A group of cars set off in a mighty procession. Lin Dong was very surprised. Where were they going?

"Aren't we going to the resort? Why are we going out of the city?" Lin Dong asked curiously.

"Anyway, you'll know when we get there..." Yang Mi chuckled, showing a rare coquettishness.

"Little Lin... I'll be in your service later. Have a drink first..." Diba handed over a bottle of mineral water enthusiastically.

"You're getting worse and worse. There must be something fishy going on." Lin Dong took the mineral water. Anyway, he was on a pirate ship, so he didn't worry about anything...

"Where? I'm the kindest and purest one. Hey... what are you looking at?" Diba looked at the suspicious eyes of the crowd and immediately danced with joy.

Everyone was talking and laughing. After driving for five hours, it was very bumpy. On the way, it actually snowed...

This section of the road was out of the province...

They headed all the way to the mountain village...

After another two hours of bumpy driving, they finally arrived at a mountain village. The wind and snow from all directions fell on every tree. Isn't this a torture?

Finally arrived at a mountain village...

Just after getting off the car, a group of children were in front of them, blushing, some of them were still wearing sandals, and a Hope Primary School was seen from a distance...

Some children didn't even have a piece of clothing...

Boom boom...

One or two cars came from behind, and Lin Dong suddenly saw three large trucks, slowly driving in. The whole scene was very spectacular.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and move things..." Wang Yan commanded in front.

"Okay, okay..."

The drivers on the large trucks got off to help unload things. A pile of goods is not so easy to move.

"Let's go! What are you still standing there for? These are millions of supplies..." Diba patted Lin Dong and said with a smile.

"You are here to help the poor..." Lin Dong finally understood...

He naturally went up to help without hesitation, watching the people around him busy, they were really slow, after all, the heavy snow had come, and many people were slow.

Lin Dong lifted up thousands of pounds of goods with one hand...

This scene...

Millions of chickens were stunned...

More than a kind of enthusiasm...

"Family... I cried... It turns out that Diba and Da Mimi are not going to play, but to help the poor. How touching is this?"

"I also cried when I saw that group of children... Now after seeing their goods, I cried sincerely. No wonder they asked Master Lin to come..."

"It snowed heavily today. No wonder they came to the mountain village. It turned out to be for poverty alleviation. I felt excited from the bottom of my heart. It was an unprecedented surge..."

"Who said that actors are ruthless? Isn't this a responsibility?"

"The rich help the world, and the poor are good for themselves..." This is everyone's responsibility... I have learned a deep lesson..."

"No more words... I will donate 100 yuan first..."

"It doesn't matter how much money you have, I will also donate 1,000 yuan..."

"I will donate 10,000 yuan..."

"I don't have much money, if you need manpower, I can go to help..."

Millions of local chickens were moved...

They wanted to come over immediately and cooperate well, which made the image of Lin Dong, Wang Yan, Diba, Yang Mi and others more full...

There were five cars...

The old village chief came over in a simple manner, with a face as dry as a tree, already flushed, and stretched out his hand with excitement, which was full of frostbite.

"Thank you for your hard work..."

"Thank you for your hard work..."

"Before winter, our village can receive your qualifications, thank you very much..."

The old village chief thanked them one by one, and those who saw it cried and those who heard it were sad, which was really simple.

The country has just eliminated poverty, and not everyone has entered a well-off society. Many remote mountain villages still need a lot of assistance...

"Everyone line up, let's distribute supplies together today..." Wang Yan shouted, calling the whole village, and other goods need to be distributed elsewhere.

A group of people started to get busy...

It was around six o'clock in the evening before the goods were distributed....

"Come and drink some hot water..." Lin Dong called the girls, and their faces were flushed like winter.

"It's so warm..." Diba shouted excitedly after taking a sip.

"It's so comfortable..." Wang Yan held the water cup.

"You guys are still wearing short sleeves, aren't you cold?" Yang Mi stared at Lin Dong and said.

"I'm not afraid of the scorching summer and severe winter. You should practice martial arts well when you go back." Lin Dong is already a master of the heavenly realm, and naturally he is extraordinary and holy, and he is not something that ordinary water and fire can invade..

"You are a cheater..." Diba said unhappily.

"Fuck! How do you know? I am a cheater..." Lin Dong said in shock.

"Humph... Otherwise, why is someone so perverted?" Diba said complacently.

"You are awesome..." Lin Dong gave a thumbs up.

"Stop being naughty... Let's start eating! The old village chief has prepared... It is said that there will be a big show tonight, I don't know if it is true or not." Wang Yan shouted.

So, everyone turned on the stove in the Hope Primary School and ate while eating from a large plate. After a tiring day, it was really a rumbling dry meal.

After eating and drinking...

Everyone brought out their sleeping bags...

This is a mountain village, and you need to prepare sleeping bags yourself. You don't plan to trouble some villagers, so the old village chief didn't insist and let everyone sleep on the floor.

Night falls...

Not far from the entrance of the village...

The stage has been built long ago...

Sure enough, someone came to sing...

This is a tradition in the village, and it is performed once a year...

After seeing the huge stage, the chickens were deeply moved by the traditional culture, how difficult it is...

"Family members...heavy snow is coming, what's the rhythm? Why do we have to sing a big show? Can't we do it tomorrow?"

"You know nothing, the game show is not for people to watch, but for ghosts and gods to watch. This big show once a year is probably like this..."

"The status of ancient actors was not high, but they were very dedicated. They had to finish singing whether there were people or not. Modern people can't compare..."

"Isn't Master Lin going to perform? Now there is a stage..."

"Look forward to Master Lin's judgment..."

"You spread so mysterious, are there really ghosts and monsters?"

"Everything depends on Master Lin..."

"Yes, yes, yes... Master Lin says there is..."

The chickens started to discuss one by one.

Lin Dong ran to the back of the stage and took a look at the owner of the troupe. The people backstage naturally welcomed the visitor because he came to help the poor.

The troupe was an old man, just like the old men in the old times, holding a pipe, looking very old-fashioned, but very tuneful.

"Mr. Lin Dong...I wonder if there is anything I can do for you?" The troupe was very surprised.

"Then the stage owner, can I perform a Bao Gong judgment tonight?" Lin Dong smiled.

"This.....can also..." The troupe hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, and asked: "Do you really know how to do it?"

"What do you think of my sentence?" Lin Dong immediately sang a sentence.


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