A black hole deep in the jungle, at first glance, is bottomless, and the chilling cold air comes through.

"Dibba...are you crazy? If you go in through the hole here, what if there are ferocious beasts? I heard that there are bears in some primeval forests..." Jiang Ruyan grabbed Diba with one hand, what a fool.

"Yes...Lin Dong will go if there is something wrong, and Lin Dong will go if there is nothing wrong..." Yang Mi echoed.

Lin Dong:......

Fuck, can you three behave like human beings?

However, Lin Dong glanced at Jiang Ruyan, who was worthy of being the female wild king in Pesticide, a violent maniac with crazy output...

"Damn Lin Dong...lead the way quickly! Otherwise, how can we team up with you?" Diba looked like I'm already relying on you, anyway, just hold on to your thighs.

"Okay! You stand behind me..." Lin Dong walked in front, watching the sky start to rain, and gradually heavy rain was coming, which was really not a good sign.

The four people entered carefully, with Lin Dong as the pioneer. After walking several steps, their footsteps suddenly stopped, which made people tremble....

There was a huge figure in front of them, lying on the ground, sleeping soundly, which made people tremble.....

"That is..." Diba was terrified and was about to scream, but a hand covered his mouth.

"Don't make a sound..." Lin Dong made a gesture and covered Diba's mouth.

Even so, it was too late....

It turned out that the huge figure turned over...

Dibba, Yang Mi, and Jiang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief. They were almost discovered. I wonder what it is? Is it really a big bear?


When everyone was about to walk out of the cave, a crisp sound rang out.

"That... Sorry, I really didn't mean it..." Diba's innocent look made people speechless.


There was a commotion ahead, and the huge figure was finally awakened. It seemed to open a pair of murderous eyes, like a night light, instantly locking onto the four people...

The huge figure turned over, staring at them fiercely. It was a wild boar king weighing four or five hundred kilograms, with a pair of long fangs, so ferocious...

Such a scene shocked millions of local chickens...

"Family members... Now a wild boar king weighing five hundred kilograms has taken action. I wonder how you will respond? Should we give up?"

"I think we can still save it. Send out the army immediately and suppress it frantically. This is a wild boar king that can't be saved. Who can withstand being pushed by it..."

"It's over... Tomorrow, two big stars, a host, and a turtle will die under the fangs of the wild boar king. It will definitely be popular on the entire Internet, and even the wild king's survival will be banned..."

"What a bunch of little idiots Love, Master Lin killed the wild boar king with one punch, I can see that he is not a fan of Master Lin...”

“Brother... some time ago, my uncle’s backyard hit a wild boar to death, and it was eaten by people. As a result, he was sentenced to eight years. How should we deal with it...”

“Fuck... it seems that wild boars are national protected animals. It’s really a difficult situation...”

“Of course, some time ago, my uncle’s fields were eaten by wild boars. I went to the government to report it. Otherwise, what should I do? Since it is protected by the state, I must pay compensation...”

“Haha... some time ago, a BMW owner hit a wild boar on the highway. How should he compensate? In the end, he couldn’t get the wild boar, and he had to pay out of his own pocket...”

“What are you discussing? Let’s see how Master Lin handles it...”

“Haha... to kill the wild boar king with one punch?”

Everyone was extremely nervous and stared at the big screen.


Daxia Entertainment...

Wang Yan, with her sharp eyes, naturally watched the tense atmosphere of this scene. She clenched the teacup in her hand. This wild boar king was really too big...

"Mr. Wang... Now the number of people in the live broadcast room, Lin Dashen is far ahead, and the number of people watching other people is rapidly decreasing..."

A secretary stepped forward to report the situation.

"What else?" Wang Yan asked without raising her head.

"But the overall number of people has reached 60 million, and more than 20 million people are watching Lin Dashen..." the secretary explained.

"Okay... This wave of traffic is good, remember to arrange the advertisement of Shenbao Syrup plus Liuwei Dihuang..." Wang Yan ordered.

So in the corners of the big screens, I saw an advertisement for supplements. A good man should be like Lin Dashen, who replenishes his kidneys once a day and has strong energy...


The police station...

OneThe crowd stared at the huge screen, and a wild boar with a fierce look in its eyes simply raised the others to the extreme...

"Captain Wang... this guy killed the wild boar king with one punch, what should we do?" an old police officer asked with a smile.

From the audience, watching the show with a smile on their faces, they all subconsciously believed that Lin Dong was the son-in-law of Captain Wang Qiankun, what should they do if their son-in-law broke the law?

"It is a national protected animal... If he dares to kill it, I will definitely be the first to capture him..." Captain Wang Qiankun said with an iron face and righteousness.


"We all support the captain..."

"This kid is really messing around. Since ancient times, heroes have violated the law with force. It is this kind of people who have no rules..."

Everyone agreed unanimously....

Only Director Li felt a little bit amused and helpless. He felt more and more sidelined. He seemed like a decoration. Everything was headed by Captain Wang Qiankun...

Who made the people behind him so powerful that they have been specially monitoring Lin Dong...


Roar, roar, roar...

Inside the cave...

The wild boar king's cry became louder and louder, and the rough panting sound was even more numbing. Ordinary people would be scared to death when seeing this scene...


Lin Dong shouted. After all, the cave entrance was small. Once something happened, it would be difficult to save the three women.

Especially above the cave entrance, there was a huge rock. If it collapsed, it would be a sure death. No one could stop the sudden change.


The three girls kept running, screaming all the way, looking extremely terrified.


Finally, with a scream, the wild boar king burst out and rushed towards everyone angrily. Once hit, the shit would be knocked out.

This was the terrifying wild boar king's attack, but he was kicked away by Lin Dong, and then turned over and rushed again. Lin Dong easily dodged it and could only go to Diba and the other two girls...

The three girls used all their strength to run out of the cave and looked at a big tree in front of them...

"Hurry up and get on the tree..." Jiang Ruyan shouted and climbed up first.

"Hurry up and help me!" Yang Mi was anxious.

"Don't leave me, there's still me..." Diba almost cried...

Roar, roar, roar...

The wild boar king burst out again and rushed towards Diba's butt, scaring her pale...

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