Every Day on the Verge of Being Arrested By Detectives

Chapter 147: The disaster of Sakuma Nanase

"What is Ms. Sakuma going to do now?!" Machida Yukio asked bewildered.

He heard that Machida Heizo said that the boss Inukane is a super daughter-in-law! It's over, if he knew that he helped the eldest lady get the ring, would he be blamed? Boss Inukin loves Miss, he must be reluctant to scold her, but he is different! He doesn't want to debut as an idol! He will die as a man! Yukio Machida was full of tragic and vigorous heart.

I **** want to know what to do too!

If it wasn't for someone else around, Nanase Sakuma really wanted to yell back. She was going crazy. Inukane Manjiro found out that having a boyfriend was bad enough, and now he found out that he had customized the ring. Thinking of the love words he had said with the store in order to make Yutani even more guilty, Sakuma Nanase covered his face in pain.

It doesn't matter what the public execution is. The most terrible thing is that Inukane Oni Manjiro will definitely consult the store. That love story is simply a sonata to send Yugani to the guillotine!

Sakuma Nanase felt dizzy, and she breathed a breath and ordered: "Anyway, arrange for the remaining people to monitor the road through the black wall square and report to me all the roadblocks in real time!"

Sakuma Nanase, who had finished the task quickly, ran into the complicated eyes of Nagatani Ryou as soon as she raised her head. She couldn't help but bit her lip... she couldn't hide it anymore.

"Nanase..." Yutani Zero's voice was deep, with a suffocating emotion.

"Leave here now!" Sakuma Nanase interrupted him, and she grabbed Noriya's arm and pleaded: "What's the matter, let's talk later! Did you park your car near here? You want to escape. !"

"Hey? What do you mean to run away, sister Nanase?" Edogawa Conan asked suspiciously.

Haven't they rescued the kidnapped Sakuma Nanase? The murderer was also stunned by his football kick. Why did he escape?

Sakuma Nanase didn't explain, she glanced at Katayama Taishi on the ground, then cast her sharp eyes at Akai Hideichi: "Bring that guy with you, and you too!" Her tone was very strong.

Shuichi Akai always felt that he would not end well after following up. He pushed his glasses and expressed rejection: "I have already sent a message to Judy, she will come to pick me up, I won't follow you..."

"I will inform you of your characteristics." Nanase Sakuma coldly interrupted Akai Shuichi, "If you don't follow, don't want to live out of Nagahama."

"..." Akai Hideichi.

"?!" Edogawa Conan was startled when he saw the expression of Nanase Sakuma for the first time. "Sister Nanase?"

"..." Yutani Ruro looked at Sakuma Nanase with a complicated expression.

Sakuma Nanase, who threw the ruthless words down, grabbed Noriya's arm and walked outside without hesitation: "Where is the car?" Her tone was very calm.

"...Outside warehouse 33."

There is no need to lead the way down the valley. Nanase Sakuma dragged him to the direction of Warehouse No. 33. Her actions explain everything-Nanase Sakuma knows the surrounding terrain well, at least she knows the original Inukane group. The location of the warehouse where the staff is waiting.

Five minutes later, the group got into the car rented by Nagatani Zero, while Katayama Taishi was **** and stuffed into the trunk.

Jiang Guling sat in the driver's seat and held the steering wheel tightly, and said in a low voice, "Where are we going?"

Sakuma Nanase listened carefully to the blocked roadblocks and checkpoints reported by Yukio Machida in the earphones. She said, "Go east of Nagahama Avenue and drive towards Nagoya."

-----Dividing line-----

Edogawa Conan sat in the back seat and looked at the two people in front of him restlessly. Since the car hit the road, there was a suffocating silence in the car. Retani was watching the road ahead and driving without a hum, while Nanase Sakuma frowned and listened to the earphones seriously, looking very focused.

Compared to Edogawa Conan's anxiety, Shuichi Akai clasped his arms very calmly, as if he was in danger. Seeing Akai Hideichi's appearance, Edogawa Conan felt even more intolerable.

Really, what the **** is going on? He always felt that he was the only one still stuck in the mystery, and the other two had already touched the mouth of the maze! This is not fair!

Edogawa Conan’s voice was not conveyed to Nanase Sakuma, because she had fallen into a huge chaos! Worse news came from the earphones. The route blocked by the Inukane group is shrinking, and the direction of Nagahama Avenue East towards Nagoya has been blocked!

"Turn into Nagahama Second Road at the next fork!" Sakuma Nanase turned on the phone to check the map and quickly scanned the traffic routes above, and then found that all the roads in and out were blocked. If you can’t go out, is it better to find nearby residents for accommodation... Ah, what should I do with the money if I find residents? She doesn't seem to have any money by her side...ahhhhh, why was it discovered by my father!

Thinking that Inukane Oni Manjiro had discovered his secret, Sakuma Nanase's brain was blank, and the problems that he could easily solve on weekdays were stuck in glue.

How to do? Inukane Oni Manjiro sent more than 10,000 team members to arrest her, even if there are three protagonists, Edogawa Conan, Noriya, and Shuichi Akai, they can't run away under this kind of containment! Or do you want to drop the valley in the middle?

No, no. She asked Machida Yukio for help this time, and Inukane Oni Manjiro will definitely interrogate them. There is no need to worry about the lady boss. After all, she took her boyfriend to live in the hotel, and the other party did not report it immediately, so she should know that the two were already accomplices. If the proprietress now tells who her boyfriend is, not only will be angered by Inukane Oni Manjiro, but also Sakuma Nanase will be completely offended, and the current and future power holder of the Inukane group will be offended, as long as they are not stupid The best choice at this time is to close your mouth.

As for the group members of Yukio Machida, Nanase Sakuma did not reveal the identity of Rei Noriya to them, but based on her knowledge of Inukane Oni Manjiro, he would definitely ask about the men who appeared next to her during this time. Then screen them one by one.

Inukane Oni Manjiro knows his daughter's taste very well. Moori Kogoro is a married man and was definitely excluded immediately. Hattori Heiji is very unlikely to be a high school student. The rest are Okiya Subaru and Noriya. He will definitely pay attention to these two guys, and then arrange for someone to thoroughly investigate them from the inside out, as far as where they were born and how old they are to wet the bed!

Akai Hideichi is fine, but her boyfriend can't stand the investigation! Let’s not talk about his identity as an undercover agent in black and a Japanese public security officer. Once Inukane Oni Manjiro knows that Yugani is the man who broke up with her 4 years ago, his father will definitely send him to Thailand! No, no, maybe not only to Thailand, but also to Africa to dig coal!

She had long heard that there were all men over there, and George, the trainee who was a girl in the backstreet, went over there but became the wife of the chief, so what else did she get? What she means is that her boyfriend is so good-looking, even if she turns into a woman, she is a beauty, right? You will definitely lose your virginity if you go there! This can't work! Even if Jiang Gu Ling becomes a woman, she can only be her wife! No, it's not right! She can't let Jiang Gu Ling become a woman! She still prefers him who is male!

So you can't put down Jiangguling halfway, you must dispel his doubts about Jiangguling in front of her dad! But what should I do? Inukane Oni Manjiro is particularly keen and cautious in making her boyfriend, not to mention the ring was discovered this time, it will definitely become super difficult!

Sakuma Nanase clutched her head in a frantic manner, and when she was in chaos, the long-silent Rei Noriya spoke.

"...Nanase, don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Hey?" The whirlpool of chaos swirled in Sakuma Nanase's eyes. How could she have anything to say to him now? She is only thinking about how to save her boyfriend's life and lower body happiness from Inukane Oni Manjiro!

"Who are we hiding now? Who are you talking to? Why are you kidnapped with a communication headset? Why are we blocked by the Inukane group on our way to find you? Why can you hold Katayama Taishi with one hand The chainsaw," as Jiang Guling raised his question, his face became darker and heavier, and finally he took a deep breath: "How much have you been involved in this kidnapping case? Have you concealed me? what?"

When these questions were asked, Jiang Guling had the answers in his mind.

From the performance in the warehouse just now, it can be seen that with Katayama's ability, it is impossible to abduct Sakuma Nanase silently in such a short period of time. Sakuma Nanase was not kidnapped, she left on her own, she has achieved a certain goal since she directed and acted everything, something he doesn't know yet. On the way to find Sakuma Nanase, his guilt, his sadness, and his worry seemed to be a joke.

Blue veins appeared from the hand of Jiang Gu Ling holding the steering wheel, his reason and emotion were torn, and he was also in chaos after being hit by a huge impact.

Sakuma Nanase is not the marginal figure in the Inukane group he always thought. She easily mobilized the members of the Inukane group to help herself. She must have enough status in the Inukane group. Inu Jin Kong is the heir to the Inu Jin team, what about her? What is her identity? Why would Inukane Oni Manjiro use European connections to make her happy?

Nanase was obviously just an ordinary person before, and during his relationship with her, she had never found out that she was in contact with the gangsters. Before today, she had always been a girl who had no power to restrain her. But now, she can control an adult man with one hand, or she can threaten Shuichi Akai without hesitation, and she becomes calm, decisive and tough.

Rei Yuya felt in a daze. She was not the Sakuma Nanase he knew. Who was the person sitting next to him?

Yutani's questioning made Sakuma Nanase's chaos aggravated, and his brain was divided into two halves, and half was yelling, think of a way, father, he is coming soon! The other half was yelling, Jiang Guling, what should he do when he found out? ! The problems on both sides require Sakuma Nanase to calmly think through a rigorous logical chain to convince the other party. At this moment, Machida Yukio heard from the headset that Nagahama Second Road was also blocked.


"Miss Sakuma..."

Sakuma Nanase broke out.

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