Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 87: Visit by Xing Tian

Xing Tian, ​​in a battle armor, landed on a huge square outside the imperial palace of the Emperor Dahan, and looked coldly at the towering palace in front of him.

"Dear Her Majesty, please wait. We have sent someone to Her Majesty, Your Majesty, and soon there will be news!" A Dahan Emperor's court ceremony official solemnly said.

Xing Tian ignored it. If it wasn't for the Holy Spirit to make himself complete, Xing Tian even landed directly in the Chongtian Temple Square.

Because, from the bottom of his heart, Xingtian looked down on this dynasty.

Shortly after Xingtian arrived in Yangjian, he also had some understanding of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty. In just 20 years, he developed so rapidly and became the first dynasty in the north of Shenzhou.

The first one?

Xing Tian sneered unconsciously.

If Gu Haixiu is a top performer, like a bird of prey, he can also see a high point, but he can know from Jingwei's mouth that Gu Hai just broke through the heavenly palace not long ago?

What's the point of a person who just broke through the heavenly palace?

There is a group of powerful characters under him, but in the eyes of Xing Tian, ​​it is nothing. It is easy to destroy him.

Mobilize the power of one day to defeat the God of Heaven? But, it ’s only in the borderless sky capital. Does his ancient sea dare to leave the capital?

After all, Xingtian advocates strength. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracy and tricks are ashes.

With a cold smile, Xingtian looked at the palace. At the same time, a flash of conviction, an invisible transparent light film, rushed to the palace in an instant and covered the palace.

This is the idea of ​​Xing Tian, ​​a powerful idea that ordinary soldiers cannot find at all. Xing Tian has the self-confidence and can discover his thoughts, and it is impossible for anyone.

Kong Xuan might find out, but how could he be a courtier living in the palace? Anyone else in the palace? Ha ha…………! My own thoughts, but the special technique you have cultivated, a special idea of ​​God of War.


The idea spreads like a large net towards the palace. Wherever he goes, Xingtian suddenly understands.

The more you go inside, the more sneer Xing Tian becomes.

"It really is a pile of earthen dog tile basins. I don't know why the Holy Spirit made me complete the courtesy!" Xing Tian sneered.

Seeing that half of the palace was covered, no one noticed that Xingtian suddenly speeded up, and the idea rushed to the remaining half in an instant, and it was necessary to cover all at the maximum speed.


In a blink of an eye, I thought of the entrance of Nobita treasure hall.

In the Noble Heroes' Hall, Da Ri Rulai is reading the countless Scriptures sent by the ancient sea to the world, and a sudden surge of thought seems to be inquiring about him.

Da Riru smiled coldly. Suddenly, a flash of German light emerged from behind my head, like Hao Ri.


As soon as the big sun wheel came out, suddenly?


?? Burn the idea of ​​God of War around.

"Huh?" Xing Tian sank outside. Someone actually found himself and countered?

Dahan Emperor Dynasty, is there still a master? How about even a master? Humph!


The thoughts of the God of War raged away from the Daxiong Baodian, just like the water of the sea, the stormy waves, and rushed towards the big sun.

Da Riru frowned slightly. The warning has been given just now, but there are still people who come to test?

Da Riru came to understand that this is definitely not Guhai's person, because Guhai had arrangements, and no one would disturb himself. Since it is an outsider, there is no need to be polite.

The big sun wheel came out again.

The arrogant daylight is like the flame of Hao Ri, which burns immeasurable thoughts.


In a blink of an eye, it was like Hao Ri boiled the sea, and instantly burned.

"Huh?" Xing Tian's face changed.

How can it be? Can someone block his own God of War?

Xingtian suddenly showed his face, all thoughts were not scattered, but gathered together, and went straight towards the big sun.

"Go!" Xing Tian growled.

Da-ri is also slightly irritated. This person does not know what to do, and offends himself again and again. In this case, don't want these thoughts.

But when he saw Da Riru's face sinking, the big sun wheel behind his head suddenly darkened, and instantly turned into a solar eclipse, like a black hole, opened his mouth and swallowed.


With a muffled sound, the thought of the war-like **** of war suddenly swallowed down.


The idea of ​​God of War was swallowed up instantly and lost contact. Xing Tian suddenly turned pale and almost spit blood.

This is not fighting power, but mind, control of mind. Is anyone in this palace stronger than himself?

"Who?" Xing Tian stared, gasping for a few breaths, revealing disbelief.

"Big messenger, Your Majesty has a request, please invite inside!" An official came out and reported.

Xing Tian's eyelids jumped, depressed the surprise in his heart, and nodded.

Just now I looked down on the Dahan Emperor's dynasty, but in a blink of an eye, I felt a big loss. Xingtian suddenly did not dare to underestimate the Dahan Emperor's dynasty.

At least, this Dahan Emperor dynasty is in danger of not knowing it.

Maybe you can win by yourself, but this time, on behalf of the Dalai Tianchao, Xingtian did not dare to presumptuously, but with a shock and a caution, followed the officials into the palace.

Royal Palace, Chongtian Temple Square.

Gu Hai turned to look at the small courtyard where Dayu Rulai was.

Gu Hai could see clearly the rushing air flow in the courtyard just now.

Da Ri Rulai didn't say much, and Gu Hai didn't ask much, but Gu Hai guessed it probably. It should be the trial of Xing Tian just now.

Gu Hai smiled slightly and did not intend to expose it.

Soon, Xing Tian arrived at the Chongtian Temple Square under the leadership of an official.

Seeing Gu Hai, Xing Tian's face changed. No previous contempt.

"Dacheng Tianchao, War God, Xing Tian, ​​met the ancient emperor!" Xing Tian gave a small gift.

"General Xingtian, don't have to be polite!" Gu Hai laughed.

Xing Tian then stood up straight for the gift.

"Xun is preparing to send a ambassador to the Emperor, but doesn't want you to come first?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Gudi, are you to protect the princess' body?" Xing Tian asked.

"That's right, Jing Wei promised to do it. When she asked her to return, she would return me to Lin Waner!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"I am here for the sake of the Lord. Let me tell the ancient emperor!" Xing Tian solemnly said.


"The Holy Lord said, thank the ancient emperor for his rescue of Jingwei in the past. It is time for the Holy Lord to write down this human relationship. It is your Lin Waner who will definitely return you! It's just ..." Xing Tian frowned.

"Just what?"

"Just, Jing Wei's possession of Lin Wan'er, there is a slight accident, Jing Wei cannot easily get out of Lin Wan'er's body, otherwise there will be life concerns, and he asked the ancient emperor to give time!" Zheng Tian solemnly said.


"Limit it to one year. Within one year, the Holy Seek to find a new body of fire tripod, and let Jingwei transfer the soul. One year later, if he cannot find a new body of fire tripod, the Holy God himself will refine the fire with fire. Making a body, but after all, the fire essence body is not as good as the fire tripod body, so please ask the ancient emperor to give one year's grace. One year later, the Holy Spirit returns you Lin Waner! "Xing Tian solemnly said.

Gu Hai frowned slightly, and looked at Xingtian hardly.

If before, Xing Tian certainly dismissed Gu Hai's eyes, but at this moment, he was in the dignity without any offense.

"One year? Well, I give her one year! Regardless of the result, I want to bring back Lin Waner intact in one year!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"I will bring a message to the Holy!" Xing Tian nodded.

"Also, disciples of Yipintang, Gou Chen, Ziwei, Changsheng, this time escorted Jingwei to the underworld, I wonder what happened?" Gu Hai frowned.

"They? Princess Jingwei told me to tell you, they followed a cat, and it seemed to be called Tianyun!" Xing Tian solemnly said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai froze slightly. Finally nodded.

"The words have arrived, and leave next!" Xing Tian solemnly said.

"Please!" Gu Hai nodded.


Xingtian suddenly turned into a stream of light, soared into the sky, and went towards Dazhu Tianchao.

During the flight out of the borderless sky, Xing Tian glanced at the small courtyard where Da Rirui came from. After all, it was in that small courtyard that someone had swallowed the thoughts of many Gods of War. It took at least ten days to repair the ideas.

In the courtyard.

Day Sun Rulai folded her hands and looked at the leaving Tian Tian, ​​smiling slightly.

call out!

Xingtian disappeared into the sky. However, when I flew away, I also deeply remembered the appearance of Da Ri Ru Lai. After returning, I must ask someone to focus on this person's information. Of course, everything is futile. Except for the ancient sea, no one can know the identity of Da Riru.

Xingtian left.

The ancient sea also slowly entered the small courtyard where the sun came.

"Here is Da Ri, how about Xing Tian just now?" Gu Hai laughed.

"The Heavenly Palace is the ninth important, peak! It is only one step away from the great consummation! You, the borderless sky city, is his opponent's, almost nothing. Don't underestimate the ninth, the dragon gods and mosquitoes can only say Entering the ninth stage, Kong Xuan is only in the ninth stage. "

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked at the horizon.

"Dayan Tianchao, the old days are full of talents!" Da Riru lamented.

Gu Hai nodded and said: "I'm going to leave the borderless sky for a while. During this time, I may bother you to take care of me. If a strong enemy strikes, please take care of me!"

"Oh? You're going to the underworld, looking for the ancient man?"

Gu Hai nodded: "Yes, Lin Wan'er had been at ease before, so it was delayed. Now, it seems that Luan is pretty faithful, Lin Waner can wait a bit!"

"Good! Be careful all the way!" Da Riru solemnly came.

Gu Hai nodded--

In the study, Gu Hai summoned a group of ministers.

Dragon gods, mosquitoes, Kong Xuan, Mo Yike, Chen Tianshan, Sima Changkong, Mengtai.

"Your Majesty, are you leaving again?" Chen Tianshan worried.

Gu Hai nodded: "He is going to save the ancient Han, and he should be back soon!"

"Yes!" The crowd nodded.

"During the absence, everything will be as usual, assisted by Chen Tianshan, Mo Yike, and Sima Changkong!" Gu Haishen said.


"Dragon God, I told you last time, you immediately set off to go to the ancient Qin and join him!" Gu Hai looked at Dragon God.

Gu Qin was engaged in a commercial war of the "Destruction Plan" near the Holy Land of Lingshan. After all, Gu Hai was uneasy and had to send a powerful expert to go.

"Chen Zunzhi!" Dragon God nodded frowned.

"Oh? Dragon God, but what's the matter?" Gu Hai saw the expression of Dragon God and wondered.

"Yes, the last time Long Sanqian exchanged the body of the minister and assigned the dog to the frontier, but in the past few months, there has been no news of the dog. Look, if the minister remembers well, it should be 'Jianchen'! "Dragon God frowned.

"Oh? Long Aotian was taken away?" Gu Hai looked for a moment.

"Yes!" Long Shenxi smiled bitterly.

"Mengtai, launch the Jinyiwei all over the world, pay attention to the whereabouts of Longaotian!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes!" Monte said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Long Shenzhang thanked.

"Don't worry too much. Regardless of whether or not the generals are using him, at least it proves that Long Aotian is still alive and will be found later!" Gu Hai advised.

"Yes, Your Majesty, rest assured, go to the Prince's place first, and find it slowly later!" Long Shenxi solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, you go to the grave with you!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Chen Zunzhi!" The two answered.

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