Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 123: His despair makes you realize!

Thousands of souls, kill everything!

This is equivalent to destroying all the people of two or three imperial dynasties in an instant! Whenever you say kill, kill one without leaving a trace of pity, just kill for killing!

Yuan Shi is benevolent, and he is a ants!

The South China Sea fell into a dead silence, and all the great men in Shenzhou also took a cold breath.

"This Yuanshi Tianzun, who didn't agree with one another, beheaded and killed hundreds of billions of souls? One didn't stay? He was so ruthless and horrible and ruthless. He wouldn't be afraid to make this evil, and it would be destroyed by nature?" Jiang Rulai looked ugly.

Da Rirui's eyes were stunned: "Relentless and asexual, everything in the world is killable? Once Tongtian dies, Yuanshi Tianzun is no longer bound!"

I looked coldly at the distance, I was also a fierce uncle, and I could see Cang as an ant. However, if I didn't agree, I would kill everything. I could not do so.

Ji Dihong raised his eyebrows: "Yuan Shizhen? The fierce Yuan Shi Tianzun, if it wasn't for the purple jade demon who blew him out, I don't know that Wanshou Taoism still has such a cruel man!"

Above the South China Sea.

Yuan Shitianzun flicked his fingers, beheaded and killed hundreds of billions of souls, and saw a sudden chill in the heart of Ziyu Tianmo.

I haven't felt this way for a long time. I still remember the weak days in the past. The most fearful thing is to meet this lunatic and kill your whole family without a word. Moreover, his strength is extremely powerful. This is the most terrible.

"Well, your accomplices are dead!" Yuan Shitianzun said with a icy smile.

More than icy cold, even not far away, Gu Hai, Kong Xuan, and others all felt that their pores had shrunk.

In that bland tone, everyone heard a terrible murderous spirit, no, a sense of death, as if talking to a dead person.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of Tongtian is dead. Do you think you can kill me?" Ziyu Tianmo is advancing.

"My third brother died so terribly, and I won't let you die easily. The despair before his death, I will let you know. Just now, all the accomplices are gone. Next, what other accomplices do you have? , I give you a chance, you can call it, you can call as many people as you like. Call it! "Yuan Shi Tianzun stared at the purple jade demon.

"Hum, let me despair? You are too naive. When Ben Feng was walking around the world, you were not born yet, huh!" Ziyu Tianmo sighed coldly.

In the cold drink, the detective waved, and the void shuddered suddenly. It seemed to produce a strong suction, and went straight to Yuanshi Tianzun.

"This is, Fairy Dome?" Gu Hai suddenly surprised.

The frequency of the trembling in the void can't be more familiar to the ancient seas, and it will also be by itself. This is the fairy sky?

"It is the immortal dome of the purple jade demon. The leader mentioned it earlier, it seems that the free devil is modeled after the immortal dome, called` `secret fairy dome ''.

"Oh? Is it really the Celestial Dome? The Purple Jade Heavenly Demon wants to cover the Yuanshi Tianzun into the Celestial Dome? The appearance of this Celestial Dome is more fierce than mine. Angry? "Gu Hai looked at the distant void shaking.

The immortal dome of the ancient sea is a self-contained system. Although the laws and the like are not strong enough, the heavens and the earth form a cycle of cause and effect. Everything is there. The mysterious vault in front of me, although stronger than the ancient vault of immortality, has no circulation and is dead.

But on this deadly fairy dome, Gu Hai felt a threat. Like a monstrous beast, swallowed.

The Yuan Shitianzun seemed to be swallowed up.

There was a look of anticipation in the eyes of Ziyu Tianmo. As soon as he entered the mysterious sky, he had many means to deal with Yuanshi Tianzun.

"This is your little toy? But that's it!" Yuan Shitianzun looked cold.

He pulled out his right hand and extended it forward. The void suddenly condensed the three fingers and squeezed it suddenly.


There was a loud noise, and there was a sudden shock in the void, but I saw that the three fingers seemed to pinch a transparent ball. The transparent ball originally rushed to Yuanshi Tianzun, but this moment it was a sudden meal. Stuck by three fingers. Not at ease.

In this way, the suction of the mysterious fairyland is gone.

"Why, what, no, my secret fairyland, rise!" Ziyu Tianmo exclaimed in anger.

"Broken toy!" Yuan Shitianzun's tone was impatient.

Three fingers slammed hard.


There was a loud noise that shattered the sky, but I saw that the transparent ball was suddenly shredded into ten fragments and was thrown into the void.


The mind was implicated, and the purple jade demon spewed blood, revealing a shocking color.

"Secret sky, was crushed?" Jiang Rulai's pupils in the distance shrank, revealing a shocking color.

"Anything else?" Yuan Shitianzun stepped forward and looked at Ziyu Tianmo.

There was panic in Ziyu Tianmo's eyes at this moment. The mysterious fairyland is so powerful that he knows it well. If others show themselves, they are not sure to catch it.

On Yuanshi Tianzun, the purple jade demon suddenly saw the figure of the former Dragon Warring States. The terrifying atmosphere made him feel asphyxiated.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, today's shame, come back tomorrow!" Ziyu Tianmo turned his head and shot into the distance instantly.

The Purple Jade Heavenly Demon is a complete success of the Heavenly Palace, but it does not mean that she is stupid. At this moment, it is obvious that she has fallen into the trap of Ji Dihong. It is extremely horrifying to test out this Yuanshi Tianzun. Where do you want to fight again?

Turn around, Ziyu Tianmo ran away.

Yuan Shi Tianzun didn't chase, but slowly waved his hand, grabbed Yuan Shizhang in the sky, turned his hand away, and disappeared.

In this effort, the purple jade demon who had fled to the sky suddenly returned. And he came back with his arms around his neck.

But it was another Yuanshi Tianzun, who came back with an instant on the neck of Ziyu Tianmo. At this place, Yuanshi Tianzun stunned, and the two Yuanshi Tianzun merged into one.

"Shinto realm? Realm avatar?" Mosquitoist was surprised.

"This method is not quite like Shinto realm!" Kong Xuan frowned.

At this moment, countless powerful people in the world are also wide-eyed.

"Yuanshi Tianzun's avatar? One move to control the enemy? Stuck in the purple jade demon in an instant?" Jiang Rulai sank.

Ji Dihong also squeezed his fist: "Shenzhou is right south? Is it really missed by Xun?"

The big dynasty dynasty, the mouth of the temple.

I glanced at Yuan Shitianzun and Ji Dihong again, slowly showing a sneer.

"Holy thing, is there any good thing?" Xing Tian wondered.

"Laughing at Ji Dihong, it was very difficult to wait until the Master of Tongtian Church came down, and Shenzhou Zhengnan would be the one in the bag. Turned into a bubble, okay, okay, Ji Dihong, you will continue to squat at the southwest corner of Shenzhou! "Lu sneered.

Above the South China Sea.

"You, you, what means do you have, let go of me, let go of me ..." Ziyu Tianmo struggled in horror.

The master of the Yuanshi Tianzun's hand was on the neck of Ziyu Tianmo, making him unable to break free.

Is it also the Great Success of the Heavenly Palace? There are so many power gaps?

"You actually ran away? Oh, so you have nowhere to go, so there is no other player?" Yuanshi Tianzun still flat tone.

However, the tone of the tone was dull. The purple jade demon listened to it, which meant that Yuanshi Tianzun was about to kill.

"Be at ease, demon, save me, Lord, save me, save me, save me ~!" The terrified color of Ziyu's demon struck.

"Oh? You still have someone to ask for help, okay, I'll give you another moment!" Yuan Shi Tianzun said coldly.

Even if time was given to the purple jade demon, but the palm of his hand still poured white energy into the body of the purple jade demon, but he saw that the neck of the purple jade demon slowly turned into white jade material.

From the neck, towards the body of each part of the body, it gradually hardened.

The jade of the body made the purple jade demon more frightened.

"Jiang Rulai, save me, Jiang Rulai, ah, save me!" Ziyu Tianmo exclaimed.

Help Jiang Rulai?

Ji Dihong, Ji, and Da Ri came, all turned their eyes to Lingshan Holy Land.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun turned his head and suddenly looked at Lingshan.

"Jiang Rulai? Oh, if you come to Tianmo, you want to help her?" Yuan Shi Tianzun asked lightly.

In Lingshan Holy Land, Jiang Rulai folded her hands and her face was gloomy. It was standing still.

Ziyu Tianmo himself was looking for death to kill the Tongtian leader, Jiang Rulai didn't want to participate.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, the death of the sky, I also regret it, the founder of Yuanshi, mourn!" Jiang Rulai said lightly.

Will Jiang Rulai step in?

"Jiang Rulai, you must not die!" Shouted Ziyu Tianmo in horror.

Jiang Rulai was expressionless and didn't want to intervene.

"Jiang Rulai will not intervene, do you still have a helper?" Yuan Shitianzun looked at Ziyu Tianmo.

"Lord, save me, Lord!" Half of Ziyu Tianmo's body was turned into white jade, and the seams at the seams caused tearing pain.


It was above the South China Sea, and there was a sudden roar, but I saw a sudden gust of wind blowing from the sky, howling winds, and gale-like winds gathered around the sky.

"Lord, save me!" Ziyu Tianmo surprised.

"Don't be so demon? You just come with a ray of God's thought, don't you come to the body? Huh!" Yuan Shi Tianzun snorted.

The hum was huge, and the void in the South China Sea suddenly slammed suddenly. Under the loud noise, all the wind-shaped beasts were instantly blown apart and opened.


But not far from Yuanshi Tianzun, suddenly a cloud of black fog emerged, among the black fog, tumbling, like a vaguely humanoid shape.

"Wangshou Taoism? Oh, unexpectedly, the Wanshou Taoist cultivation is not good. Among the descendants of his inheritance, there is a character? Yuanshi Tianzun! Let go of the purple jade!" The vague figure in the black mist was light.

"Don't worry about the demons?" Everywhere in the world, a crowd of arrogant faces sank.

"Lord, save me! The slave family was wrong, and never wanted to be independent again. From then on, the slave family will always serve the Lord, and the Lord will save me forever!" Ziyu Tianmo shouted desperately.

"Ziyu Tianmo, is your attendant? Oh, ha ha ha ha!" Yuan Shitianzun's eyes were cold.

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