This is a film crew entering the village...

A group of people entered the house in a mighty manner, and they all started talking with a smile. About an hour later, many parents were willing to try...

Lin Dong was teaching, and many students had already learned how to draw qi into the body, and practiced their own martial arts step by step, and sooner or later they would become heroes.

"Xiaoying... Come back with me quickly, you are going to be a big star..." A parent came hurriedly.

"What's wrong?" Lin Dong saw some parents coming over happily.

"Teacher Lin... Our village will probably have a TV show with the city. As long as she appears on the screen, our Xiaoying may become a big star, and there will be some living allowances, said to be 50,000 yuan..."

A parent answered happily.

After a while...

Four or five parents came one after another to ask for their children to stop studying and go to the crew to shoot documentaries. They would be on TV and become big stars in the future...

"What's going on? The children are only seven or eight years old, and the oldest is no more than ten. They must focus on their studies now. How can you mess around?"

Tana also came up to persuade them. She was too excited and refused to let them go.

Both sides started to struggle...

Soon the village chief came over and saw that both sides were quarreling. Naturally, his face was not good, especially because cutting off someone's financial resources was like killing their parents...

"How can you be a teacher? What other parents do? They are all other people's children. Are you too nosy..."

"Do you know how much 50,000 yuan is? It can build a small house in the village..."

The village chief started to curse.

"That's it..."

"Teacher, don't worry about it... The director team is lucky to have chosen our child..."

"That's right... You should teach other children. Everyone wants a child who can stand out. It's a pity that they don't have the chance."

Many parents argued and were very unhappy. It was just like the saying that ruining someone's future is a deep hatred.

"Village chief... What's going on with you? I'm still in the dark..." Lin Dong sighed.

"Actually, it's like this..." The village chief explained.

Lin Dong suddenly realized that it was a variety show of a program group, where city people and country people were swapped, and the target was a child around ten years old.

Lin Dong felt upset on the spot. In this parallel world, the Metamorphosis Plan had not yet begun...

In his previous life, Lin Dong had seen this program before. It was very scary. Once he got caught up in it, his life would be ruined...

"Parents, and the village chief... I suggest that you cancel this project. If you harm the children, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Lin Dong immediately persuaded.

"Teacher... don't mess around. You try your best to stop us when you see us getting rich. You are really evil..."

"That's right... it's just ten days in the city. How could it be harmful? You just can't stand us getting better..."

"You are not worthy of being our teacher. When our children have a promising future... they will go to the city to study."

"That's right... our children will become big stars in the future..."

This group of parents talked a lot, full of dissatisfaction. It was Lin Dong who stopped them from getting rich and stopped their sons from becoming big stars.

They cursed and hated Lin Dong. It was really like killing and setting fire to someone's money.

Lin Dong sighed. No wonder a boss sighed that managing a large factory with thousands of people could not change a farmer's mind.

This is a deep-rooted idea...

Only by thinking about it...

"Don't worry about it..." The village chief was also very unhappy. He took the parents who had been selected and left. Those who were not selected sighed and could only go to school in a shabby school.

Everyone went to celebrate happily. Even Lin Dong and Tana were not invited. After all, both of them were against it...

Time passed day by day...

Some express supplies were delivered to the village. Lin Dong took them to school in large and small packages. The remaining dozen children cheered.

They received too many gifts, not only toys, food, but also daily necessities, including learning machines...

"Thank you, Teacher Lin Dong..."

The whole class cheered and shouted.

"You are a very nice person..." Tana smiled slightly, and her smile like spring breeze was enviable.

"Really? Do you think I look particularly handsome today?" Lin Dong said with a teasing tone.

"You look like a dead fish, but you are still narcissistic." Teacher Tana rolled her eyes at him and showed a charming smile, which was definitely a beautiful concubine's smile..

After dividing the things, the two walked on the small road in the mountain village and looked up at the sky. There was a sea of ​​clouds. It was a very beautiful day.

The two people's charming figures were naturally pleasing to the eye, like a pair of golden boys and jade girls, meeting under the setting sun, poetic and picturesque, full of beauty.

"Teacher Tana..."

"What's wrong?"

The two looked at each other, a very beautiful scene, a smile between the sweet smiles, making people believe again that perfect love is so beautiful and romantic.

"I wonder if Teacher Tana has any plans after she finishes teaching?" Lin Dong asked curiously.

"I don't know for the time being. The children here are very simple and I don't want to leave." Tana answered sadly.

"That's true..." Lin Dong sighed, after all, he left in the mountains, where the natural conditions were not mature.

Once Teacher Tana left, would there be other teachers? All this is unknown...

Most of the teachers who teach in mountain villages are miserable...

"You will leave in a month. After all, you are an assistant teacher. I hope you will not give up. Life in the mountain village is really hard, but you can have fun in the hardship. I hope we can work together to make progress..."

Tana looked at Lin Dong and smiled slightly. She was really beautiful.

"I will..."

Lin Dong nodded. Whether Tana is the Queen of Loulan or not, it is no longer important.

And even if she is, so what?

Others have the right to live...

The two of them quickly came to the filming group and saw a city dweller who was swapped, wearing red clothes and looking arrogant.

In the sunset sunshine...

"I will never eat this meal. Even if I jump off here, I will not eat it..."

A naughty guy, cursing, because he was not convinced to come to the mountains to suffer, he was indignant.

It made people laugh and cry. After the meal was ready, everyone ate around the fire.

"Haha... This rice smells so good... Come on... There's still a lot here, let's share..."

This guy is so friendly and smiling.

This scene made Lin Dong laugh and cry. He is really a talent, and he was also remembered by millions of local chickens in the live broadcast room...

This person became an Internet celebrity overnight...

This script also became popular...


In a hurry...

Half a month passed quickly...

The village was indeed in turmoil...

This time, the children who were exchanged between the countryside and the city started to make a fuss after returning to their respective homes...

After all, they are parents of city people, it's really wonderful...

Just shout, and they will buy everything. Look at your own parents, it's hard to buy even a little fruit...

At this moment, all the parents were terrified. In just ten days of life, half of the children were completely ruined. This is not an exchange...

It's an experience of the gap between the rich and the poor. Distance....

A child who is only ten years old has begun to experience the gap between heaven and hell...

Tens of thousands of local chickens watched all this and sighed. These people took away the children's childhood...

"Family members... Did you see that? Is it the city people's tricks or the country people's greed?"

"After this time, several children must have been ruined. City people are just thriving."

"I also heard... That guy who makes delicious food has become famous. Life is unpredictable. It's unexpected..."

"It's better to stay in the countryside. Do you have the urge to teach in the countryside?"

Silence for a moment...

Because most people are ordinary people, how can they teach in the mountain villages?

Early in the morning...

At the gate of Lin Dong...

A group of parents appeared...

"Teacher Lin Dong... You are knowledgeable. Just help the children grow up! This time we were greedy. We should have listened to you..."

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