The crowd was a group of special police, and they acted very quickly. The group led by Wang Linglong, with a pistol pointed in front of them, looked at the group of people in front, and approached carefully...

"Don't move... Police, everyone raise your hands..." Wang Linglong and others shouted.

As a result, no one moved, including the middle-aged man in the lead and the ten people in white shrouds, who did not move at all, which made everyone jump and rush over immediately.

In the end, the mission failed, because the middle-aged man turned into a scarecrow, and the other people in white shrouds all fell to the ground, motionless, obviously dead...

This time, the terrifying corpse-driving ended up like this, which was hard to accept.

"Son of a bitch... What's going on?" Wang Linglong was very frustrated and annoyed. She failed again. It would be extremely difficult to get information about the operation in the future.

"Big sister... Come and see..." a police officer shouted.

Everyone ran over and saw the open coffin, a bag of white stuff, which was exactly the contraband. The extraction method was very crude, but it was a terrifying existence.

"There are at least ten kilograms here..." A special police officer took a deep breath and said.

"What a bunch of beasts..." Wang Linglong cursed.

What a tiger girl, swift and resolute, catching people off guard, it was really too crazy...

Everyone checked the surroundings, basically the same as the last time, basically a few dead bodies, and the rest were very few things.

As for Lin Dong, he was looking around alone. After turning around several times, he raised his eyebrows and showed a shocking look. He didn't expect that this terrifying supernatural event had an unbelievable existence.

"What's wrong?" Wang Linglong asked the situation.

"Haven't you discovered why every mission fails?" Lin Dong stared at him and said solemnly word by word.

"What's going on? Is there a traitor in our police station?" Wang Linglong was startled, but after thinking about it, it was impossible, because everyone knew each other well.

As for the undercover in the police movies, it would not work at all, unless the upper level infiltrated, because everyone's files were very clear, and basically checked about three generations.

It's not impossible, but the probability is very small....

Everyone was very curious, wondering what Lin Dong was up to. Could it be that there was really some mysterious means to pull out a killer weapon in one fell swoop?

Lin Dong leaned down, pinched a little bit of soil in his hand, and said: "The answer is in the soil..."

"What?" Everyone couldn't believe it, what kind of means was this?

As a special police team, they naturally understand that there is a lot of information on the soil, but they have already checked it and there is nothing strange, which is really puzzling...

"What tricks are you doing? I will show you a trick to make an old duck take a plane?" Wang Linglong is straightforward and dares to take responsibility. She doesn't care about other people's strangeness.

Lin Dong can only explain, "There are a lot of insects on the soil, also known as the five poisons. They wander around and leave a smell. If I am not wrong, you will be noticed by these things when you approach..."


Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect there were so many twists and turns, and there were strange suspense. It was simply unbelievable.

If it were someone else, I am afraid that they would have suspected whether Lin Dong was a fool. These things can only be seen in some weird scenes in martial arts movies.

"There is some feces in the soil here. It is very damp and a little smelly. There are probably more snakes. You should be careful in the future..." Lin Dong said seriously.

"It looks serious..." Wang Linglong admitted carelessly...

Lin Dong looked around again. How did this guy escape? This was very curious. After all, with a master of the Heaven Realm like him in charge, this shouldn't be the case.

After walking a few hundred meters away...

Lin Dong saw a small path he had walked on. The grass around it was swaying on both sides, especially some newly broken branches, which were obviously broken when he just escaped.

"How is it?" Wang Linglong followed him.

"Probably to the deep mountains..." Lin Dong frowned and said.

"Is there no way?" Wang Linglong was still more concerned about the progress of the case.

"No, everyone, just take a good rest. Anyway, this matter is not something that can be handled casually." Lin Dong shook his head.

This matter is indeed very tricky and helpless.

Looking at the hillside at the end of the front, a blood-red eye flashed slightly in the weeds, and Lin Dong's heart trembled. This matter is not trivial.

Everyone started to clean upAll around...

But ten bodies are difficult...

"Big sister...what should we do with these bodies? We can't move them all with just a few people, unless we wait for others to come." Some special police officers were a little overwhelmed. It was impossible to move them all at once in the deep mountains and old forests.

There was also a coffin...

A group of special police officers were helpless and planned to carry the bodies down the mountain one by one, one coffin at a time.

"Family members...I will show you a trick today, which belongs to the corpse-driving in Xiangxi. I hope you don't get involved in it. This has special effects..."

Lin Dong smiled mysteriously. After all, there were millions of chickens watching, so he had to perform a few tricks first.

"Do you have any ideas?" Wang Linglong looked at him with big eyes flashing, looking very expectant.

"Of course...all of you get out of the way, I'm going to show off..." Lin Dong shouted, and a group of special police officers had to get out of the way. The last time they fished out bodies in the river, it opened their eyes.

Lin Dong took out ten copper coins, fed one to each of the corpses lying on the ground, and then pinched a handprint on their foreheads and put a little cinnabar on them.

"May the heavens and the earth help you... your mother told you to go home for dinner..."

Lin Dong kept on talking, almost making the police officers on the scene burst out laughing. I didn't ask you to come here to make people laugh, you are really shameless.

Millions of chickens covered their faces, it was too embarrassing...

When you are out, don't tell us to watch your live broadcast, it will lower your IQ...

Pa pa pa...

The next moment, a group of corpses stood up together, wearing shrouds, like a group of zombies, waiting for Lin Dong's orders in a uniform manner, which shocked everyone.

"Let's go..."

Lin Dong shouted and stepped on the ground three times. The corpses that were originally motionless suddenly moved, carried the coffins and walked down the mountain.

"The ancestors are on the road, strangers stay away..."


Such a weird scene shocked the friends, it was too shocking...

Is this true?

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