When millions of local chickens saw the screenshots...

They were so shocked...

"UFO... Damn... Master Lin doesn't need to be so awesome? He was just talking about alien civilization, and suddenly a flying saucer appeared..."

"It's definitely a manipulation, otherwise there would be no UFO. It's really an unreasonable arrangement..."

"Family members... Who knows! Now even a space saucer has been made, can we attack the Three Body in the future?"

"But in front of everyone, the anchor was just playing around, and he was flying on his shoulders, just like in Stephen Chow's movie, wearing a hat, and was said to be a spaceship..."

"I've seen this too... It's purely a matter of angle, The result is that the universe is extraordinary, it is really outrageous, he opened the door to outrageousness, it is outrageous to the extreme..."

"This show must be Xiaodao's butt, I learned a lot... Master Lin really has good intentions..."

"Haha... It is said that some people were captured by aliens for research, and after returning, they awakened their superpowers. Is this true?"

"Bullshit... The earth has been conquered long ago and has become a pig farm in the universe..."

This group of chickens were chattering, and they were really shocked by Lin Dong. This wave of operations can be called basic operations.

Lin Dong was also confused for a while...

Why did the starry sky video become an alien UFO? Did Wesley watch too much? Otherwise, how could this happen?

Lin Dong couldn't help but feel numb...

He could only close the live broadcast room...

However, the system task has been completed, and a bitter method appeared in his mind, which made Lin Dong sit cross-legged and begin to comprehend it.

This is a technique that will allow him to break through the heavenly realm, so he naturally cannot delay...

"The way of heaven supplements what is insufficient and reduces what is excessive... The essence of the supreme way is deep and dark, and the ultimate way is dim and silent. Do not see or hear, embrace the spirit and be quiet, the body will be correct by itself, be quiet and clear, do not tire your heart, do not shake your spirit, keep your spirit and calm your breath, then you can live forever. The eyes see nothing, the ears hear nothing, the heart knows nothing, you will guard the body, and the body will live forever... "(Source: Zhuangzi (Huangdi asked Guangchengzi about the way in Kongtong Mountain)

After entering Lin Dong's realm, he naturally became one with nature and moved the world. How happy it is, making people feel the mystery of the world with blood boiling.

Lin Dong sat cross-legged in the pavilion...

I don't know how long it took...

Beyond the horizon...

A piece of fish The belly is white...

A ray of rosy light shines, like a wisp of purple air coming from the horizon, covering Lin Dong's body. The whole person is very sacred, as if he is about to ascend to heaven. How spectacular...

At this moment, Lin Dong seems to feel that his strength has reached a new level, but there is no rough reference. He really wants to punch the pavilion to pieces, but finally shakes his head...

You can't destroy public property...

"It's so comfortable..." Lin Dong stretched his waist and looked around. It was silent and a layer of coldness formed on his body.

This kind of comfortable day is really comfortable.

"It's time to go back..." Lin Dong didn't want to stay. This time the skills were too mysterious. It was not a peerless martial arts at all, but a scripture...

Only by combining the scriptures and understanding step by step can you feel the change of rhythm, integrate the way of nature, and begin to enter a new state...

This kind of wonder has not been completely mastered yet, and it needs to be condensed step by step.

After taking a look around, Lin Dong walked down the mountain...

Little did he know that the video he shot last night and the screenshots were already popular on the entire network, which was extremely shocking...

A reporter had already heard that Lin Dong was still on the mountain, and came in a hurry, wishing he could grow three legs, and finally ran into Lin Dong who was going down the mountain at the foot of the mountain.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Lin Dong?" This is a more active girl, who almost hit her nose with a topic.

"You are..." Lin Lin Dong asked in confusion.

"We are all reporters. We saw your video last night and the screenshots of your live broadcast. We actually encountered a UFO. What do you think?" the female reporter asked excitedly.

Lin Dong was speechless. Looking at a microphone and a camera in front of him, he could only cough and said: "How is it possible? Those things are all brainless special effects. You actually believed them..."

"But I saw it in your live broadcast room. Can you draw special effects on the spot? You are a well-known martial arts anchor. The cups you have installed are all real..."

It seems that this female reporter is a die-hard fan of Lin Dong. She is sure of Lin Dong.

"Impossible... Absolutely impossible. If there are really aliens, I would have been there last night.Being captured and taken away by aliens for research is really ridiculous. "Lin Dong denied it flatly.

"This..." The female reporter was a little confused, but still unwilling, and said: "Can you contribute your technology? I also want to show it, after all, I am doing special effects in the live broadcast room..."

"Especially someone like you, who can fly over eaves and walls and blow up boulders with one punch..."

At this moment, the female reporter looked like she had Lin Dong in her sight.

"This..." Lin Dong was stunned...

"So... Mr. Lin Dong, is all this true?" The female reporter raised the corner of her mouth, and she had already made up her mind about Lin Dong.

"How is it possible? Have you seen aliens? "Lin Dong asked back.

"No..." The female reporter shook her head.

"That's it..." Lin Dong waved his hand and said: "My old sow has given birth... Today's program is over, and this program will be broadcast again..."

Lin Dong refused the interview and rode a tricycle on the side of the road, setting off in a hurry...

The remaining female reporters and photographers looked at each other in bewilderment. This guy didn't play by the rules, and he was afraid that he would be killed by a punch.


After Lin Dong appeared in this scene...

Including today's interview, it was also edited and posted on the Internet, which instantly caused an uproar. Everyone was shocked. After all, Lin Dong's credibility is still Relatively high.

It quickly became a hot search on major websites...

On a certain audio platform: (I don't know Lin Dong's rhythm. If you are not patriotic and do not respect Lin Dong's discovery, you are not patriotic... Lin Da Shen found a UFO during the live broadcast and has received his approval. Otherwise..."

A certain blog: "I earn 100,000 yuan a month, but I actually saw a UFO today because aliens want to capture me and study how to become a superior person..."

A certain microblog: (I can punch through the galaxy with one punch, but I didn't expect that I couldn't harvest the universe because I didn't have the invincibility of the universe, until I saw the spaceship last night...)

The weird reports on major websites...

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