Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 62: Xuandu's Confidence

Gu Hai saw Supreme Master Feng and Ao Sheng at a glance!

After all, the dragons and basalts under the mountain of two people are too conspicuous.

From the ancient sea's cold look, Fengjing Supreme and Ao Sheng also sank.

The strength of both of them has been greatly improved, and they thought that the ancient sea would be fixed.

Kong Xuan fought against the Emperor of Fire, but he did not fall in the slightest, and was even stronger.

"This ancient sea is really a great fortune, and he has snatched up a strong one!" Feng Jing said with a gloomy expression.

"Fortunately, this Kong Xuan is fighting the emperor of war, we should do our thing!" Ao Sheng said coldly.

At this moment, Gu Hai and his party returned, and all the dragons under Ao Sheng's face sank.

That was Ao Shun, the most respected prince of the past, but now the swords are facing each other, but ...

"Extreme Fengye, look at your arrogance, have you recovered your strength 800 years ago?" Gu Hai suddenly sneered.

"Last time I took the official marks, my strength would be restored eight hundred years ago. Unfortunately, you have destroyed it. Oh, good means, thirty-two battles, you are as flat as the ground?" Icy road.

"So, you haven't recovered? So, dare you come again without boundaries?" Gu Hai glared coldly.

"Although I did not recover 800 years ago, I also recovered 30%, hum, grabbed the Shangguan marks and went to Qiandaohai, and I will be able to recover completely. Guhai, even if I have 30% strength, I ca n’t stop you. Let yourself go. I'm not like the emperor of fire, leaving the borderless sky capital, I will destroy your borderless sky capital for the first time!

During the conversation, Feng Jing's supreme figure swung, and suddenly the whole body was endlessly dark, and in the dark, it turned into a towering black snake, swinging between its tails, and there were several mountain peaks behind it that exploded.

The body of the snake is huge, two thousand feet long, and the mouth is spit with snakes.

The black snake's eyes shone with a gleam of cold light, and the borderless sky that looked at did not tremble in the hearts of hundreds of people.

Gu Hai did not bother with the black snake, but looked at Shangguan Mark.

"Your Majesty, let me handle the troubles myself," Shangguan marks solemnly said.

"Extremely, be careful, he now has 30% of his former power, now you ...!" Not far away, a group of Xuanwu anxiously followed Shangguan marks.

"No problem!" Shangguan marks rushed out.

Shangguanhen flew to Fengjing Supreme.

Feng Ye Supreme is also a little surprised.

"Oh? Hahahaha, Shangguanhen, are you crazy? I only inherited it eight hundred years ago to improve my strength. You disappeared for two months. Who do you think you are?" Black Snake looked cold, I swallowed it suddenly.

"The strength eight hundred years ago, you are rare, does not mean that I am also rare!" Shangguan marks suddenly showed his face, and dazzling golden light bloomed all over his body.

The golden light shone, and suddenly the black energy of Fengjing's supreme was washed away by countless!

"The breath of Sun Wukong?" Ao Sheng's face changed.

The black snake also sank, but the black snake was even more confident in itself, without any pause at all, and it was about to swallow the Shangguan mark.

Xuan Wu, who follows Shangguan's mark, reveals anxiety, while Xuan Wu, who follows Fengjing's Supreme, reveals disdain.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the storm swept across the square, and Yu Bo immediately shattered a crowd of basaltic shocks.

"What?" Miao Chen suddenly looked for a moment, rubbing her eyes, then exulting.

It was Shangguanhen's punch that was too arrogant. The black snake was actually hit by a punch from Shangguanhen and flew a hundred miles away.


The black snake's figure stopped in the air for a moment, and looked at Shangguan mark in surprise. It was unexpected that the strength of Shangguanhen actually soared so much.


Shangguan Mark suddenly rushed past, taking the battlefield from the borderless sky.

"You, what are you doing? Isn't it that I used to pass on your basalt skill?" The black snake stunned.

"Xuanwu magic? Oh, I haven't practiced long. The 30% of Xuanwu Supreme's power is not good!" Shangguanhen sneered suddenly.

While talking, Shangguan marks rushed forward again.

"Huh, it was my intention just now, Shangguanhen, because you want to fight me? Roar!"

The black snake moved really, and immediately smashed with Shangguanhen.


Suddenly, the people who fought in the distance also shook the mountains. The mountains were blown up instantly and the battle was fierce.

Shangguanhen shot with all his strength, instead of falling behind, and even faintly occupying an advantage?

"Extreme power!" Miao Chen and other basalt elders roared excitedly.

The basalts who followed Fengjing's supreme face were ugly.

Fighting in the distance continued.

Ao Shun said to Gu Haidao: "Your Majesty, I want to talk to my brother, I hope His Majesty will not intervene!"

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

"call out!"

Ao Shun immediately flew to Ao Sheng in the distance.

Ao Sheng also looked gloomily at Shangguan Mark in the distance.

Shangguan marks? He was the last person to look down on him.

The tortoise was hit by Sun Wukong in the beginning. In the Longmen area, it has become a mess of mud, but now it has become so tyrannical? Even if you don't, you can't do anything about it.

What happened over the past month?

Why is Gu Hai so good fortune?

"call out!"

Ao Shun approached immediately.

Ao Sheng's face sank.

Around, all the dragons suddenly changed their faces.

"Ao, Prince Ao Shun!" Some Dragons said stiffly.

"Ao Shun? It seems that with the Xihai Dragon God, your strength has increased a lot?" Ao Sheng said coldly.

"Second brother, dig the dragon grave, the father and the king will be here, I will never spare you, you can't make mistakes again and again!" Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

"Fold up your fake puppet, hum, you're wrong again and again? It's not your fault? I got the dragon god, so I don't need to dig the dragon mound! Father? The father is really biased, I am the prince, but he will Dragon God passed to you? "Ao Sheng suddenly hated.

"This is not an excuse for you to dig the dragon mound. I also heard that you put the ancient soul of the dragon mound into the dragon's body? You don't even let them miss it?" Ao Shun said coldly.

There was a commotion around the dragons.

Ao Sheng dug the dragon mound and inserted some ancient dragon souls into his body, which really increased his cultivation, but in the end, he felt that he seemed to be restrained in some way, but he couldn't tell.

"Well, I'm the Dragon King. What qualifications do you have for us? How can I make them stronger! It has nothing to do with you!" Ao Sheng said coldly.

"When the ancient soul is in the body, its strength is increased, but it will hurt their souls and make them die! Why doesn't it matter to me? They were all my brothers before." Ao Shun said coldly.

Ao Shun said my brother, among the dragons, there was a lot of commotion among the dragons.

"Prince Ao Shun, I want to follow you, I wonder if I can!" One of the dragons suddenly said.

"Little forest?" Ao Shun looked at the dragon.

"Presumptuous! Do you want to rebel from Beihai Dragon Palace?" Ao Sheng stared.

"In the past, it was my happiest day to follow Prince Ao Shun's expedition to the Quartet. Not long ago, my father offended Prince Ao Shun, please forgive me. In my heart, I have always wanted to follow Prince Ao Shun and I hope that Ao Shun Prince, don't dislike it! "Xiao Linzi eagerly said.

"Okay, follow me, I will try to help you expel the ancient dragon spirit in the body!" Ao Shun nodded.

"Prince Ao Shun, I will follow you too!"

"Prince Ao Shun, I don't want to be in Beihai Dragon Palace!"

"In my heart, you are the prince, you are the North Sea Dragon King, and I will follow you!"




Suddenly, among the dragons, there were nearly 80%, and they shouted excitedly.

In an instant, he betrayed Ao Sheng.

"Okay!" Ao Shun nodded suddenly.

From their attitude, it is not difficult to see that Ao Sheng's leadership of the group of dragons is too unpopular. His Majesty was right. Instead of letting this group of good brothers send Ao Sheng to death, it is better to take care of them.

Ao Shun agreed, Qun Long immediately rejoiced, and immediately flew to Ao Shun.

At this moment, Ao Sheng was pale.

"Hum, betray the Beihai Dragon Palace, but that's the death penalty!" Ao Shenghan whispered a flash of murder in his eyes.

"The death penalty? When did you get this criminal law?" Ao Shun chuckled.

"Now, huh, you don't know what to do, don't blame me, you ancient souls, possessions, take homes!" Ao Sheng gave a cold drink. At the same time, a burst of purple and black gas appeared on his face. It seems that a large 'pardon' character seal has condensed.

"Ang!" "Ang!" "Ang!" ………………

The betrayed group dragon suddenly burst into purple and black air, as if the whole body was burning. At the same time painful screams.

"Prince Ao Shun, save your life, save me!"

"Ah, so painful, don't, ah!"




Screaming constantly, Ao Shun's face changed, and he was about to jump over. However, the next moment, Qunlong suddenly exuded a huge breath.

But he saw Xiaolinzi's body suddenly swell up to double, and there was a blue vein on the surface of his body, his eyes doubled, his eye pupils were gone, and only a bunch of white eyes were left, and his whole body was filled with skyrocketing anger.


The dragons evoked the sky, rolling down the clouds, and at the moment the Ao Sheng's "forgiveness" character appeared, the dragons were quickly taken away by the ancient dragon soul.

These ancient dragon souls are with a monstrous resentment, exuding a breathtaking suffocation.

"Kill Ao Shun!" Ao Sheng ordered.


Qunlong suddenly rushed to Aoshun crazy.

"Xiao Linzi, what's wrong with you?" Ao Shun said anxiously.

However, Xiaolinzi grabbed it first.


Ao Shun punched back Xiaolinzi, but there were still a lot of fierce dragons behind him.

"Ang!" Ao Shun yelled suddenly, and a black dragon suddenly appeared around him.

The dragon spirit breathed out, and the group of dragons that had just rushed over suddenly gave a slight meal.

"Kill, continue!" Ao Sheng replied coldly.

"Roar!" The group of dragons rushed to Ao Shun again, not even the suppression of the dragon god.

"Huh, Ao Sheng, you are so brave, you actually practice ghosts?" Ao Shun's eyes glared and he suddenly flew towards Ao Sheng.

Those who killed themselves were the good brothers of the past. Ao Shun naturally did not want to take the shot. That was to start from Ao Sheng and force him to withdraw the cast on the group dragons.

"Well, it's up to you, I even opened the Xihai Dragon Mound, and all the souls of the Dragon Kings are here with me!" Ao Sheng punched him in a faceless blow.


A punch was hit, forming an air explosion.

Ao Sheng was even better, and Ao Shun was beaten back a little.

"My good brother, how many dragon souls have you swallowed?" Ao Shun said coldly.


Suddenly, Ao Shun's body surface once again appeared a white dragon phantom, one black and one white two phantoms representing two dragon gods.

Ao Shun punched Ao Sheng again.


This time, Ao Sheng was finally repelled, but Ao Shun was also limited.

"Dragon God, it should have been me, Ao Shun, you thief, roar ~~~~~~~~~~!" Ao Sheng also called madly.

At the same time, the surrounding dragons rushed towards Aoshun.

The battle of the dragons was also chaotic. Fortunately, Ao Shun was pulling, and the battlefield was drifting away.

Not far from the forest.

Xuandu smiled coldly: "Okay, the masters around Gu Hai have all been dispatched. Next, it's our turn!"

"Ah? Brother, there is another mosquito!"

"A mosquito eater? Rest assured, I can make him dare not interfere!" Xuandu sneered.


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