Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 9: Succession Ceremony

The Master of the Heavenly Master stood on the floating island and looked coldly at everything at the entrance of Yan Shen Temple, showing a sneer!

Lin Waner and Jingwei fit? Tongtian probably guessed something. Since Lin Waner is here, the ancient sea must be here too. Since people can't run away, there is nothing to worry about. Moreover, Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai gathered so strangely here, which made the Tongtian leader curious.

The Master of Tongtian looked at it quietly, to see what was going on in this declining Dayan Heavenly Kingdom, what else was worth paying attention to.

Yan Temple Square.

Everyone waited patiently.

Jingwei stepped out of the hall and looked at the people around him coldly.

On the left is the current Buddha Jiang Rulai, who stands behind the future Buddha, Emperor Shitian, and three strange-looking people. The three were covered with only a rag, and I wasn't. The three stood behind the future Buddha, and seemed to be higher than Emperor Shitian.

Di Shitian is the leader of the eight dragons in Lingshan Holy Land. Where did these three come out? Higher status than Emperor Shitian? Why have you never seen it before?

"Jiang Rulai? The three behind you are so strange?" Jing Wei squinted.

"Lingshan people, you all know?" Jiang Rulai folded her hands.

"How do you call these three?" Jingwei solemnly said.

"The ceremony is imminent, is Princess Jingwei still the successor of Dayan?" Said the Buddha in the future.

Jing Wei's eyes narrowed: "Oh, Jiang Ru and I talk, when is your turn to intervene?"

"You!" There was a moment of dissatisfaction in the future.

Jiang Rulai beckoned and stopped the future Buddha: "Jingwei is my sister after all, curious to ask, but there is nothing wrong, but after asking, you should immediately take over as the monarch, otherwise, the hour will not pass All right!"

"Huh!" Jing Wei snorted.

Those weird three people took a step each.

"Brahma!", "Vishnu!", "Shiva!"

The three said their names by themselves, but none of them had heard of them.

"These three are the three god-guarding gods in my holy place in Lingshan!" Jiang Rulai folded his hands, his eyes seemed to persecute Jingwei and hurry up.

Jingwei was not in a hurry, turned to look at the Ji Dihong group on the right.

Ji Dihong followed by a number of courtiers, these people, many Jingwei know.

"Oh? Ji Dihong, the Dragon King of the East China Sea did not come? I still remember that he was loyal to the Dayan Dynasty and was abducted by you. Why, my Dayan is so important today, he didn't even show up?" Jing Wei coldly Road.

"Princess Jingwei, the hour is here!" Ji Dihong said lightly.

But it did not follow Jing Wei's words. After all, although this Jing Wei has a lot of eyes, it is useless in front of Ji Dihong.

"Huh!" Jing Wei snorted, and turned to look at a group of former Yanchen officials in front of him.

Fire Emperor, Dongfang Shou, Baidi, Chidi.

"Mr. Dongfang? Oh, when Father Sheng was there, it was not thin to you! I only asked you to send me a letter to my sister, but you pushed back three and four, ha ha ha ha ha, good Mr. Oriental!" Cold road.

Dongfang Shou was not annoyed, still wrapped in a white robe: "Princess, you forgot, I'm just loyal to the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost fell, I can't help any of you!"

"Ha, don't help any of us, what are you doing in Dayan?" Jing Wei said coldly.

"I leave my own reasons behind me, you don't care!" Dongfang Shou coldly said.

"Huh!" Jing Wei ignored everyone.

He turned to look at Baidi and Chidi.

"Two emperors!" Jing Wei solemnly said.

The expressions of Baidi and Chidi are slightly complicated.

"Jingwei is here, don't want to say anything, just ask the two emperors to know one thing!" Jingwei solemnly said.

"Princess please," Chidi frowned.

"You see that the Father is staying there and not returning with you, but do you really see that the Father is dead?" Jing Wei said coldly.

"Huh?" The two of them suddenly sank.

"If the two betray the Dayan Heavenly Kingdom and the will of the Father, I don't know how to treat you when Father Father comes back one day!" Jing Wei laughed.

"Holy has been ridiculed!" Chidi frowned.

"Oh, this is just what you think. Father Shenghong is only a little rough, and what he does must have a purpose. You do n’t know the layout of these years. Do you really think Father Father has no backseat? , Dare to betray Father Father, Father Father returned, you can not escape one! "Jing Wei shouted.


Suddenly, countless big Yan Chenzi's faces changed, and a trace of cold sweat came from his forehead. The previous determination to betray the Jingwei suddenly loosened.

At least, at this moment, if Jingwei fights Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong, no courtier dares to intervene.

"Uncle Fire Emperor, you are the most loyal to your Father and Holy Father. If you are aggrieved, your Father and Holy Father will return the next day, and you will be fair to you."

The Emperor of Fire suddenly paid respects: "Thank Princess!"

The fire emperor's ritual was extremely strange and did not face Jingwei, slightly deviating from the direction.

There was a strange moment around everyone, was the Fire Emperor blind? The princess is clearly in this position, you worship the wrong place.

But Jing Wei's eyes narrowed.

Only Jingwei understands the meaning of the Emperor of Fire, and the direction the Empress of Fire is facing is exactly where the Master of the Heavens settles in the distance.

"Uncle Huohuang, I see, you don't need to be polite!" Jing Wei laughed.

Fire Emperor nodded.

"Princess, it's almost time, please take over!" Ji Dihong continued with a cold face.

Jing Wei snorted, and slowly stepped onto a huge platform.

Standing on the high platform, take out a roll of imperial edict from the box that you are holding.

Holding the imperial edict in his hand, Jingwei looked up at the luck in the sky.

Although the air transport of the former Dayan Dynasty reunited, but above the sea of ​​air transport, there is no condensed gods and golden dragons. It is just a chaotic cloud of gold. There are still so many, and no emperor will emerge.

Shinto witches are in it, but they are not available at all. Only when the will of the emperor is reunited can Shinto witches be taken out.

Everyone looked patiently.

Jingwei is slowly developing the decree.

"Dayan Heavenly Kingdom, Jingwei, entrusted by the Holy Lord's" Monitor State Order ", during the holy leave of the dynasty, in charge of the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty. Fortune of luck, listen to my orders!" Jingwei shouted.


Immediately in Jingwei's body, a stream of gas rushed into the imperial order, and the imperial order emanated a golden beam of light, and rushed towards the sea of ​​clouds of fortune.


The entire Qiyun Cloud Sea quickly revolved around the center, rolling and huge, surging endlessly. For a time, the entire Shennong City was illuminated by the golden light of luck.

For a while, Jingwei relied on the State Order to control Qi Yunyunhai.

Everyone is holding their breath.

Qiyun Yunhai flipped for a while, Jingwei said again: "Ventilation, to the world!"


In the cloud of luck, a dragon groan came out suddenly, and then the roaring voice spread to the ears of all the people in the Dayan Dynasty.

"The people of the Dayan Heavenly Kingdom, I am the daughter of the Holy One, Jingwei. My father was away from the dynasty for many days, and the chaos was chaotic, and the Father was not returned. The country will not be a country. The Father ’s Holy Land cannot be left in the hands of outsiders. The Dayan Heavenly Dynasty will always be the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty. Today, the building will fall. The palace is the daughter of the Father and Holy Father. Yan, but Dayan is too dangerous. I implore the people of Dayan to help me. For the time being, I will be the successor of the monarch. I will have the power of Dayan to retreat from the middle of the night and wait for the return of the Father. Let your luck run away. "Jing Wei shouted loudly.

The voice passed instantly to the ears of all the people in the Dayan Dynasty.

"What? The principal succeeds?"

"Is this seizing power?"

"No, the princess was assigned by the Holy Spirit. How could the most trusted person in the Holy Spirit betray it? It must be to resist Xiaoxiao!"

"The princess said, come back to the holy, and immediately return to the holy government. If you violate it, lose your luck?"

"I believe that the Holy One will definitely come back, those little children, the Holy One will avenge the next day!"

"With the help of princess, I support the princess to take over temporarily!"

"Da Yan Tian Chao, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live!"




The people are also uneasy in their hearts these days. There are countless legends about the sacredness of the Holy Land, the chaotic land boundary, chaos, chaos everywhere, and hundreds of people suffer. Who doesn't want a stable environment? Who does not want the return of the Holy One? In the past, what awe-inspiring are my people?

As long as the original appearance is maintained, the people naturally support it.

The Lord of the Quartet City has also been controlled by Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong. Get the order long ago. Follow the trend.

Yan Yan Temple Square, although Jing Wei said Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong were Xiaoxiao, the two did not obstruct, just squinted and waited, while alerting each other.

"Please the people of Dayan, raise your right hand, and take advantage of the situation of Dayan to inform the sky, support Jingwei's succession to the throne, and Jingwei will temporarily control Dayan's dynasty and control the luck of Dayan!" Yelled loudly.


The voice passed into the ears of the people in the world instantly.

Everyone raised their right hands instantly.


Suddenly, one by one, they fell down and sat down on the ground, telling their minds to heaven, and telling Yunyun that the people ’s heart is the heart of heaven. When the people began to respect Jingwei as the king, the turmoil of luck and the sea of ​​clouds also changed their will, and began to recognize the Lord Jiang Lianshan from the past, and gradually became the master Jingwei.


A golden light shot from the Yunyun sea to Jingwei. Seems to get some air transport approval.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

In the cloud of Qiyun, there was a sudden shock of Tianlong Yin, but it was a tumultuous cloud of Qiyun, and the will of Qilong Jinlong, which collapsed without Jiang Lianshan, once again condensed.

Long Yin shook the sky, more and more Jinguang shrouded Jing Wei, Jing Wei's body, Jin Guangzhang.

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, the huge luck golden dragon slowly emerged a dragon head.

The faucet was looming, but at the moment when the faucet appeared, Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai all turned their eyes on, because everyone faintly saw a dark mist from the mouth of that huge faucet.

Black fog? That's right, that's Shinto Witch.

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