Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 40: Tyrannical ancient sea

Xihai Dragon Palace enchantment opened a big opening. The endless water of the West Sea poured in, and for a time, heavy rain poured over the West Sea Dragon Palace, leaning against the broken mouth, and the buildings were flooded by the water.

In the land of Longmen, a large amount of rain sprayed from the sky, and the ground was flooded.

A large number of Dawu officials and the Dragon clan all gathered outside, after all, inside, they dare not approach.

Gu Hai fighting the Emperor Shi Tian, ​​at this moment is fighting into the realm, the two are facing each other, Gu Hai severely suppressed Di Shi Tian.

"Your physical body? How do you cultivate!" Di Shitian stared with disbelief.

"Di Shitian, you should retreat!" Said the ancient sea.

Just as the two were deadlocked, a chill suddenly radiated from the back of the ancient sea.

"Your Majesty!" Shangguan marks exclaimed.

Without any hesitation, he used the back of the turtle shell to block the ancient sea.

Xuangui's defense was extremely powerful, and Ao Sheng couldn't break it anyway.

But, Long Shenwu's sword is too powerful.


A sword pierced the black turtle in an instant.

"Why, how?" Shangguan marks spit blood, showing his unbelief.


The long sword pierced the black turtle, and the speed of the impact was not reduced, and it suddenly pierced the ancient sea.

"Your Majesty!" Shangguanhen roared.


The tortoise spins and hits the ancient sea instantly.

"Huh?" Gu Hai's face changed.


Suddenly, a palm smashed into Emperor Shitian.

Dodging a sword.

"Huh, bad things, huh!" Long Shenwu screamed angrily, the sword in his hand trembled.


"Don't!" Gu Hai and Chang Ming suddenly changed their faces.

Emperor Shitian was also surprised in his eyes.

But he saw Shangguanhen's body explode. Instantly turned into countless fragments.

Gu Hai immediately stepped forward and hugged Shangguan's head.

"Extreme Shangguan!" Chang Ming exclaimed in the distance.


Huge metamorphosis into a human head. There seems to be a breath.

"Your Majesty, the minister can no longer see the power of Dahan, please Your Majesty, take care of the basalts on behalf of the minister. Thank you Your Majesty for the appreciation of these years, Shangguan marks without regrets!" Eyes closed.

Looking back on the past, Gu Hai was sad for a while.

"I won't let you die, you won't die!" Gu Hai's eyes condensed.

Di Shitian looked at Long Shenwu with a slight disdain in his eyes: "Oh, Long Shenwu, a sneak attack behind him. It really is a thin cold-blooded man, only keen on this kind of trickery!"

"Huh!" Long Shenwu snorted coldly and ignored.

Regarding Gu Hai ’s phrase, “If you do n’t let you die, you wo n’t die”. I do n’t care, and think that Gu Hai has a deep friendship with Shangguanhen.

But the next moment, he saw the ancient sea detective take out a huge bucket.

In the bucket, the ancient sea was filled with a stream of colorful liquid, and it was extremely strange to see what it was.

Gu Hai put Shangguan's head in it.


The eyes of Shangguanhen to be closed suddenly opened again.

"What? Not dead?" Di Shitian's face sank.

"Shangguan marks is only the head? Ah, why do so many meridians emerge under the head? Um? Bone again? Muscle filaments? This, this is ... ……! .

"What kind of liquid is helping Shangguan mark to rebuild the body?" Someone was surprised.

"Huh, what? Your Majesty, I ........." Shangguan marks stunned.

"Come with peace of mind, reshape the body, I said, I won't let you die, you can't die, now, see how I avenge you!" The ancient sea surface looked coldly at Long Shenwu.

At first glance, there was anger in his eyes. The look of Dragon God Wu sank.

"What's in this bucket? There's only one head left, can it still be filled?" Di Shitian was also shocked.

The nature in the barrel is tonic, reshaping the body for Shangguan marks, but Gu Hai will not tell the two of them.

"Di Shitian, huh, stubbornness. He has given you face, hum!" Gu Hai's face was cold.

"What did you say?" Di Shitian sank.

"And you, Long Shenwu, it seems that in the face of the Dragon Warring States, I won't fight with you, but today, you want to kill Puppet? Or even better, I killed Puppet's kingdom beast supreme? Haha, in this case, Puppet Discipline and discipline this unfilial son for the Dragon Warring States! "Said Gu Hailiang coldly.

With a cold drink, Gu Hai immediately stepped on his feet, turned into a sharp arrow, and went straight to the dragon and god.

"Huh, look for death!" Long Shenwu's face was cold, and the detective slammed the sword towards the ancient sea.

There is no mana, but the power of the Dragon God Wu is also extremely great, otherwise it would not be possible for a sword to pierce the turtle's shell, or to tremble the sword to blow the turtle.

One sword cut to the ancient sea, and the ancient sea did not evade.

Detective grabbed it with one palm.

"Excalibur with a flesh? Seek death!" Long Shenwu's face was cold, his sword was more powerful, and he slashed into the palm of Guhai.

The color of the bones of the ancient sea palms also changed.


The palm sword collided, and everyone unexpectedly cut off the palm did not appear. The right palm of the ancient sea is actually harder than the turtle's shell.

One, the ancient sea held the Divine Sword of the Dragon Divine God in the palm, making the Divine Sword impossible to move.

"This palm is for Shangguan marks!" Lu Hai of the ancient sea yelled, and her left palm threw out.

Too fast and too powerful. Go straight to Long Shenwu's mouth.

Long Shenwu's face changed, and he fought with a sword to resist it, but the sword seemed to take root. In a hurry, you can only use the other hand to resist the left palm of the ancient sea.


Long Shenwu's palm was immediately knocked open.


A crisp slap rang suddenly through the entire Longmen area, and the dragon **** Wu was slaped away by the ancient sea.


A huge stone mountain was stopped and broken, and Long Shenwu stopped.

Everyone was quiet all around, and some couldn't believe the dragon Shenwu who was rising up in the ruins.

On the mouth of Long Shenwu, there is a palm print. The excalibur in his hand has been released, and is being grasped by the ancient sea at the moment.

Climbing in the ruins, with a copper bell in his eyes, he seemed unwilling to believe that he was actually slapped by Gu Hai with a slap, and still slapped on his face?

"Excalibur? Huh!" Gu Hai grunted.

Hold the sword body in one hand, and hold the hilt in one hand, and fold sharply.


Excalibur cut off at the sound.

"Icy Snow Excalibur? How can Yongzhou's first Excalibur be broken?" Countless Dawu officials screamed.

"You didn't do your best just now?" Di Shitian looked at Gu Hai with a deep expression on his face.

"Go!" Gu Hai stared at Di Shitian with a stare.

"Get off? Okay, okay, okay? Get off? It's like a hero, and I like to kill him!" Emperor Shi Tian suddenly showed up.

Di Shitian's arrogance cannot be intimidated by anything, even if Gu Hai is stronger than himself now, he has to fight himself. In his own dictionary, there is no such thing as flinching.

What's more, when Gu Hai first entered Zhongtian Palace, he flinched?


Di Shitian stormed the ancient sea.

In the distant ruins, Long Shenwu touched the palm seal on his face, as if he had been humiliated by strange shame.

The emperor can be killed, not insulted.

Which dynasty emperor did not have a world-wide ambition? Which emperor's heart is not proud as the world's supreme. The emperor has a strong heart, one that has become the world's first heart. Today, he was thrown a slap by a palace in Zhongtian and turned away. Find it back in other ways? Impossible, where to fall, where to get up. Moreover, there are a large number of courtiers here.

Today, as a king, he was slapped in the presence of his courtier, and then avoided in fear?



At the foot of Long Shenwu, he rushed straight to the ancient sea. Long Shenwu will tear the ancient sea with his hand in return for the shame and shame just now.

Two sharp arrows shot directly at the ancient sea from both sides.

"Good time!" Gu Hai stared, punched with a punch.

"Boom, boom!"

Under the mighty body of the ancient sea, Long Shenwu and Emperor Shitian all had a meal, but they flew up in an instant. Gu Hai wasn't idle either, and her hands moved faster in a sudden.

For a while, the three of them were all in the shadow of the fists of Gu Hai, Long Shenwu, and Di Shitian.

The ancient sea surface is exposed, the faster you hit, the bigger and more explosive.

"Boom!" As he punched Di Shitian in the chest, he flew him.

A slap slammed into the face of Long Shenwu again.


Long Shenwu was once again hit and flew out.

"You!" Dragon God Wu suddenly shouted with a stare.

The slap just now is a shame and shame. Now, Gu Hai slapped again?

"This slap was fought for the Dragon Warring States. The son of filial piety is the last name of the dragon!" Said Gu Haiming.

Di Shitian looked at the ancient sea, his eyelids leaped wildly.

Just a punch from Gu Hai, Emperor Shitian's heart is also in flames, but it is much better than Long Shenwu.

Around, the water slowly drowned the Quartet.

The battle between Chang Ming and Ao Sheng continued, but at this time, there was no refreshment between the two fighting. Compared to the three fighting in the ancient sea not far away, the two found themselves as if the two boys were selling cute and touching.

"How could Gu Hai be so overbearing?" Ao Sheng didn't believe it.

Around, some Dragon and Dawu officials will step in.


The first few spit blood and fainted. The properties of the Dragon Gate were too scary.

In that bucket, the Jiu Cai liquid was slowly decreasing, and slowly integrated into the body of Shangguan mark. The body of Shangguan mark was slowly recovering. The classics, bones, flesh, blood, and skin grew quickly, and weirdly recovered, and everyone else looked around in a daze.

When the rain in the surrounding area reached one person's height, the body of Shangguanhen was completely reshaped.

However, at this moment, the flesh seemed extremely fragile, and it was difficult to climb out of the bucket. In the barrel, all the anti-potency liquid has been consumed.

Shangguanhen found his previous flesh fragments, found his storage ring, turned his hands, took out a set of clothes and put them on, but after the set, the whole person was weak and fell on top of a big stone. Three ancient seas splashing in the distance.

The three-man battle became crazy.

However, Gu Hai's physical body is tyrannical. Even when Emperor Shi Tian and Dragon God Wu joined forces, they were beaten by Gu Hai again and again.

"Your Majesty!" Sighed Shangguanhen. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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