A ship where people died...

It is undoubtedly a ghost ship, and some unknown horrors must have happened there.

Millions of chickens were furious...

"Fuck...Fuck...Family, this can't be so exciting! How can you create a ghost ship? Where is your conscience?"

"I'm furious now...You actually created such a thing, please stop being superstitious? We all live together in the world, everything is so peaceful, but you want to disturb them..."

"Host...Does this ship have a number? Let me check..."

"Yes, yes...Some ships must have records, I have recorded it here...Just like some accident cars, there are also accident ships..."

"Don't be so scary, what if you encounter a ghost in the vast ocean?"

"Haha...It must be a female ghost. In the future, the human and ghost will have a love, and give birth to a ghost monkey in the sea together..."

"Everyone, stop making trouble..."

Millions of chickens were very excited. After all, seeing Lin Dong get into trouble is the purpose of watching the live broadcast.

"This ship does have a number. I'll read it to you...137###..."

Lin Dong was naturally curious. What kind of horror did it experience?

Soon someone searched for it, his face changed drastically, full of fear, and immediately posted a long topic in the comment area.

"Family members...found it..."

"This ship is indeed a ghost ship. It was a fishing boat ten years ago. It was bought by a local tycoon who went to Southeast Asia. Later, for some reason, no one who went out to sea on this ship ever came back..."

"According to the records, there have been more than ten waves of people. It should have been destroyed long ago. Why is it still being sold in the market? It's incredible..."

"It is said that every time someone went out to sea, the supplies on the ship were intact. It is obvious that they did not experience any pirates, let alone die of hunger. It was a strange disappearance..."

"It has become a veritable ship full of weirdness. It's finished..."

After this fan posted it, the entire barrage was silent and completely furious.

"Fuck....boy...you'll be in trouble if you brag..."

"I'm from the local area, and I've heard about this. No matter who it is, they all disappeared after sailing this boat..."

"Fuck...is it so shocking? There must be some unknown horror. Is it haunted by ghosts?"

"According to current speculation, it is just that they encountered something unclean. It's really shocking..."

"Once Master Lin encounters it, how can he escape? Let's wait and see..."

"Master Lin is the one who opens the door to the mysterious world. Just keep an eye on him..."

Millions of chickens were terrified. Fortunately, it was broad daylight, otherwise who could sleep?

Lin Dong didn't comment. After sailing for half a day, he started fishing with a fishing rod. As expected, the most lonely thing is to fish alone in the river, looking at the beautiful blue sky and white clouds.

Lin Dong was so comfortable at this moment..

"Hey, it's hooked..." Lin Dong pulled with his hand and caught a sea urchin fish. This thing is really not suitable for him, so he can't afford to throw it away.

The sea is a forbidden area of ​​the land, and it has always hidden many unsolved mysteries. There is also speculation that the sea is the origin of all living things.

Lin Dong continued to fish...

"Well... it's hooked again..." Lin Dong caught a grouper this time and was very satisfied. He had a meal on the boat. It was a free day.

The boat was like a small boat, walking aimlessly in the sea. Lin Dong was really a little bored, so he went into the boat to check and was immediately shocked...

There was a mezzanine under the cabin, and a wooden statue was enshrined. It was strange and very ugly. It was a sea ghost. ....

It is said that sea ghosts belong to the sea, a kind of vicious ghost, which is formed by the resentment of many people who drowned in the sea, and is very vicious...

Lin Dong did not hesitate and crushed the sea ghost with one foot...

Thousands of chickens were completely stunned when they saw this scene...

"Fuck... Master Lin is so terrifying, he exploded all of a sudden and crushed it with one foot... Aren't you afraid of the revenge of the sea ghost?"

"I have also heard... some ancient legends. Once you offend a sea ghost, you will soon suffer retribution. Do you really want to live like this?"

"Shudder... Let's see how Master Lin comes back alive..."

"Bullshit... What sea ghost, what superstition, do you really think Master Lin is a soft persimmon? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Master Lin took action,What demons and monsters, all are doomed..."


Millions of local chickens were teasing him. After all, Lin Dong had been courting death all the way to now, who could deter him?

Otherwise, he would have been doomed long ago...

After Lin Dong had eaten and drunk his fill, he looked at the setting sun beyond the horizon, which was extremely bright, as if he had entered a sacred paradise, extremely brilliant and fascinating.

Perhaps this is the beauty of the sea...

Lin Dong was on the bow of the boat, wearing a straw hat and fishing. He caught several fish. It was a wonderful day...

The night gradually deepened....

Lin Dong had been fishing, and suddenly the fishing rod was pulled a few times. It must be a big fish. He pulled it up with force and started fishing...


Fell down again, and looked down suddenly. It was a body in the sea, and it was a female body. She looked up at Lin Dong with a weird smile.

Whoosh whoosh....

A cold wind came, and a thick fog rolled up...

Millions of chickens were furious...

"Oh my god... Was it a female ghost just now? Why did you smile at Master Lin? Don't do that, how can I sleep tonight?"

"Fuck... It's really explosive... Who can stand it? It's just one night and it's a mutation. This is the horror of destroying the sea ghost statue..."

"It's so scary... This really hits something creepy..."

"This is a thick fog... Is Master Lin really going to die? It is said that the fog at sea is not a good place. I wonder what is there? "

"It is said that in the fog, you can enter a mysterious area. Once you go deep into it, you will never come back..."

Millions of chickens are watching in horror....

Lin Dong looked at the rolling fog, which suddenly covered the sky and the earth, and it was dark. Most people would have panicked long ago. It was too gloomy...

Looking at the rolling fog...

Lin Dong glanced into the water, and a strange face emerged in the water, revealing a smile. It was a very scary scene.

Could it be that he entered a mysterious space...

Lin Dong took an iron stick and threw it into the water. Bang... With an explosion, the strange faces of women were blown up by the blow, and a pool of blood-red emerged...

I don't know what these things are, but they are definitely a kind of creature...

"Family members... I think these things must be mermaids. What do you think? They are on sale now, 100 million each, who wants them? "

Lin Dong smiled widely, wondering which guy wanted it?


Millions of country chickens were furious: "....."

Yang Mi, Diba, Wang Yan and other women were all horrified: "..."

Captain Wang Qiankun, who came all the way: "..."

They all looked at him speechlessly, who would want these things? Isn't that courting death?

Water ghosts in the water, do you dare to take them back?

Lin Dong looked at the silence of everyone, and stopped teasing. He looked into the thick fog, very alert, wondering what was there?


A splash of water rolled up...

A huge outline flashed by...

Lin Dong immediately jumped over to take a look, and a shadow was caught, it was a thing with a human head and a fish body, very sensitive, and flashed by.

"Could it be a mermaid? "

Lin Dong looked at the water, constantly searching for traces. This group of guys was too fast to see clearly.

In ancient times, mermaids were also called mermaids. They were an ancient creature that was said to produce pearls and even immortality.

Many people were skeptical about this legend.

But the legend of mermaids has been around in ancient and modern times, both in China and abroad.

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