Everyone was watching the live broadcast room, a terrifying ghost king was begging for mercy, each one seemed like a dream, unbelievable, extremely shocked.

Billions of chickens came up to complain directly...

"Fuck...Fuck...This is not a ghost king, it's clearly just a clown, it's really funny..."

"I said it! The awakening of an era, Master Lin is the guide of the era, what cats and dogs are just clowns..."

"Family members...Do you think this ghost king can still live? I think he will be killed..."

"Haha...This is the ghost king who will be passed down from generation to generation. Once he is killed, the decline of a sect..."

"This ghost king, It is enough to rival a terrifying army. Wouldn't it be a waste to kill them?"

"What kind of brain circuit is this? Once it becomes catastrophic, will you come out to deal with it?"

"Don't talk to this kind of people, because idiots will affect your IQ. This group of netizens have different IQs, so they have different opinions..."

"What the above person said is very realistic, but I just don't like it. Wait for me to find your network cable, and I will kill you sooner or later..."

One by one, they chattered, and their eyes never left the big screen, looking forward to a grand and vigorous demon-slaying.

Whoosh whoosh...

The wind howled on the top of the mountain...

Everyone looked at Lin Dong's decision...

Lin Dong raised his hand without hesitation and said: "Kill all the demons and monsters..."

"No... Saint... Saint... I am willing to recognize you as my master, recognize you as my master..."

The huge ghost head screamed in fear. When he saw Lin Dong slightly raised his hand, his face suddenly changed, and he flew away and flew beyond the sky.

Because this was the last chance of survival for the other party...


The next moment, a sound resounded on Niutou Mountain, and an ultimate flying sword cut out a white light, instantly piercing the ghost king.

"No..." The ghost king screamed, tragically, and suddenly turned to ashes, and his thousand years of Taoism went to waste, which made people sigh.


Lin Dong raised the flying sword in his hand, and it fell all over his body, like a banished immortal, overlooking the world, with an immortal aura.

"As for you..." Lin Dong looked at the old Taoist priest again.

"Mercy...Mercy...You are so blind that you actually offended the saint. You are really guilty. I only ask the saint to give you a chance to atone for your sins..."

The old Taoist priest trembled with fear.

If such an evil person is let go, it will only affect the balance of the world. Once the spiritual energy is really revived and the supernatural power is awakened, this guy will definitely jump out first.


Lin Dong raised his sword, and when the other party's pupils dilated, he killed him with one sword.

Instantly, a shocking scene made everyone gasp and shudder. It was too terrifying...

"Let's go..."

Lin Dong summoned a flying sword with one hand, and took the fat man down the mountain. He was unrestrained and uninhibited, and lived a chivalrous life that people yearned for.

Such means made hundreds of millions of chickens excited, but also made many people unhappy.

Immediately, some people started to create tension and began to accuse Lin Dong of being unkind and unjust...

"Family members... do you think the means used this time are not clean? They actually killed him directly... do they have no respect for the law?"

"Yes... I also think it is inappropriate. It must be handed over to the judicial department. Otherwise, everyone will be like him, who controls powerful power and regards life as worthless..."

"I suggest that Lin Dong be tried. This person is a disaster to the country and the people, and disturbs the foundation of the country. I think she cannot be let off..."

A group of black fans began to lead the rhythm...

After half a day, everyone started to criticize and criticize. After all, Lin Dong's disorderly behavior was a challenge to the bottom line. She must be brought to justice and tried properly.

Lin Dong himself doesn't care about anything. Anyway, his mouth is not in his mouth...

After getting off the bull's head, he kicked the fat man down directly. It is impossible to take him back to the villa area. After all, there are a lot of harems there.

"Oh... why is the boss so cruel? I will be sad if you make trouble here." The fat man said aggrievedly.

"Okay... I'll give you thirteen yuan to buy fried noodles, plus a bottle of happy fat house water..." Lin Dong transferred the money to comfort this guy, and left with a swoosh.

The fat man wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only admit it silently and walked all the way back, which took about half an hour. Naturally, he didn't have much objection...

After Lin Dong returned to the villa area, the girls breathed a sigh of relief, took a shower, and went to sleep...


This time, Lin Dong executed the other party, on the InternetThe situation became more and more serious, and more people came to attack him. He relied on his strength to do whatever he wanted, which was not good for the people.

It gave the military district a headache. It was hard to explain. They were very upset why Lin Dong openly killed the old Taoist priest. He couldn't let the other party be detained for a while and then tried him.

It must be said that the Holy Mother is only on the Internet...

Many righteous bloggers emerged at once...

"This time Lin Dong's public execution has already provoked the bottom line of the law. Just imagine, such a powerful existence does not respect the laws of the world, what will be the consequences?"

"I, Zhao Ritian, apply for justice for the world..."

A video was released, and it was a blogger with millions of fans. The resounding rebuke caused a heat wave at once, which was very impassioned.

"Lin Dong is too reckless... I don't agree with it either. If one person threatens a country, who dares to maintain world order if not the other party?"

"I, Ye Liangchen, reported Lin Dong by real name. He privately initiated punishment and must be sanctioned by the country."

Another blogger with 20 million yuan cursed Lin Dong for being inappropriate.

"I, Li Gang... also reported by real name. This kind of people disregard the law and must be punished. We must deal with lawless people. Humanity does not need a strong and dictatorial person..."

Professor Li Gang was suppressed once, and he jumped out again and bit Lin Dong madly.

One blogger after another jointly attacked, and the endless and fierce criticism made people tremble with fear, which aroused the excitement of countless people.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been drowned by this wave of traffic, because it was too turbulent...

The comment section is naturally full of discussions...

"Lin Dong is too powerful... If the world is full of this kind of people, it may be the end of the world. When some people become powerful, their hearts become twisted..."

"I don't believe that Master Lin is this kind of person..."

"This is terrifying... Is Lin Dong going to make himself a god? He attracts many people to support him all of a sudden..."

"Hehe... This is a tyrant. Once he becomes powerful, he will cause a storm in the world. Whether it is martial arts, various weirdness, or cultivation, it is not good for mankind and will be destroyed sooner or later..."

"In the future, spiritual energy will revive, terror will revive, and ghosts will revive... Who can withstand it?"

The entire network is boiling, and everyone has their own opinions.

They are all talking endlessly, because the path of the world has already moved towards an unspecified factor, which is very subtle.


Everyone is discussing...

In the depths of the sea...

A terrifying sea monster showed a black outline and gradually surfaced. Its huge tail slapped a small fishing boat away.

The huge tail swept across dozens of meters...

This scene was filmed by the whole world...

After hearing this, leaders of various countries quickly began to hold a meeting...

Among the military...

Another group of familiar people, the Public Opinion Bureau, the military, and Wang Qiankun and his group, held a meeting again. After seeing the huge sea monster, they were silent...

"Ahem... What do you think of the rhythm this time?" The old general looked around and said.

"General... What is this sea monster?" The director of the Public Opinion Bureau took a deep breath and said.

"There is no trace now, because this is a behemoth that has never appeared on the earth." The old general sighed.

Now the world seems to have entered a troubled time, with all kinds of weird, terrifying, powerful, emerging again and again, and technology seems to be at a disadvantage.

"General... I suggest that we go deep into the sea this time to see what happened..." Captain Wang Qiankun said seriously.

"I support..."

"I support..."

"We must support..."

Everyone supported it. After all, only by finding out the truth can we make better adjustments under the change.

The military is starting to take action...

The whole world is also taking action...

Everyone has sent high-tech, intending to check the mysterious sea monster in the deep sea.

However, on the outside network, someone exposed it, and the original topic of attacking Lin Dong was suddenly blown up...

They all widened their eyes and showed incredible shock. This is too terrifying. A tail lifted a ship and this monster appeared.

Just experienced a weird revival, how could it jump off the stage all of a sudden...

This revelation rushed to the hot search, swept the entire network, and even all the hot searches of Lin Dong were suppressed.

(A mysterious sea monster appeared at sea and destroyed a fishing boat of an island country. What happened to the world?)It immediately caused hundreds of thousands of people to comment wildly.

"Shocked... Is this a sea monster? It just experienced a strange resurgence, is it now an evolutionary resurgence? This is the rhythm of the end of the world..."

"A powerful sea monster, how do you think it will play? If there is really a terrifying evolution in the sea, where will humanity go?"

"I'm already lying down..."

"Me too..."

The depression in the comment area is more...

Some people are also worried about the future. What will happen if there is no powerful human guarding?

Lin Dong didn't care about all these outbreaks and slept happily. This is how people are. If they pay too much attention to the Internet, they will easily become irritable.

Because the Internet is a trash can, everyone is complaining...

Reality is submissive, and the Internet is hitting hard...

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