Night falls....

After Lin Dong and Wang Linglong and others had a full meal...

He drove a tricycle and came over. He took a look at the river, which was sparkling. Today's moon was particularly round...

He took out a lot of things, and suddenly a cucumber boat was brought with a copper gong, yellow paper, glutinous rice, and various things that did not belong to the world of the living...

"What do you want to do? What are these things for?" Wang Linglong was a little confused. How to do this? Propaganda feudal superstition?

"Of course it's a serious matter... Don't be surprised if you find a body later..." Lin Dong explained.

He lit some paper money, candles, and poured wine at the riverside. It was a smooth process that shocked Wang Linglong.

If this guy is not a shaman, what is he?

Wang Linglong's face was full of black lines, and she felt like she was on a pirate ship...

"What other identity do you have? You are so mysterious..." Wang Linglong also noticed the live broadcast room, and this guy already had a new identity...

"I'll tell you later..." Lin Dong smiled mysteriously.

Wang Linglong wanted to beat this guy to death, pretending to be so mysterious, what if he promoted the sacred criminal police as some evil gods?

Everyone in the live broadcast room looked at each other....

This guy is obviously promoting evil gods....

Should I report him?

Especially he fooled the beautiful policewoman, a very evil guy...

They watched Lin Dong's next move without blinking...

So, he took the cucumber boat into the water and gently went up to stabilize his body.

Next, he brought gongs, bells, drums, talisman paper, and a lot of sticky rice....

Anyone who has watched Uncle Ying's movies will understand a little bit that there is a big trick here....

Next, Lin Dong brought Wang Linglong, left some people on the shore, and the two began to go out of the river....

Lin Dong scattered sticky rice along the way....

"Go home! I am a lost person, the underworld is clear, and there is a difference between yin and yang..."

Lin Dong started to talk nonsense and kept glutinous rice.

Millions of chickens in the live broadcast room were stunned and in disbelief...

"Who in the family knows! What kind of technical job is this? So perverted and gloomy..."

"Haha... I said that Master Lin is not an ordinary person. Look at his skillful movements. What kind of job do you think that is? Ask millions of chickens to solve it..."

"Don't mess around. If I'm not wrong, this is the corpse retrieval of the ancients..."

"What? Are you talking about the horrible job called the Yellow River corpse retrieval? No way! No way! So gloomy and pseudo-science, there are still a lot of people who believe it?"

"What Yellow River corpse retrieval? It's just a promotion by the anchor. Let's go back and eat moon cakes!"

"Haha... I'm really drinking tea, but I'm drinking green tea. How about it?"

"Tsk tsk... It's really exciting... I wonder if the anchor can retrieve the body?"

"Do you think the anchor lost a zombie, a zombie, or a dead body?"

A group of guys started to tease.

Lin Dong is just messing around, Sima Zhao's intentions are known to everyone...

I just wonder if he can fish out any bodies?

Not only are the millions of chickens laughing and crying...

There is also Wang Qiankun in the police station, with a gloomy face. He was asked to help solve the case, but what is he doing?

As for Wang Yan, Diba, and Yang Mi, the three women almost spurted blood. This guy is talking nonsense and getting more and more...


"These are just appearances. As a host, it's normal to be mysterious! This is the effect of the show..."

"I still advise everyone to believe in science, which is the best way forward. Don't learn from me. This kind of shamanism is just some feudal superstition..."

Lin Dong started to talk and explain calmly, treating today's scene as an entertainment show.


A piece of talisman paper rubbed in Lin Dong's hand, and a burst of fire ignited, like a real Taoist priest.

"Did you see it? This talisman paper has scales, and it is a solid chemical formula, so learn math, physics and chemistry well, and travel all over the world..."

Lin Dong explained again, talking nonsense seriously.

A group of guys looked at each other, a little speechless.

Is the live broadcast industry so involuntarily now?

You are also an artist of Daxia Entertainment, but you actually come up with these ghostly things...

Wang Linglong heard Lin Dong's words, and the corners of her mouth twitched. This guy is really good at talking nonsense, and he is simply unscrupulous.....

Just wait and see if this guy can come up with something...

Under everyone's attention...

Lin Dong looked around and unknowingly came to the center of the river. The water was sparkling, and there were some lights in the distance. The neon-lit city was indeed different...

Continuously spreading glutinous rice...

Folded yellow paper and made a few paper boats...

Cut two paper figures out of paper...

"Stretch out your hand..."

Lin Dong looked at Wang Linglong, who was curious, and subconsciously stretched out his hand. A needle pricked his finger and squeezed out two drops of blood.

" bastard, not only did you make talisman paper, glutinous rice, but also paper figures. Do you want to be arrested and put in jail?"

Wang Linglong became furious.

What a bastard! She is a criminal police officer, a real official. From today on, her reputation will be ruined...

"What the hell? Don't promote monsters and ghosts. I am just performing. I don't actually lead people to superstition. Look... this boat and this paper man can float on the river. What is the principle?"

"This is science. How wonderful..."

Lin Dong said nonsense seriously.

Wang Linglong's face was full of black lines. Is it really okay for a criminal police officer to be fooled like this?

Millions of chickens laughed so hard in the live broadcast room...

Wang Qiankun almost spat out blood when he saw his daughter being fooled into a fool. Even if she was sold, she could still help count the money...

But looking at the two paper boats, they kept moving forward...

Lin Dong scattered sticky rice...

Such a weird scene was creepy...

After walking for a while...

The two came to the center of Xijiang River. A huge whirlpool surrounded the two paper boats. It was very weird, as if there was a sea monster below...

"We're here..."

Lin Dong fell with a sound, which also startled Wang Linglong.

Wang Linglong looked at the whirlpool in front of her. According to science, there must be some huge rocks below, which would produce a surging convection and form a huge whirlpool...

"You said below..." Wang Linglong said a little puzzled.

"Yes... The body you want must be below..." Lin Dong said with a faint smile.

"How is that possible? We have checked this place many times and even went underwater. If you dare to lie to me, I will lock you up for eight to ten years and never care about you again..."

Wang Linglong couldn't believe it and snorted like a shrewd girlfriend.

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