"What do you mean by that?"

Why does Lin Dong feel like a scumbag? He shouldn't be like this. He didn't bully anyone. It was just a teaching assistant.

Is it going to be a big deal?

Tana, the Queen of Loulan, glared at Lin Dong, looking very unhappy, and said, "Back then in the ancient city of Loulan, I was able to return to the world because of you. I thought I could escape the curse, but after living for decades..."

"It was when I went to the mountain village to teach and met you again that I found that the curse had always existed. Now it has come to an end. I wanted to get close to help, but you ruthlessly rejected me..."

"I don't owe anything in my life. Why did I meet you? I originally planned to disappear forever, but I met you again..."

Tana, the Queen of Loulan, was full of resentment. Success and failure are all due to Xiao He. She was so helpless.

Lin Dong was shocked. He didn't expect that in that sandstorm, he crossed different dimensions and time and space to release the Queen of Loulan.

Now that the queen has to deal with me, it's really a headache...

Millions of chickens are barking...

"Oh, heaven! Oh, earth! Why is a scumbag like Lin Da Shen favored by the queen? It's really unfair, and he was abandoned..."

"Lin Da Shen... This is a curse, you must solve it, otherwise I will send a sickle to your house and let you cut it yourself..."

"Woo woo... damn scumbag, stinky scumbag... hurry up and save the Queen of Loulan! Such a beautiful picture was ruthlessly messed up by you..."

"Don't bark, there are contradictions in the words of the Queen of Loulan. Why should Lin Da Shen be responsible for her when there is nothing wrong with them?"

"Yes... Don't be in love... Maybe the Queen of Loulan is lying ..."

"Anyway, I just want to see what the curse is? It actually makes the Queen of Loulan immortal..."

"This has surpassed our cognition. I really hope it is a kind ending without any deception..."

"People's hearts are separated from their stomachs. Whether the Queen of Loulan is sincere or not depends on the handling of Master Lin..."

Everyone started to chatter, and more of them were distrustful of the Queen of Loulan. It was too weird...

This scene suddenly lay in a coffin, which was a contradiction in itself, especially for Kunlun Houyi. In this mountain range, there were too many horrors and outrageous pasts...

"Even so... Don't you have any way to solve it? This is your ancestral territory. Don't you have any way at all!" Lin Dong asked curiously.

"In fact, we are not the real descendants, but escaped prisoners, and we are cursed... They intend to gain more powerful power here, so they have made many blood sacrifices..."

"If there is a way, I will destroy everything and let everyone return to the abyss..."

In the eyes of Loulan Queen Tana, there is only disgust and even hatred, because it is too inhumane. Now that the times have changed, there are probably not many people left...

I wonder who else is hiding in the dark?

Lin Dong was silent....

Loulan Queen Tana continued to tell a story...

A long, long time ago, this tribe obtained a terrifying power from a mysterious place, controlling the life and death of others, and even controlling the wind, snow, and sandstorms...

In order to maximize this power, they began to use people for sacrifice...

Because of being too greedy, a disaster came, and the entire tribe was frozen to death, because among the people who were sacrificed, someone escaped alive. ...

Later, she became a member of the Loulan clan...

From then on, she was cursed...

The Queen of Loulan came back here again to find a way to break the curse. After climbing Kunlun Mountain, she searched step by step and entered the mountain directly...

She was attacked by something and fainted...

When she woke up, she was in a bronze coffin and could not get out at all. She planned to sleep in it forever and wait for the curse to break out completely...

As a result, she met Lin Dong...

After listening to the other party's narration, Lin Dong didn't know whether it was true or not, so he took a look at the situation first. This trip to Kunlun Mountain was for the Queen of Loulan...

"Do you know that the biggest secret here is a mysterious place where you can get powerful power. What is it?" Lin Dong asked curiously.

"I didn't know before, but now I almost know it. You come with me. Aren't you afraid of me?" The Queen of Loulan suddenly smiled charmingly.

This little man is really different....

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid of you? My strength is not very strong, but it is enough to deal with youEnough." Lin Dong said with a faint smile.

"What a ruthless man. I want you so much, but you treat me like this." Loulan Queen Tana was full of resentment, which made Lin Dong touch his nose. The queen is really different now, which is very exciting.

But looking at the darkness around, another flashlight was given to her, which surprised Loulan Queen Tana. Where did it come from?

Lin Dong naturally did not explain...

"Let's go!" Loulan Queen Tana led the way in front, going deep into the huge rocky road, which was winding and difficult to walk.

Lin Dong even suspected that Tana was leading the way randomly, and he would be completely lost at that time. After all, this woman could not be completely trusted...n

Step by step, he went deeper and deeper, and once again saw a huge bronze chain, buckling a layer of rocks, and he didn't know where it led to...

"How long will it take?" Lin Dong asked curiously.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? "The Queen of Loulan, Tana, snorted, and saw two roads ahead. Finally, she walked to the right and came to a huge open space...

Dong, dong, dong...

The footsteps could be heard loud and clear, which made Lin Dong very curious. What place was it?

After taking out the fluorescent stick, he threw it down in the endless empty space and lit it all up at once, which immediately made Lin Dong exclaimed. It was really shocking...

Huge chains, crisscrossed, linked the surroundings and led to the depths. It was impossible to see clearly. On the bronze chains, there were actually some corpses hanging...

The whole scene was terrifying...

Lin Dong jumped up and dropped a green The copper chain is as big as a person. I wonder what kind of horrible craftsmanship allowed the ancients to create it.

Lin Dong came to a dried corpse and took a look. It was completely dried. There was no clue. Could it be that someone had been here before?

He threw out the fluorescent stick again, illuminating the front at once. He saw a huge coffin, which gave off a chill and made people shrink their necks. It was a bit evil...


Lin Dong heard a series of strange sounds, which gradually approached, making people shudder. He immediately looked up and saw a terrifying monster, staring at him...

What is this?

Lin Dong was shocked. This thing is really... The scorpion that came down the mountain had a human face on its upper body, covered with a hard shell, like a person who had been swallowed by a scorpion...

The remaining face was begging for help...


The monster roared fiercely, like a crazy beast, and the huge scorpion tail stabbed towards Lin Dong, swoosh...very fast and sharp, once stabbed, it would be dead.

With such a terrifying blow, most people would have been chilled to the bone.


Lin Dong blocked the brutal blow in an instant, jumped on another bronze chain, and looked at the human-faced scorpion staring at him, and felt a little nervous.

This thing is really too weird... ..

"What is this?" Lin Dong looked at the Loulan Queen Tana behind him and asked.

"These are some mutant animals. After being domesticated, they became like this. A long time ago, someone wanted to combine with animals to become immortal..."

"But they failed..."

The Loulan Queen looked at Lin Dong and faced this strange monster without hesitation. She raised one hand and a piece of ice swept over, freezing the monster in an instant.


It fell under the bronze chain for more than ten seconds. It can be imagined that the bottom is still very deep.

Did Kunlun Mountain get hollowed out?

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