Millions of chickens were surprised to see a fat man, and a Taoist priest...

But after some introductions, everyone was happy...

"Ahem... Today we set up a ghost hunting expert group. If you have any tricks, you can come to me directly. Don't cheat. My sword will not leave anyone..."

Lin Dong also introduced the situation.

Millions of chickens immediately started to comment...

"Family members... Is this the first time that a supporting role has appeared around Master Lin? I don't know what's going on..."

"You are wrong... The first supporting role is Captain Wang Qiankun. Recently, I heard that Captain Wang returned to the army. It's a pity for a CP..."

"Haha... Looking back, everyone wanted Master Lin to go to the police station. Now it seems like a dream. A sideline has begun to change the world..."

"This fat man is a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain. This name is so rustic. What fortune-telling, fortune-telling, etc. , and can catch ghosts? Are there still charlatans who can catch ghosts nowadays? "

"After the death of Taoist Lin, no one inherited his legacy..."

"Never mind... Master Lin's new sideline this time is to catch ghosts. I wonder if it's true?"

"This is a group of ghost-catching experts..."

"Is it a weird resurrection?"


"Fuck... Burn paper money quickly..."

"Fuck... I have prepared 10 billion..."

"And a golden coffin..."

Millions of chickens are excited to make a weird resurrection.

Lin Dong didn't care about anything else. After letting Fatty introduce it, he took this guy to dinner. By the way, he bought a bottle of Happy Fat House Water and drank it happily. He was really energetic.

This is probably a life-saving thing...

"Boss... What sideline should we do? I will follow you from now on..." After eating and drinking, Fatty was looking forward to a live broadcast. I wonder what activity it was?

"Of course it's to catch ghosts. Where do you think there are ghosts now?" Lin Dong glanced at the fat man. He actually ate three bowls of snail noodles, which cost more than 20 yuan in total. This guy really can't afford it.

"Haha... There are very few ghosts now. Even if I studied Taoism in Longhu Mountain, I only saw ghosts a few times after traveling for a long time. Where are there so many ghosts?" The fat man looked helpless.

In this era, technology has been born, and demons and ghosts cannot become spirits. The prosperity of the country naturally suppresses them, and they are rarely seen.

As the saying goes, when a country is about to be in chaos, there must be demons.

Only in troubled times can demons run rampant.

Lin Dong suddenly realized that it was no wonder that there were so few demons and ghosts. Now the world is starting to be unusual, even Lanruo Temple has appeared, there must be some ghosts and ghosts.

"Is there no other way?" Lin Dong wanted to complete the system task.

"There are still some. Now the world has undergone tremendous changes, so there are naturally ghosts and ghosts. The Taoist has recently learned a trick..." The fat man grinned and said.

This wretched look really makes people want to beat him up. It's as if he's going to do something indecent after seeing a beautiful woman. He really deserves a beating.

"What do we need to prepare?" Lin Dong also looked at the Taoist magic of Longhu Mountain.

"Of course, we should go to the mass graves to see if there is any place with resentment."

The fat man took out the compass, looked at the direction, and got up when he saw it was southwest.

"Get in the car..." Lin Dong could only be the driver.

After walking for an hour...

We soon arrived at a valley. The gloomy atmosphere around us didn't look like a good place. Not far away was the crematorium...

"This place is very unusual. It should be the place where corpses were thrown in the past. Let's do a ritual first..."

The fat man wore a bag and took out talisman paper, inkstone, chicken blood, and cinnabar in one hand, and drew a Tai Chi diagram on the ground.

After everything was ready...

The fat man muttered something, which only he could hear clearly. He walked in a seven-star step, holding a peach wood sword in one hand, a talisman paper in one hand, and a compass in the other, looking extremely sacred.

"The numbers of the south and the earth, there is a way to death, the sky is bright, the dead souls return..."

The fat man stomped his feet, and the whole person was extremely sacred. A gust of cold wind swept over, as if he really summoned something, and just as it was about to come over, it stopped...

Millions of chickens were stunned...

Including Lin Dong, there was obviously a gathering of ghost energy just now, how could it disappear all of a sudden?

"The sky is spiritual, the earth is spiritual... The mountains and rivers are thousands of miles, the world is the country, the Taoist priest, by the order of the Heavenly Master, ordered all parties to report the situation..."

After a while of chattering, the fat man opened his eyes again, and the whole person was very sacred and righteous, worthy of being the firstThe Heavenly Dao Body is really transparent.

"How is it?" Lin Dong asked in surprise.

"Just now I understood Yin and Yang, communicated with the mountains and rivers in all directions, and the ghosts and gods in all directions. It seems that there is a terrifying force brewing thousands of miles away. We must go there..." The fat man said with righteousness.

Lin Dong also looked up. Now that he is a grandmaster, with the help of the Qi-seeing technique, he saw a place in the distance. The resentment that soared into the sky made people tremble.

"Good guy..." Lin Dong said with a shudder.

"What should I do, boss?" The fat man was also very nervous. As a Taoist, supporting the righteous way and saving the people is a compulsory course.

"What else can I do? Let's go and see." Lin Dong did not hesitate at all. He summoned a flying sword with one hand, and it suddenly turned into a huge sword body. The powerful sword-controlling technique can naturally carry people to fly.

"Fuck... Sword-controlling technique, boss... How many people can this thing carry?" The fat man said with a look of shock and excitement.

"Traffic rules say that overloading is not allowed, two people at most..." After Lin Dong finished speaking, he took the fat man and set off in a flash. After about ten minutes, they landed in front of a school.

This school is very quiet....

The security guard at the door was guarding like a fool...

All the local chickens were confused, nothing had changed here.

"Family you notice anything wrong? The teacher hasn't finished class yet, that's normal..."

"I don't notice anything unusual either, what do you think?"

"Is the school haunted? How could it be possible? In broad daylight, what ghosts are there?"

"But...this school seems very peaceful, it feels like the get out of class hasn't ended yet, but it's also terrifyingly quiet. I don't know if it's my illusion, I haven't been to school for a long time..."

Millions of local chickens were puzzled...

Suddenly the live broadcast screen changed...

The whole school was empty, with waves of terrifying black air rising, dark clouds, and a dark mass, completely lifeless, including the security guard at the door, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes...

Anyway, I don't know if he's dead or alive...

This suddenly shocked the entire network...

(I'll take a day off tomorrow)

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