Millions of chickens were dumbfounded...

"Fuck... beasts... scum! Let go of that girl, let me do it..."

"Master Lin finally opened... but why is he behaving so beastly? Family members... do you want to unfollow him?"

"Unfollow him! This behavior is intolerable to heaven and earth. He dared to ask a beautiful woman to marry him. He is worse than a beast. Either beat him to death or unfollow him..."

"The two guys upstairs have such low EQ, can they really get married? Why do I feel like I will be single for the rest of my life..."

"Family members... is Master Lin's talisman paper really effective? This guy looks like a ghost..."

"Master Lin's products must be high-quality. I will go buy them later..."

The chickens were chattering and had bad intentions. They could be slapped to death. None of them took action.

Lin Dong smiled slightly. He made 20,000 yuan in one go. It was really quick money. There was nothing better than this in life. I wonder how many more big enemies there are?

"You... you really cheated 20,000 yuan..."

The middle-aged man who was fortune-telling saw everything and stuttered. It was shocking enough to keep him open for half a year, unless he met a bigger enemy, because most people are not so easy to cheat now...

"What do you mean by cheating? As a charlatan, don't you know any professional terms? This is called knowing by the destined..." Lin Dong said proudly.

The middle-aged fortune-teller's face was livid. This bastard was really good. No wonder he dared to cheat in the market...


In the police station...


One by one, someone called, and naturally someone answered, saying: "This is the police station, how can I help you?"

"Hello... I am a tourist in the 369 market area. Today I saw a guy selling talisman paper on the street. He cheated and cheated, and used all means. He actually wanted 10,000 yuan for one paper. This is a traitorous charlatan..."

This is the first person to complain about Lin Dong.

"Okay... We'll handle it right away..." The female police officer had a headache. She had just put down the hotline when another call came in to complain.

"Police? I took a video in real life. A certain charlatan cheated people at the 36 9 market and has now cheated 20,000 yuan..." The man reported more straightforwardly.

"Okay... We'll handle it quickly." The female police officer sighed and just put down another call.

"Hello... Is this the police station? A bastard cheated people at the market for 20,000 yuan... Oh... It was 30,000... No... 100,000 yuan... 10,000 yuan for a talisman, is this something a human would do?"

The person on the other end of the phone complained repeatedly.

The female police officer had a headache. Before she put down the phone, another call came in. It was really endless...

She immediately walked out of the police station and saw Captain Wang Qiankun. She was overjoyed and said: "Captain Wang... That Lin Dong cheated people at the market and has taken 100,000 yuan. Now many people have called the police..."

"Does anyone really buy this kid's talisman paper for 10,000 yuan?" Wang Qiankun couldn't accept it.

"Of course... It's still very popular. Is the ignorance of these people due to the lack of popularization of nine-year compulsory education? Or is it because they were not taught well?" The female police officer almost praised it as she spoke.

This Lin Dong is really a genius.....

"Forget it... Let's see if the buyer has any complaints first. This guy has immunity." Wang Qiankun waved his hand.

The superiors have explained once that as long as Lin Dong doesn't make a big mistake, don't bother him...

Including the police stations, urban management, special police and the like nearby, none of them have the power to control Lin Dong, and they need to report to Wang Qiankun before they can act...

This guy has come up with a new theory of lithography, including the transformation of chips, which is a great benefit after becoming an academician.

This is how special human rights and some special powers are treated....


"Don't miss it if you pass by... There are only ten left, and there will be no more in the future..."

Lin Dong watched the people coming and going to the market. There were fewer people, and the market would close later, and he really couldn't sell all the tickets in one day.

Now he has sold fifteen tickets....

This money is too easy to make...

But Lin Dong donated it back...

Leaving one tenth for his own generations to be safe...

The way of heaven is to reduce the surplus and make up for the deficiency...

This money that belongs to the dark needs to be dispersed in part to suit the true way of nature.

" much do you sell this bad luck charm for?"An old woman came up and said.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Dong became alert.

"Of course, I want to make people unlucky. What else do you want to do?" The old woman rolled her eyes at Lin Dong and said.

"Speaking of the purpose... If this thing is not used properly, it may be fatal..." Lin Dong said cautiously.

"A guy has attacked my dog. I want to curse him. Is that okay?" The old woman gritted her teeth and said.

"Okay... This spell can only be used once. It is considered a primary bad luck. I hope you can make good use of it." Lin Dong gave it to her and received a transfer of 10,000 yuan.

Are all old people in reality so rich?

Seeing her wearing gold and silver, he felt at ease to accept it...

"It's over... I cheated the old man... I won't go to jail, will I?" Lin Dong touched his nose and said.

Thousands of chickens almost vomited blood on the spot...

Looking at Diba, Wang Yan, Yang Mi, Jiang Ruyan, Xiaobai in the live broadcast room, they almost drove over to beat this guy up...

Wang Qiankun and his men looked at the live broadcast room and almost waved their hands, and the whole team was dispatched...

"Go and investigate immediately. If anyone who has used the talisman has bad feedback, bring this guy back." Captain Wang Qiankun was really furious...

According to the law, Lin Dong is a fraudulent act, and he also promotes superstition. This guy is still talking nonsense...

It can only be said that Lin Dong, this guy, really got a lot of benefits in the last negotiation.

The most important thing is that he donated 99% of it. He really has no selfishness, otherwise thousands of chickens would have reported it...

Only a few people are reporting it...

On the other side...

Qiu Shui and Xiao Li finished shopping and drove a Red Flag car back to the garage in the city.

"Qiu Shui... do you really use talisman paper?" Xiao Li said a little nervously.

"This..." Qiu Shui hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head, saying: "Anyway, just say a command and stick the talisman paper on, why not use it?"

"That's right..." Xiao Li was helpless, but she gritted her teeth and said: "I just can't accept that I was cheated of 20,000 yuan by that charlatan..."

"Let's go!" Qiu Shui pulled Xiao Li and said.

After the two women packed up their things, they took their big bags and went back. After walking for ten minutes, they came to a villa and entered a room. There was a vegetative person lying...

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