Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 82: Kong Xuan's Fury

The Peacock Temple!

Kong Xuan refines the peacock god. The mind sank inside, the roaring battle outside the hall, but never heard the general.

It took a few days before the big peacock **** was slowly refined.

Kong Xuan's consciousness slowly returned. Of course, if there is a big danger, Kong Xuan can still wake up in advance, but these days, there has been no big danger.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

"Help! ~~~~~!"

"Rebel, you want to destroy my peacock tribe, I fight with you!"

"Be careful, that elder peacock will explode!"





Great confusion came from the outside.

Kong Xuan got up and frowned slightly, but instead of going out first, he looked at the peacock Supreme lying there. The old man took a final breath, but his eyes remained open.

"Can't you squint?" Kong Xuan frowned slightly.

The tragic sound of the outside world grew louder.

With a wave of his hand, Detective Kong Xuan opened the gate of the hall.

But I saw that there is a layer of five-color divine light protection outside the hall. Obviously it is to protect yourself from retreat from being disturbed.

Looking to the outside world through the five-colored divine light is like a Shura purgatory.

The endless blue flames burned the Quartet, countless peacocks were struggling with the blue flames, some powerful peacocks could resist the blue flames, but there were fierce beasts in the fast tearing.

"Blue flames? Zhou Tian's star formation? How is it possible that the Peacock tribe is the Sun Temple?" Kong Xuan's face suddenly changed.

You know, after 800,000 years, he was most loyal to the Sun Temple. And the Zhou Tianxing array is the Zhenzong array of the Sun Temple? Could it be that Taiyi, who was the most loyal of his past, is the culprit who destroyed the Peacock family?

"Kong Xuan, run away, run away!" Someone shouted suddenly.

But it was one of the peacock elders, who was covered in blood at the moment and was hunted down by a wolf demon. Although the elder had not previously accepted the supreme decision, the inheritance of the peacock tribe stood on the side of Kong Xuan without hesitation.

Perhaps the elder's shout attracted the wolf demon.

The wolf demon turned his head and saw Kong Xuan.

"No!" The elder's face suddenly changed, and he rushed to Kong Xuan in front of him, blocking him in front of the wolf demon.


The Wolf Demon ripped open the elder's chest. The elder was about to be torn apart.

The elder showed despair, but mortal helped Kong Xuan to stop the next blow, but no regrets, because Kong Xuan has the peacock god, the future of the peacock tribe supreme, as long as he is there, the peacock tribe will have the opportunity to stand up .

Just the moment the elder was about to be torn.


A loud noise sounded in the elder's chest, but the wolf demon's paw suddenly settled in front of the elder. A palm wrapped with countless black gas caught the wolf paw in his palm. The wolf paw couldn't move. No matter how twitching, he died. Dead is fixed there.

"Roar, let me go!" The wolf demon's face changed, knowing that he had encountered stubble.

"You!" The elder looked at Kong Xuan in surprise.

"While resting, I am here!" Kong Xuan sighed slightly.


The wolf demon was torn to pieces by Kong Xuan's five-colored **** light.

A light shattered to heaven?

Too strong, not a level at all. When did the Peacock family emerge so powerfully?

"Yes!" The severely wounded elder retreated in tears.

At present, the Peacock God Island is like a purgatory, and the Peacock family seems to be destroyed. Who dares to come to chaos when the Supreme is here? But now ...

The hole in front of him is so powerful? The elder saw a glimmer of hope and was excited.

Kong Xuan turned to look at the sky.

Above the starry sky, three hundred and sixty-one stars shone, and apparently a large number of demon kings were manipulating the stars to arrange a star array of Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tianxing array? After 800,000 years, Kong Xuan was in command.


Kong Xuan shouted, and suddenly turned into a stream of light soaring into the sky, and went straight towards the star formation of Zhou Tian.


The speed was too fast, and it instantly reached the sky.

"Be careful, there's a stubble over there!"

"Star palm, fast!"




Above the stars, the demons drank in anger. Suddenly, Zhou Tian turned around in a star burst, and a huge blue palm fell from the sky and caught toward Kong Xuan.

"The palm of the star? You are still playing very shallowly!" Kong Xuan showed his face.


The five-colored Shenguang soared into the sky, like a monstrous whip, and went straight to the blue palm.

With a loud noise, the whip blasted at the weakest part of the Star Palm, and Kong Xuan knew it best.


With a loud noise, the huge Star Palm exploded.

"What?" The Sifang Demon King suddenly changed his face.

Below, Dong Huang Taiyi, who was watching the game with a cold eye, also suddenly changed his face.

"Huh? Who is it?" Taiyi suddenly shrank his pupils.


But when he saw Kong Xuan had reached the starry sky at this moment, his body turned into a huge peacock three thousand feet long.

"What?" All the demon kings changed their faces.

"Three thousand feet? Three thousand feet? How is that possible!" Taiyi also changed his face.

The strong men of the peacock family were also shocked, and then exulted.

"Three thousand feet? Supreme is three thousand feet, who is this peacock? Who is he? Why is it three thousand feet?"

"Ha ha ha ha, my peacock family should not die. There is power!"

"It's saved, it's saved!"




The peacock family suddenly exulted.

"The new Supreme who the old Supreme has personally ordered is the descendant of the Old Supreme. He is the new Supreme of my peacock family, Supreme!" Said an elder.

"Extreme?" Countless peacocks blinked.

The descendants of the old supreme?

Suddenly, all the peacocks were revived from their previous despair.

The peacock is immortal and invincible.


Kong Xuan had flew above the stars. The peacock turned into a three thousand feet, and billions of magical energies erupted. The magical qi instantly blackened the entire starry sky.

"Not good, quickly. He knows the real world of Zhou Tianxing's star formation. He came in, ah, help!"


Zhou Tian's star formation couldn't stop Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan penetrated it, opened his mouth, and immediately sucked in a demon king on the star.

"Jack!" Tai Yi suddenly changed his face.

A wing fluttered, too suddenly soared into the sky.

"Brush, brush, brush, brush!"

Above the starry sky, the five-colored divine light is like a chain of order. Everywhere you go, the stars burst apart.

Suddenly countless monster kings fled in panic.

"Hoo, ho, **** ...............!"

The black wind was rolling, and the demon kings were swallowed by Kong Xuan instantly, swallowing them all.

The magic is sky-high, and the light is shining. Kong Xuan exaggerated his power on the starry sky, Zhou Tian's star burst collapsed instantly, but Kong Xuan did not spare.

So much .........!

Suddenly, countless demon kings were swallowed into Kong Xuan's belly.

"Stop!" Too loudly roared.

These demon kings, however, were summoned by all their own hardships, and were actually swallowed by this peacock.

The peacocks and monsters fighting below were also in a daze.

"New Supreme, so magical?"

"How do I feel that the new Supreme is more fierce than the old Supreme?"

"There are no six-colored gods, but only five-colored gods. Are you already rivaled?"

"New Supreme, Supreme!"




The peacock family was thrilled.

As Kong Xuan swallowed countless demon kings, Tai Yi also approached.


Jin Wu hissed, and a golden light flew towards Kong.

"The sun is really flaming? Huh! Five colors of light!" Kong Xuan exposed his face.


Two rays of light collided in the void, and the collision place even tore a small void in the void.

"Who are you? The peacocks are without you as a character, and they are so magical? Who are you?" Tai said rudely.

Kong Xuan, full of magic, was also a meal at this moment, squinting at Tai Yi.

After 800,000 years, this is the person I admire most. For him, he can ignore his life and death. Even when he wanted to kill himself, he didn't have much resentment because he served him.

The reason why he served him was because when he was a child, Kong Xuan remembered that the Peacock family was about to destroy it. It was Taiyi who saved the Peacock family and saved themselves.

But now, everything has subverted Kong Xuan's memory. When I was a kid, I might have been cheated. Is it too intentional?

"Taiyi, you want to destroy the Peacock clan? Why?" Kong Xuan shouted angrily.

Taiyi has torn his face with the peacock family, and has no scruples.

"Huh, no matter who you are, you have to be so powerful, you have to die. The emperor wants to command the world's 10,000 monsters, and the peacocks are not subject to discipline. Then they have to be removed from the world, hum, and that super peacock? A scourge, as soon as the old thing dies, a new fierce peacock is born? A super **** peacock is produced every 10,000 years? Sure enough, the peacock family cannot be made bigger, one must not be left, and all must be removed! " Road.

"Are you afraid of the 'Super God Peacock'? You have to kill it all?" Kong Xuan sulked.

"Scared? I'll be scared?" Tai's expression sank. Obviously, although there was some fear of the Super God Peacock in his heart, his face was unbearable.

"Since you said, then I will keep a small tribal peacock. I will slowly support them and cultivate them into my loyalty. Study the cause of the change of the" Super God Peacock ", haha, hahahaha, Someday, the supernatural peacock's magical power will be used by me. But today, you peacock **** island, there is no need to exist! And you, swallow me so many subordinates, today is your death . "Too loudly said.

"This is the case, this is the case, ha ha ha ha ha, I am so stupid, I am so stupid, but I am so loyal to you, it turns out that I am really just a dog? Kill my family, no, it seems my parents are also treated by you Killed? My father was loyal to you that year, in the end ..., ha, ha ha ha ha ha! "Kong Xuan's eyes reddened again.

"Allegiance to me?" Tai revealed a hint of doubt.

"Now, I don't miss it anymore, Taiyi, I want to avenge the Peacock family, I want to kill you, roar ~~~~~~~!" Kong Xuan shouted loudly.


Two great peerless birds fought.

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