Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 33: Powerful dragon **** martial arts

There was an extra golden gourd in Gu Hai's hands, and he looked coldly at Sun Wukong in the distance.

"You go back, just change places, maybe you can come back soon. If you don't go back, I and Dahan will probably be destroyed this time. Lao Tzu, Shakyamuni, Jesus, their hopes will be lost. Offended!" The ancient sea sank.

Between words, Gu Hai stepped on his feet.


The earth below was rapidly deteriorating, and a large amount of soil and rocks turned into bone material. At the bottom of the ground, there were countless spirit stones previously placed in the ancient sea. At this moment, the bones shuttled under the ground and quickly placed one by one Specific location.


The cut gourd is only used for self-defense. The real countermeasure against Sun Wukong is the chessboard formation.

Unfortunately, too many spirit stones are needed. Gu Hai used his own treasures to provide some node energy, and slightly changed the chess pattern.

Now the ancient sea's chess power is enough to transform the game. But the consumption is still too large.


The earth of the Quartet has become the color of Sensen's bones, and all the energy is converging towards the center. At the foot of the place where the ancient sea is, suddenly, a white mist area appears, and a black hole slowly condenses in the white mist.

Suddenly a transparent energy cable emerged from the black hole, and went straight towards Sun Wukong in the sky.

Sun Wukong has fought alone for the three strongest men, Shangguanhen, Changming, and Ao Shun. The three have done their best, but, after all, they are not as good as Sun Wukong.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, but so, but so, explode!" Sun Wukong hit a stick on the shield of the turtle shell where Shangguan marks.


The shield of Shangguan marks burst into pieces and burst open.


A blood spit from Shangguan marks sprayed out, flying backwards.

"Explode again!" Sun Wukong once again hit Changming with a stick.

The power of the gold hoop was too great, and a blow from the torch produced a burst of air that instantly exploded.

"Not good!" Chang Ming's face changed.

In a hurry, a black light ball suddenly emerged to protect himself.


Chang Ming and the black light ball exploded instantly.

The light ball is not harmful, but Changming inside is a spurt of blood.


At the peak of Changming Zhongtian Palace, it was only because of the mixed Yuanzhu that he could participate in this rhino war. Although the mixed Yuanzhu was not affected, Changming was shocked to spit blood.

"And you, burst me!" Sun Wukong showed his face, and hit Ao Shun with a stick.

Ao Shun threw out hundreds of chains, like a hundred long dragons rushing to Sun Wukong.


The power of the gold hoop was too great, and the long chain of the chain suddenly burst and burst open, from the faucet all the way to the tail of the dragon, and went straight to Ao Shun.

"Not good!" Ao Shun's face changed drastically, and he punched hard.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"


Ao Shun also shot a blood arrow and flew out. His right hand, which was just punching, was fleshy and bloody. It seemed that the whole person was softened by this stick.

"Nevertheless, but so much, Guhai, what about your subordinates, how about it? Hahaha, it's you?" Sun Wukong looked at Guhai facelessly.


Suddenly, a transparent rope lock locked Sun Wukong's shoulder.

"What?" Sun Wukong's face changed.


The rope was so strong that he pulled Sun Wukong towards the ancient sea.

The power is great, and it has a palpitating feeling.

"No, no!" Sun Wukong's face changed.

However, it was found that the earth below had now become a place of bones.

Fire eyes opened.

Suddenly, clearing the fog, Sun Wukong saw countless spirit stones, countless magical treasures scattered all over the ground, arranged in a super array, the center of the array was the ancient sea, and a white mist area in front of the ancient sea, although others could not see the inside, But the golden eyes of the fire can see clearly.

A black hole with a breathtaking breath, that black hole brought a shock to Sun Wukong's heart.

The way back?

Sun Wukong reacted in an instant, that is the way to go back, Gu Hai wants to send himself back?

Black holes seem to open their mouths and swallow themselves. The transparent rope on the body can be seen clearly under the golden eyes of fire.

The rope that comes out of the black hole, will you drag yourself in?

A spirit of Sun Wukong, the thought of just rushing to the ancient sea disappeared instantly, and he wanted to escape.


At this moment, hundreds of thousands of transparent ropes suddenly popped out of the black hole, and they came to Sun Wukong like a large net.

"Gu Hai, how dare you!" Sun Wukong suddenly fled away in horror. It's like hell.

Catch the ancient sea? It's nice to catch you and run away.

Sun Wukong showed horror. However, in the eyes of others, this is not the case.

Others can't see the transparent rope, they can only see Sun Wukong fearing the ancient sea, and fleeing in desperation.

"Yi Qiu Qi Dao's longitude and latitude line, go!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

Transparent ropes are faster.

Sun Wukong's mission was pulling the rope on his body, in the use of somersault clouds.

"Roar!" Suddenly the figure swelled in the scream of Sun Wukong.


A golden light appeared from Sun Wukong's head, as if a giant monkey that appeared through the sky appeared.

"God of the monkey clan?" Ao Shun wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and was surprised.

"Break me!" The monkey **** growled, as if giving Sun Wukong endless power.


Sun Wukong immediately tore off the transparent rope on his body.

Not dare to neglect, Sun Wukong soared into the sky. Because there were countless ropes coming behind.

"Gu Hai, I will take revenge, you wait, you wait, roar!" Sun Wukong soared into the sky in anger and roar.

The monkey **** retracted instantly, and Sun Wukong was about to leave the trapped land immediately.

"Escape?" Gu Hai's face sank.

Sun Wukong ran away, it was really monkey spirit.

"Stop!" Ao Shun was covered in blood and seemed to be chasing.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the direction of Sun Wukong's escape.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

It's like a full-scale collision with a fist.

With great strength, Sun Wukong's figure slammed, even backed up by one point, and stopped in the air.

"Who are you?" Sun Wukong suddenly stared angrily.

Anyone else?

Gu Hai's face sank. Looked intently.

But I saw two men standing at this moment in the distance.

In the past, the Crown Prince of Aolong, the younger brother of Ao Sheng, and Ao Shun, is now the North Sea Dragon King.

There is one more, Long Shenwu?

The three princes of the Dragon Warring States used to be just a clone, but now, is this true body?

Long Shenwu wore a golden dragon robe and looked coldly below.

Ao Sheng closed his fist slowly. It seemed that Ao Sheng's punch was just hit.

Sun Wukong stared at Ao Sheng, because he stopped himself.

Ao Sheng punched Sun Wukong's way and turned to look at Ao Shun, who was covered with blood.

"Oh, brother, can't you see you here?" Ao Sheng sneered.

"Ao Sheng?" Ao Shun wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and was surprised.

"You can do this to a hairy monkey? Oh? Or did you fight the hairy monkey with two people? Oh, brother, isn't it like you, you weren't the dragon proud in the past? Now, why is it so bad? "Ao Sheng sneered.

"You!" Ao Shun looked cold.

Beneath, the ancient sea explorer closed.


All the bones in front of me suddenly disappeared, the fog on the ground suddenly disappeared, the formation was removed, everything was restored, and the black hole was gone.

Sun Wukong also pays attention to the ancient sea. Under the golden eyes of fire, he sees that the ancient sea has removed everything, but even if everything is removed, Sun Wukong still jealous of the ancient sea.

"He is your elder brother? Giggle, look at your tone, it seems that they are not a gang, not a gang, stop me to do it? Huh!" Sun Wukong snorted, thinking about going out in the distance.

"I said to let you go?" Ao Sheng fluttered in shape and reached Sun Wukong.

"Roar!" Sun Wukong glared, and Jin Huan Bang hit him instantly.


Previously, it was just a hasty punch, but now, with a full blow, the natural power is different. Hitting with a stick, a burst of air burst into the void, straight towards Ao Sheng.

Ao Sheng's face changed. Suddenly, a black gas appeared on his face. The black gas seemed to be dragon-shaped.


The painful screams of countless dragons rang out in Ao Sheng. With this group of painful dragons, Ao Sheng once again greeted the golden hoop.

"Dead!" Sun Wukong roared.

"Broken!" Ao Sheng roared.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud crash hit the sky.

The huge airflow hit the Quartet, Sun Wukong immediately took three steps backwards, and Ao Sheng also took three steps backwards.

The strength is similar.

Just because it is almost enough to explain everything, Ao Sheng is now much stronger than Ao Shun.

Ao Shun's face sank.

No result was achieved with a stick. Sun Wukong's face was ugly for a while. Can't he walk away today? The most important thing is that there is an ancient sea below. It doesn't matter if you fight with Ao Sheng for a long time. Did you also fight with Erlang God Yang Yan for a long time? The key is Gu Hai. If he sneaks in, he won't kill me, but I'm going back?

Must hurry up.

"Snake, let's do a good job!" Monkey King yelled suddenly.

"Little snake? Oh, hair monkey, really irrational!" Ao Sheng looked grimly at Sun Wukong.

Ao Sheng has lived in the shadow of his big brother Ao Shun since he was a child. Everyone around him boasted that his brother and all dragons worshiped Ao Shun, ignored himself, introduced others, and was Ao Shun's brother. Therefore, Ao Sheng is extremely jealous. If he wants to prove himself, he must prove that he is better than his eldest brother from an early age.

Destroying Sun Wukong proves that he was too strong by his elder brother, but the monkey didn't cooperate, and he dared to scold himself for death.

Ao Sheng punched again.

But Sun Wukong's previous words were just to deceive Ao Sheng. Sun Wukong wanted to leave, not to fight with Ao Sheng, to curse, but to attract everyone's attention.

Sun Wukong rushed towards the Dragon God Wu instantly.

Because apart from Long Shenwu, all other positions were sealed by Ao Sheng.

"Get off!" A stick, slamming into Long Shenwu.

Ao Sheng's face froze as he rushed to Long Shenwu. It's not anger, but horror. Are you a monkey?

Sure enough, a stick hit Dragon Shenwu, angering Dragon Shenwu.

"Splash the monkey, look for death!" Long Shenwu's eyes were cold, and his detective hand stretched out a palm.


Sun Wukong was like a cannonball. From above, he was slammed into the ground below.

The ground trembled suddenly, a palm-shaped pit appeared on the ground, and Sun Wukong was crushed into the pit.


In the pit of the palm of his hand, Sun Wukong climbed up and felt a softness all over him, looking at the dragon **** Wu in horror.

a slap? He is not his slap enemy?

Dragon God Wu stared coldly at Sun Wukong, and the murderous look in that eye saw Sun Wukong stunned.

The ancient sea suddenly sank. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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