Suddenly, the cannon was fired...

The horror of this attack, not only the explosive power of the shells, but also the various random critical hits, enough to turn a person into a hornet's nest.

Everyone was ecstatic...


Lin Dong was not afraid at all. He stepped out, and his whole body suddenly changed. A surge of power gradually formed a powerful aura.

He also kept retreating...


A loud noise sounded...

A spark surged...

The terrifying power made all the martial arts masters tremble with fear and awe. It was too terrifying...

This attack would seriously injure even a strong man at the peak of internal strength on the spot and would be difficult to avoid.

The next moment, everyone widened their eyes. In front of Lin Dong, a layer of terrifying aura resisted all the destructive power, shocking the whole audience.

"This is the supreme Qi that is condensed from the internal Qi. How is it possible?"

An old man exclaimed on the spot. He had heard from the older generation that once the Heaven Realm is cultivated to the extreme, a powerful Qi can be formed.

This powerful momentum is invulnerable to swords and guns. He can take the enemy's head with ten thousand troops. He can be called an undefeated person. Such an existence is hard to find in at least five hundred years.

The terrifying power intimidated the whole audience...

The millions of chickens in the live broadcast room witnessed what is the peak of martial arts. The power of one person cannot be hunted down even by cannons. It is simply a terrifying existence to the extreme.

The entire barrage was filled with 666....

Because it was too shocking...

"Family members... Is this the ultimate in martial arts? I have always thought that flying over walls and not falling off cliffs was the ceiling, but now it seems that this is something?"

"Damn... It's too scary... It's totally unscientific... It's even more unbelievable, it's too shocking..."

"Family members... Such a powerful existence, in our martial arts world, it's hard to find one in five hundred years. A true top master, from ancient times to the present, this kind of people have long ignored the secular world..."

"That's what I said... Master Lin is not a secular person, but It's a god descending to earth, so weird... From now on, I will worship the great god Lin..."

"I wonder if there will be a terrifying existence like Lin in the future. We are really invincible..."

"I dare not imagine that in the future, the world will enter a new technological martial arts world. Everyone is extremely powerful. Who can unify the world?"

"Hehe... Anyway, I can't beat airplanes and cannons, and if I can't beat nuclear bombs..."

"You are really smart..."

Everyone was shocked...

The power of this scene is really suffocating, and even trembling. It is very powerful and terrifying, and more of an expectation.

Because flying over walls is the dream of many people.

But the mysterious step of practicing martial arts requires standing firm and talent. No one is like Lin Dong, who can become powerful just by doing a side job...

Even drive the entire country...

This group of martial artists looked at each other with a look of panic. Such a powerful existence should not have coveted any martial arts secrets. Isn't it better to farm the land?

"Everyone, disperse..."

After they panicked, the only one left was to flee, which was a terrifying opponent.




Ten people dispersed at once, and they could jump dozens of meters in one step. It was a terrifying speed. If someone was unlucky, they would be caught...


Lin Dong groaned, took a step forward, and directly intercepted the old man in front of him. With one finger, he broke his meridians on the spot and destroyed his cultivation.

"And you..."

Lin Dong rushed towards the guy who fired the cannon. The strength of the master of the heavenly realm was absolutely overwhelming, so he naturally intercepted him on the spot and destroyed another person.

The two were thrown to the ground in the square of the dilapidated factory by Lin Dong like a lost dog. Both of them were terrified. This was too scary...

If they could run 10 meters per second, Lin Dong could only run 40 or 50 meters. It was not the same level at all. He could only accept being caught...

"Tell me! Who are you?" Lin Dong glanced at the two guys coldly.

"What are you talking about? What's there to talk about? You can kill me or chop me up, just do it." The old man said stubbornly.

"That's right... Go ahead!" The person who fired the cannon was a middle-aged man with a calm aura and a loud voice. He was obviously a military man.

"Once I use a method that makes you live a life worse than death, don't blame me." Lin Dong said coldly.

"What method? Are we really afraid of you?" The old man said stubbornly.Lin Dong didn't waste any words, turned around and took out a martial arts method, which was one of the ten martial arts books awarded for accepting the mission to find a boy with a strong spirit and teach him the martial arts secrets.

The two saw the secret realm on the cover and their faces changed drastically...

It was the life and death talisman...

At this moment, both of them were desperate, just like in the movie, it was really worse than death, completely turned into a walking corpse, driven by others for a lifetime.

"I confess... I confess... My name is Zhu Laosi, I am a farmer, and my family has practiced martial arts for generations. Recently, a group of people brought some money and asked me to take action once..."

"It was still autumn harvest, so I didn't agree. As a result, they moved another box of money. For a better life, and the temptation of a powerful martial arts method, I gave in..."

The old man simply reported the situation.

Shocked millions of local chickens...

Including Diba, Wang Yan, Yang Mi...

Wang Qiankun and others are already on the way...

An old man who farms the land is actually a real peak of internal strength. He is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. He shocked the world and is definitely the contemporary king of Gou...

Isn't it said that there are very few people who can really practice martial arts?

After all, there are very few geniuses. After a certain age, their bones are fixed and they are no longer suitable for practicing martial arts.

This old man is definitely a well-deserved genius...

"What about you?" Lin Dong looked at the strong man with a sharp gaze.

"I dare to say... do you dare to listen?" The strong man sneered and asked back.

After this sentence came out, even a fool knew that this guy was a member of the military. It was terrifying that he actually tried to rob.

Lin Dong raised his eyebrows and could completely close the live broadcast room and interrogate him fiercely. After all, who would dare not obey once the means were used?

Finally, he gave up. After all, he had destroyed this guy's martial arts. He just waited for Wang Qiankun to come.

Beep, beep...

After a while, Captain Wang Qiankun came with his men. Seeing the two people who looked like dead dogs, he waved his hand and took them to the car.

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you an answer." Wang Qiankun knew the severity of the incident and it was no longer under his control.

"Okay... It's okay if you can't get the result from the interrogation. I will take action..." Lin Dong said lightly and left.

Because threatening his life is an unstable factor, and the most important thing is that the people around him may also be threatened.

If he is not strong enough, he can only do it himself.

Wang Qiankun took a deep breath. He was going to experience a big reshuffle...

"Okay... I'll go find a suitable successor first..." Lin Dong waved his hand and continued to go to the city in tattered clothes.

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