Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 199: Take control of Jinwu, fist breaking the star

The Warring States Period!

Three days later, when the Dragon Warring States refined the mysterious realm of the beast. Gu Hai, in a huge bookstore, was watching a lot of books.

Long Zhanguo came to Gu Hai and waved his hands. Everyone outside could not enter the bookstore. Only the boss was in the bookstore and looked at the two in horror.

"You, you, who are you?" The bookstore owner screamed and looked at the two.

"What's wrong?" Dragon Warring States looked suspiciously at the frowning ancient sea.

"Look at it for yourself!" Gu Hai frowned and picked out some books and handed them to the Dragon Warring States.

"Hong Huang Tales", "Quiet Tai Chi Sutra", "God Loves People", "Biography of Rulai Buddha" .........

Looking at these book titles, Long Zhanguo's eyes narrowed slightly, and it seemed that a trace of anomaly was also found.

"You world, haven't anyone else come?" Gu Hai wondered.

"No! You are the first!" Dragon Warring States nodded.

"You see in these books, but there are Taishang, Tongtian, Yuanshi, Rulai Buddha, Taiyi, God, this God should be too primitive, maybe the name is different, but the descriptions are more or less the same. That group of top characters, do you seem to have them? "Gu Hai wondered.

"Come here, Taishang, Shennong, Huangdi, what's going on?" Long Zhanguo looked at the bookstore owner.

In this immortal sky, the Dragon Warring States is the sky, a Tianwei oppression, the boss suddenly changed his face, knelt down and knew everything.

"Here, these are all novels, they are all novels, they are all made by others, they are made up!" The shop owner said in horror.

"Did it?" Dragon Warring States squinted.

"Yes, all of them are stories, but they are widely spread, and they are all blindly compiled novels. I, I don't know ........." the shop owner said in horror.

Long Zhanguo's eyes were narrowed, and the consciousness immediately explored the world. It took a while before Long Zongguo's consciousness returned, looking at Gu Haidao: "It is indeed a story, a novel! Is it a coincidence?"

"Coincidence? In" The Story of Honghuang ", other names are still different, but the master of the heavens is exactly the same, but the four swords of the fairy **** are exactly the same? Also, this **** of the heavens opens up the axe, but it ’s the same as yours. Same, right? "Gu Hai frowned.

Dragon Warring States frowned: "Perhaps, because this is my world, my thoughts have more or less affected this world, so this world has my own will, and these stories were born!"

Gu Hai frowned slightly, and shook his head: "I don't think so!"


"You said, in this world, you are letting it go, that is, letting it develop on its own, that is, without you, but there are still some characters or places that overlap with the land of Shenzhou. Can it be explained that this is An inevitable phenomenon of the development of the fairy dome? "Gu Haishen said.

"Inevitable phenomenon?" Dragon Warring States looked at Guhai in doubt.

"For example, if there is an immortal dome that is the same as Shenzhou Earth, their development may be sequential or changeable, but their starting points are the same. Therefore, some development inevitability must be born as well. For example, a **** of heaven can be found in the land of Shenzhou, and a master of heaven can also appear in another heavenly sky. This is the inevitable result of development. It is as if you have invented an airplane and the earth of heaven Feizhou is actually a truth. An inevitable phenomenon in the development of things. "Gu Hai frowned.

"Inevitable phenomenon? Somewhat interesting, but how can it be exactly the same?" Dragon Warring States did not believe.

"It may not be exactly the same, it may appear in other forms, just like those characters in Shenzhou Land, can be in your fairy-tale novel." Gu Hai said.

"What do you mean, different fairy vaults tend to be the same when they develop to the end?" Dragon Warring States eyes narrowed.

"Yes, because the starting point is the same as a journey. The starting point and the ending point are the same. There can be various developments in the middle!" Gu Hai explained.

The Dragon Warring States fell into meditation.

"I don't believe it, all of this is coincidence, maybe my will has affected the world. Well, it's time to go out!" Shen Zongguo said in a loud voice.

While talking, step by step, the Dragon Warring States with the ancient sea disappeared in the bookstore. Let the shop owner bewildered for a while, thinking hell.

The Dragon Warring States did not believe it, but Guhai firmly believed in his own idea, because not only the Warring States Fairy Sphere, but also the earth where he was in the past, also had similar characters and similar myths. Even, I have seen Lao Tzu not long ago.

The beginning of each independent fairy dome is the same, and some important characters are the same?

The Warring States Fairy Spheres are incomplete, and those can only appear in novels and myths.

Earth? Is it a torn fairytale? No, it seems not. Because he was integrated into the black chess of the town's seal. The black chess that brought himself from the earth to the land of Shenzhou may be the earth ’s artifact ‘Yi Tianqi’.

Yitian chess from another fairy sky?

It's not a myth, but a real thing. The earth should also be a perfect heavenly dome like the land of Shenzhou.

However, the fairy sphere of the earth seems to have only a cage.

The ending of the fairy sky, is Cangsheng a prisoner?

Guhai frowned deeply.

The next moment, it appeared in Lu Yacheng and the mouths of the gods.


The countless roar of the four sides remained, the battle was not over in three battlefields.

"Emperor?" Bing Ji immediately stepped forward in joy.

"How is refining?" Gu Hai asked.

"Lu Yaling's wisdom was erased by Dagan Sheng. There will be no problem, but it is only a matter of time. It is worse!" Bingji laughed.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Thank you, seniors in ancient times!" Lu Yacheng, the people of the former beasts and secret places worshiped the ancient seas respectfully.

Gu Hai nodded.

The Dragon Warring States looked at the East Palace in the sky. Donghuang still did not move.

"Huh, Taiyi, won't you come out? Yeah, I'll see if you can't come out!" Long Zhanguo said coldly.

While talking, he turned to look at the nine Jinwu Princes who were fighting against Dragon Shenwen and Dragon Shenwen.

"Gods and texts, let it go!" Shen Zongguo said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The two princes in the distance answered.

"Wow!" "Wow!" ………………

The nine princes of Jinwu flew towards the Dragon Warring States in an instant.

"Ten days in the sky!" Roared Prince Nine King Wu.


The nine princes of Jinwu seemed to turn into nine suns, which instantly illuminated the sky above Lu Yacheng. A huge heat rushed straight down, and it seemed to melt everything in Lu Yacheng.

"Too much, you won't come out, everything is too late!" Dragon Warring States narrowed their eyes.

I saw that the Dragon Warring States stretched his right hand to the sky, and it seemed to form a huge white palm, covering the sky with one hand, such as covering the sky with a large net covering all nine sun areas.

It's like a big palm grabbing nine eggs. The nine suns were instantly held in the palm of the Dragon Warring States.

"What?" The expression of Prince Nine King Wu from the sky changed.

In the distance, Kong Xuan, who fought, also stared: "Dragon Warring States?"

"One master of the nine princes? Impossible!" The distant Taichu also changed his face.

"Burst!" Dragon Warring States stared.

It seemed that the nine eggs exploded in an instant, and the force of terror was heading towards the center. Prince Nine Jinwu even had nowhere to escape and was squeezed into the palm of the Dragon Warring States.

"No ~~~~~!"

"Ah, help, Father!"

"Impossible, impossible, how could the Dragon Warring States be so strong? Ah ~~~~!"

"Father Emperor, Father Emperor ~~~~~~!"




The nine grand princes screamed in pain.


With a super loud noise, from the center of that huge slap, I shot billions of rays of light, and instantly illuminated the entire land of Shenzhou.

The place of the nine princes of Jinwu, even after the screaming, suddenly dimmed. The nine huge Jinwu were blasted with blood and turned into a pool of meat. Falling down.

The Quartet fight ended abruptly.

Long Shenwen's face froze. He and his eldest brother have been deadlocked for so long, and the nine grand princes, who have not been hurt for so long, have been slapped by their father and killed.

"How is that?" Taichu's eyelids leaped wildly.

Apparently shocked by the strength of the Dragon Warring States. Prince Nine Kings, even if it is an imperfect ten-day swarm, it is also one of the best in the Sun Temple. Slammed?

At the beginning of the day, the spirits in the sky were shocked.

"When ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, Zhong Ming came from the East Palace.

Under Zhongming, a huge yellow giant bell suddenly emerged from the mouth of the East Palace. The giant bell was rippling, and it seemed to be rippling out of a huge void hole. The other side of the hole seemed like another small world.

"Chaos Bell, it turns out that Chaos Bell is the entrance to the heaven, the gate of heaven?" Dragon Warring States narrowed their eyes.

"Heaven?" Gu Hai's eyes stared at the small world guarded by Chaos Bell.

"Dragon Warring States, do you dare to kill me? How dare you come to this war ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" In the heavens, there was a loud noise from Taiyi.

Tai was furious, but did not come down. Obviously, there was a big ambush in the heavens, and even Prince Jinwu was killed, and he did not come to help.

"The gate of heaven has finally opened? Hahahaha, Taiyi, I will come to kill you later. Originally, I would not care about these small things. However, I am happy today, I will kill you, hahaha!" Dragon The Warring States Period laughed.

In a big laugh, Zhou Tian turned to stare into the sky in bursts.

"Sima aspect, let go!" Dragon Warring States yelled.


Sima Zong led the thirty-three army to withdraw immediately.

However, he saw that the Dragon Warring States fisted into the starry sky.

With one punch, a huge blue fist appeared in the void.

The fist burst into the starry sky.

"Not good, Zhou Tian's star formation, star palm!" Kong Xuan growled suddenly.


Three hundred and sixty-one demon stars burst into dazzling starlight instantly, forming a large net, and a super giant palm was immediately condensed.

The palm of the star shattered the void in the past, blocking the powerful palm of Taiji Qiankunding.

The palm of the star grabbed, and the void did tear numerous cracks, seeming to block the fists of the Dragon Warring States.

In the starry sky, Kong Xuan and the 360 ​​Demon King all showed their faces, urging the star power with all their strength.

"Huh!" The Dragon Warring States showed a sullen face, a cold hum.

The blue fists of the Dragon Warring States crashed into the palm of the star, while zooming in infinitely, they went straight to the stars.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The large net condensed by star power burst suddenly, and the endless starlight was just like the light of Jinwu just now.

"Ah ~~~~~~~!"


"It's impossible, my Zhou Tianxing array!"




A series of screams, in the roar, instantly fell silent.

The three hundred and sixty-one demon stars exploded one after another under the fists of the Dragon Warring States.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

"Fist breaking stars?" Gu Hai's eyelids leaped wildly.

Where is the ultimate strength of the Dragon Warring States? Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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