Early in the morning, the sunlight came in from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, and the cool summer breeze passed through the bamboo in the courtyard, and the wind with the fragrance of bamboo blew on the face of the red-haired girl. She frowned and woke up from her sweet sleep.

Sakuma Nanase was single on the bed, and the soft quilt slipped from her body to reveal her smooth skin. She blinked in a daze, obviously not fully awake. She paused for a few seconds, then moved her gaze to the heat source beside her. The blond and dark-skinned youth was falling asleep with his eyes closed. His exposed neck was full of hickeys, and there was a deep shoulder on his shoulder. Tooth marks, no need to lift the quilt, Sakuma Nanase knows that there are more similar marks on his body.

Sakuma Nanase looked at the blond young man's face for a few seconds, then bowed his head and kissed his face, and then climbed up cautiously. She walked to the bathroom, and when she passed the TV cabinet halfway, she picked up the mobile phone placed on it.

The phone is turned off. It was specifically turned off last night to prevent someone from calling in. Nothing is more important than her nightlife. If sleeping with a lover is interrupted, the saint will go crazy, let alone Sakuma Nanase is not yet a saint. Nanase Sakuma walked and pressed the power button for a long time. She stepped over the bathroom threshold, and then closed the door to prevent she from waking up.

Sakuma Nanase turned on the faucet of the sink and connected it with the water cup next to her. She squeezed toothpaste on the toothbrush, brushing her teeth while flipping through the message sent by Hirazawa Takashi.

The information is encrypted, and the translated meaning is-[A message came from the eyeliner of the Osaka Police Station. The detective stayed at the Osaka Police Station for one night last night. This morning, the first person who discovered the skinning case, the 5 The climber was summoned by the slip, and it is suspected that the murderer has been found. Is the report letter of human trafficking of the Yamaguchi group going to be sent? 】

Nanase Sakuma thought for a while, and she replied—[The climber was the real culprit in the skinning case that occurred later. The resolution of the case was too fast and the difficulty of the case was so low that the Osaka police could not solve the problems. I suspect that they found something wrong with the first case, but they didn't get any real clues, so they prepared to lie down and set a long line to catch the big fish. After the climber caught the real murderer, he immediately sent the letter of appeal to Kogoro Mouri and directed the Osaka police and detectives to the Yamaguchi group. 】

After arranging the work, Sakuma Nanase put the phone aside and washed it carefully.

"Hmm..." There was a thin sound of water in his ears, Jiang Guling slowly woke up from his sleep, the morning sun was a bit dazzling, he stretched out his forearm to block his eyes, the whole person was a little lazy, rare to think Get out of bed.

After lying on the bed for a while, Jiang Yan put down his arms and blinked at the ceiling, then turned to look at the closed bathroom...Ah, Nanase is inside.

Jiang Gu Ling sat up, fumbled for the bathrobe by the bed and put it on, and then took out the phone from under the pillow. The phone was turned on silent by him, and when he opened the information screen of the phone, Feng Jianyu also sent a message.

The above said that they have checked all the information of "White Powder Po" and have not found any clues directly related to human trafficking. However, the method of the victim's face skinning in the first skinning case was the same as that of the victims who were trafficked on the human trafficking website. Girls are very similar. They plan to go to the first scene where the deceased was found for further investigation.

In addition, Edogawa Conan and Hattori Heiji arrived at the Osaka Police Station last night. The two stayed there for the whole night, looking through the information and not knowing what they were investigating in front of the computer. Early this morning, the five climbers who discovered the first skinning case were summoned to the police station. Detectives are now interrogating them.

Jiang Guling thought for a while, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and quickly pressed the reply text message—[The murderer was among the 5 climbers. The kid found the murderer so quickly and sent a colleague to monitor him, maybe There are unexpected discoveries. 】

As soon as Yuya Ryo finished sending a text message, Sakuma Nanase walked out while wiping her hair with a towel. She was wearing a white bathrobe prepared by the hotel, with red hair hanging on her slender neck, making her skin paler. Seeing Jiang Guling standing there, she walked briskly and kissed him on the face, then pushed him into the bathroom.

"Since we wake up, we should hurry up and wash. Aren't we going to Nagahama Amusement Park later?" Sakuma Nanase urged, "Hurry up, there will be a long queue later."

Yuyaru showed a petting smile, shook his head and walked into the bathroom, and Sakuma Nanase closed the door for him by the way.

Looking at the closed door in front of her, Nanase Sakuma curled up her lips and ran to the closet. She opened the closet with the uniform under the closet and sighed silently.

Obviously prepared so many uniforms, I didn't have a chance to let Jiang Gu Ling put on it last night... Hey, wait is not right, yukata is actually a kind of uniform, right? The Yutani Zero who wore a yukata last night was super-sexy. It's amazing! Besides, there is still a chance for uniforms tonight... But with so many styles, which one should he wear?

Nanase Sakuma fell into a sweet trouble, and there began to appear in his mind that there were all kinds of uniforms, those in doctors' white coats, traffic police uniforms, aviation flight attendants uniforms, and military uniforms. …Well, in fact, high uniforms are also good? Wow, if you want Jiang Gu Ling to wear a stand-up collar uniform, it must be super suitable, right?

Sakuma Nanase's ears moved, she quickly closed the cabinet, and appeared next to her luggage. At this time, the door of the bathroom was opened, and Yutani, who had taken a shower, walked out, with small drops of water dripping down from his blond hair. He saw Sakuma Nanase standing in front of his luggage, and he asked suspiciously: " Nanase, what are you doing here?"

Sakuma Nanase squatted down naturally. She turned her luggage and said, "I'm looking for the clothes to wear today... If you go to the amusement park today, it is better to wear a skirt?" She took out two skirts. The left hand is a sea cyan half-sleeved dress, and the other is a black sleeveless round neckline with a red plaid skirt.

"Huh?" Yutani walked behind her, bent over and looked at the two skirts in Sakuma Nanase's hands: "I think they are all pretty, but in summer, the sea blue one looks cool. feel."

He paused and said, "...and the sleeveless one can't cover it."

What can't be covered? Of course, he couldn't hide the trace he left on Nanase Sakuma's shoulder last night. These two people didn't control themselves at all last night, and both sides left a lot of records on each other. Of course, Sakuma Nanase left more on Nariya, at least Noriya did not bite her.

"...Puff!" Nanase Sakuma couldn't help but smile: "Well, I really can't stop it. Then wear this sea blue color. Who made our Mr. Amuro a beast~ It was fierce last night~ "

"..." Jiang Gu Ling didn't snorted. The tooth marks on his chest, back, abdomen, waist, and thighs were still aching and itchy. Who is the beast?

Sakuma Nanase and Noriyaru changed their clothes, and first went to the hotel for breakfast. The proprietress had already waited there to greet the two of them. She enthusiastically served a special breakfast for them. Nanase Sakuma narrowed her eyes when she saw the bowl of white eel miso soup.

As we all know, in Japan, eel is recognized as an ingredient that can boost energy... That guy actually made her energy soup? Why not just bring the red bean rice!

The proprietress is still enthusiastically introducing their hotel’s unique eel soup to Jiang Gu Ling: "...Yes, this is our hotel’s unique dish. We selected the freshest white eel with Osaka’s specialty miso, as well as hand-made eel soup. Miso soup made from ground tofu is very famous in Osaka. It is only available this season. Fortunately for guests, please drink more~"

Under the enthusiastic recommendation of the proprietress, Jiang Gu Ling picked up the eel soup and took a sip. It was really fresh and sweet. The cooking skill of Jiang Gu Ling was bright. "This miso is a little different from other places. It's rich but refreshing."

"Oh, the customers really know the goods~ This is made by ourselves with natural spring water from Changbin. It takes more than 5 years to have such a taste. It will not be enough for less than one year, so the output is very small, only enough for the hotel. Use it." The boss said with a smile covering her mouth.

"This miso was originally made in-house? No wonder the taste is so special, and it's different from the others." Jiang Gu Ling said regretfully. As a Japanese fan, miso soup is a must-do for his cooking. "I still I want to buy some and use it when I make miso soup, but if it is specially made, there is really no way I can do it?"

"Yes, customers, there is not much miso left this year, and our miso is not external..." The proprietress said with a regretful expression and refused.

Sakuma Nanase looked up at the boss.

The proprietress’s voice changed: “…In fact, we still have a can in our warehouse. If the customers don’t mind, we can free some for you.” Well, the supply of miso soup in the second half of the year can only be reduced.

For this unexpected joy, Yutani was a little pleased, he showed the cute expression of Akita Inu, and he was very satisfied with a smile.

Nanase Sakuma gave the proprietress an expression of approval, and decided not to care about making energy soup for herself and Yuyaru.

The two of them ate breakfast, walked for a while in the bamboo forest near the hotel, and drove to Changbin Amusement Park.

-----Dividing line-----

At the same time, at the Osaka Police Station, Mouri Kogoro hurriedly arrived with Mouriran and Toyama Kazuha. When he saw Edogawa Conan standing next to Hattori Heiji yawning, he slammed his head with his fist.

"It hurts—!" Edogawa Conan let out a scream, and a big bag appeared on his head for an instant. He held his head and looked at Kogoro Mouri with tears in his eyes.

"Do you still dare to cry?! You kid actually dared to sneak out in the middle of the night and didn't leave us a message!" Mouri Kogoro angrily pointed to Edogawa Conan: "Do you know if you got up this morning and Xiaolan looked for it? How worried are you?! Why are you so naive!"

Edogawa Conan knew he was wrong, so he bowed his head obediently and apologized.

The Hattori Heiji on the side saw his pitiful appearance, and quickly walked out to stand in between Kogoro Mori and Conan Edogawa. He persuaded him, "Okay, okay, he didn’t mean it, don’t Again..." He didn't finish his words, and was also punched by Kogoro Mori, and he slapped a big bag on the head like Edogawa Conan.

"It hurts! Uncle what are you doing?!" Hattori Heiji looked at Kogoro Mouri in shock, holding his head, "Why even beat me?!"

"Why are you still asking?! If it weren't for you kid, this kid could come to the Osaka police station by himself?" Mouri Kogoro pointed his finger at Hattori Heiji: "Don't think I don't know, you are always carrying this The kid is fooling around! Both of you will be punished!"

"That's right, Heiji, how can you take Conan out in the middle of the night, without telling us! If Xiaolan called Conan today, we wouldn't know that you came here, you are still in the Osaka Police Station all night! Yuan Shan and Ye akimbo with anger: "You don't know this is very worrying! Aunt Jinghua said, let you go back and wait!"

Hearing the threat from his mother from Toyama and Ye, Hattori Heiji shuddered, and he waved his hand quickly: "I brought this kid out for a reason!"

"Huh? Why did you bring Conan-kun out in the middle of the night?" Yuan Shan and Ye showed distrustful expressions on their faces.

"We found the murderer of [White Powder Po]!"


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