Things on the Internet are still being fermented. With the passing of time, the government's persistent non-response has made the public's mood more and more elevated. When the photos of the large-scale Central Hospital and the entrance of the Osaka police were sent to the Internet by passers-by, the arrogant behavior of the Yamaguchi group caused the public's emotions to erupt further.

‘Small bb, I work at Osaka Central Hospital, and now there are many men in black with faceless faces at the door. What should I do? These are not from the Yamaguchi group, right? ! What do they want to do? ! ’

‘It seems that the Japanese government wants to release the captured Yamaguchi team members unconditionally! ’

‘The Japanese government is really disappointing. With such a government, how can we Japanese people survive? ! ’

‘We have to do something, the government’s complete inaction is really chilling! ’

‘Go parade, I can’t stand it anymore! I don't want to live in such a terrible country! ’

At 18:50, only 20 minutes into the night, a large number of people have already gathered in the direction of the city government.

The reaction of the Japanese masses was fierce beyond the imagination of the Japanese government. This evening, riots broke out in various parts of Japan. The Japanese masses spontaneously held various demonstrations and marched closer to government units in various places. The Japanese government's temporary deployment of police suppression did not have any effect, and even some policemen were still acting as if they were guilty of violating the interception of the masses, and they repeatedly allowed the masses to break through the barriers.

This time the government suspended the Osaka Police Minister Hirazo Hattori in order to please the Yamaguchi group. It was the most wrong move. It not only disappointed the people in the government, but also made many police officers feel chilled.

At this time, the Japanese Prime Minister was very angry in the Japanese cabinet meeting room.

"Who on earth made this decision? Do you have any brains! Knowing that the Yamaguchi group was selling Japanese citizens and was caught by the police on the spot, they also made the decision to suspend the Osaka Police Chief in order to conceal their crimes! You are afraid! Does anyone know that the Japanese government is condoning these gangs?! Now all Japan is accusing us of our inaction. This will become the biggest scandal in Japan in nearly a century! If this matter is not handled properly, you are all waiting to be withdrawn from me. Drop it!" The Japanese Prime Minister slapped the conference table angrily.

"I didn't expect this to happen. At that time, Hattori Heizo was the Yamaguchi group who secretly arrested and trafficked human beings. No one knew about this matter except for him and the police. We just wanted to handle it in private. This matter. At that time, the chairman of the Yamaguchi group called me and said that he was willing to compensate us for all the profits from human trafficking plus 50 points." The Minister of General Affairs used his fingers to compare a number, and a huge amount of money was present. Everyone's eyes widened.

The Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications continued: "The Minister of Finance must know best. In the past few years, Japan’s economy has been declining due to the economic bubble. We have fallen from the top three GDP in the world to the present, and the GDP of China next door is three times ours. The country’s poor economy means that many large-scale facilities and the military cannot be better built. The happiness of the people has declined, and the stability of society has also decreased. Therefore, the homicide rate in Japan has been at the highest level in recent years. High.

Now Japan is inseparable from the taxation of these gangs. This time the Yamaguchi group's human trafficking is the handle sent by the Yamaguchi group. Teng Zhongyilang is an old fox. For the first time in so many years, he has made such a big leak. This is a rare opportunity in a thousand years. As long as this matter is handled properly, we can use this to squeeze more taxes! But I didn't expect that this incident would actually be exploded, and for such a scale of concentrated posts to explode, there must be someone behind it! It is possible that Hattori Heizo is not convinced by our decision, so let people post these posts privately..."

"I think it may be a competitor of the Yamaguchi group. After all, there are so many offended people like gangsters. In order to seize the territory, naturally I will not let any opportunity to step on the other side." Another minister said.

‘It’s no longer important to find out who is behind it! 'The Prime Minister was so angry that he slapped the table, "Have you figured it out? The most important thing now is to reverse the image of the government in the minds of the masses! Now people from all over Japan gather at the gates of the government, waiting for us to give an explanation. The Yamaguchi team must deal with it this time!"

"The chairman of the Yamaguchi team meant that he didn't want the image of the Yamaguchi team to be affected, so he wanted to get rid of the Yamaguchi team. If we put all the pots on the Yamaguchi team this time, they would definitely not be happy. And Yamaguchi If the image of the group is frustrated, their industrial profits will also be reduced, and their taxation will definitely be reduced. At that time, the country's economy will be affected..." The Minister of General Affairs still refuses to let go.

"How much did you charge for the Yamaguchi team to protect them? You should make it clear that this pot originally belonged to the Yamaguchi team! It is because of your improper handling that led to the current situation. The image of our Japanese government has been greatly damaged, and Do you have time to worry about whether the image of the gangster will be damaged?!" The Prime Minister sneered and said: "We are already riding a tiger. Under the eyes of 100 million citizens across the country, do you still want to fight with the mud?! What about the Promotion Department, yes? What advice?"

The named Minister of Promotion Department quickly stood up. He picked up the document in his hand and said: "Now according to the speeches we have collected on the Internet and the public representatives at the gates of the government, the masses strongly demand that the Yamaguchi group be used to sell national citizens. , The gangs that threaten their lives are completely eliminated. According to our statistics, the Yamaguchi group has about 30,000 members in Japan, and the industries involved are related to the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people. I want to completely eliminate the Yamaguchi group from the country. There is a great price to pay."

The power of the Japanese gangs in Japan is too great, which is why the Japanese government has been tolerating them. Their special status is indeed very difficult to deal with.

The Prime Minister thought for a while and said: "There is no way. Let the Yamaguchi team push out the culprit this time, put all the blame on him, and sentence him along with the dozen or so team members who were caught by the Osaka police. No. No. If this level is achieved, the masses will not pay the bill at all. Minister of General Affairs, you call the chairman of the Yamaguchi group and let him make his own decision. We have made the greatest tolerance. Within 30 minutes, the Yamaguchi group must The culprit was sent to the Osaka Police Station. Otherwise, we can only send people to the Yamaguchi Group headquarters to catch people. They have caused such a big incident and must pay a price... As for the Minister of General Affairs, you will wait until this matter is dealt with. , You can take the blame and resign!"

The Secretary of General Affairs suddenly became ashes.

The decision has been made, passed by the entire cabinet, and all departments have begun to implement it.

When Teng Zhongichiro received a call from Teng Zhongtai and the Minister of General Affairs before and after, he fainted again because of the surge in blood pressure before hanging up. He was sent to the operating room for rescue after only half a day after he was rescued.

Teng Zhong Ichiro was originally old, and two major operations in just half a day made his body unable to support at all, and he died on the operating table.

Sakuma Nanase almost didn't laugh when he heard the news. She was lying in the hotel's hot spring listening to Hirazawa Takashi's report: "What then? How about the remaining two sons of Tonaka Ichiro? "

"As soon as the news of Teng Zhongichiro’s death was sent to them, Teng Zhongtai and Teng Zhongtai, who were originally guarding the Osaka Police House and Osaka Central Hospital, rushed back to the headquarters of the Yamaguchi Group, completely ignoring the mess of human trafficking. The two short-sighted guys just want to win over the other cadres of the Yamaguchi group in front of each other and become the next president of the Yamaguchi group.

The Japanese government has been unable to wait for the Yamaguchi group's response. Seeing that the reaction of the Japanese people is getting more and more intense, I guess it will take action in the early hours of tonight at the latest. "Takeshi Hirazawa's muffled laughter came from the other end of the phone. This really can't be blamed on him. After all, when a competitor's dog is a good thing at a critical moment, whoever can't help but laugh?

"Yes, after all, those people have already begun to burn the prime minister's photos in front of the government building. If the Japanese government does not act, it is afraid that the government building will be burned in the next step." Sakuma Nanase touched the screen of the mobile phone with a wet finger. A video of riots in various parts of Japan is being played on it, and the prime minister’s picture is distorted in the fire under the crystal water.

Takeshi Hirazawa continued: "This time we are making a lot of money. According to our plan, the Yamaguchi team will definitely save the car in the end. Teng Nakaichiro's three sons died, and the other one was left, and there was only one left. Now, when we take the opportunity to capture the Yamaguchi team, we can have a lot less resistance. But with Teng Zhongichiro in charge, it will definitely cost a lot to completely swallow the Yamaguchi team. I didn’t expect that Teng Zhongichiro’s body was so bad that he was suddenly mad It's..." said Takashi Hirazawa who laughed again here.

"It's almost done. We laughed so happily when someone else died." Nanase Sakuma said, but the corner of his mouth never came over: "Our actions need to be adjusted. The Japanese government is expected to send someone soon. In the past, the Yamaguchi group headquarters was an important person. But now Teng Zhongyilang is dead, and the remaining Teng Zhongtai and Teng Zhongtai two will not be willing to make themselves scapegoats, and it is estimated that they will fight hard. So big interests are now. , Those two guys will definitely become mad dogs... The Japanese government is probably still thinking about finding Teng Zhongichiro to resolve this matter peacefully, just go through the process and take people away. They won’t have a lot of defensiveness, certainly not. I will take a lot of police there, but it's going to be bad luck now."

Takeshi Hirazawa immediately understood: "I understand what you mean, do you think the Yamaguchi group will have a conflict with the government officials and police who go there?"

"Conflict is inevitable. How can we stand up if they don’t have conflict? Both the Inujin group and the Yamaguchi group are gangs. They traffic in people to smear the gangs. It is not only their family that has damaged their image. The Yamaguchi group is bad. They only think that the Japanese gangs are not good things. It’s no good for us to rush out now, and will only be treated as a weasel and become a new target." Sakuma Nanase looked up to the sky this evening. The clouds are very thick, covering the moon and stars, without revealing a trace of light.

She looked at the night sky quietly, and then said after a while: "The Yamaguchi group has more than 5,000 crew members in Osaka, and there are more than 1,000 active police officers in the Osaka Police Department. In addition, the number of mobile personnel mobilized by other towns is only about 2,000. Now the police in all places are sent to deal with the masses of demonstrations, and there is no way to take action. The Japanese government can only mobilize the Self-Defense Force. Once the Self-Defense Force takes action, a gun battle will inevitably occur.

Those in the Yamaguchi team will definitely resist fiercely when they are attacked. They will not stay at the Yamaguchi team's headquarters, they will run out. The crowds in Osaka are now outside, and the crazy Yamaguchi team members will attack those people... The Self-Defense Forces and the police cannot protect so many people. The crowds will definitely fall into chaos, and there will even be a stampede. Seeing such a **** tragedy happened, anyone who stood up to protect the people at this time would become a hero. Under the suspension bridge effect and shock, everyone would only cheer for the dog gold team-we would become a hero. "

Sakuma Nanase's words made Hirazawa's heart surging. He was extremely excited: "I immediately contacted the TV station to attract more media to live broadcast in Nagahama City! That kind of live broadcast can make people feel more immersive! Everyone’s hearts will rise and fall with the camera, so that the Inukane group can become the focus of the audience. I immediately prepared the relevant tweets to make the Inukane group a conscientious gangster in Japan!” He and Sakuma Shichi Sze greeted and hung up the phone impatiently.

Sakuma Nanase looked at the black screen of her mobile phone. She got up from the hot spring, put on her yukata and walked back to the room.

In the room, Mizutani was frowning and pressing his cell phone. Nanase Sakuma knew that this patriotic expert was worrying about today's affairs, and it is estimated that he is currently communicating with Kazami Hiroshi about related work.

Sakuma Nanase looked at Yutani Reiro's profile and pressed her lips unconsciously. She was not wrong.

She just speculated about the Yamaguchi group's actions, and then remained silent to let things go on, waiting for the situation that is best for her to emerge. This is a process that must go through to unify the world in Japan, and nothing can be done without sacrifice.

She is not wrong.

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