When she saw a familiar figure and heard a pleasant voice, Wang Yan froze in her place, unable to believe it. She trotted up again and threw herself into Lin Dong's arms...

Lin Dong was just about to enjoy the beauty's favor...

How comfortable and wonderful it was, especially the fragrance of a woman, which made her look lifelike and familiar. She was indeed a top-notch beauty.

Just waiting for Lin Dong to speak...

"Ouch... Are you a dog?" Lin Dong cursed, this woman actually bit him.

"You are the dog, I just want to see if it's true." Wang Yan snorted.

"Wait... Why don't you bite yourself?" Lin Dong wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Because I'm afraid of pain." Wang Yan explained seriously.

"I'm innocent..." Lin Dong said with a smile.

"Humph..." Arrogant women are often like this.

It's never my fault, it's always others' fault. What a domineering woman. When she's arrogant, she's completely unreasonable. I really admire this old man...

"Okay... It's windy here, let's go back!" Lin Dong looked at the sea. This is a place full of antiquity and magic. I wonder how many unknown things there are?

"You bastard, if you mess around again next time, I'll beat you to death." The arrogant Wang Yan punched Lin Dong in the chest, looking so cute with a bulging face.

"Yes, my rich woman..." Lin Dong said with a grin.

"That's about right, you're such a bastard." Wang Yan blushed and her heart beat fast. She was actually teased...

"You bit me just now, what should I do?" Lin Dong said with a wronged look.

"What do you want?" Wang Yan held her head high, and said with a proud look on her face. Anyway, you can't do anything to me.

"Of course I bite back..." Lin Dong suddenly attacked, looking at the arrogant beauty, muttering the pride of her little mouth, this is the bright lips and pearly teeth, beautiful and moving.

Lin Dong rushed over...

Wang Yan's eyes widened...

The two of them were on the beach, waving in the wind, a magnificent scene, facing the surging tide, just a kiss, the sea has changed, the sea has dried up and the rocks have crumbled.

I don't know how long it took...

"It smells so good!" Lin Dong said proudly.

"Asshole... I almost suffocated..." Wang Yan was furious, angry, and resentful. She stomped her feet fiercely like a little woman.

This woman is really a deadly existence when she acts coquettishly.

"Let's go... I'm back safely, everyone is worried, let's go back!" Lin Dong held the other party's hand. The dignified beautiful CEO was like a ripe little apple, twisting and following, it was really beautiful.

Led by Wang Yan, they soon went to a hotel, outside room 888...


"Who is it? It's not time to order yet, and I haven't seen anyone outside... Damn... It's you, Xiao Linzi, you're really okay..."

Dibba rushed over, hanging on Lin Dong's neck like a kangaroo, his face full of excitement and extreme excitement.

After hearing this, the women inside ran out one by one, and after seeing the familiar figure, they shed tears and sneaked back, crying with joy...

"Xiao Linzi... What's wrong with you? Are you attracted by a foreign girl..."

"Xiao Linzi... I saw a mermaid, isn't she beautiful? Do you want to take one home?"

"Tsk tsk... I guess a princess of a certain royal family was attracted by you..."

Inside the room, the women chattered non-stop, showing unhappy sarcasm. Everyone was worried that you, a guy, were picking up girls, which was really abominable.

Isn't that what happens between men and women?

Lin Dong was too lazy to pay attention. If he explained too much, it would be your fault. He might as well shut up.

The women in the room kept chattering. Lin Dong smiled bitterly. It was all his own romantic debts.....


It has been half a month since Lin Dong disappeared....

It has become popular on the Internet...

The major bloggers have started to spread rumors again.

A big V on a certain audio platform...

"Family members... The latest one has disappeared. Master Lin has been buried in the sea. It is really a lonely era. Who will be the peak at the end of the live broadcast? Seeing Master Lin's road empty is really a great loss to the country. Let's mourn for a minute..."

A blogger on a certain book...

"Family members... Actually, Master Lin is not dead. He just escaped. His existence will threaten national security in the future. He cannot appear in the public eye. It is a pity..."

A food blogger on a certain blog...

"I'll tell you a tense and exciting news. Master Lin is not dead. He was rescued by a passing ship. This is a photo. He hasHe eloped with Princess Elizabeth abroad..."

A reliable big V in a certain knowledge...

"According to the location where Master Lin disappeared, I suspect he traveled through time... He actually encountered a sea snake and entered a mysterious sea eye. According to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", it is a place of Guixu, which must be a greater civilization..."

All kinds of statements on the Internet, all for traffic attraction, crazy rumors began to spread, it was too intense...

Some netizens naturally picked up the keyboard...

"This group of guys are farting... Every time Master Lin got into trouble, they all jumped out at the same time, but they were all slapped in the face..."

"Haha... Missing for half a month, the body is smelly... What a guy in troubled times, I saw early on that this boy is a greedy wolf, causing chaos in the East."

"This is my dog, it's not tied up, don't be surprised, after all, Master Lin is just a sideline, how can he become a person who harms the world? ”

“Haha….This is some people, messing with the rhythm…”

The comment area is full of ridicule…

Especially the fans of Lin Dong, they are absolutely terrifying, how could they allow others to slander?

In a military tent…

Captain Wang Qiankun reported the recent situation, full of helplessness, the search for Lin Dong’s whereabouts was fruitless, it was really too much pressure.

“General…I really can’t do it this time, I didn’t take a fancy to that kid…” Captain Wang Qiankun took a deep breath and said.

“It’s okay…Is this kid really a flash in the pan? The world has just started to change, and the pause button has been pressed. What a pity…”

An old general sighed. He could clearly see the changes during this period of time, and naturally he was happy to see it, because it was the opening of a big world.

Unexpectedly, it was suppressed all of a sudden…

“General…I don’t understand why this kid is allowed to go on making trouble? "Wang Qiankun said curiously.

"I don't know either. In some way, this kid seems to have changed the world, just like the industrial revolution in the West that shook the world, which really caught our ancestors off guard..."

The old general sighed, which was also a kind of pressure. Now the world needs people like Lin Dong to push forward.

Captain Wang Qiankun didn't understand, but he just watched Lin Dong, because there were still many secrets in the country that he couldn't understand....

Especially a paranormal research institute...

Commonly known as the Public Opinion Bureau...

Since the founding of the country, this one has carried so much unknown information. Anyway, Wang Qiankun doesn't know...

"Okay... You go down too! Since Lin Dong can't push forward, we will explore slowly." The old general shook his head.


At this time, Wang Qiankun's mobile phone rang. It was his daughter Wang Linglong who called. He answered it immediately and heard an excited voice, saying: "Dad... Little Lin is back... Now he is with me..."

"What? Lin Dong is really back? "Captain Wang Qiankun was very excited, it was too shocking...

He quickly understood the situation, which made Wang Qiankun laugh out loud, this was his future son-in-law.

"You said that boy is back?" The old general was also shocked.

"Yes... He just came back, and hasn't live broadcast yet. It is said that because of the mobile phone and other things, they fell into a mysterious space and all broke down..." Wang Qiankun rubbed his hands and said.

"Well... I knew that this boy was a cockroach, how could he die so easily?" Wang Qiankun said excitedly.

"Okay... You go back too!" The old general waved his hand.

The news of Lin Dong's return shook the Internet at once, and the whole network was boiling...

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