Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 127: Hetu, Luoshu

Above the stars!

Hundreds of millions of stars gathered from all directions, filling the array behind them. At the center, the six white robes hold white Yitian chess, and the six black robes hold black Yitian chess. Ling Xu presses, and the game is continuously arranged.

The other strong players in the Quartet were constantly squeezed back.

Guarded by the Emperor of Fire, Murong Yan is not inconvenient.

Although Jiang Lianshan stared at Xianyuan in the middle of the two chess paths, he didn't rush up, and withdrew from the scope of the chess path.

But at this moment, no one found it. Suddenly, the dragon **** shouted an air of six colors.


The six-colored air suddenly caught the neck of the dragon god, so that the dragon **** could not make a sound.

"Cough, blood connection? Dragon blood's blood is connected to my blood? It's you, Tenjin? You, you are not dead yet?" Dragon God's eyes stared with horror.

However, only the slightest sound was inconspicuous in this roaring void.

Under this great power, the Dragon God was unable to resist, and was dragged into the back of a star.

Long Shenzhang wanted to struggle, but he couldn't struggle, his face was terrified and his eyes were shocked.

The land of Shenzhou, East China Sea, and Huajing Island disappeared.

After stepping on the surface of the sea for a while, he could not sense Fuxi.

"Fu Xi, are you really dead?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

With a hint of dignity, he looked up at the starry sky. With the eyesight of Jiang Chen's ancestors, he naturally saw the starry sky at a glance.

"Tenjin six ways have been broken into 'chaos time and space'? Oh, sure enough, everything has a hint of vitality. Dragon **** martial arts and dragon gods are not only brothers' bloodlines, but also my essence of blood refinement. Connected to the dragon gods? Six gods, you really haven't lost heart! "Jiang Chen sneered.

However, Jiang Chen only looked at it and stopped paying attention, because Jiang Chen cares more about Fuxi.

Looking down at the empty sea again. The gentleman sat slowly with his knees crossed, and closed his eyes and meditated. thirty? Fuxi? This is the point that the ministers care about--

Above the stars.

With more and more stars, two super huge thirty-four formations were arranged.

The thirty-four major team is not only simple to decompose the light, but also has more complex power. Moreover, the same as the thirty-four, the ancient sea and the thirty-fourth old man watching Qi are completely different.

At thirty-four to thirty-four, the center of the two collided with a burst of loud noise.

"Yi Tianqi? There is only one world, how can you have one?" The old man watching chess looked at Gu Hai with a cold eye.

At first, I thought the black chess was just an imitation, but with constant urging, I discovered that it was not an imitation at all.

His own Yitian chess has a trace of time attributes, while the opponent's Yitian chess seems to have a trace of space attributes.

The two attributes cannot tell who is strong and who is weak, but the rules of manipulating chess are as good as water.

"Old man watching chess, what you see is not necessarily the whole world. There are yin and yang in the world, and black and white in Go. Since Yi Tianqi has white chess, why can't there be black chess?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"If there is white chess, there is black chess? Hahahaha, then I have to see, what is your means for this black chess!" The old man watched chess coldly.

"Although I am black, but this game of chess, I let you go first! Thank you for your old chess game!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh? Thank you?" The old man who watched chess looked at Gu Hai with narrow eyes.

"In the past, the Halloween Convention, Wuyazi was possessed by you midway. I always thought it was Wuyazi intentionally. He pretended to be your possession and disturbed the audio-visual, but now it seems that Wuyazi was really You are possessed, and that game will benefit a lot from playing! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

The old man watching chess stared at Gu Hai for a while, and shook his head: "It is because of Yitian chess that the chess course has reached to this day. Your achievement is your talent. You, the chess talent is first!"

"You are too modest, because you borrowed Yi Tianqi, me? I also borrowed Yi Tianqi. Please!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

The old man watching chess nodded, and the explorer pressed.


The stars turned behind him, rushing towards the ancient sea suddenly.

Gu Hai is also a touch of Kuroko.

The countless stars behind Gu Hai also rushed towards the old man who watched chess instantly.

Earlier, the two clear-cut trends of Wei Wei suddenly merged with each other. The stars manipulated by the ancient sea and the stars manipulated by the old man watching chess are close to each other and enter each other, and they suddenly cross as if they were one.

Rolling stars, arranged around the two. Two thirty-four major battles, merged into one, determine the winner in a game.

The two gradually closed their eyes, and the infinite stars revolved around each of the weird trajectories. This trajectory rotated for a while and became more and more complicated.

There is no collision, no impact, and even the wind stops around.

Hundreds of millions of stars are just quietly surrounded by a calmness. It looks extremely peaceful.

But in this huge and peaceful galaxy, no one dared to step in.

It's too quiet. Quiet to suffocate.

Red Emperor and Baidi believed that in this peaceful galaxy, there is an absolute hidden danger, and now it has become a balance. As soon as you step into it, you will become a tilt point of balance destruction. Come, absolutely hanged clean instantly.

Thirty-four major battles?

This is not something everyone can understand anymore. Only the ancient seas and old people who watch chess can understand it. This is also the most complicated and difficult game in history.

The ancient sea and the old man who watched chess seemed to be peaceful. They seemed to have entered a battlefield that only two people could see. With their eyes closed, they were manipulating thousands of troops to hang themselves.

Quietly around.

But at this moment, another streamer was long overdue.

"call out!"

But it was too stupid, and He Tu flew near.

The tear marks on Tai's face have not dried yet. The death of Fuxi made Taiji feel that the whole world was dark.

Hetu also rose for Fuxi's sorrow.

However, at this place, He Tu's mood was much better, and he stared at Gu Hai and the old man who watched chess.

"Niangniang, the master said before, that you should give a letter to Guhai?" He Tu looked at Taiji.

Too embarrassed but not heard at all.

"The master's account must be very important. Perhaps, maybe Guhai can save the master. Don't they have the rules of time? Well, the six white robes are old people watching chess, as if the six black robes are ancient seas." He Tu called.

"Uh?" Taiji's face changed: "Save my brother?"

Suddenly, Taiji became excited and seemed to shout.

"Taiyi niangniang!" The leader of Taishang suddenly shouted.

"Huh?" Looking too stunned.

"The ancient emperor is fighting with the old man who watched chess. It can't be disturbed. I will talk about it later!" Tai Shang explained.

Too nodded and nodded. Although he was extremely anxious, he still held back, holding an envelope in his hand, his heart was restless.

In this way, Gu Hai and the old man watching Qi closed their eyes for three days and three nights, and the two opened their eyes at the same time. The movement of countless stars around it also forms a fixed law.

"Thirty-four? You have realized it, although it is not the same as mine thirty-four, but the same goal, you Yitianqi, it really is comparable to mine!" The old man Guanqi sighed.

"It's all thirty-four that have been understood? Why can you always expect the enemy to take the lead? I have been led away? Every time I change my strategy, you can know?" Gu Haining eyebrow surprised.

"So, I can restore a history that is exactly the same, even if there is any deviation, I can mess up anyway, because I can predict the future!" The old man of Guanqi solemnly said.

"Luo Shu?" Gu Hai looked.

"Oh? You actually know Luo Shu?" Said the old man Guan Qi a bit surprised.

"Is Luoshu, calculate my next step? No wonder, every time I go, you can expect the enemy to take the lead. It turns out that you can use the power of Luoshu to predict the future?" Gu Hai's face paled.

"Anyway, you are defeated, Mr. Gu, if you continue this way, you will only be hanged by me, there is no other way!" The old man watching Guan Shen said.

Gu Hai frowned, his face ugly.

"Gu Hai, are you ready to go? My brother is dead!" Taima cried suddenly.

Gu Hai paused and looked away.

But I saw the weeping face of pear blossoms.

"Fu Xi is dead?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Big brother, let me hand you a letter before you die, can you see? Can you save my brother? Can you save my brother?" Too anxious.


What's in the letter?

"Hetu, you'll send the letter!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Me?" He Tu frowned.

"I'll give it to you!" Tai Chi immediately eagerly said.

"Don't come over!" Gu Hai immediately drank.

I was too surprised to be there. Why not let yourself come over.

"This thirty-four chess game is internally dangerous. I don't want you to take risks and let the river map come over!" Gu Hai emphasized again.

"As long as I can save Big Brother, I don't care ........." Taiji eagerly said.

"I said, let Hetu send it. Otherwise, I don't watch it, don't give it to me!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

Too stingy, she knew that Gu Hai was protecting herself, but she was not happy at the moment.

"Why me?" He Tu looked depressed.

Although for the owner, why is it me? Why am I so unlucky?

Hetu didn't dare to say ‘no’. For the owner, no matter how great a risk he has to take. After receiving the letter, he flew towards Gu Hai.


With a wave of the ancient sea, a large number of stars slowly moved away, allowing the river map to fly forward.

The old man who watched chess did not hurt the killer, after all, Gu Hai's defeat had been settled, and he didn't need to take extra steps.

He Tu flew to the ancient sea with a reluctance.

"Have a look, can my master save it?" He Tu handed a letter.

However, the letter has not yet been delivered to the six robes of the black robe, and the six robes of the black robe suddenly have a mouth.


A huge suction came from Liudaokou of Heipao and went straight to the river.

"What? What are you doing?" He Tu exclaimed.

Everyone else was staring around, why did Gu Hai eat the river map?


Instantly, He Tu, together with the letter, was swallowed into the mouth by the black robe six.

"Why am I so unlucky?" He Tu shouted in depression at the last moment he was swallowed.

"Why, what? You, you, you ate Hetu?" Taiyi was surprised.

Come to seek the help of Guhai, you do n’t even have to help, but also eat the river map?

The old man who watched chess on the opposite side had a shrinking pupil and an ugly face.

"I will read that letter, but not now, now, I want the predictive ability of Hetu. Otherwise, I really have to lose this game of chess!" Gu Haishen said.

While talking, he swung his hand.


The stars rose again in the surroundings.

"River chart? River chart can also predict the future?" The old man watching chess frowned slightly.

"It's fair now, you have Luoshu, I have river map, go on!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

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