Everyday, I Fight!
11 Chapter 11: No More Secrets! 1
"She's not going anywhere!" I was woken up by mom's shout.
"I'm not saying tha-" Dad was cut off.
"What's going on?" I heard Fred as he ran down the staircase, in a panicked voice.
"He says that it's better to give her up..." Mom was sobbing.
I flopped up straight and flew towards the door. It was really hard to open the stupid doorknob by bare hands... That's when it hit me, I have mana!
I used mana manipulation to open the door. Too eager to understand the situation, I sent a telepathic signal to Helen, asking question after question.
"Look, honey," Dad tried to calm her, "Baby Glow is really powerful and with so many loose ends-" he stopped short.
Our eyes met and Dad quickly shifted his face from me. I had flung myself into the living room and possibly... overheard them. It was about me. Everything. I stared into the room full of the crowded family.
"[Helen, is this why you didn't respond?]" I asked her.
"[Daddy,]" I approached dad with a sulky face, "[do you not want me? Am I a bother...?]"
This wasn't a joke. I was actually asking him. I was becoming aware and scared. I felt myself tremble. I made sure to sound polite and good. Alas! I hated it... this situation was a melodrama I did not want to be a part of. The scariest thought in the back of my mind was, "Will I be abandoned? Again?"
I began to weep as dad slowly tucked me into his hairy arms. He smelled funny, but that wasn't really half as important.
"No, no, no," he cuddled my tiny body tightly and kissed my forehead, "sweetie, that's not it. I'm just trying to tell your mother, facts."
"Such as?!" Mom shrieked even louder.
Fred put up a sound barrier around the house to not disturb the neighbours.
"For starters, THEY know about our location..." Dad pondered with a serious face, in spite of his mental exhaustion, "we have barely enough security for ourselves, not to mention, the villagers of Ador! And to train our baby girl will be too... too..."
"Risky," Helen exclaimed, expressionless still.
"Exactly!" Dad pointed out, "Moreover, we've still got two daughters who are missing! I'm in a bind..."
There were tears in his eyes. Although Avalon would often groan or immerse into sadness if his daughters ignored him, he wouldn't cry, but act. Of course, like most fathers, he was a terrible actor in front of his 'little angels'. This time, he was not joking around... it was serious.
"Its hard, but I don't want to put her in danger either, but...!" Mom was verifying her jumbled distraught.
"It's impossible." Dad repeated.
"Dad, if I may," Fred commented, "Prince Charles Melendor Von Hearth Arc, had sent this letter earlier today... would you like to read it?"
Fred was smiling!
"Very well, son," Dad sighed at our futile situation and took the letter from Fred's hand.
The more examined it, the more his expression changed. Then he began laughing. It was creepy, at first, but then he dashed towards mom and hugged her.
This was one of the first things I'd seen since my earliest memories as Gloria. A sight to behold! Every time our dad returned home from tiring adventures, he never missed hugging mom, before he stumbled onto the couch for breath.
Their relationship had never gone sore. Always happy, always caring and always in love. Mom and Dad had inevitably shown be one of the main differences between my old world and the new one. Back then, I was convinced that 'love' was just a for lettered word used for seduction, flirting, or as mere decorations.
"Good news?" Mom asked him, concerned.
"Even better," Dad exclaimed with a cheerful smile, as bright as the sun.
Fred reached for the letter that had fallen on the ground. I heard him gasp as he flinched to look at dad, then at me, finally looking thoroughly towards the letter once more.
"[What does it say?]" I asked out of curiosity.
"Dear Windstorm Head Family," Fred began reading, "I have heard of your unfathomable situation from last night. Seeing as how the Dark Guild will be presenting a threat to your current family life, as well as my fiancee and the villagers of Ador... I will have my, Crown Prince Charles Melendor Von Hearth Arc's, personal security division head to your village. They should be arriving to your house in three days time."
Helen dropped her jaw. Her mouth was wide open. Mom was perplexed by this turn of events.
Dad was excited, "Go on," he whispers to Fred.
"Apart from this, I sincerely hope that you do not interrupt your other children's trainings, for they are the future of my kingdom. I, Charles Melendor Von Hearth Arc, will also be appointing hand picked scouts to scour the region for the missing Windstorm Head Family members. Thank you for all your services to the Royal Arc Family."
Fred's eyes dazzled with hope now, as much as everybody else in this room.
"There's not a moment to lose," Serene clapped her hands with joyful tears, "We must welcome the arriving troops with as much hospitality and generosity as we can!"
"Gloria dear," Dad stared at me apologetically, "I apologize for before. I've been in complete loss over Ririna and Britney, but this time, let me protect you and train you."
I stared at him with a sheepish simper, not knowing the reaction, to give. So I closed my eyes and took a long and heavy breath.
"Yeah, thank you, papa~!" I happily announced.
"Kyaaa~" I heard mom shriek at a high pitch tone, "baby's first words!"
I blanked out, "What?" I thought as I stared at Fred. He quietly nodded and requested me to play along. So I did.
At last, I'll be turning 5 years old, tomorrow!
It's been about a week since Dad and I left home for camping. The outdoors have been great so far. Besides, it's only a 20 minute trip to home...
"Why can't we just do regular hunts and camps?" I asked with pout.
"I'm sorry lil' Gale," Dad apologised smacking his lips and carefully examining the marshmallows, "there is nothing we can do! I had wild dreams of going camping before THAT incident..."
"But those people aren't even after us anymore!" I grumbled.
"Who knows?" Dad just shrugged.
Deep inside, even I understood the danger we could be involved in, if the same incident as four years ago, took place again. Surely, the Dark Guild had yet to make a move, but there was always a possibility that they were just lurking in the shadows and waiting to 'hunt' us the moment we'd let out guard down.
"Fine..." I sighed and stared at him, "want the can of soup or tomato soup?"
He chuckled, "Hey now, don't be picky, or your mother with definitely scold us."
"Daddy," I smirked at him with an innocent face, "you aren't afraid of mommy, are you?"
"Truth or lie?"
"Then, no, I'm not afraid of Serene. Because I'm braver and stronger! I'm the man."
"Hahaha..." I laughed out loud. I made sure to make the laugh childish and cute.
It was so much better hanging out with Avalon and Serene. Ever since I was able to use telepathy with them, things got on edge sometimes, but everything changed when I was able to speak!
They weren't as distant anymore and more relaxed.
Though their training styles were much more different than I thought. Mom used a more spartan style training. While Dad used a sporty and friendly method to train me. Other than that, there would be house chores and outdoor research, as well.
Mom taught me all the knowledge she had gained from her school life about magic. She taught me how to have control and agility over my mana power. The stability over my own body as well.
She would always advice me to look over the horizon. Yet, the strangest thing, she never taught me any spells that were above the Apricot Orange mana color. Perhaps she was just worried not to disappoint me if I didn't go any further up the level of a mage than the Bronze Class...
Or perhaps she just wants to protect me?
Anyway, Dad was a little different... his idea of teaching meant 'experience' and so, we would often be outside while training. He taught me how to fish, how to camp, how to climb trees, how to not be afraid of bugs, and mostly, how to use a whip and a sword.
Every once in a while, he would take me to an adventurer's guild, Thamperz, for sightseeing. It was important for any mage, or knight, to visualize their surroundings and use it's full potential!
Not like I didn't know the method, itself, but it was more significant for me to learn about this world... moments like these, were my chances!
By now, I was already at the 5th Stage of Lead Class, Ruby Red mana color. However, I had to make a false impression on people around me that I was only at the beginning of Lead Class. Helen also thought that I was at the 1st Stage, Grey mana color. But Fred had some suspicions...
He never asked me though. So I kept this my little secret.
"You know, lil' Gale," Dad interrupted my thoughts, "this is going to be our last and final camping trip, together."
I took a few big bites of the toasted marshmallows and stared back at him.
"Same with your mom." Dad heaved a long sigh.
"We both love you, sweetheart," he continued, "but we want you to grow up on your own and live a quiet, peaceful and happy life. Wherever you want to be!"
"I'm fine daddy," I add some drama to my childish voice, "I wuv to be with both of you~!"
"Aww," Dad exclaimed with tears in his eyes, "that's so sweet! But lil' Gale, you need to go back to a place... and your mommy, siblings and I are not sure if you are capable yet..."
At that moment, it dawned upon me, how serious Avalon was. He dazed deep into my eyes, searching for an answer... as if he wants me to 'live' and run away.
"I'm no good?" I questioned him, all teary eyed.
Mom and Dad had been very over protective of me, ever since they learned about my abilities and THAT incident 4 years ago. They would relentlessly find some excuse to be by my side in their free times. They were desperate to keep us all safe from anything and everything!
"N-Not that," Dad showed the symptoms of his weakness, "I-I, I just don't want you to be sad. So, if yo-you say 'no,' then it's alright."
"Tell me."
"Lil' Gale, would you like to see," he hesitated, "your big brother George again?"
"Yeah!" I answered immediately.
"Oh," Dad exclaimed, surprised.
We were back at home by evening. The living room was dark and creepy. It was also filled with balloons. Then...
"Surprise!" The crowd yelled cheerfully, "Happy Birthday, Lil' Gale!"
I already knew it was my birthday today. I also knew that Fred was going to plan this year's birthday party again. Yet, I gave an act to please the audience, surprised and grateful!
J had promised me, Grade, back on Earth that if we should meet in another life... he would always have my back, be it during blood baths, or birthdays! True to his words, he kept it.
"Okay, let's cut the pie, again..." Mom shouted with fake giggles as everyone rushed towards the dining room.
"I'm confused," I expressed my opinion.
"Yeah," Fred agreed, "but we can't stay here much longer."
"Let's go," Dad said.
Mom sneakily came to me and hugged me real tight. She said that she was really happy to see me turn five and that she only wished for my well being more than anything else in the world.
Swift as a rabbit, she led me upstairs, while everybody else was cheering on Helen. She was distracting their attention. Also, guarding Carmine, carefully.
Quickly, I was dressed up like a doll and with her final kiss on my forehead, Fred whisked me away. Just like that!?
"What is going on?" I whispered to him.
"His highness needs to see us. Plus..." Fred paused.
"What?" I asked with a frown.
"Carmine must have her mana test soon, but she can't do it unless you're out of the way."
"Why me?"
"The Pavent shouldn't notice-"
"The Pavent. They're the finders of the mana. They detect mana from children and guide them."
"Experts can also be... complex."
"And I'm in danger if I stay here?" I asked, "Or...?"
The carriage was here and so was dad.
"You two go by carriage," Dad ordered strictly, "I'll take the long way by horse with those three guards and that empty carriage. Don't stop or get out."
Dad was wearing his official Windstorm Head Family robe. A mixture of blues and the yellow imprinted strings that seem like the rays of sunlight and the official symbol. The Feather, a white one, free and fluttering like the wind. Amazing how picturesque a cloth can be...!
"Okay," Fred nodded as he replied, "Take care, father."
Dad shuffled our hair and left. Now it was just us.
Throughout the ride, the windows were covered by dark and heavy curtains from all sides and angles, with neither of us going out or stopping anywhere.
Fred would peek outside, quite frequently, to confirm our direction. It was a long ride towards the castle... boring, if I might add.
As the carriage continued on, my heart, beat faster and louder with each bump on the road. I had the ambivalent feelings of fear, excitement and guilt. I was desperate to confess to Fred. About Everything... but, each time, I felt a tickle in my throat.
I heard myself complain to him like a little girl. As usual, it's how we bond in this world. Yet, whenever I try to be the previous me, it feels awkward to be around him.
For the past few months I've noticed strange behaviours in Fred. He seems more and more distant. We don't talk as often as we used to. Mostly 'cause I'm busy with regular trainings... I always wonder to myself, "Is he still mad at me? Is it because I haven't identified my killer to him...?"
"Perhaps I'm not fair to him?" I thought to myself in disdain. I heaved a sigh under my breath. It was a boring, boring journey, yet to end.
"Hey, Fred," I giggled and cheerfully suggested to him, "Should I keep an eye out for you?"
He flustered up for a few moments as a bead of sweat trickled down from his brow and slipped past his cheek. Then he smirked at me and joked, "Oh, dear Lord, somebody save me from my stalker of a sister...!"
He both burst out laughing in a matter of seconds! He was all over his seat and panting slightly, still unable to hold back the tears. I was sprawled on the seat, having a fit of mute giggling.
After sometime, things were back to their original position, but more tiresome than before. While Fred did drag the curtains partially and allowed me to see a portion of the wide meadows, in the back of my head, anxiety ruled.
We were both peeking as Fred taught me various useless things.
However, I still couldn't stop thinking about Dad. He was out there, over the hilly regions and going around the longer route... just to keep us safe. I was unable to dismiss the weird and painful thoughts... "What if I lost him too? Will he return? How will I face anybody...!? Especially mom!!!"
"Fred," I flinched my head and turned to his direction, "how much time co sumi' is the wong road?"
"Hmm..." Fred thought as he tried to figure the answer, "Not sure, but it can't be less than two hours after our arrival at the castle. He's gonna be late."
Fred patted my back as I gave him a sulking face. I was sort of dejected upon hearing his remark.
We arrived at the peak of noon. It was hot and humid. My mind was filled with tension, about to sweep me off my feet, when a huge silhouette of a man in armour greeted us.
Temperature here was much more different than in Ador. Ador had a set of weather: fog, clear sky, or occasional rain. Much of the climate changes effected Ador less than 5%. It was exceptionally rare to have snow during freezing winters though.
I felt a Deja-vu when I saw the armoured man.
"Hello, Windstorm Head Family," he said politely, "the Lord of the Castle is awaiting your arrival. However..."
"Thank you," Fred interrupted the confused man, "General Shane, but my father has taken precautions and so he will be arriving slightly off schedule."
"Ah," General Shane smiled coyly, "but, of course."
He seemed like a man of few words and plenty intelligence. His curled up mustache seemed brushed and combed as if he was at a salon earlier. So, every time he glanced at me, I had to smile as a diversion as to not burst out laughing.
In the shade of the front wall of the inner castle gate, we waited in vain, over the past few hours. Even the Sun had shifted and that's how I realized that something was amiss.
I knew Avalon and sure enough, he never broke a vow... never.
"As the rules apply," General Shane would say in a frown, "I am not permitted to allow you to enter the castle."
"I understand, General," Fred replied to him smiling brightly, "I'm sure you have your reasons."
"Hmm." The General agreed and nodded.
Things looked dim. My panicking heart could no longer hold my feelings.
"Hey brother," I had to call Fred that in public, "can't you find daddy fow me pwease?"
My eyes were filled with tears. In reality the tears just rolled out because a drop of sweat had fallen from my forehead and onto my eyes. On the contrary, people around me misunderstood it.
"Okay, Wait here," Fred shuffled my hairdo and then he nodded to the General, "Please keep her safe."
"I hope you bring good news, Sir Fred." The General replied in monotone.
And so, Fred left to find Avalon.
A few minutes after Fred had left in search of our father, the impatient prince came out to the front and as soon as he arrived, his face went pale. He was shocked to see me... anyone would.
It so happened that the huge and muscular General was a father himself. He had six kids of his own. However, unlike his stoic demeanor, he adored children. He had less than opportunities to have time for his own family, so when he'd seen me, he felt really nostalgic.
The warm weather was a good excuse to lay off of his armour, so he did that and picked me up. He was still kinda sweaty though.
"Hello, Your Highness...?" I greeted the Dark prince, confused.
"Wha-Wh-What is going on?!" He barked like a baffoon.
"Yo-Yo-Your Highness," General Shane stuttered, "Pa-Pardon me, I-"
"It was Fred," I spoke aloud and clear, "Eldest Brother went to search for daddy!" I corrected myself.
Charles' eyebrows twitched and he heaved a long sigh.
I could feel the General shaking, as he loosened his grip, baffled by my striking words. He was silent and still. So was the crowd of other soldiers.
"I see," Charles replied. He seemed anxious.
He flicked his left hand in the air and a strange knight (like a personal spy/guard or something) appeared. It was in a matter of seconds that the knight came, as quick as a flash, he disappeared after Charles gave the order.
"Don't be tensed, Lil' Gale," Charles reassured me and smiled towards the General, who let me off himself, gently.
"Come on," He put his hand out for me to grab hold on, "let's go in."
By now, everybody around, was staring at me as I took hold of the Dark Prince's hand. I heard others whisperings in low voices and tensed faces gazed towards my direction.
"Please excuse me, Your Highness," I thoughtfully told him, "but is it okay?"
"Take it as an order, brother to sister." He winked at me and smiled.
The atmosphere died down a little, but I just knew that people were still gossiping. "Ugh, Humans." I thought to myself as I merrily skipped and went along with the dark prince into the castle.
Before we entered though, I waved back to the slightly frightened and confused, General Shane. He was a good guy.
This time, we didn't enter the throne room or the prince's bedroom. He led me into a room that was messy all over. The papers and documents were scattered and there were scrolls lying here and there...
"Study?" I asked the obvious.
"Yep," He answered back, happily.
We walked in and I sat on a chair that I was lucky enough to find empty. Prince Charles tidied up what seemed to be his front desk and a chair behind it. He sat there.
There was an awkward silence since neither of us knew what to say.
Then, the windows and every other glassware in the room began vibrating, much similar to a horror movie.
Out of the blue, the same stranger (one who resembled a spy/bodyguard) with an encrypted mask, appeared. I felt my heart almost stopping for a moment. It was damn scary!
The masked stranger bowed to the prince and looked at me. He flinched his head back to the prince. He whispered something into his ear.
"You sure?" The dark prince asked, his face at unease.
"Positive, Your Grace." The masked man affirmed, his voice slightly crooked.
"Is something wrong?" I asked, slightly curious.
"...No, it's not that," the dark prince answered, reluctantly.
I gave him a look that clearly spoke for itself, "You sure?"
He avoided my eyes and then he told the man to continue observation. Then, the man was gone, like the wind.
"Is he a wind mage?" I asked the prince.
"He is a part of my platoon of loyal personal guards..." he replied to me, scouring through some scattered papers, "so there are classified informations I can't tell you."
"I see, that's okay."
The silence bore out its fangs again. It had been a handful of years since we last saw each other. My mind was not keeping up. I just didn't know what to say...
"Wait here," Charles said, "I'll get the soldiers to go to your father's location and help him."
"You know where they are?"
"Just your Dad."
"And Fred?"
"I'm sure he is nearby..."
Just like that, the dark prince left the room, leaving me alone. For the first time ever, tranquility seemed like detention and a malicious premonition of what was soon to be, haunted the walls.
"Hahaha...!" Dad burst into a fit of laughter, drunk in beer.
"Father!" Fred spoke, slightly dizzy and possibly drunk too.
"I'm so glad to be ALIVE!" Dad yelled as his voice echoed throughout the dining room.
The servers remained silent, but they were less than pleased, obviously. They stood in their positions as if they were immovable pillars. I noticed that no matter what happened, they would either nod or just apologize. Then, they would retain back to their posts.
I was definitely in some classical movie, now.
"I'm not saying tha-" Dad was cut off.
"What's going on?" I heard Fred as he ran down the staircase, in a panicked voice.
"He says that it's better to give her up..." Mom was sobbing.
I flopped up straight and flew towards the door. It was really hard to open the stupid doorknob by bare hands... That's when it hit me, I have mana!
I used mana manipulation to open the door. Too eager to understand the situation, I sent a telepathic signal to Helen, asking question after question.
"Look, honey," Dad tried to calm her, "Baby Glow is really powerful and with so many loose ends-" he stopped short.
Our eyes met and Dad quickly shifted his face from me. I had flung myself into the living room and possibly... overheard them. It was about me. Everything. I stared into the room full of the crowded family.
"[Helen, is this why you didn't respond?]" I asked her.
"[Daddy,]" I approached dad with a sulky face, "[do you not want me? Am I a bother...?]"
This wasn't a joke. I was actually asking him. I was becoming aware and scared. I felt myself tremble. I made sure to sound polite and good. Alas! I hated it... this situation was a melodrama I did not want to be a part of. The scariest thought in the back of my mind was, "Will I be abandoned? Again?"
I began to weep as dad slowly tucked me into his hairy arms. He smelled funny, but that wasn't really half as important.
"No, no, no," he cuddled my tiny body tightly and kissed my forehead, "sweetie, that's not it. I'm just trying to tell your mother, facts."
"Such as?!" Mom shrieked even louder.
Fred put up a sound barrier around the house to not disturb the neighbours.
"For starters, THEY know about our location..." Dad pondered with a serious face, in spite of his mental exhaustion, "we have barely enough security for ourselves, not to mention, the villagers of Ador! And to train our baby girl will be too... too..."
"Risky," Helen exclaimed, expressionless still.
"Exactly!" Dad pointed out, "Moreover, we've still got two daughters who are missing! I'm in a bind..."
There were tears in his eyes. Although Avalon would often groan or immerse into sadness if his daughters ignored him, he wouldn't cry, but act. Of course, like most fathers, he was a terrible actor in front of his 'little angels'. This time, he was not joking around... it was serious.
"Its hard, but I don't want to put her in danger either, but...!" Mom was verifying her jumbled distraught.
"It's impossible." Dad repeated.
"Dad, if I may," Fred commented, "Prince Charles Melendor Von Hearth Arc, had sent this letter earlier today... would you like to read it?"
Fred was smiling!
"Very well, son," Dad sighed at our futile situation and took the letter from Fred's hand.
The more examined it, the more his expression changed. Then he began laughing. It was creepy, at first, but then he dashed towards mom and hugged her.
This was one of the first things I'd seen since my earliest memories as Gloria. A sight to behold! Every time our dad returned home from tiring adventures, he never missed hugging mom, before he stumbled onto the couch for breath.
Their relationship had never gone sore. Always happy, always caring and always in love. Mom and Dad had inevitably shown be one of the main differences between my old world and the new one. Back then, I was convinced that 'love' was just a for lettered word used for seduction, flirting, or as mere decorations.
"Good news?" Mom asked him, concerned.
"Even better," Dad exclaimed with a cheerful smile, as bright as the sun.
Fred reached for the letter that had fallen on the ground. I heard him gasp as he flinched to look at dad, then at me, finally looking thoroughly towards the letter once more.
"[What does it say?]" I asked out of curiosity.
"Dear Windstorm Head Family," Fred began reading, "I have heard of your unfathomable situation from last night. Seeing as how the Dark Guild will be presenting a threat to your current family life, as well as my fiancee and the villagers of Ador... I will have my, Crown Prince Charles Melendor Von Hearth Arc's, personal security division head to your village. They should be arriving to your house in three days time."
Helen dropped her jaw. Her mouth was wide open. Mom was perplexed by this turn of events.
Dad was excited, "Go on," he whispers to Fred.
"Apart from this, I sincerely hope that you do not interrupt your other children's trainings, for they are the future of my kingdom. I, Charles Melendor Von Hearth Arc, will also be appointing hand picked scouts to scour the region for the missing Windstorm Head Family members. Thank you for all your services to the Royal Arc Family."
Fred's eyes dazzled with hope now, as much as everybody else in this room.
"There's not a moment to lose," Serene clapped her hands with joyful tears, "We must welcome the arriving troops with as much hospitality and generosity as we can!"
"Gloria dear," Dad stared at me apologetically, "I apologize for before. I've been in complete loss over Ririna and Britney, but this time, let me protect you and train you."
I stared at him with a sheepish simper, not knowing the reaction, to give. So I closed my eyes and took a long and heavy breath.
"Yeah, thank you, papa~!" I happily announced.
"Kyaaa~" I heard mom shriek at a high pitch tone, "baby's first words!"
I blanked out, "What?" I thought as I stared at Fred. He quietly nodded and requested me to play along. So I did.
At last, I'll be turning 5 years old, tomorrow!
It's been about a week since Dad and I left home for camping. The outdoors have been great so far. Besides, it's only a 20 minute trip to home...
"Why can't we just do regular hunts and camps?" I asked with pout.
"I'm sorry lil' Gale," Dad apologised smacking his lips and carefully examining the marshmallows, "there is nothing we can do! I had wild dreams of going camping before THAT incident..."
"But those people aren't even after us anymore!" I grumbled.
"Who knows?" Dad just shrugged.
Deep inside, even I understood the danger we could be involved in, if the same incident as four years ago, took place again. Surely, the Dark Guild had yet to make a move, but there was always a possibility that they were just lurking in the shadows and waiting to 'hunt' us the moment we'd let out guard down.
"Fine..." I sighed and stared at him, "want the can of soup or tomato soup?"
He chuckled, "Hey now, don't be picky, or your mother with definitely scold us."
"Daddy," I smirked at him with an innocent face, "you aren't afraid of mommy, are you?"
"Truth or lie?"
"Then, no, I'm not afraid of Serene. Because I'm braver and stronger! I'm the man."
"Hahaha..." I laughed out loud. I made sure to make the laugh childish and cute.
It was so much better hanging out with Avalon and Serene. Ever since I was able to use telepathy with them, things got on edge sometimes, but everything changed when I was able to speak!
They weren't as distant anymore and more relaxed.
Though their training styles were much more different than I thought. Mom used a more spartan style training. While Dad used a sporty and friendly method to train me. Other than that, there would be house chores and outdoor research, as well.
Mom taught me all the knowledge she had gained from her school life about magic. She taught me how to have control and agility over my mana power. The stability over my own body as well.
She would always advice me to look over the horizon. Yet, the strangest thing, she never taught me any spells that were above the Apricot Orange mana color. Perhaps she was just worried not to disappoint me if I didn't go any further up the level of a mage than the Bronze Class...
Or perhaps she just wants to protect me?
Anyway, Dad was a little different... his idea of teaching meant 'experience' and so, we would often be outside while training. He taught me how to fish, how to camp, how to climb trees, how to not be afraid of bugs, and mostly, how to use a whip and a sword.
Every once in a while, he would take me to an adventurer's guild, Thamperz, for sightseeing. It was important for any mage, or knight, to visualize their surroundings and use it's full potential!
Not like I didn't know the method, itself, but it was more significant for me to learn about this world... moments like these, were my chances!
By now, I was already at the 5th Stage of Lead Class, Ruby Red mana color. However, I had to make a false impression on people around me that I was only at the beginning of Lead Class. Helen also thought that I was at the 1st Stage, Grey mana color. But Fred had some suspicions...
He never asked me though. So I kept this my little secret.
"You know, lil' Gale," Dad interrupted my thoughts, "this is going to be our last and final camping trip, together."
I took a few big bites of the toasted marshmallows and stared back at him.
"Same with your mom." Dad heaved a long sigh.
"We both love you, sweetheart," he continued, "but we want you to grow up on your own and live a quiet, peaceful and happy life. Wherever you want to be!"
"I'm fine daddy," I add some drama to my childish voice, "I wuv to be with both of you~!"
"Aww," Dad exclaimed with tears in his eyes, "that's so sweet! But lil' Gale, you need to go back to a place... and your mommy, siblings and I are not sure if you are capable yet..."
At that moment, it dawned upon me, how serious Avalon was. He dazed deep into my eyes, searching for an answer... as if he wants me to 'live' and run away.
"I'm no good?" I questioned him, all teary eyed.
Mom and Dad had been very over protective of me, ever since they learned about my abilities and THAT incident 4 years ago. They would relentlessly find some excuse to be by my side in their free times. They were desperate to keep us all safe from anything and everything!
"N-Not that," Dad showed the symptoms of his weakness, "I-I, I just don't want you to be sad. So, if yo-you say 'no,' then it's alright."
"Tell me."
"Lil' Gale, would you like to see," he hesitated, "your big brother George again?"
"Yeah!" I answered immediately.
"Oh," Dad exclaimed, surprised.
We were back at home by evening. The living room was dark and creepy. It was also filled with balloons. Then...
"Surprise!" The crowd yelled cheerfully, "Happy Birthday, Lil' Gale!"
I already knew it was my birthday today. I also knew that Fred was going to plan this year's birthday party again. Yet, I gave an act to please the audience, surprised and grateful!
J had promised me, Grade, back on Earth that if we should meet in another life... he would always have my back, be it during blood baths, or birthdays! True to his words, he kept it.
"Okay, let's cut the pie, again..." Mom shouted with fake giggles as everyone rushed towards the dining room.
"I'm confused," I expressed my opinion.
"Yeah," Fred agreed, "but we can't stay here much longer."
"Let's go," Dad said.
Mom sneakily came to me and hugged me real tight. She said that she was really happy to see me turn five and that she only wished for my well being more than anything else in the world.
Swift as a rabbit, she led me upstairs, while everybody else was cheering on Helen. She was distracting their attention. Also, guarding Carmine, carefully.
Quickly, I was dressed up like a doll and with her final kiss on my forehead, Fred whisked me away. Just like that!?
"What is going on?" I whispered to him.
"His highness needs to see us. Plus..." Fred paused.
"What?" I asked with a frown.
"Carmine must have her mana test soon, but she can't do it unless you're out of the way."
"Why me?"
"The Pavent shouldn't notice-"
"The Pavent. They're the finders of the mana. They detect mana from children and guide them."
"Experts can also be... complex."
"And I'm in danger if I stay here?" I asked, "Or...?"
The carriage was here and so was dad.
"You two go by carriage," Dad ordered strictly, "I'll take the long way by horse with those three guards and that empty carriage. Don't stop or get out."
Dad was wearing his official Windstorm Head Family robe. A mixture of blues and the yellow imprinted strings that seem like the rays of sunlight and the official symbol. The Feather, a white one, free and fluttering like the wind. Amazing how picturesque a cloth can be...!
"Okay," Fred nodded as he replied, "Take care, father."
Dad shuffled our hair and left. Now it was just us.
Throughout the ride, the windows were covered by dark and heavy curtains from all sides and angles, with neither of us going out or stopping anywhere.
Fred would peek outside, quite frequently, to confirm our direction. It was a long ride towards the castle... boring, if I might add.
As the carriage continued on, my heart, beat faster and louder with each bump on the road. I had the ambivalent feelings of fear, excitement and guilt. I was desperate to confess to Fred. About Everything... but, each time, I felt a tickle in my throat.
I heard myself complain to him like a little girl. As usual, it's how we bond in this world. Yet, whenever I try to be the previous me, it feels awkward to be around him.
For the past few months I've noticed strange behaviours in Fred. He seems more and more distant. We don't talk as often as we used to. Mostly 'cause I'm busy with regular trainings... I always wonder to myself, "Is he still mad at me? Is it because I haven't identified my killer to him...?"
"Perhaps I'm not fair to him?" I thought to myself in disdain. I heaved a sigh under my breath. It was a boring, boring journey, yet to end.
"Hey, Fred," I giggled and cheerfully suggested to him, "Should I keep an eye out for you?"
He flustered up for a few moments as a bead of sweat trickled down from his brow and slipped past his cheek. Then he smirked at me and joked, "Oh, dear Lord, somebody save me from my stalker of a sister...!"
He both burst out laughing in a matter of seconds! He was all over his seat and panting slightly, still unable to hold back the tears. I was sprawled on the seat, having a fit of mute giggling.
After sometime, things were back to their original position, but more tiresome than before. While Fred did drag the curtains partially and allowed me to see a portion of the wide meadows, in the back of my head, anxiety ruled.
We were both peeking as Fred taught me various useless things.
However, I still couldn't stop thinking about Dad. He was out there, over the hilly regions and going around the longer route... just to keep us safe. I was unable to dismiss the weird and painful thoughts... "What if I lost him too? Will he return? How will I face anybody...!? Especially mom!!!"
"Fred," I flinched my head and turned to his direction, "how much time co sumi' is the wong road?"
"Hmm..." Fred thought as he tried to figure the answer, "Not sure, but it can't be less than two hours after our arrival at the castle. He's gonna be late."
Fred patted my back as I gave him a sulking face. I was sort of dejected upon hearing his remark.
We arrived at the peak of noon. It was hot and humid. My mind was filled with tension, about to sweep me off my feet, when a huge silhouette of a man in armour greeted us.
Temperature here was much more different than in Ador. Ador had a set of weather: fog, clear sky, or occasional rain. Much of the climate changes effected Ador less than 5%. It was exceptionally rare to have snow during freezing winters though.
I felt a Deja-vu when I saw the armoured man.
"Hello, Windstorm Head Family," he said politely, "the Lord of the Castle is awaiting your arrival. However..."
"Thank you," Fred interrupted the confused man, "General Shane, but my father has taken precautions and so he will be arriving slightly off schedule."
"Ah," General Shane smiled coyly, "but, of course."
He seemed like a man of few words and plenty intelligence. His curled up mustache seemed brushed and combed as if he was at a salon earlier. So, every time he glanced at me, I had to smile as a diversion as to not burst out laughing.
In the shade of the front wall of the inner castle gate, we waited in vain, over the past few hours. Even the Sun had shifted and that's how I realized that something was amiss.
I knew Avalon and sure enough, he never broke a vow... never.
"As the rules apply," General Shane would say in a frown, "I am not permitted to allow you to enter the castle."
"I understand, General," Fred replied to him smiling brightly, "I'm sure you have your reasons."
"Hmm." The General agreed and nodded.
Things looked dim. My panicking heart could no longer hold my feelings.
"Hey brother," I had to call Fred that in public, "can't you find daddy fow me pwease?"
My eyes were filled with tears. In reality the tears just rolled out because a drop of sweat had fallen from my forehead and onto my eyes. On the contrary, people around me misunderstood it.
"Okay, Wait here," Fred shuffled my hairdo and then he nodded to the General, "Please keep her safe."
"I hope you bring good news, Sir Fred." The General replied in monotone.
And so, Fred left to find Avalon.
A few minutes after Fred had left in search of our father, the impatient prince came out to the front and as soon as he arrived, his face went pale. He was shocked to see me... anyone would.
It so happened that the huge and muscular General was a father himself. He had six kids of his own. However, unlike his stoic demeanor, he adored children. He had less than opportunities to have time for his own family, so when he'd seen me, he felt really nostalgic.
The warm weather was a good excuse to lay off of his armour, so he did that and picked me up. He was still kinda sweaty though.
"Hello, Your Highness...?" I greeted the Dark prince, confused.
"Wha-Wh-What is going on?!" He barked like a baffoon.
"Yo-Yo-Your Highness," General Shane stuttered, "Pa-Pardon me, I-"
"It was Fred," I spoke aloud and clear, "Eldest Brother went to search for daddy!" I corrected myself.
Charles' eyebrows twitched and he heaved a long sigh.
I could feel the General shaking, as he loosened his grip, baffled by my striking words. He was silent and still. So was the crowd of other soldiers.
"I see," Charles replied. He seemed anxious.
He flicked his left hand in the air and a strange knight (like a personal spy/guard or something) appeared. It was in a matter of seconds that the knight came, as quick as a flash, he disappeared after Charles gave the order.
"Don't be tensed, Lil' Gale," Charles reassured me and smiled towards the General, who let me off himself, gently.
"Come on," He put his hand out for me to grab hold on, "let's go in."
By now, everybody around, was staring at me as I took hold of the Dark Prince's hand. I heard others whisperings in low voices and tensed faces gazed towards my direction.
"Please excuse me, Your Highness," I thoughtfully told him, "but is it okay?"
"Take it as an order, brother to sister." He winked at me and smiled.
The atmosphere died down a little, but I just knew that people were still gossiping. "Ugh, Humans." I thought to myself as I merrily skipped and went along with the dark prince into the castle.
Before we entered though, I waved back to the slightly frightened and confused, General Shane. He was a good guy.
This time, we didn't enter the throne room or the prince's bedroom. He led me into a room that was messy all over. The papers and documents were scattered and there were scrolls lying here and there...
"Study?" I asked the obvious.
"Yep," He answered back, happily.
We walked in and I sat on a chair that I was lucky enough to find empty. Prince Charles tidied up what seemed to be his front desk and a chair behind it. He sat there.
There was an awkward silence since neither of us knew what to say.
Then, the windows and every other glassware in the room began vibrating, much similar to a horror movie.
Out of the blue, the same stranger (one who resembled a spy/bodyguard) with an encrypted mask, appeared. I felt my heart almost stopping for a moment. It was damn scary!
The masked stranger bowed to the prince and looked at me. He flinched his head back to the prince. He whispered something into his ear.
"You sure?" The dark prince asked, his face at unease.
"Positive, Your Grace." The masked man affirmed, his voice slightly crooked.
"Is something wrong?" I asked, slightly curious.
"...No, it's not that," the dark prince answered, reluctantly.
I gave him a look that clearly spoke for itself, "You sure?"
He avoided my eyes and then he told the man to continue observation. Then, the man was gone, like the wind.
"Is he a wind mage?" I asked the prince.
"He is a part of my platoon of loyal personal guards..." he replied to me, scouring through some scattered papers, "so there are classified informations I can't tell you."
"I see, that's okay."
The silence bore out its fangs again. It had been a handful of years since we last saw each other. My mind was not keeping up. I just didn't know what to say...
"Wait here," Charles said, "I'll get the soldiers to go to your father's location and help him."
"You know where they are?"
"Just your Dad."
"And Fred?"
"I'm sure he is nearby..."
Just like that, the dark prince left the room, leaving me alone. For the first time ever, tranquility seemed like detention and a malicious premonition of what was soon to be, haunted the walls.
"Hahaha...!" Dad burst into a fit of laughter, drunk in beer.
"Father!" Fred spoke, slightly dizzy and possibly drunk too.
"I'm so glad to be ALIVE!" Dad yelled as his voice echoed throughout the dining room.
The servers remained silent, but they were less than pleased, obviously. They stood in their positions as if they were immovable pillars. I noticed that no matter what happened, they would either nod or just apologize. Then, they would retain back to their posts.
I was definitely in some classical movie, now.
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