Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 37: Carp Jumping Dragon Gate

In the Longmen area, the four walked hard to the center of the mountains, a big river.

Mana cannot be cast, but can only be overruled by the flesh.

There is a layer of white fog around the big river. Only when you step into the river can you see the inner scene.

"This water is so muddy and weird!" Chang Ming frowned.

"This is weak water, and the goose feathers don't float, even ordinary fish can't live. Inside, it will make your body more unable to focus!" Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

A huge waterfall seemed to fall from the sky.

Everyone looked up. The waterfall was a thousand feet high. On top of the waterfall, there was a huge arch. Above the arch, there was a white halo ball.

"That's the Dragon Gate?" There was a hint of doubt in Shangguanhen's eyes.

"Yeah, I do n’t know how many dragons have been blocked by the Qianzhang Dragon Gate. The white halo ball is the deity of the West Sea Dragon God. Perhaps there is already a Dragon God. Just jump over the Dragon Gate to enter! Unfortunately, it is too difficult to jump! "Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

"I try!" Chang Ming jumped suddenly.


Suddenly, Chang Ming was like a sharp arrow soaring into the sky, but only jumped a hundred feet.


Chang Ming suddenly fell down and burst into countless rivers.

"No, no, I can't go up!" Chang Ming exclaimed suddenly.

Ao Shun suddenly turned into a black dragon, swam near, dragged Chang Ming back.

As soon as I reached the shore, Chang Ming said blankly, "This weak river is so deep, but the most depressing thing is this water. When I jumped up, the water dragged me down and made me not jump high!"

"Then you try again?" Ao Shun laughed.

"Oh!" Chang Ming avoided the weak water and jumped again.

It can only jump to one hundred and twenty feet and fall down. The river cannot float, and Chang Ming walks slowly back from the bottom of the water.

"I can't jump up, my body is too heavy, I can only be so high, Dragon Gate? Your Dragons are really harsh!" Chang Ming smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, I try too!" Ao Shun nodded frowning.

Ao Shun stepped forward, leaping violently, and his body rushed straight up, but he jumped five hundred feet and suddenly fell down.


Weak water splashed and found nothing.

Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

"I'll try it!" Shouted Shangguanhen.


Shangguan marks jumped violently, and his body rushed straight up, but at two hundred feet, he was weak and fell down.

"Still no, Longmen? It really isn't that easy to jump!" Shangguan Hen smiled bitterly.

"Is there no other way?" Chang Ming said blankly.

Not far away, there was a cloud of mist, hiding in ordinary white mist, staring at the people jumping in the distance.

"Giggle, jump? Who can jump up? None of the other Dragon races except the West Sea Dragon King of the past can go up. This place is restricted by Longzu. Want to go up? Dream?" A sneer sounded in the mist.

Just as the mist shuddered everyone's jump.


With a loud noise, the river at the foot of the ancient sea exploded innumerably, and the ancient sea's body was like a shell.

"Your Majesty?" Everyone looked at Gu Hai in amazement.

But I saw that the height of the ancient sea exceeded one hundred and twenty feet in Changming, two hundred feet in Shangguan mark, and then over five hundred feet in Ao Shun, getting higher and higher.

Eight hundred feet, nine hundred feet, one thousand feet?

"Across the dragon gate?" Chang Ming suddenly surprised.

Your Majesty's Jump Is Over?

"Impossible!" The mist in the distance was startled.

Gu Hai skipped the dragon veins and was about to touch the white halo.

"No, Your Majesty's speed hasn't decreased?" Shangguan marks suddenly surprised.

"No reduction?" Everyone was surprised.

The ancient sea speed really did not decrease, 1,100 feet, still flying, 1,300 feet, 1,500 feet, 1,800 feet.

Until one thousand eight hundred feet, the ancient sea stopped flying and stayed in the air.

Ao Shun: "………………!"

Mist: "...............!"

Shangguan marks: "...............!"

Chang Ming: "……………………!"

Slowly, Gu Hai fell from an altitude of 1,800 feet, slowly falling down to think of the white halo ball.

"Your Majesty's physical body is so arrogant?" Chang Ming exclaimed in surprise.

Chang Ming has just realized that the pure physical body here is extremely difficult for every foot tall, but the next jump is 1,800 feet, and he jumps in the water. Instead of being buoyant, this water will drag you down. Even so, Your Majesty has passed the Dragon Gate so much?

"Ancient emperor?" Ao Shun also jumped wildly.

In the past, I heard my father said that although Gu Hai practiced fast, the foundation was very solid. The only thing that can be compared in memory is Dragon Warring States. I didn't take it seriously then, but now ... Your Majesty is only in the Temple of Heaven? Going to Heaven Palace by yourself ...?

"I've run into it!" Shangguanhen's eyes brightened.

But I saw Gu Haishou caught the white halo ball. Can you bring down the Xihai Dragon God?


However, in the high altitude, Gu Hai grabbed an empty air.

"What?" The crowd said blankly.


The ancient sea fell.


Fall in the big river, spread the river water to all directions.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Chang Ming wondered.

"Can't touch anything!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Uh, you can't touch it?" Shangguan marks looked at Ao Shun in doubt.

Ao Shun smiled slightly bitterly: "It seems that only my dragons can come across. In the past, the dragons must go up by themselves to get the approval of the dragon god!"

"What then? You can't jump up again!" Shangguan Hen worried.

"I will throw you up!" Gu Hai thought for a while.

"Uh?" Everyone looked rigid.

Throw it up?

Is there so much power?

Don't even think about switching to someone else. So high, how can it be thrown up? Not only is it limited here, it's like everything is a million times heavier.

"Ancient and ancient emperors, are you joking?" Ao Shun said blankly.

"Come on, don't hesitate, Long Shenwu and Di Shitian will come in soon!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Eh? Okay, okay!" Ao Shun nodded entangledly.

But he saw Gu Haishou raising his Ao Shun. Ao Shun's face was stiff for a while. Is this the first dragon in history to be thrown into the dragon gate? If the ancestors and ancestors knew, how would they feel?

Longmen is used to throw?

"Go!" Gu Hai shouted.


Ao Shun, like a shell, was thrown out and headed straight up into the sky.

Two hundred feet, five hundred feet, eight hundred feet, one thousand feet.

"Go up!" Chang Ming said in shock.

The mist not far away was silent. Where did this evil come from? Throw the Dragons into the Dragon Gate? Are you kidding me?

Ao Shun was still tangled during the flight. When he got above the dragon gate, he would not tangle because he had already leaned against the white halo ball.


As soon as he caught it, Ao Shun also flew away.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

Falling from a high altitude into the river, an instant splash of countless river water.

"What's going on?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Longmen seems to be able to review me. I didn't jump on it myself and still can't meet the Xihai Dragon God, but I just saw it clearly. It is really a Dragon God and has been successfully cultivated!" Ao Shun said anxiously.

"What to do? You can't jump up!" Shangguan marks worried.

"The crowd outside should be broken soon!" Chang Ming anxiously said.

"I'll try again!" Ao Shun was also very anxious.

"Wait!" Cried Gu Hai.

"What's wrong?" Ao Shun wondered.

"I just watched you. When you first saved Changming, could you swim in this weak water?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Uh, yeah!" Ao Shun wondered.

"Then why don't you hit the water and follow the waterfall upstream?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Swim down the waterfall? How do you swim? The water is falling!"

"No, you can hit water faster than weak water can fall, you can hit water, you can use it, you can always use it!" Said Gu Haishen.

"I hit the water faster than the weak water? But my dragon's body is too big, too long, and a little difficult. I will try with my body, maybe ...!" Ao Shun worried.

"I give you another‘ eight, nine mysterious gong dan ’. You can try it as a carp. I remember, the carp has a great impact on the water. Try it!” Said Gu Hai.

The carp jumped the dragon gate, but the ancient sea in the old days has heard of it. Could it have been the same as the dragon gate of the past?

"Yes, apart from the rounded body of the carp, it's a powerful tail. Maybe it really can!" Shangguanhen's eyes brightened.

Gu Hai once again took out a Jin Dan to Ao Shun.

Ao Shun nodded and swallowed.

Shangguanhen and Changming are also curious. ‘Eight, Nine Mysterious Gongdan’ really has that magical effect?

But seeing that Ao Shun swallowed Jin Dan, he thought of the carp in his heart.


Suddenly, Ao Shun's body changed into a huge black carp. The fish's tail leaped in the water, and the low-lying river suddenly shot.

"Really changed?" Chang Ming suddenly widened his eyes.

"Eight, nine mysteries? Really mysterious!" Shangguan marks also flashed expectations in his eyes.

"Sprint in the distance, and then follow the waterfall, jumping on the water!" Gu Hai commanded.

The black carp swims immediately to the lower reaches of the weak water river, and begins to accelerate over a long distance.

"call out!"

The carp was like a sharp arrow, getting faster and faster, coming towards the waterfall.

Under the waterfall, the huge fish tail slammed.


Like a cannonball, it soared to the sky, getting higher and higher. This rush actually rushed to a height of 600 feet, which was a hundred feet higher than Ao Shun's previous jump.

At six hundred feet, the carp's tail slammed into the waterfall.


Suddenly, the carp went up ten feet.

"Effective!" Shangguanhen's eyes brightened.

"Slap, slap, slap, slap .........!"

The carp flicked its tail frantically, slamming the waterfall again and again, the speed was extremely fast, the body was getting higher and higher, and it quickly reached the height of nine hundred feet.

At this point, Longmen had been seen clearly, and Ao Shun's excited tail flickered faster and faster at this moment.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

An instant under the dragon gate.

"On!" "Boom!"

He snapped it again last time, and the black carp suddenly jumped, jumped on the dragon gate, and jumped on the huge white halo.


The carp jumped over the dragon gate, turned into a dragon shape, and entered a white halo ball. That's it.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

In the white halo ball, there were two sounds of Long Yin, one from Ao Shun, and the other from the West Sea Dragon God. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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