Millions of local chickens were jealous. The sea clam was so huge that no one had ever seen it, even those who had been fishing for several lifetimes.

"My grandfather was fishing overseas and caught a sea clam. It was just as big as a rice cooker, but it turned out to be a pearl. From then on, he became a rich man..."

"This thing must be handed over to the country. Study it carefully. It must be a prehistoric giant clam. Let the aquarium go to your house with a banner..."

"By the way... In this sea area, treasures are caught and belong to the country. I suggest that Master Lin should not act rashly..."

"Haha... Anyone who sees it gets a share..."

"I have never seen such a shameless group of people..."

"Stop it... Master Lin is going to eat sashimi..."

Millions of local chickens were chirping and were very curious about how Lin Dong came out. Lin Dong took out the long sword behind him and walked along the lines of the clam shell. After a circle, he finally cracked a little.

In ancient legends, clam shells are where the ancient dragons stored treasures. Is this true?

Lin Dong was also very excited. He personally wielded the sword to cut it open. Under the fresh clam meat, a white light shone, almost blinding the eyes of millions of chickens....

There were no pearls in the giant clam, but a huge jade sculpture. A closer look was even more surprising. It turned out to be a lifelike mermaid jade...

It looked like a mermaid...

If you look at it confidently, you will find that this mermaid jade also has dragon horns. If you look at it confidently, it is just like a princess of the dragon clan, crystal clear, shining with white light...

Such a scene shocked millions of chickens...

This statue-like mermaid jade is so exquisite, emitting a burst of white light, beautiful beyond words...

"Is it the legendary fish holding pearls? Or is it a princess of the dragon clan?"

"I'm afraid it's not a fish holding pearls, you Seeing the lines on the body of this mermaid jade, it actually feels like flesh, and I'm afraid it will become a spirit..."

"Hiss... Could it be a dragon princess? Who has seen such a finely carved mermaid jade? It's so beautiful..."

"Master Lin, are you selling it? I'll give you 1 billion..."

"Fuck... Where did the beggar come from? I'll give you 3 billion..."

"This thing is in short supply, I'll give you 5 billion..."

"This thing must not be sold, it is said to be related to the secret of the immortality of the mermaids..."

Millions of chickens are chirping, wishing they could get this so-called mermaid jade, it's so exquisite...

Mermaids are a strange group of people, and in history, they have played many unknown horrors, including the secret of immortality.

Lin Dong was unmoved, and took a look at the so-called mermaid jade. It was indeed very exquisite and should be worth a lot of money. It would be great to make a fortune in the future.

Just about to store it in the boat and eat the so-called clam sashimi...


The originally clear sea was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and it was dark. In an instant, there were signs of strong winds and heavy rain, which made Lin Dong a little nervous. After all, it was the first time he saw heavy rain under the sea.

Especially when the strong wind blew up, the whole ship was constantly shaking. Most people would have vomited a lot, and they were even more afraid of being covered by the whole ship...



The heavy rain fell all of a sudden. Under the heavy rain, the fishing boat kept swaying. A flash of lightning fell from the sky. It was really exciting.

The ghost ship that had disappeared appeared again in the distance....

Under the heavy rain, it kept shuttling around, which was very exciting. It was obvious that the visitor was not friendly, especially the skull on the bow, which was very weird.

Lin Dong stood in the wind and rain. This rainstorm was really weird, and he was ready at any time.

The chickens saw this and became extremely anxious, because everyone with a discerning eye could see that this storm was not a good thing.

"Master Lin... there must be something wrong with this ghost ship. Should we go up and destroy it?"

"Haha... I don't think it's necessary... there must be something weird, just wait for it to hit us, I hope Master Lin can withstand it..."

"I don't know how many levels Master Lin has cultivated the Tathagata Palm. If it were me, I could slap the so-called ghost ship alive..."

"Don't take it lightly, there must be something unclean..."

Tens of thousands of chickens stared at all this, it was too terrifying...

On the vast sea, it was raining heavily and the wind was howling. Just when everyone was nervous, a ghost ship came from a distance and actually hit them.

Such an evil scene was so shocking...

Lin Dong drew out the long sword behind him...

The ghost ship was about to hit, and the weirdness happened again, turned around and left, but the endless wind and rain were raging, sweeping in all directions...

After a while...

The ghost ship came again...

This time it really hit me...

"Are you looking for death?" Lin Dong looked at the ghost ship, his eyes like torches, raised his palm, shining with golden light, condensed a huge palm of Tathagata, and slapped it.


After this palm, the wind whistled, and the whole ghost ship seemed to have consciousness, and it sank into the sea and disappeared without a trace. It was really a ghost...




"Isn't this a ghost?"

"It is said that the ghost ship is controlled by some ghosts on the sea, and it is sailing in the sea. This is probably true..."

The chickens were talking about it.

Lin Dong didn't tolerate it. He jumped down and went to the deep sea. He saw a huge ghost ship, which fell on the bottom of the sea and went away with a huge whirlpool.

It rose again from the sea...

Lin Dong followed it and jumped onto the ghost ship. There were some old-fashioned cannons. Judging from the transformation of the ship, it belonged to the ship that opened the Age of Discovery.

Back then, Darwin, Columbus and others were able to sail around the world, and they knew that the navigation technology was very outstanding. This ship was definitely not inferior to them, but it was silent...

Lin Dong came to the bow and looked at the skeleton, which seemed to be the captain. He wore a copper clock on his chest and a wooden box...

After taking it off gently, he took a look at the clock and found a photo inside. It was similar to Captain Jack in the movie, very unruly...

Once again, he opened the wooden box and found a piece of paper inside, which was written in Western bird language, which made Lin Dong very confused...


"It's true that I regret not having enough knowledge when I need it. If I had known, I would have learned English well in elementary school. Otherwise, how could I not understand it? I'm really vomiting blood..."

Lin Dong was speechless. Even if he was the only college student in the village, so what?

I have already returned it to the teacher...

"Host... this is not bird language, but a kind of Italian, and even an ancient language. It is useless for you to learn bird language..."

Someone reminded.


Millions of local chickens laughed...

"Does anyone know it? This thing is so great that it is hard to identify, especially the Western civilization. After a hundred years, there is a civilization gap, and you don't know the languages ​​of other places at all..."

Lin Dong looked at the local chickens in the comment area, hoping to translate it.

The West is a piece of scattered sand. There is no great unification, so there are naturally various languages ​​and civilizations. No one knows each other...

Once it is destroyed...

The civilization of this country is broken...

"Host... my teacher is a foreigner who studies a lot of ancient history. Why don't you let him take a look at it for you?"

Someone reminded in the live broadcast room barrage.

"I'll just put it in front of the screen, open it and take a screenshot. If you know what it means, just tell me."

Lin Dong was speechless. For the first time, he felt helpless for a language. The language barrier was really a big problem.

Millions of local chickens began to use their connections to translate this so-called mysterious language...

Lin Dong went deep into the interior of the ghost ship. I wonder what unknown horrors there are?


Lin Dong crushed a bone with his foot, and it made a crisp sound. He suddenly looked up and saw a pile of corpses on the ground, revealing the eerie white bones and rotten meat...

There were about twenty people in this group...

They were all stacked together. I don't know how many years they have been through. Some people even saw their faces clearly. They were only a little rotten...

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