Millions of chickens watched the huge sky lanterns go to the sky, and they all became very curious.

"Family members... who knows! What's going on with this thing? Is this the little boy bombing the island country?"

"I think this thing has a big effect, but I don't know what effect, it's so scary..."

"This sky lantern is the Taoist immortal's guidance, you know nothing, it is said that once it is released, you can find a solution, can you really find the drought demon?"

"I don't believe in the existence of the drought demon, this thing is too scary... Once it is dug out, will it really return to the mythical era? It is said that once the drought demon appears, the land will be scorched for thousands of miles, and the water and soil will become barren. Desert..."

"What the hell are you talking about? Everyone is chasing Kongming lanterns..."

"Can you really beat Hanba this time?"

"Do you have any misunderstandings about Hanba?"

"Anyway, we northerners are like this..."

Millions of native chickens chirped and started a discussion about Hanba because it was too controversial...

Hanba has two identities, one is a god, and the other is a ghost...

Because of Nvba...

Nvba is the god of drought in ancient mythology. She is the daughter of Huangdi and is in charge of drought. Her story contains a sad and beautiful legend. She was dying of illness and was saved by a soul of the mythical beast, but her appearance changed and became ugly and scary. The appearance of Nvba will cause drought.

The image of Hanba in mythology, according to the "Shenyijing", Hanba is a monster in the south, two or three feet tall, naked, with eyes on the top of the head, walking like the wind, and causing severe drought wherever it goes, turning the ground into a red land. Hanba can cause severe drought. According to legend, if you can catch Hanba and throw it into a cesspool to kill it, you can eliminate the drought.

Compared with Hanba, Nüba is a serious drought god, while Hanba is a small monster, and there is not much direct connection between the two

Although both Nüba and Hanba are related to drought, there is no obvious direct connection in mythology. Nüba is a god, while Hanba is a monster. Nüba is considered to be the daughter of Huangdi, while Hanba is a monster.

The ancient mythology system...

It is very complicated in our country...

Especially above the highest god...

According to the Taoist classification, the highest is naturally the Three Pure Ones, followed by the Jade Emperor, the Four Imperial Gods, etc...

In the court, it is naturally the Lord of Heaven, the real king of all gods...

In Buddhism, it is another system.

It is really complicated...

The Kongming lantern in front of them kept floating, and Lin Dong and others could only chase after it. After about ten kilometers, they finally stopped at the mouth of a valley and a river...

This river has dried up long ago...

Lin Dong landed in front of the Kongming lantern, inserted a token with one hand, and said to a group of people: "Just dig a well here..."

This can be regarded as solving the system task...

Everyone did not hesitate and started digging immediately, especially in front of a stream. Even if it was dry, there was still a water source. Everyone started quickly...

Dig and dig...

After all, digging a well is not that simple...

After digging for a whole day without water, everyone wondered if they had gone to the wrong place?

Lin Dong smiled but said nothing...

The next day, he continued to dig...

The millions of chickens in the live broadcast room were talking about it. If they continued like this, could they really dig out water?

"Xiao Linzi... We have dug more than ten meters. Should we give up? Or should we find a big well machine and drill directly?" Wang Linglong was also very worried.

"Don't you believe me?" Lin Dong said with a straight face.

"It's not me..." Wang Linglong really didn't know how to explain.

"It's okay..." Lin Dong waved his hand, glanced at the depth, and shouted: "Try harder... We almost found something..."

Everyone was confused...

Even the fat man looked puzzled and said: "Boss... What did you dig out?"

"Of course..." Lin Dong made a riddle, smiled slightly, and looked at the busyness of everyone.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, which made people jump. Everyone went to take a look and found something hard.

"What is this?"

"It's so hard, something is wrong... It's a hand... Shit..."

"What's going on? We dug up a dead person... Or a dead child..."

Everyone screamed and was scared to death. This thing was not a clean thing. They jumped out of the well nervously.

Lin Dong smiled and said nothing. He jumped into the well and dug it himself. He dug out the huge thing.When it came out, it stunned a person instantly...

"This is Hanba..." The old Taoist priest screamed in fear, it was so terrifying.

Lin Dong actually dug out the legendary thing with this hoe, and everyone was nervous, would it turn into a corpse?

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Lin Dong carefully took out a thing that was neither big nor small, as if he was afraid of waking it up. This thing exuded a strange aura...

Most people didn't see it...

"Yes... This Hanba is still sleeping. Can you see the scales? It emits a strange aura that can affect thousands of miles..."

"And it is buried here, it is an evil thing that cuts off the water flow..."

Lin Dong explained it very seriously.

"Leader... how to deal with it?" The village chief was extremely frightened and looked forward to it.

If it were in the past, they would have to be thrown into a cesspool and drowned alive. Now that it was Lin Dong's turn, it would not be so complicated...

"Of course I'll kill it with my sword..." Lin Dong didn't waste any words and was about to strike with his sword.


A lifeless Hanba suddenly moved, rolled over and ran away, emitting a terrifying aura all over its body. A group of people felt dizzy and their blood was flowing backwards.


Lin Dong didn't waste any words and struck with his sword, splitting it in two on the spot, killing it on the spot, and turning it into a pool of foul-smelling liquid, which almost made people vomit...


The fat man threw out a talisman, and the foul-smelling thing was directly ignited, leaving no trace of the body.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Since Hanba was killed, I wonder when it will rain?

"I'll pray for rain again tonight, everyone prepare well." Lin Dong had no choice but to send the Buddha to the west.

Everyone was very worried. Would it really rain if the drought demon was killed? After all, this thing was too mysterious. They even called the weather bureau to ask about the recent weather.

The result was that it was impossible to pray for rain because there were no clouds to form rain.

Millions of chickens sighed in the live broadcast room...

"Haha... Just praying for rain, just praying for rain, what's the big deal?"

"Family members... What are you laughing at? I'm a newcomer, is there any other way to pray for rain? Isn't this funny?"

"Funny girl... Do you know a little bit? Back then, Lin Dong made a move, and it was a bolt from the blue. He prayed for rain on the spot..."

"Don't bring up old things. What is the status of Master Lin now? It's just a small prayer for rain. He is a sword fairy..."

"There is really no challenge at all. I wonder what great skills he will have in the future?"

"Haha... It's really funny..."

The chickens all started to chirp...

Lin Dong and everyone have started to go back. The original big well turned out to be a drought demon. It was a reversal that surprised everyone.

After dinner...

Everyone in the village came out to watch the excitement. Lin Dong, who was in the center, was holding a long sword and looking at the sky with a sharp gaze...

Because Hanba was dead...

The aura that affected the world was dispersed, and everything was enlightened...

If Hanba was not dug out, when the true spiritual energy was revived, it would be a terrifying monster, causing many places to dry up and become a wasteland...

"The wind is rising..."

Lin Dong held a bronze sword, pointed at the sky, and shouted loudly. Suddenly, the whole sky was filled with wind and clouds...

"Thunder is coming..."

Another roar, black clouds covered the sky, and it was dark and oppressive, making people feel the dullness of the world. There was a series of thunders, and the wind and clouds changed.

"The rain is coming..."

The last sound sounded, and after endless dark clouds gathered, heavy rain fell all of a sudden. The dullness, heat, and scorching heat of the whole world suddenly fell.

"It's raining..."

"'s finally's finally raining..."

"I thought I was going to die of thirst, but I didn't expect science to be unreliable and metaphysics to be great..."

The whole village was cheering and jumping for joy, wanting to lift Lin Dong up immediately, but found that he was already standing on the flying sword, taking Wang Linglong and the fat man with him, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Seeing such a scene, everyone could only shake their heads, it was really a move by gods.

"Master..." The director of the Public Opinion Survey Bureau said with a bitter smile.

"We are all mortals, so don't think about it." The old Taoist shook his head and sighed.

"Master, what should we do next?" The director of the Public Opinion Survey Bureau looked at him.

"What else can we do? We must share the worries of the country. Under the world pattern this time, there are manyThere are many variables, we still need to work hard. "The old Taoist priest answered with righteousness and force.

The director of the polling bureau was silent...

Indeed, the ghosts and gods are resurrected, and many variables are in the future. Everyone must make tight arrangements and cannot take it lightly...

Lin Dong's live broadcast this time naturally aroused the passion of many people.

In foreign countries...

Some changes began to occur, which were uploaded to the Internet and shocked the world.

A person yelled while eating, and sprayed a three-meter-long flame, burning the person opposite to him to death, shocking the whole world. Is this the resurrection of superpowers?

Why not our East?

Definitely not patriotic.

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