Lin Dong took the train to Tibet alone...

This is an ancient road, full of countless legends and many mysteries...

On the train, step by step, heading towards the plateau, people with poor health are prone to altitude sickness, with general weakness, red and swollen face, and difficulty breathing...

Once it is too intense, you need to be sent to the hospital...

Under normal circumstances, you only need to get an oxygen cylinder, and people going to Tibet need to prepare in advance.

Lin Dong did not need it. On the train, he gradually went deeper into the west, heading towards a magical sky road. On the way, he really found that some people had altitude sickness.

"If you have any questions, you need to report them immediately, don't be stubborn..."

Someone reminded on the loudspeaker that after all, there are not a few people going to Tibet every year, and you need to prepare in advance, otherwise it will cause big trouble.

Lin Dong looked around, and the majority of people going to Tibet belonged to this Western Region. Not far away, he found a group of foreigners taking pictures...

"Big brother...what are you looking at?" A little girl sitting opposite said in a baby voice.

"It's my first time in Tibet, I'm just curious." Lin Dong teased the little girl who was only ten years old.

"So it's your first time here, big brother. Come to my house when you have time, and I'll give you something delicious." The little girl said in a baby voice.

"I will..." Lin Dong stroked her and glanced at her parents, who were also honest people, naturally very enthusiastic.

The train was not that fast. After staying for a day, Lin Dong felt a little urgent to go to the next train, and saw the group of foreigners sneaking around.

He followed them carefully....

They had a small gathering in a corner, and after a chat, they dispersed.

"This group of people..." Why did Lin Dong feel familiar? It turned out to be a group of foreigners who were working on the immortality plan. I wonder what their mission this time is?

Lin Dong was just looking for an opportunity to capture them, but unfortunately this group of people got off the station halfway and didn't know where to go for a while...


Such a scene was shocking to millions of chickens. Another group of people went deep into the land of China and made trouble...

Police station...

Captain Wang Qiankun, who had been watching the live broadcast room, frowned and looked difficult to deal with.

"Captain Wang.....Aren't we going out this time? And this group of people are simply restless." Officer Chen said solemnly.

"This time, going to Tibet is no longer something we can control. We just need to watch the live broadcast room. This kid must have some unknown secrets."

Captain Wang Qiankun looked like he saw through Lin Dong.

"Climbing Mount Everest is really not something that humans can do. Even those of us who have undergone military training may not be able to climb it." Officer Chen sighed.

"Watch the live broadcast!" Captain Wang Qiankun could only watch.


Villa area....

A group of women watched Lin Dong board the train, heading west, gradually approaching Tibet, and they all started chattering.

"Do you think Xiao Linzi went to climb Mount Everest to avoid cooking?" Diba asked a century-old question.

"Definitely not..." He shook his head.

"Why?" Gongsun Yue was puzzled.

"Because the daily salary for cooking is 500 yuan..." Wang Yan explained.

"That... do you still need someone? I will cook in the future?" Wang Linglong was stunned by the inhumanity of the rich...

"Haha..." Jiang Ruyan laughed...

The next moment, a pair of eyes stared at her, Jiang Ruyan felt uncomfortable all over, what did these women want to do?

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Ruyan said vigilantly.

"You confessed that you are also a great inner strength master, why don't you follow?" Everyone stared at Jiang Ruyan.

"Well... I was taking a shower before, and when I came out, Xiao Linzi went..." Jiang Ruyan said innocently.

All the girls rolled their eyes, it was a waste of such a master. If they couldn't beat him, they would definitely beat Jiang Ruyan up.


After walking for about two days, Lin Dong set foot on the road to the Potala Palace. Looking at some simple Tibetans, he had a different feeling.

The sky gradually darkened...

He found a small family to stay with. The family was very kind and treated Lin Dong to a delicious meal. It was a different flavor of life in Tibet.

"Haha... Brother Lin Dong, you have to be careful when you climb Mount Everest this time. Recently, a group of people went there and never came back."

A young man in his thirties laughed, without much fear. For them, it was just a mountain of gods. Gods are not easy to mess with, and accidents are inevitable.

"Don't worry... Brother Lin Dong, you have to be careful when you climb Mount Everest this time. Recently, a group of people went there and never came back."

A young man in his thirties laughed, without much fear. For them, it was just a mountain of gods. Gods are not easy to mess with, and accidents are inevitable.

"Don't worry....I am not afraid of anything, so why should I be afraid of a mountain? By the way...I want to ask, have you heard of the Queen of Loulan?" Lin Dong asked with a smile. "No..." the other party said straightforwardly. "What about the descendants of Kunlun?" Lin Dong naturally did not give up. "No... But if you want to find out something, I can introduce someone. Come with me..." Under the enthusiastic guidance of the Tibetans. Lin Dong came to an independent tent, where an old trumpet lived. He looked up and trembled after looking up. "This is the patriarch of our tribe..." The Tibetan bowed slightly and left. The old trumpet looked at Lin Dong again, still so shocked, and said: "Young man... don't you see..." "What's wrong?" Lin Dong said with a shudder. "Behind you... I saw countless evil spirits." The old trumpet looked at Lin Dong solemnly, as if waiting for an answer. "How is it possible? Although I am not a good person, I am not a bad person either. Are you...” Lin Dong felt uncomfortable on the spot...

“Not really...Not really...It has nothing to do with your goodness or evilness, but the things behind you cannot harm anyone. Because you are special, you brought a group of...”

The old trumpet watched Lin Dong take out a string of bodhi seeds, turned it a few times, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

“What’s wrong?” Although Lin Dong is a master of the heavenly realm, he is not omnipotent.

“Nothing...What do you want to talk to me about? A guest from afar...” The old trumpet said kindly.

“Have you heard of the descendants of Kunlun, old sir?” Lin Dong knew that the Queen of Loulan was from this lineage, and hoped to get some stories.

“Where did you hear about the descendants of Kunlun? "The old trumpet looked at Lin Dong without blinking.

"The Queen of Loulan..." Lin Dong said directly without hiding anything, looking at the other party, wondering what he was trying to say.

"This lineage is a magical race in Kunlun Mountain. Later, for some unknown reason, it was destroyed overnight... It is said that it angered the heavens and sent down a curse..."

The old trumpet explained gently, pausing for each word, feeling the oppression in it. Even as an old trumpet, he couldn't help but take a puff of cigarette.

Lin Dong was shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a shocking secret hidden. No wonder the Queen of Loulan, Tana, said that there was not much time left, and the curse would definitely break out.

"So that's it..." Lin Dong suddenly realized and said: "I don't know where the Kunlun survivors are, old man? "

Old Trumpet looked at Lin Dong for a long time without saying anything, and took a deep breath, and said: "I advise you not to go, that is a place that a person cannot reach..."

"This..." Lin Dong wanted to say, can you speak a little more human language?

"I know what you mean. In our lineage, that is the birthplace of the witch..." Old Trumpet said helplessly.

Lin Dong has a little understanding of the Tibetan witch. It is the terrain of the Tibetan Demon Suppression Map that suppressed a witch and made her unable to turn over forever. It is said to be the masterpiece of Princess Wencheng.

The witch has many origins, not necessarily the descendants of Kunlun. The age is too long, and many things have long been confusing and unable to see the essence.

"Thank you, old man... I must go this time." Lin Dong bowed slightly.

"Hey... You should take care of yourself. I am afraid there will be a big disaster this time. You should be prepared for everything. There are many things in the world that have always existed..."

"If they are released one day, it will be a disaster. "The old trumpeter sighed, then took a bell and drum and started beating it.

Lin Dong didn't know what the old trumpeter was doing. There must be some gaps in this trip...

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