The Music of Heaven and Earth....

According to legend, before drawing the Eight Trigrams, Fuxi, the Human King, looked at the universe and everything in nature, thus proving the truth, creating the heaven with one stroke and the innate Eight Trigrams.

This is the creation of heaven with one stroke, and the determination of heaven and earth...

When the Eight Trigrams came out, the heaven and earth moved, the gods and ghosts were shocked, and the universe was shaken, verifying the artifacts from ancient times to the present.

The Music of Heaven and Earth is the divine song played by Fuxi, the Human King, on the Fuxi Qin after he created the Eight Trigrams. It is immeasurable and infinite, and is said to be full of unpredictable powers of gods and ghosts.

Ding Ding Ding.....

Under the Fuxi Qin, bursts of music, climaxes continuously, are part of the Music of Heaven and Earth, mountains and rivers, weapons and killings, covering the entire cave in an instant...

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

A group of bats cried in pain, and fell to the ground one by one, completely dead. Before they got close to Lin Dong, a large group of them had fallen, which was horrible to see.

Such a terrifying dumpling almost drowned people...

After playing for more than ten minutes, all the bats died in the cave, piled up like a mountain, making people dare not breathe, it was too shocking...

The millions of chickens in the live broadcast room were stunned...

"Family members...In the movie, a martial arts master appeared and could take the head of a person in the midst of thousands of troops. It was already exaggerated...It's even more terrifying now..."

"No...I can't breathe, it's too shocking..."

"If Master Lin appeared like this in ancient times, would he be able to defeat thousands of troops alone? It's too terrifying..."

"I feel that Master Lin hasn't used his full strength yet. Seeing his calm and calm appearance, he simply doesn't regard this group of bats as his opponent..."

"Don't forget a little bit, Master Lin also has a flying sword..."

The millions of chickens have learned something new...

I originally thought that the movie of the six-fingered piano demon was exaggerated and unreasonable, but what is in front of me is a real massacre, which is shocking.

The people at the scene were more real. This kind of powerful existence had long been extraordinary and was no longer a mortal, standing shoulder to shoulder with the ancient immortals.

Lin Dong searched in the space ring and finally saw some suitable pills, which fell into a pile of bats and took out the dying people.

They were shocked and almost forgot to save people...

About five people were all taken away by bats, one of whom was Wang Qiankun. After being fed the pill by Lin Dong, the whole person felt much better...

Wang Qiankun slowly woke up, and after seeing Lin Dong, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Finally, I saved my life..."

"Dad... are you okay!" Wang Linglong hurried up to ask, extremely worried.

"I'm fine, how are you?" Wang Qiankun shook his head.

The other four people all woke up, and after listening to the explanation, they breathed a sigh of relief. After looking at the large number of bats, they were even more surprised..

There are tens of thousands of bats here, each of which is bigger than an old hen. No wonder they can get rid of people.

"Let's go! Let's go deeper and see what has caused this group of bats to mutate." Lin Dong said curiously.

"Okay..." The others nodded.

"I'll go too..." Wang Qiankun gritted his teeth and wanted to follow in to take a look.

"No... you are too weak." Lin Dong refused...

Wang Qiankun and others were all taken away by the night watchman. They managed to escape this disaster. I don't know what kind of monster caused a group of bats to gather and hunt people...

Lin Dong took everyone and went deep into it again. There was an undercurrent surging in the huge space. The deeper they went, the colder it felt...

"Is there something buried here? That's why the temperature dropped so much?"

Someone shouted, and he got goosebumps and shivered. If possible, he wanted to leave immediately.

"Just be careful..." Lin Dong also had to be careful. It was so cold that a martial artist would feel uncomfortable. It was conceivable that the cold was biting.

Step by step, everyone found a little trace. It turned out to be an ancient tomb. It was unknown when it was built. There was a chill in the tomb.

"Are there any zombies?" Wang Linglong has seen a lot of them recently. There are too many sneaky ones, making trouble everywhere.

Lin Dong didn't waste any words. He slashed with his sword and destroyed the tomb. A bronze coffin sunk in the water was very strange.

"Is this tomb Shen Wansan's? It is said that after Shen Wansan died, he was buried in the water. No one has ever found it. It's really strange..."

Someone reminded him.

Lin Dong took a look at the tomb. There was no trace on the tombstone. After too long, it had already weathered. He could only give up looking at it. As for this coffin...

He slashed with his sword again...

It turned out that in the coffin,There was only one piece of clothing, shining brightly, and it was women's clothing, from ancient times, I don't know what era it was, it was similar to a Taoist robe...

Lin Dong sucked it up with one hand and looked at the clothing. It turned out to be made of mysterious materials. Everyone touched it and didn't recognize what it was.

"The remaining piece of clothing, could it be that the corpse was transformed into an immortal? According to rumors, some ancient practitioners, after death, the corpse was transformed in the coffin..."

Someone asked curiously.

It was the old man with great internal strength of the night watchman, named Chen Tianhe, an old man who belonged to Chen Tai Chi, and naturally had a wide range of knowledge.

Lin Dong frowned. He didn't know whether the immortals who could transform themselves into corpses were true or not. In ancient times, some people who died would leave behind some clothes, swords, shoes, and other burial objects, but no one knew where their bodies went...

This kind of people were basically immortals who could transform themselves into corpses...

Anyway, everyone was very confused about this kind of people...

Lin Dong was very clear that ancient practitioners did exist. The fat Taoist priest he met last time was an ancient practitioner. He didn't know what kind of existence they were.

"Forget it! Let's all go..." Lin Dong shook his head. It was really meaningless. He glanced at the corner, which was a pool of turbulent water.

"Let's go, let's go..." Everyone shook their heads.


Suddenly Lin Dong stopped and looked deep into the underground tunnel. In the rushing water, he saw a face looking at everyone...

It disappeared with the water...


Lin Dong slashed with his sword, so terrifying that he cut through a huge rock on the spot, as if he was chopping on tofu. A huge secret passage was created, but nothing was seen.

"Xiao Lin...what's going on?" Wang Linglong was shocked and asked immediately.

Everyone looked at Lin Dong, wondering why he suddenly exploded. They thought Lin Dong was crazy, and followed his gaze to see a strange monster covered in blood...

Before everyone could see clearly what it was, it quickly disappeared under the rushing water...

"This thing is very evil, like a demon crawling out of hell..." Lin Dong's words made everyone shudder. Even so, they had to find it.

"Let's talk about it after we go out..." Wang Linglong said to comfort everyone.

Everyone nodded and walked out of the waterfall quickly. Wang Qiankun and his group, about dozens of people, had been waiting for a long time. When they saw everyone coming out, they all breathed a sigh of relief...

"Okay... I'll leave the rest to you. Let's go back!" Lin Dong took a look and saw that there were not many problems, so he planned to go back.

"Wait..." Wang Qiankun suddenly stopped Lin Dong and said, "Don't you want to join the night watchmen to patrol together?"

"No... I pee a lot at night." Lin Dong refused. How could he join the night watchmen? He would still work the night shift. It was really boring.

"Go to hell..." Wang Qiankun really wanted to kick this guy away. He was still a virgin.

"Don't make trouble... Father-in-law, come and have dinner together when you are free." Lin Dong smiled, hugged Wang Linglong, rode the wind and flew the sword, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Come and go in a hurry...

Leave and go in a hurry...

"Captain... why are you still in a daze? Everyone has left... If you don't want to leave, go back. This is a good son-in-law." Old Chen said with a chuckle.

"What a good son-in-law, I really want to kill him..." Captain Wang Qiankun gritted his teeth. There were so many women around him. He was like a sheep in a tiger's mouth and couldn't get out.

He regretted why he got involved with Lin Dong in the first place. He really lost his wife and his army. He regretted it.

Now his daughter must be with Lin Dong. It can only be like this. It's incomprehensible.

"Okay... Let's prepare to finish the work, find some nearby information, take these back for testing, and there are also things that say something went downstream, go and search immediately..."

Old Chen shook his head. Serving the people is like this, so busy every day.

Since the birth of some ghosts and monsters, the Night Watch has been established and has been busy. Every day is really exhausting and troublesome...

A group of people began to act...

This mutation is over...

Lin Dong's climax song "Heaven and Earth" became a hot song overnight.


In the villa area...

Lin Dong put Wang Linglong down. The woman blushed and looked shy. If there were no one else, she would definitely eat her up.

"I brought you back so quickly, don't blame me!" Lin Dong looked at her and asked.

"It's okay... Anyway, my father is a workaholic." Wang Linglong naturally understood her father's feelings.

"That's fine..." Lin Dong smiled.

"What a bastard..." Wang Linglong snorted, and suddenly returned to the villa area. Didn't he know he was outside?

"What's wrong with me?" Lin Dong was a little puzzled.

Women's temper is like this. They will only blame you for your low emotional intelligence and can only swallow it helplessly.

The next day...

Wang Linglong received the inspection report. It was this group of bats, and the monster that Lin Dong killed and entered the undercurrent was also found...

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