In the police station...

On a big screen, seeing Lin Dong sitting in a corner, looking like a mature beggar, a group of police officers all had black lines on their faces.

Especially Wang Qiankun....

"This... Captain Wang... What should we do? This guy started a new program, but he didn't come to report, and the martial arts secrets are strategic materials, how can he be given away casually?"

Director Li was really angry.

If something goes wrong, he will be a big problem, because it is within his jurisdiction.

"Captain... Should we send someone out to follow secretly?" Officer Chen looked at everyone, and then looked at Wang Qiankun.

Captain Wang Qiankun's mouth twitched. This is the guy that his daughter likes. He is physically and mentally exhausted, and it is related to the country. Otherwise, he would have ignored it long ago...

"Watch the video first..." Captain Wang Qiankun could only do this, sighing.

Everyone could only nod their heads....

Everyone was looking forward to the story of the martial arts secrets. After all, in TV and movies, every martial arts technique that came out would cause a bloody storm in the martial arts world...

In addition to modern technology...

In the face of martial arts secrets, modern people really can't get any benefits...

Especially with Lin Dong's strength, even airplanes wouldn't dare to approach him with one sword, it's too scary...


In the streets and alleys...

Some people who didn't know the situation saw a beggar staying there, and they were not surprised, they just sent him a little something.

As a result, he was still there the next day...

Looking tattered...

Some kind-hearted people went to the street office and reported the situation. They saw a beggar, tattered, staying in a corner all day, otherwise he would freeze to death.


A group of street office staff came in a hurry, and saw Lin Dong in a corner, eating a beggar bun, and they were suddenly sad.

"Sir...what kind of difficulties have you encountered that have landed you on the streets? We are all from the street office, and we can help you for free."

"Yes, yes...our people do not lie to each other. Tell us about your sufferings and we will definitely help you."

"We are all good people..."

A group of men and women from the street office were very enthusiastic. After all, this was their job and they needed to investigate it clearly.

"That...can you please give way for a while? I don't have any sufferings, nor am I forced to live. I only enjoy myself. I am the leader of the Beggars' Sect..."

"This is my dog-beating stick and dog-beating stick technique. If you are willing to join, we will let you be the elder of the Clean Clothes Sect..."

Lin Dong was talking nonsense seriously.

Everyone looked at each other, and looked at Lin Dong who looked serious, and they were speechless. After whispering to each other, they hurried away.

Thousands of local chickens saw this and laughed and cried.

"Who in the family knows! Doesn't the street office in this area have internet access? How can they do this? I am dying of laughter..."

"According to the current situation, Lin Dong is seriously ill... I suspect that in the afternoon, there must be a car to pick him up for maintenance. Qingshan is a good place..."

"What is a good place in Qingshan? Is it a feast for the eyes? If so, it is really a good place to enjoy life..."

"This guy must have just connected to the internet. The village is lagging behind. He should go to the city to screw screws and make some money to go home for the New Year..."

"Haha... Once the Qingshan Mental Hospital is contacted, will Master Lin still be able to come out? It is said that there are many talents inside..."

"Stop it... The street office is really a group of talents..."

"What are you guys talking about? I really want to follow Master Lin and wander together."

"Fuck... What kind of talent is this?"

"It must be a girl..."

A group of chickens shouted, and they wanted to send private messages to others immediately because they couldn't stand women.

Lin Dong took a look at the weather and saw a little bit of sunshine. He ate the last steamed bun that someone gave him. After all, there were still many kind people.

He walked towards the streets step by step with a cane, wondering if there was any young man who was suitable to teach him the secrets of martial arts.

Unconsciously, he came to a school and watched people coming and going after class. Many people went to a small shop.

"Dead beggar... What are you looking at? Haven't you seen us use the Clear Sky Hammer?"

"That's it... That's it... Once the Clear Sky Hammer comes out, who can compete with it?"

"I have Blue Silver Grass, I have Blue Silver Grass, how about it? Is it more powerful than your Clear Sky Hammer? Hehe..."

A group of male and female students were playing with toys in their hands happily. Seeing Lin Dong was so happy, they were very happy.Qi looked at him with disdain.

Especially a chubby little boy, who looked very disgusted.

"Did you see that? My mother said... this is what happens when you don't study hard. Not only do you become a beggar, but you also don't have money to buy toys. You watch us play and don't get anything..."

"That's right...that's right..."

"I also said... he must be a lazy bug, otherwise why would he come out to beg?"

One by one, the children agreed.

Lin Dong's mouth twitched. Are all the children nowadays so arrogant?

However, this generation of people has long been ignorant of the five grains and is more spoiled. He can only wave his hand and let them go!

After walking for a while, Lin Dong saw a boy from a distance, carrying a big schoolbag, with a bitter face and dirty body.

"Little friend... Incredible, incredible, incredible... I saw a spiritual energy flying up from your head. You will definitely be a martial arts genius in the future."

Lin Dong smiled and went up. He really had a foundation in martial arts.

"Let me... My mom doesn't allow me to talk to strangers. If you say something wrong again, I'll beat you up."

The little brat snorted and waved his fist. He looked fierce and serious.

"Little friend... I really didn't lie to you. I have a few martial arts secrets in my hand. I promise that you will become a great hero when you grow up."

Lin Dong will definitely not let him go. After wandering for a day, he finally saw a suitable little brat. His future achievements will be no less than the peak of internal strength.

This kid has a future...

"Get out of the way... or I'll yell..." the little brat said fiercely.

"You can yell! It's useless even if you yell your throat out..." Lin Dong said with a grin.

"Security... that dead beggar in front, he actually stopped the kid from going home, call the police and catch him, otherwise how can we feel at ease in the future?"

A parent had long been destined to Lin Dong, who was in tatters, so he went into the security room to report, and brought several security guards with him. When he saw Lin Dong stopping a kid, his face suddenly changed.

"Let go of that kid..."

A security guard shouted angrily, holding an electric baton, and chased him angrily.


Lin Dong ran away, it was such a boring day, and it ended like this.

The security guard quickly came in front of the little brat, and seeing that there was no big problem, he asked curiously: "What did the beggar do to you just now?"

A group of security guards and many parents in the back also rushed over. Fortunately, their own beasts were not noticed, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"He said that I was a martial arts genius among ten thousand, and he wanted to sell me the martial arts secrets..." The little brat answered honestly.

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment...

Have the scammers upgraded themselves now?

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