Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 54: Kong Xuan revenge

Ao Shun was invited by the exit of the ancient sea. Ao Shun did not open his mouth to refuse, but fell into a period of contemplation!

After being silent for a while, Ao Shun smiled bitterly: "Ancient emperor, although Ao Sheng is not good, but after all, it is my younger brother. I don't want to argue with him!"

"You misunderstood. I didn't tell you to fight with Ao Sheng. Don't worry about it. Dragons in the world, is there only Beihai dragons? You can't reorganize a dragon army? Just like that emperor releases heaven!" Gu Hai Shen said.

Ao Shun frowned slightly.

"Furthermore, I feel that although Ao Sheng is now much more powerful, but it is not Ming Jun, but in the Beihai Dragon Palace, there are many dragons who have grown up with you, have fought with you, and have been injured for you, you Really forbearance, let them be fooled by Ao Sheng, died one by one? ”Gu Hai Shen said.

"No, isn't it?" Ao Shun frowned.

"Will not, I'm not sure, but, at least, when they have nowhere else to go, you can give them a place to stay. Isn't it?" Gu Hai Shen said.

Ao Shun was lost in thought.

"Of course, the Supreme Beast, if you do n’t want to forcibly pull the dragons to become your Majesty, I do n’t force it. You alone are enough, and you also see that Emperor Shitian and Ao Sheng, they were hitting your blood before. Idea, this is just the beginning. Will there be more enemies in the future? You become the Supreme Dragon Emperor of the Dahan Emperor. At the very least, we can become allies, assist each other, and collaborate. Unless you look down on my Dahan Emperor, That's when I didn't say it! "Gu Hai laughed.

"How come, how dare I despise the Dahan emperor dynasty, but it will add a lot of trouble to the ancient emperor in the future!" Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

"You promised? Hahahaha, trouble? The most fearful thing is trouble." Gu Hai laughed happily.

"Since His Majesty does not give up, then Ao Shun is cheeky!" Ao Shun laughed.

"If you don't give up, how can you give up? Hahaha, I'm too happy to be there, and I'll have Ao Shun to help each other, like a hand!" Gu Hai laughed suddenly.

"Congratulations to Ao Supreme, to recreate the glory of Ao Tianhuang that year!" Chang Ming also laughed--

Huaguoshan, Shuiliandong.

"Go out, go out!" Sun Wukong angrily drove the monkeys out of the water curtain hole.

"King, what's the matter with you?" A monkey asked boldly.

"Get away, I'm annoyed when I see the bald donkeys now, you are their eyes and ears, don't think I don't know, get out, get out, get out ..." Sun Wukong shouted in depression.

A group of monkeys swarmed out of nowhere.

"I also sent a group of demon kings to surround me at Huaguoshan, did you want to monitor me? Huh!" Sun Wukong was angry and scolded. I don't know who was scolded.

It was a moment when the monkeys stepped out of the water curtain hole in depression. Sun Wukong suddenly changed his face: "Who is this?" ——

Shangguan marks and Kong Xuan quickly flew to Huaguo Mountain.

"This is it?" Kong Xuan sank.

"Good!" Shangguan Mark nodded.


Kong Xuan waved his hands, and the black gas wrapped the Huaguo Mountain instantly.

"Who is this?" Within Huaguoshan, there was an angry drink.

It was Sun Wukong who flew out of the water curtain hole immediately.

"Kong Xuan, come here, I'll catch him!" Shenguan Shen cried.

call out!

Shangguan Mark suddenly rushed down and flew towards the opening of the water curtain.


A strong wind blew through, and Shangguan marks suddenly appeared in front of Sun Wukong.

"Who am I? It turned out to be your stinky tortoise? Giggle, giggle, the ancient sea escaped? Others?" Sun Wukong stared at Shangguan marks with a golden light in his eyes.

"Your Majesty is not here, please invite Qi Tian Dasheng to follow us!" Shangguanhen said in a deep voice.

"Oh? Didn't come?" Sun Wukong blinked his eyes.

As long as the ancient sea is absent, Sun Wukong is not afraid of anything.

"Please!" Shangguanhen cried.

"Please? Hahahaha, the ancient sea has not come, but you also want to take me away with a smelly turtle? Eat old grandson a stick!" Sun Wukong yelled suddenly.

The detective took out the gold hoop in his ear, and after zooming in countlessly, Sun Wukong showed his face, and a stick slammed into the upper mark.

"Huh!" There was a flash of war in Shangguanhen's eyes, and he took a step and greeted him with a punch.

With eight or nine mysteries?

You will, I will too!

"Do you think that you are me and that you are not bad for King Kong? Give me flat!" Sun Wukong yelled loudly.


With a loud noise, the golden fist of Shangguan marks collided with the gold hoop stick, and the gold hoop stick was ejected by the impact instantly. A huge air wave rushed in all directions, and the whole Huaguo Mountain was instantly enveloped. In a storm.

The rebound of the gold hoop was a sudden tingling in both hands of Sun Wukong.

"What? How long has it been, how did you become so strong?" Sun Wukong's face changed.

With one stick, I don't know how many demons and monsters were killed, but one stick was actually blocked by Shangguanhen's fist.

The golden light on his fist had not faded, and Sun Wukong suddenly shrank his pupils.

"Eight or nine Xuan Gongs? You too?" Sun Wukong suddenly changed his face.

"His Majesty! Just like you!" Shangguanhen sneered.

"Hmm, just like me? Eight or nine Xuan Gong, no one is as good as me, then Yang Ye was not my opponent, hum, come again!" Sun Wukong sighed coldly.

Shangguan marks was a step forward, and came to the moment.


With a punch, Sun Wukong was immediately blown out.

It's so fast that Sun Wukong is almost unguarded.

"Impossible, you, how much are you heavy?" Sun Wukong yelled.

"Sixty-four!" Shangguan marks a cold drink, and once again came to Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong was shot into the ground in one instant, and the whole Huaguo Mountain was shaken suddenly, and the surrounding sea was set off by a sea of ​​sky.

Kong Xuan stood at a high altitude, coldly looking at Shangguan marks below to suppress Sun Wukong, his frown slightly. Obviously, he was also full of curiosity about Ba and Jiu Xuan Gong.

But the next moment, Kong Xuan suddenly looked at the surrounding islands with a narrow eye.

"Come out, old brothers!" Kong Xuan said coldly.

"咻, 咻, 咻, 咻 .........!"

Suddenly, there were more than ten figures soaring into the sky, with different expressions, surrounding Kong Xuan in the center.

It was in the past that the group of big demons who were caught by the Buddha with Kong Xuan, together with Kong Xuan, arranged the Zhou Tianxing array.

"Kong Xuan, you really came out!" The first bull demon said coldly.

"Well, so old brothers, how long have you been waiting for me?" Kong Xuan closed his eyes.

"Yes, Kong Xuan, the Buddha asked us to come and guard Sun Wukong against the return of the ancient sea. I never thought that everything would come so fast. ...! "The bull demon frowned.

"Shut up!" Kong Xuan stared, his body flashing with anger.

The monsters frowned slightly around.

"I just do n’t accept the bald donkey of Lingshan, what? What is the Ming Dynasty King Buddha? Lao Tzu is not rare, how can you be loyal to the Holy Mountain Holy Land? That little Luohan? Little Bodhisattva? It ’s not the same, for the sake of the brothers of the past, I do n’t embarrass you, where do you come from and where do you go back! ”Kong Xuan said coldly.

"Kong Xuan, what did you say? In the past, because you valued you too much, you could command the demon kings. It ’s not you who are better than us, you command us. Brother? Hehe, if you enter the Holy Land of the Holy Mountain, you are brothers, you do not enter The Holy Mountain Holy Land is our enemy! "A leopard demon said coldly.

"Leopard head, can you say it again?" Kong Xuan looked coldly at the opening demon king.

"Follow me when I return to Lingshan Holy Land to be punished, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Leopard said coldly.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, okay, okay, to this day, Lao Tzu is still thinking about the old brother's old feelings and wants to give you a hand, but you have become a running dog in Lingshan Holy Land? In order to be promoted? Am I going to be rewarded? Hahahahaha, Kong Xuan, I'm ashamed to wait! "Kong Xuan stared at the leopard head.

"Miscellaneous account!" Qun Yao looked cold.

"Kong Xuan, don't you know how to be good, hum, in the past, three hundred and sixty-one demon kings, you are the top ten, but, you are not the first, you are not even as good as me, what are you proud of, today, let I taught you, hum, I don't know what to do! "The leopard's head fluttered towards Kong.

The leopard's head was exposed and his speed was extremely fast. It was just a moment before he came to Kong Xuan. With a palm of his hand, it seemed that the void was making a ripple, and Kong Xuan was to be taken down with one palm.

"Roar!" Kong Xuan glared and opened his mouth.

In the roar, the black gas suddenly burst out. Put the leopard head in a roll.

"What?" The leopard's head suddenly changed.

However, when I saw Kong Xuan's mouth wide open suddenly, a huge suction force came out of the mouth, and the slap of that punch was instantly sucked into Kong Xuan's mouth, and even, the suction increased and the black wind rolled wildly.

"Ah, Kong Xuan, you dare!" Exclaimed Leopard's head.

"What?" The other demon king's face changed.


Kong Xuan closed his mouth and swallowed the leopard's head into his belly.

"Kong Xuan, how dare you!"

"That's the head of a leopard. You swallowed the head of a leopard. How did you add so much?"

"Are you Kong Xuan?"




The demon screamed in astonishment.

Kong Xuan swallowed the leopard's head, and his eyes glared, "From now on, you Lingshan running dogs will never be my Kong Xuan brothers again. Roar!"

"You!" Qun Yao's face changed.

"Ground it up!" The cow demon glared coldly.


Below, there was a loud noise, and Sun Wukong was picked up by Shangguan marks with an unbelief.

Shangguanhen clutched the sealed Sun Wukong in one hand, and rushed to the sky with his golden hoop in one hand.

"Kong Xuan, it's time to go!" Cried Shangguanhen.

The face of the group demon changed not far away, this Shangguan mark is so powerful? But Sun Wukong was a powerful character, so he was arrested?

"Let's go, Shangguanhen, I'll stop you!" Kong Xuan shook his head.

"No need, they can't catch us!" Shangguan Mark frowned.

"I said, you go first and take Sun Wukong back. This group of demon kings is just the beginning. Soon, people from Lingshan will come. Now the Buddha and the past Buddha, they are all coming. I stop, you go first! Kong Xuanshen said.

There was a cloud of uncertainty in Shangguanhen's eyes, and after seeing Kong Xuan's determination, he nodded.

"call out!"

Instantly, Shangguan marks shot into the distance.

"Stop!" The bull demon's eyes were about to stop.


Kong Xuan shouted with a mouthful, and a black wind smashed the bull demon again. He opened his mouth and inhaled the bull demon.

"What? Kong Xuan, you, you swallowed a bull's head? The Buddha will not let you go!" Another wolf demon yelled.

"Hahahahaha, Buddha? Today, I do n’t leave, just to wait for their arrival. I will not only swallow you, but I will also swallow the entire Lingshan Holy Land. In the past, now Buddha, do n’t even want to run, I want Swallow them! "Kong Xuan growled.


Kong Xuanhua became a huge peacock with a height of three thousand feet, and the magic of the whole body burst out, and the sky was dyed black by the monstrous magic. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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