Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 46: Inviting Sima Changkong

"I will be out, my fate will not be affected, I will not return for a while after the war, I will not go back for a while, I will return to the kingdom to plead guilty, and now, if you take me, you can only take me Corpses, either kill me or let me command the two armies! "Sima Changkong gritted his teeth and said coldly.

Sima Changkong understood that as soon as he went back, he would become a zombie.

As for your own family, as long as you don't mutiny in a day, that family will be safe for a day, it doesn't matter if you go back.

Ao Sheng chuckled coldly: "Master Sima, you laughed, Your Majesty's orders, better than everything, you have let seventy cities be ridiculed, and you still care about the battle at this time!"

While talking, Ao Sheng waved his hand.


A violent storm came straight towards the hall.

Sima Changkong's face changed, and he knew it was not good. However, Ao Sheng's strength was too strong after all, and he came to Sima Changkong in an instant, and the probe blocked Sima Changkong's cultivation.

"Stop it!" The general inside the hall drank suddenly.

"Your Majesty's Kowloon Gold Medal is here. Do you want to rebel when you see the gold medal?" Ao Sheng stared.

All the officials suddenly sank.

"Rest assured, Sima Changkong will be back for up to three hours, waiting!" Ao Sheng said coldly.

"Master!" A group of officials looked anxiously at Sima Changkong.

However, Sima Changkong was blocked and repaired. He couldn't even make a sound in his mouth, and his face was extremely ugly.

Ao Sheng didn't delay too much, so he jumped up into the sky in an instant with Sima in the sky.

"call out!"

In an instant, it turned into a stream of light radiating towards the north.

Caught in the armpit, Sima Changkong showed a trace of regret. Why does Your Majesty become so impatient, saying that he wouldn't turn me into a zombie, and why would he do it?

Are you blind? Wrongly read Dragon God Wu?

Sima Changkong showed a regret, regretting that he had pressed everything on Long Shenwu--

Silvermoon City, in a shop in Guhai.

Ao Shun stood under the eaves and watched Ao Sheng fly away with Sima in the sky, showing a sneer: "Notify Your Majesty, the fish is hooked!"

"Yes!" Said one respectfully behind him.

With that said, Ao Shun turned into a stream and went after him.

Outside of Yinyue City, it didn't take long for Ao Shun to catch up with Ao Sheng.


Instantly, Ao Shun blocked in front of Ao Sheng.

"Huh? Ao Shun, why are you here? Aren't you ordered by the ancient seas to subdue the Beihai Dragons?" Ao Sheng's face became angry.

Guhai arranged for Ao Shun to rescue the Beihai Dragons, but if he did not say so in the court hall, how could the Emperor Wu Emperor take care of Ao Shun?

Sure enough, Ao Shun's appearance changed Ao Sheng's face.

"Leave Sima Changkong, he is the one your Majesty wants!" Ao Shun said coldly.

Sima Changkong, who was trapped under him, suddenly sank.

Ao Shun is here? Before that, was a trap set by Gu Hai for himself?

"It seems that Her Majesty guessed very well, Sima Changkong, you really have a problem!" Ao Sheng looked coldly at Sima Changkong.

"Woohoo!" Sima Changkong tried to speak, but couldn't make a sound.

"Slap!" Ao Sheng patted Sima Changkong's back suddenly. Sima Changkong suddenly spoke.

"I was accounted for by Gu Hai, Ao Sheng, don't let your blood blow out!" Sima Changkong suddenly reprimanded.

Ao Sheng frowned, looking coldly at the opposite Ao Shun.

"Sima Changkong didn't betray Dawu, but His Majesty was thirsty, so he asked me to invite Master Sima here, Ao Sheng, let him go!" Ao Shun said coldly.

Ao Shun said that Ao Sheng still doubted Sima Changkong.

"Huh, let him go? You laughed, and you have the ability to kill him!" Ao Sheng sneered.

"Ao Sheng!" Sima Changkong glared angrily.

"You think it's OK to use him to stop me? Your Majesty is thirsty, but after all, he is not a Dahan minister, so why not kill him! At most, go back and be blamed by His Majesty." .

When it was filmed, Ao Sheng's face suddenly?


?? Changed, stature collapsed.


One palm shot empty.

At this moment, Silvermoon City not far away seemed to find anomalies, and several soldiers rushed in.

"Protect Sima Changkong and inform His Majesty!" Ao Sheng threw Sima Changkong over and rushed to Aoshun.


Ao Shun and Ao Sheng slammed into a blast, forming a huge air current, and the two powerful men suddenly started to fight.

"Master!" A large number of warriors rushed to Sima Changkong.

However, at this moment, Sima Changkong seemed to be pulled into the forest instantly by a strange force.

"Not good, save the lord!" A group of soldiers rushed into the forest, but Sima Changkong disappeared.

In a valley.

Sima Chang fell on top of a large stone, and a black man in a black robe stood in front of him.

"A mosquito?" Sima Changkong said in surprise.

It's the mosquitoes who dragged themselves into the forest just now.

Mosquitoes? Ao Shun? Gu Hai has been planning this time.

"The Dahan Emperor, the sixth army regiment, Mosquito Taoist, met Mr. Sima!" Mosquito Taoist laughed.

"Well, since you've been to Yinyue City long ago, why didn't you shoot early?" Sima Changkong stared.

"Yes, as early as three days ago, I have been to Yinyue City, and I have long known that Mr. Sima is here. It will be easy to catch you!" Mosquito said with a smile.

"Huh?" Sima Changkong's face changed.

"However, Your Majesty has a purpose and must not be rude to the husband. We will never intimidate the husband. Therefore, we have not acted until just now, Ao Sheng took hold of the husband, and we only rescued him!" Mosquito said with a smile.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, Ao Sheng's shot? This is not your harm!" Sima Changkong's face was somber.

"Sir, you are wrong. The two armies are fighting each other. By your means, Your Majesty did send someone to Wutian City to spread rumors. But did you send spies to the borderless sky capital? As for the others, they are on the battlefield. Tactics and tactics, each with their own abilities, is bright, isn't it? "The Mosquito smiled.

"Huh!" Sima Changkong grunted coldly. It is speechless.

"Your Majesty loves me, so I have not intimidated my husband. I came here today, but with the sincerity of His Majesty, I wanted to invite my husband to join my great empire and create a great cause!" Said the mosquitoist solemnly.

"Into the Dahan Emperor? Hahaha!" Sima Changkong showed a hint of irony.

"Mr. Why is this so? Long Shenwu has countless suspicions on Mr .. What more would you love to turn you into a zombie?" Mosquito smiled.

"Your Majesty is not what you said, and His Majesty is not what you think!"

"Why is there coercion today?" Mosquito smiled.

"Well, one minister is not loyal to the two masters. It is impossible for me to enter the Dahan Dynasty."

"Is it because your family is in Wutian City? We can do our best to rescue your family and people!" Mosquito said.

Sima Changkong's eyelids fluttered slightly, and his heart seemed to move, but he restrained himself and finally shook his head: "Under the appreciation of the dragon **** martial arts, those who know themselves will die! They will not be treasonous!"

"His Majesty knows his temperament, and let me tell him that his majesty cares more about his temperament and responsibility to his family and family than his talents. His Majesty said that for him, Dahan Emperor is bound to be obtained! "The Mosquitoer sank.

Sima Changkong sneered, "It is bound to be obtained? Is it forcibly taken away?"

"No, Your Majesty said, and will wait until the gentleman is willing, never force him!" The mosquito Tao Shen said.

"Haha, don't force me? Then let me go, would you like that?" Sima Chang said quietly.

"This is natural, sir does not want to go with me, I will leave immediately, but sir will also let me go back and explain it? Her Majesty, if asked, how should I reply? How would sir be willing to join me? The Taoist asked.

"Tell Gu Hai, unless I die for Dragon God Wu, it will never be possible!" Sima Changkong said coldly.

"Okay, I'll bring it!" Mosquito smiled.

Talking, Mosquito's figure flickered and disappeared.

Sima Changkong was a little surprised that the mosquitoes really left?

"Master, are you okay!" Suddenly, a large number of generals found Sima Changkong.

"I'm fine!" Sima Changkong said complexly.

"Sir, that was a mosquito?" A big warrior's face changed.

"Yeah!" Sima Changkong looked ugly for a while, knowing that the mosquitoes had been intentionally discovered by others. Plant yourself again?

"Master, shall we go back to Silvermoon City?" A general called.

Sima Changkong frowned, watching the battle between Ao Shun and Ao Sheng in the distance. He was silent for a while and shook his head: "No, I will return to Wutian City with Ao Sheng!"


"I want to see your Majesty and explain everything, otherwise, the more it becomes, the more it becomes clearer." Sima Changkong bitterly.

"But, are we in danger here? Ao Shun and Mosquito Taoist are all extremely powerful in the heavenly palace, we ...!"

"They will leave soon!" Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

Sure enough, there was a loud noise in the sky.


Ao Shun and Ao Sheng suddenly separated in emptiness. Ao Shun stepped away, leaving Ao Sheng alone, his face was very ugly.

"Extreme Aosheng!" Sima Changkong called.

In the distance, Ao Sheng's eyes narrowed, and he immediately approached.

"Sima Changkong? What's going on?" Ao Sheng said coldly.

"I will return to Wutian City with you! Meet Your Majesty!" Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

Today, his suspicions are growing. The waves of the ancient sea were framed, one after another. Let yourself be confused.

Continue to stay? Your Majesty will only become more and more skeptical, and you will only go back and hope that your explanation will help your Majesty resolve her doubts.

"His Majesty is very rough, not as careless as a prince, he will understand me and he will convince his Majesty!" Sima Chang said silently in the hollow.

Ao Sheng once again took Sima Changkong to fly to the sky quickly. This time, he never stopped again--

Wutian City, study.


Long Shenwu slapped the palm on the table. Staring at an official in front of him.

"Your Majesty, the mosquitoes only met with Master Sima for a short time, ........." The official reported.

"Sima Changkong? Ancient sea? Ha, ha ha ha ha ha!" Long Shenwu's face was gloomy.

"Your Majesty, Long Shenwu will be back soon. Ask him clearly in person! And when he becomes a zombie descendant, ..." Six fingers frowned.

Long Shenwu nodded his head, his face somber and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Not good!" Six fingers suddenly sank.

"what happened?"

"Sima Changkong's wife, taking his son, are going to run away?" Six fingers moved his ears, his face sinking.

"Take it down, bring it here!" Long Shenwu stared.


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