthusiastic, there will be a fireworks show later, congratulations on this great victory!" Lin Chong laughed.

"Send me someone and stare at these businessmen!" Gao Xianzhi said in a deep voice.

"Master, I heard that they will leave early tomorrow morning, why ...?"

"I always have a bad hunch, stare, just in case!" Gao Xianzhi said in a deep voice.



The next day, Gao Xianzhi got up and refreshed.


Outside the camp, there was another sound of firecrackers.

"Huh? Lin Chong!" Gao Xianzhi said coldly.

"Here!" Lin Chong quickly entered the big account.

"Isn't it that you stared at Pengcheng's wealthy businessmen? Something happened?" Gao Xianzhi said in a deep voice.

"No, they left early in the morning, oh, but today, the rich merchants of Yuncheng came to reward the three armies. The firecrackers exploded from outside the city to the big camp in the city. It also brought a lot of medicinal materials and food. It seems It doesn't seem to be cheating! "Lin Chong laughed.

"Wucheng rich businessman?" Gao Xianzhi showed a hint of confusion.

"Yeah, it's all grain and medicinal herbs. They are the best. We've sent people to see them, haha, don't worry about Gu Hai's stubbornness!" Lin Chong laughed.

Gao Xianzhi showed a hint of doubt.


The Kingdom of Song Dynasty, Song City. Tianfu.

In front of Gu Hai was a game of Go. Gu Hai played chess with himself and stood next to Yizi Guhan.

"Yifu, Pengcheng Chamber of Commerce, Wucheng Chamber of Commerce, Huicheng Chamber of Commerce, constantly go to the mall and send a lot of food and medicinal materials according to your instructions. The chambers of commerce, under our challenge, have been on their way, but only so What is the use of more grain and herbs? "The ancient man wondered.

Gu Hai dropped a white ball on the chessboard, showing a slight smile: "Yeah, what's the use? Ancient man, can't you think of it?"

The ancient Chinese looked: "Oh, I see, Yifu, because Gao Xianzhi guards us, they have already prepared enough food and medicinal materials, so the food and medicinal materials we send are useless at all. If the food and medicine are scarce, Under the circumstances, they will be extremely precious, but when there is enough food, there is no use any more, only hoarding there to fall ash, but also care and handling. Even, they are not as good as the money, the money can Reward to the three armies to encourage morale, but food, not good reward, at least during the war, can not reward, reward, this group of soldiers can not take away, food, medicinal materials, waste, but can hide people's eyes! "

"This is called 'If the full moon loses,' if it is too much, it will not only be useless, but it will also be harmful!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes, the group of generals watched a large number of gifts arrived at the barracks, but they did not have a little benefit, there must be a slight imbalance in their hearts." The ancient man laughed.

"What else?" Gu Hai dropped a sunspot again.

The ancient Han knew that the ancient sea was teaching himself, and he was still trying to analyze it. He was silent for a while, and the ancient Han suddenly saw a bright light in his eyes, and a gleam of horror flashed in his eyes.

"Firecrackers, fireworks?" The ancient man was surprised.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "How to say?"

"The mall is stationed with 300,000 troops, and the other 500,000 troops are divided into multiple routes. The city is constantly collecting cities around the city. The mall is also the headquarters, and it is also a place for injuries. The elite soldiers are continuously sent out, and the injured soldiers are continuously being I was transported back to the mall, where I was healing and healing. Some people had broken arms and broken legs, and they were all wounded. They were naturally very sad, physically disabled, and even desperate for the future, but at this time, others were singing and dancing. The firecrackers are all screaming and celebrating, the difference in heart between the wounded soldiers will be extremely great, this is to sprinkle salt on the wounds of the wounded soldiers! "Said the ancient man.

"carry on!"

"The fireworks at night may seem dazzling, but they are like a mockery of the wounded soldiers! The irony of the future of the disabled! With a lot of food and medicine shipped in, they are not distributed to everyone's hands, this group of wounded soldiers will be even more Unbalanced in my heart, why can others enjoy the bustling victory and only get a desperate future? "Gu Han said.

Gu Hai nodded: "Are there any?"

The ancient Han thought for a while before he moved.

"Yifu, you mean the people in the mall?" The ancient man was surprised.

Gu Hai stopped the chess piece in his hand and nodded his head and said, "Yeah, Gaoxianzhikeng killed 600,000 Chen Jun, 600,000 people, but there are no pillars in the home of hundreds of people. They are sons, husbands, fathers, they They are the spiritual pillars of each family. They are dead. The people ’s family is already sad and hopeless. There is no future. It is just that they cannot resist this group of invaders. At this moment, these groups of invaders are celebrating every day and laughing every day. , Like the devil, want to assimilate them. Although they are helpless, they will only breed more and more hatred in their hearts! "

"Someday, when this hatred gathers to the apex, it will be an extremely scary force?" The ancient man took a deep breath.

"You remember, no matter who you are, you can't resist the anger of the people's ocean. When the tide of anger sweeps through, it will be like a sky falling apart and unstoppable!" Said Gu Hai Shen.

"His!" The ancient man took a cold breath.

"Yifu, the baby didn't expect that this small firecracker and fireworks actually hidden such a dangerous effect, and it could actually attract people's hearts!"

"Human hearts are the most powerful! Likewise, human hearts are also the most vulnerable! Hearts are just the beginning!"

After that, Gu Hai once again fell on the chessboard.

This book comes from the first time to see the genuine content!


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