Every Day on the Verge of Being Arrested By Detectives

Chapter 141: The Great Crisis of Dogkin Group

It took a few minutes for Inukane Oni Manjiro to bend over and pick up the phone. He stood up and threw a word to Hirazawa Takashi before leaving: "I have an urgent matter to leave, Hirazawa. You can talk to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications for the rest."

The Minister of General Affairs, who was chattering about how much his own existence has contributed to the easing of relations between the Inukane group and the Japanese government, if he can get support, will surely allow the Inukane group to have more voice in the Japanese government, and the Minister of General Affairs unhappy wrinkled Mei: "Mr. Inukane, is it too disrespectful for me and the government to leave like this? We are now communicating the future cooperation between the Inukane group and the government. If you do not value it so much, I will submit it to the cabinet at that time. The evaluation of the canine gold group is not very high. The cabinet will readjust the regulations and measures for the canine gold group, and the canine gold group does not want to be restricted everywhere..."

Before he could finish his words, he was stunned by the look of Inukane Oni Manjiro's eyes. The gentle and kind-looking man put away his smile, his eyes were gloomy and cold and frightening: "You, you..."

The man in the black suit and coat in front of him has a steady and hoarse voice: "Hirazawa, you should let this idiot understand that I am here today only because I am willing to come, not because I have to. When we control the entire country’s economy, I don’t care who makes laws and regulations. From now on, everything in Japan is ours."

The Minister of General Affairs finally reacted. At this moment, he clearly realized that the man in front of him was a gang boss who had been immersed in tyranny for many years, and was now the leader of Japan's No.

The collapse of the Yamaguchi group completely released the hands and feet of the Inukane group. The death of Chairman Teng Zhong Ichiro, the three heirs, and the almost completely annihilated core cadres did not encounter any obstacles to the annexation of the Inukin Group. Inukane Oni Manjiro has put his confidant in the various industries of the Yamaguchi group for twenty years. With the financial support of the group, the undercover agent of the Inukane group has spent twenty years climbing all the way from the grassroots to the Yamaguchi group. Important positions are occupied in the management of each industry.

In Sakuma Nanase's entire series, there is the most important link that has not been revealed, and that is the industry grab.

When the Inukane group posted online exposing the truth about the Yamaguchi group’s trafficking in humans and caused anger across Japan, the post not only clearly marked the hotel, hotel and other black industries that the Yamaguchi group used to kidnap people’s fears, but also listed the Yamaguchi group’s listed companies. As well as a series of industries, the Japanese people began to frantically sell shares related to the Yamaguchi Group. Everyone knows that as long as the stock market opens at dawn, the corporate stock market of the Yamaguchi Group will definitely fall, and the stocks in hand will become waste paper.

In Japan, a country that regards reputation as life as everything, without the support of the people, the Yamaguchi Group's industries will surely collapse, and all shareholders will be burdened with huge debts. Just when all shareholders were in panic, the undercover lurking in the management of Yamaguchi Group began to encourage shareholders to transfer shares. After losing control of the core cadres of the Yamaguchi Group who had the right to speak, all this became very simple.

The Inukin Group’s move to annex the Yamaguchi Group’s industry is like a broken bamboo. They have already prepared lawyers and cleared everything. It took only one night and day to successfully turn 90% of the Yamaguchi Group’s industry into Inukin Group’s. It is legal and compliant. No loopholes.

It is true that the death of Yamaguchi Group Chairman Tonaka Ichiro was unexpected by Nanase Sakuma, but it only brought the industry grab ahead. If the chairman Teng Nakaichiro does not die, the other party will definitely survive and protect the core industry of the Yamaguchi group. With the intentional support of the Japanese government, it is estimated that it will take some time for the Inukane group to completely annex the Yamaguchi group industry, but the death of Teng Nakaichiro accelerates The demise of the Yamaguchi Formation.

Without competitors, the Dogkin Group has achieved a monopoly in real estate, high-tech and other industries. Even if Japan has the support of other chaebols, the group of capitalists whose interests are king will not sacrifice their own interests for the country to compete with the Kenkin group. If it is profitable, they will even sell everything. After all, many chaebols in Japan today rely on the war money of World War II to start their businesses. They are selfish and cold-blooded in their bones—this is the shortcomings of capitalist countries.

At this time, only a day and a half have passed since the Yamaguchi group riot, and the Japanese government has not yet clearly realized the rewriting of the situation in Japan.

"Okay boss, I will take care of the next thing, please go slowly." Takeshi Hirazawa stood up and bowed.

Inukane Oni Manjiro ignored the Minister of General Affairs, opened the door and left. He walked out of the government building with a solemn expression. His dedicated driver was already waiting for him outside the door. The driver opened the door for Inukane Oni Manjiro. He sat in and ordered: "Go back to the Osaka branch."

After saying these words, Inukane Manjiro closed his eyes. The driver noticed through the inverted mirror that Inukane Manjiro was closing his eyes to rest his mind, and turned off the music.

Naturally, Inukane Oni Manjiro was not closing his eyes and restoring his mind. His brain was swiftly working and digesting the news that Machida Takezo had brought him just now, and his trembling eyelashes showed his uneasy heart.

[Boss, I found an invoice in the Osaka branch. The eldest lady ordered a ring on "L.F.T.W.L"-Machida Takezo]

Inukane Oni Manjiro is no stranger to the brand L.F.T.W.L. It was only a small jewelry store 30 years ago. At that time, Inukane Oni Manjiro ran around major jewelry stores in order to propose to Sakuma Natsuko, but he never picked the ring in his mind. Finally, he found the jewelry store L.F.T.W.L on the corner of the street. Loveforthewholelife-the love of his life, he was attracted by the name of the shop, then walked in and found the unique ring.

The dazzling heart-shaped diamond ring was finally worn on Sakuma Natsuko's ring finger, and the two married secretly. That was the sweetest memory of Inukane Oni Manjiro. Later, Inukane Oni Manjiro became a shareholder of the jewelry store, became the largest shareholder, and developed it into the largest diamond ring brand in Japan.

Yes, Nanase Sakuma didn't know that L.F.T.W.L was their family's property. She was just like her father Inukane Manjiro, attracted by the phrase Loveforthewholelife, and then hurriedly ordered the ring there. I have to say that sometimes the blood relationship between father and daughter is really amazing.

After Sakuma Nanase rushed to customize the ring, he asked Yukio Machida to help him to create a trading scene that the FBI suspected. Yukyu Machida didn't think so much. After taking the ring and taking it back to the Osaka branch, he put the receipt on the table and walked away.

Then this receipt was picked up by Machida Takezo, the head of the Osaka branch of the Inukane Group and his uncle. When Machida Takezo saw the name of Sakuma Nanase on the receipt, he suddenly felt black. Machida Takezo, who was in a state of extreme excitement because he had eliminated the Yamaguchi group, felt that death had come for an instant.

He is not the same as Machida Yukio. He knows too well the degree of control of Inukane Oni Manjiro's daughter. A core cadre mentioned a little bit about the eldest lady's making a boyfriend, and was smashed into the hospital by Inukane Oni Manjiro with a potted plant, and was sent to Africa after he got out. If Inukane Oni Manjiro knew that Missy bought the ring, even if his nephew just helped to retrieve it, he and Machida Yukio would definitely be out of luck! So Machida Takezo just thought for a second, and took out his cell phone to give Inukane Oni Manjiro a short report.

After sending the message, Machida Takezo began to tremble.

Missy bought a diamond ring. What does this mean? It means she has a marriage partner! What does it mean to have a marriage partner? It shows that the eldest lady already has a boyfriend, and the relationship is very good to the point of getting married! The most important thing is that Inukane Manjiro doesn't know this!

["Nanase is a saint! She won't get married—!!!"]

["You haven't figured out why this is a matter of the life and death of the Inukin group... If the old man's Xiao Nanase no longer calls the old man father, the old man will die of sadness... The old man who is the boss of the Inukin group You are going to die, shouldn't you, as your subordinates, be buried for the old man?"]

Thinking of the words of his own boss before, Machida Takezo's heart became even more flustered. Before the eldest lady just didn't want to call out Inukane Oni Manjiro's father, Inukane Oni Manjiro wanted the cadres of the Inukane group to be buried, but now the eldest lady is looking for a boyfriend with her boss behind her back! It's not a matter of two levels at all! This time it was much more serious!

It's over, it's over. Inukane Oni Manjiro's extreme daughter-in-law is about to explode, and the fire at the gate of the city has affected Chiyu. If this matter is not resolved, they will all have it!

Machida Takezo thought for a while, shaking his hands and sending a message to Takashi Hirazawa who came to assist in the Osaka incident: "I have one thing to tell you. You should be mentally prepared."

When Koshi Hirazawa, who was arguing with the Minister of General Affairs who was terrified by Inukane Oni Manjiro, received a text message from Machida Takezo, he couldn't help rolling his eyes. He replied impatiently, "I'll tell you something. Also deal with the cabinet bugs."

Machida Takezo went straight to the subject without talking nonsense: "The eldest lady bought a diamond ring, and the boss already knows it.",

Just 14 words were like a urging spell. Takeshi Hirazawa stood up with a ‘swish’ in fright. The big drops of cold sweat began to blow out. He ignored the questions of the Minister of General Affairs next to him, and quickly typed on the phone with his fingers.

Three seconds later, a message was sent to the core cadres of the Inukin Group—【Attention, everyone, enter a tenth level emergency state! Missy found her boyfriend, the boss knows it! 】

"!!!" One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the Inujin core cadre group exploded.

Dogkin Group, great crisis!

-----Dividing line-----

"Huh... With Mr. Akai and Hattori, I will definitely find the guy who kidnapped Nanase sister soon." Edogawa Conan hung up the phone and let out a long sigh of relief. "We will be there in about half an hour. Hama, Mr. Amuro, let's go to Nagahama Amusement Park and let the person in charge call up the monitoring records for us to see. Maybe we can find a guy close to Nanase's sister."

Unexpectedly, [White Pink Lady] actually had a third murderer. Before he and Hattori found Akira Sakata, he was attracted by an anonymous letter reporting the Yamaguchi group before he could interrogate the other party. Akira Hattori was also used as bait by Hattori Heizo. After being locked up, he would have missed the important information that Akira Sakata was not the murderer of the last case. What he didn't expect most was that the third murderer actually stared at Sakuma Nanase.

This is the second time Nanase sister has been targeted by a serial killer, and it's still within three months. How to say... Nanase sister is too unlucky.

Thinking of this, Edogawa Conan glanced quietly at Noriya, and then just hit the line of sight of Noriya. "..."

"Mr. Amuro, how are you?" Edogawa Conan asked.

Jiang Gu Ling twitched the corners of his mouth: "I'm fine."

Rei Noriya didn't expect that Nanase Sakuma would be watched by murderers and kidnapped under his nose. He felt very frustrated. But at the same time, he was vaguely aware of something wrong, and he always felt that the whole thing had a sense of violation. Although Rei Noriya just asked whether the FBI deliberately angered Nanase Sakuma to let her be kidnapped, in fact he felt something was wrong with Nanase. This was the intuition of the police and her boyfriend.

Noriya's heart was anxious for Sakuma Nanase's safety, but his brain kept reminding him of what he had overlooked, so that he was a little confused now.

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