Millions of chickens in the live broadcast room looked at the dark hole with a sense of fear, as if there was an evil ghost from the Nine Nether Hell inside, about to revive...

"Is this the ghost hole? It is said that there is a sea eye in the earth, which constantly absorbs the water of the earth and never stops. That is called a sea eye. What is this ghost hole in Kunlun Mountain?"

"In fact, in a long, long time ago, Kunlun Mountain was perhaps an ocean. Because of the movement of the earth's plates, Mount Everest grows three millimeters every year. This ghost hole must have something..."

"If there is a sea eye, this is another ghost hole in the world... I'm really curious, what's inside?"

"Family members... I'm very nervous now..."

"Does Master Lin dare to go in?"

"Take off the mask upstairs. Master Lin has never been afraid of anything."

Millions of chickens were nervous, their palms were sweating, and they didn't know what was inside?

In addition to them, Lin Dong's live broadcast room was watched by people from all over the country, including many senior executives, because he represented the development of an era.

Each of Lin Dong's side jobs has influenced the development of an era, just like a news channel. Anyone who does great things must understand the changes in the world...

One of them is news attention...

Lin Dong has influenced the operation of the world with his own strength. Our martial arts, photolithography machines, ghosts, metaphysics, medicine, and all kinds of strange things are changing the shortcomings of science and the unknowns of mankind...


In the United States...

A tall and elegant office building, a huge screen is watching Lin Dong's live broadcast room, looking very solemn.

"This time he didn't disturb our actions. I thought he was ecstatic, but he found something even more terrifying..."

Jude Kao looked at Lin Dong in the live broadcast room and took a deep breath.

"Mr. Jude Kao... What exactly did he find, and how terrifying is it?" A plump and enchanting female secretary asked curiously.

"This is the ghost cave, a real ghost cave. In the distant legend, there is a mysterious clan that controls a terrifying power, which comes from this ghost cave..."

Jude Kao looked at the ghost cave and yearned for it. Sooner or later, he would go in.

"Should we make other arrangements now? This time we are looking for a mysterious place, should we give up?"

The female secretary was very solemn and did not dare to do anything. She could only look at Mr. Jude Kao.

"No need... The appearance of the ghost cave will definitely attract the covetousness of countless people. We can stay in the dark. We must find another force..."

Jude Kao said seriously.

The female secretary naturally knew a little bit. In addition to them, there were people in the mysterious East who had been studying immortality. As for what force and what their true identity was?

I know nothing...

I only know a little bit, it is Zhang...

"By the way... speed up the entry of manpower into the East." After Jude Kao gave some instructions, he continued to watch Lin Dong's live broadcast.


In the police station....

Wang Qiankun made a phone call and came back with a helpless look on his face. Officer Chen came up and asked curiously: "What happened?"

"Some people from the Public Opinion Bureau were sent to Tibet. I hope nothing will happen..." Captain Wang Qiankun shook his head. He had always seen Lin Dong's recklessness in the past, but this time something big might happen.

"Don't worry about anything. Lin Dong is a smart guy. Ordinary people can't trick him."

Officer Chen smiled and answered confidently, because when has Lin Dong ever suffered a loss?


Villa area....

Wang Linglong came back anxiously, panting, and everyone was talking in their throats. What happened?

"This time, Xiao Linzi really acted recklessly. Many people paid attention to him, whether it was the white ape, the Snow Wolf King, or the weird ghost cave, including the mysterious laboratory..."

"This time, the higher-ups were alarmed, and they sent people out early."

Wang Linglong told the story and drank water in big gulps. She came back in a hurry.

"Sister Linglong... Is this such a big deal this time?" Diba was also shocked...

"Yes, Linglong, the higher-ups have been watching Xiao Linzi's mischief, why did they suddenly take control?" Yang Mi asked curiously.

"Did they find something?" Gongsun Yue looked at Wang Linglong and said with rapid breathing.

"What's going on→_→" Wang Yan couldn't sit still either..

"Behind these horrible things, there may be something that exceeds the official's ability. After all, the white ape alone is very strange and powerful..."

"Among them, there are so many failed products in the laboratory. I don't know who died in the crazy operation..."Wang Linglong was very worried, and more afraid, it was too terrifying...

"What should we do?" Diba asked immediately.

"There is nothing we can do. I can't go either, but according to Xiao Linzi's strength, everything should be fine."

Wang Linglong waved her hand.

In fact, she knew very well that if Lin Dong gradually discovered some unknown horrors, it would also explode around the world, and everyone would pay attention to it. I don't know whether it is good or bad!

She hoped that Lin Dong could handle it well....


After taking a look at the ghost cave, Lin Dong chose to step in, because there was no other choice. I wonder how the Queen of Loulan is doing?

A cold wind swept through the dark ghost cave...

Lin Dong took a flashlight and went down. As he walked, he suddenly heard the sound of stones rolling in the depths...

No one was messing around here, so there must be something...

After walking for a while...

Lin Dong saw a shocking scene on a boulder. The female corpse with broken limbs became the victim of the King of Hell riding a corpse, and now fell on the boulder...

Lin Dong was horrified. Could there really be a King of Hell riding a corpse?

He planned to walk over carefully, but the female corpse that had been lying on the ground suddenly twisted its bones, woke up, and opened its ugly face...


A face turned upside down, a mouth that made a strange sound, as if it was laughing, like a person walking upside down, coming and going freely...

It seemed to be laughing at Lin Dong...

"Do you want to destroy it completely?" Lin Dong almost drew his sword...

This thing was very evil. After making a giggling sound, it suddenly jumped and disappeared in front of him, entering deeper, very fast, which made Lin Dong terrified...

Lin Dong naturally chased it, but it disappeared after running for a while, which was really weird...

Lin Dong soon came to an open area, surrounded by a statue, with four faces, very hideous, full of fangs...

This thing is like the east, south, west, and north, there must be something opened Knock on the door...

Lin Dong looked around for a while and found that this four-faced statue could actually move. If he was not careful, he might have some shocking tricks...

It is said that some stone statues can make people hallucinate...

After Lin Dong walked around, he saw strange words on the ground in all directions. Anyway, he didn't know what they meant...

After looking around, there was nothing else. This thing must be moved, but he had no idea. It was impossible...

"Something is wrong...something is wrong...There are four facial expressions on it, joy, anger, sorrow, and fear. Who is it?"

Lin Dong looked at the huge statue and suddenly found a trace. Under the four faces, they corresponded to the River Map...

The River Map and Luoshu are magical things from ancient times. It has been said that Fuxi drew the innate eight trigrams according to the River Map and Luoshu, and started the human ancestor.

"He came out of Luo, Luo came out of books, and the back of the divine turtle..."

Lin Dong thought of the back of the turtle shell. Once burned, the lines would be exposed, forming a nine-square grid, which was a small world, belonging to the ancients' speculation of fortune and misfortune.

Tao gave birth to one, one gave birth to yin and yang, yin and yang gave birth to four images, and four images gave birth to eight trigrams...

Lin Dong immediately wrote the positions of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise on the ground, which were joy, anger, sorrow, fear...

Wood is Azure Dragon, representing the liver, and naturally belongs to anger...

White Tiger belongs to gold, representing the lungs, which is sorrow...

Vermillion Bird belongs to fire, representing the heart, which is joy...

Black Tortoise is water, representing the kidneys, which is fear...

After suddenly realizing it, Lin Dong began to rotate the four faces...

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