Everyday, I Fight!
16 Chapter 15: Patience
Charles stated with sheer confidence as he stood directly in front of me, his silhouette, resembling that of a king.
"What?" my voice seemed to crack.
By this point both Fred and Charles were glaring at each other.
"Your trick didn't work much, eh?" Charles became sarcastic more and more as the atmosphere around him tensed.
Fred produced a cunning half smirk and his face, darkened crudely.
"I don't know what game you both are playing..." my anger and sorrow piqued and words spouted from my mouth, "But stop this NONSENSE!"
Who was the one angry? Who was crying? Grade or Gloria??
"Fred," I took a few meagre steps forward, "just say that nothing's true. Come on. Let's go home. I don't care anymore... so... so..."
As I went towards him, one step at a time and ignorant of Charles's warnings, it became awfully too late by the time I realized... he was mumbling a spell.
I jerked with disbelief and in a momentary pause, just before he imprisoned me in what seemed like an ice prison that inadvertently made me lose consciousness, he replied...!
With silence and only mouthing the words! He had those soft, concerned eyes that meant that he cared!!
Just those words were enough to make me feel that there's still time for Fred to return... he, he replied, "See you soon, as well..."
"Wait? Wha-" were the last words I uttered realizing he's gonna leave me again... alone.
Voices began to form. My head ached for a while and my memories were all fuzzy. The words were so unclear and dizziness overwhelmed me even more once I opened my eyes.
"Who...?" I timidly spoke unable to properly think.
"Glow!!!" A large crowd of people, clamoured, surrounding me with smiles and tears on their faces.
"Who are you people?" I asked them with a frown between my eyebrows.
Suddenly, the atmosphere that was so full of commotion and laughter, turned oddly vigilant. There was silence now and the awkwardness didn't make me feel any better.
"I feel like I'm forgetting something... something... I don't know, important?" I desperately tried to remember.
"Its Fred. Isn't it?" a twelve year old boy spoke up from among the crowd. He had dark black hair and deep brown eyes.
"Fred...? Charles...?" My voice went into a soft whisper.
"AHH, AH!" I yelled at the sudden throbbing of my brain!
The excruciating agony that was popping up all over my body and didn't leave, left an almost familiar sensation. I was too busy to even have the time to recall anything, but then, all these people grabbed both my hands and feet and pushed me down on the bed.
They repeated again and again, "Remember" and "Endure."
Tears poured down my eyes and even blinking became tough.
The dark haired kid, calm as he was while I stared at him viciously said one thing during the whole mayhem, "A mere side effect. This should pass and there's no big deal."
"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" I thought to myself as he stood there, seemingly emotionless, "Who does Charles think he is...?"
In a heartbeat, my mind went blank and I lost all sensation. Exhausted, Tired and pitiful... my memories began recollecting, little bit at a time.
I was zoned out and with nods all around me, they let me free of their grasp.
I burrowed my nails as hard as I could on the bedsheets underneath me. It was an unbearable torture to remember 'his' life events, as much as 'hers'.
Until I had drunk the entire bitter cup of tea, did my brain reluctantly stop.
"Urrghhhh!" I moaned.
"Remembered?" Charles asked bluntly.
"Mhm." I nodded. A drop of tear flowing down my left cheek, as if there was nothing more miserable than my current situation. I exhaled reluctantly.
"This was the only solution we had left. Either that, or you'd be frozen in that ice prison forever... you're parents had a very rough time choosing. It's not an easy decision." Charles told me as he patted on my hair, gently.
"Mom? Dad?" I looked at the two tall worn out figures I couldn't recognize before, "I'm so sorry!" I wailed out loud as I hugged them tightly.
"Its alright sweetie," Mom hugged me back and rubbed my back until I would calm down.
"Heh, we're just happy that you're here now." Dad snorted and smiled, as he hugged me back as well.
I cried for ages and didn't stop short. It hadn't been long ago that I was a baby with a weakness for tears... But it felt as if I hadn't cried in a truly long, long time! I was so sad! And so relieved! And so devastated... all at the same time!!
After being introduced to the two girls from before, I had some porridge and a fun time chit chatting to soothe my heart.
Eldest sister Ririna was a blonde with big brown eyes and a very sexy smile. Elder sister Britney had a dazzling smile as well with a friendly attitude. She had chocolate brown hair and puffy brown eyes. So despite the fact that they ever so often argued a little, they were very loving and tried their hardest to distract me.
However, the moments I sat alone on my bed or just woke up from a nightmare, everything around me seemed to be crumbling down... Tears trickled down without intention and when it was in front of someone, the atmosphere turned even more awkward and tense.
I knew what I was doing... forming a barrier to protect myself. Cowardly, but safe.
Often during the afternoons, I would stroll around the castle, or have "tea" with Carmine and mother. Fresh air this and fresh air that.
Occasionally though, whenever I saw Britney or waved at her, she'd stare at me with shock and then sheepishly smile and walk away. At first, I thought she might've been avoiding me or something. But then... it became suspicious.
At some point, I began doubting Britney and tried to spy on her, until Charles grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me into his study. I bitterly looked at him, my back against a wall, with a 'What?' expression, but said nothing.
He stayed silent as he locked the door of the study after Mr. Hilbert came in.
I was so confused at this point that it became more and more of a task to keep myself in check.
"You've got doubts on Britney?" Charles asked with very keen eyes as he sat on his armchair.
"None of your business." I rashly blurted out.
"In my castle, everything that goes on, is my business. So spill." he was in no mood to squabble.
"Not sure. With my mentality." I replied as the two of them stared at me, concerned and apologetic.
"Its neither of your faults." I replied remembering how much Charles and Hilbert had kept me safe, despite keeping me in the dark.
"Thank you, Lady Gloria." Hilbert exclaimed with tears forming in his eyes. He was a man who looked one and was another. Seemed cold, but was a softie.
"Yeah..." Charles was relieved.
"Back to business," he went on, "I realize that you're going through some rough times now, but I do not want you to pry your nose into dangerous places any further."
Charles paused and then sighed and seriously glared at me. After sighing a few more times in the next minute, he turned to Hilbert, who in turn, nodded in agreement to something.
"Something's up." I had a gut feeling.
< Charles's POV >
By the time I could confirm whether I should tell her or not, Gloria began to fidget and I realized she has already suspected something's going on... "There's no other option." I think, turning towards Hilbert, one more time. "I know she will eventually wonder off again..." I sighed reluctantly.
"Your Elder Sister Britney has been running about in the castle grounds from the moment you arrived..." I informed Gloria, glancing at her and then back onto the important documents, "Now, if Fred were here, I wouldn't ask you or get you involved in any way possible. But, it seems-" I paused and then gasped at my own words.
I tried to cough and act tough to clear the dismantled atmosphere, but it was to no avail. Gloria had indeed sunken back into that dark pit, which took her ages to return from.
"I'm sure Lord Fred," Hilbert tried his very best, "will return very soon, Miss Gloria. You should keep a diary and write all your thoughts and adventures in it. Besides, if I meet him again, I'll gladly knock him out, chain him and drag him to the dungeon. He can't escape from there...!" Hilbert winked at the little girl, who stared at him in awe for a moment and giggled.
"That's so sweet of you." She replied with a smile.
I just nodded at her and didn't say a word. Mainly, because I knew... I knew what Hilbert meant, in contrast to how he spoke.
Even in the past, Hilbert had strongly disagreed and disliked Fred. They would bicker non-stop until one of them won. They got along only and only if, they shared a similar goal or a similar enemy. An incredible team, but totally destructive individuals.
In time, it became an unspoken rule in the kingdom to avoid the both of them whenever people saw them together. Later on, even I was added on that list for several reasons.
So obviously, Hilbert wanted to drag him in as a criminal, now. Not as some innocent man who got lost in his path of life...
"In any case," I ruffled my silky straight hair, "I strongly suggest that you do not follow Britney around all on your own like that. If something happens to you..."
"I can handle those Darklings! Seriously...!!" Gloria tried to share her own point of view, "I've battled them before!"
"Oh, sure," I frowned and raised an eyebrow, "and where has that exactly led to...? Hmm?"
"Okay, so maybe I'm sort of clueless when it comes to those irritating black marble thingies... But-!"
I paused her with a finger when she tried to explain.
"Those marble thingies, as you say, are the most basic of basic spells that the Darklings use. They're what they call, 'Hyper Ball,' an explosive tiny time bomb that will cause a minor explosion and burn your skin. But what's really destructive about those things isn't that at all! Rather, the Hyper Balls also release a special acid when the flame bursts, which in turn can melt you into mush. Get the picture?" I lectured her.
"But I'm fast enough for the lightning attacks and the cloudy things!!!" Gloria became more and more insistent.
"Look, the first one you had defeated was mostly by LUCK. The Darkling had erupted mysteriously by herself (?), and most importantly, you had back up at that time." I logically explained, much to the kid's disappointment.
"But, but, but..." Gloria tried her best for countering my words, looking confused and pale.
"Honestly, this time too," I glanced at her and kept eye contact, "What would you have done if I hadn't arrived in time to save your butt?"
"Ahem," Hilbert coughed, "Language, sire."
Seriously? I thought to myself, now's not the time Hilbert. But I knew those words wouldn't be appropriate for a king-to-be. So instead, I just mumbled a "hmm."
"Let me tell you this," I cruelly added, despite not wanting to hurt her, "If it just so happens that Britney has comrades and not who she appears to be, then with just five or six Darklings present here... even you're parents will not survive."
Finally, Gloria's head tilted towards the floor, seemingly coming to her senses.
"I suggest you open your eyes properly. Wake up and see... before your actions cost the lives of the people around you, at present." I advised, looking at the documents once more.
"I know." a soft whisper came from her tiny lips that showed neither a smile nor a frown.
"Might I suggest," Hilbert spoke up, "perhaps put a nickname to this mission? It always makes the search easier..."
"Mhm." Gloria barely nodded her head. She still stared down on the floor and I couldn't even see her face anymore.
"Fine," I sighed, confused, "we'll name the perpetrator as 'ICE'. But, remember, nobody apart from the three of us in this room must know!"
"Sure. Bye." She left, slamming the door.
"That girl..." I feel my irritation clearly imprinted on my face, "why is she so angry over such small problems? I can see she is upset. She doesn't need to take it out on the door!"
"Young master," Hilbert seemed disappointed, "You may know better than the best of scholars in this kingdom, but you are an absolute disaster when it comes to a girl's heart!"
"I told you not to call me that! I'm not a kid!!" I exclaimed, angry and even more confused, "And besides, why are you reprimanding me like that when I did nothing wrong??? I just stated the FACTS, Hilbert."
"Yes," he replied indifferently, "yes, you did."
I couldn't understand him and thought that he'd give me an advice as 'usual,' but he shook his head in response. His face produced a cunning crescent smile.
"Please think about it yourself. You are, SUPPOSEDLY, an adult, after all, yes?" Hilbert chuckled.
"Why are you taking HER side?" I questioned Hilbert, feeling a pint of jealousy.
"Well, you ARE an adult," his words hurt like thorns, "I'm merely a babysitter, and Lady Gloria IS a CHILD. I'm just looking out for her, Your Highness. Nothing else..."
"Whatever." I burried myself back into the documents when I realized that this old man was making fun of me.
"I'll go help set up the dinner table, sire." Hilbert was laughing in between his teeth. His words were so provoking that it made me go nuts!
"I know." I replied, "Call me when everybody's already there."
"Of course, Your Highness." Hilbert obeyed.
I couldn't put my finger in it. But his obedience, sort of, ticked me off. I still felt that he was actually making fun of me...!
Dinner tonight seemed a somewhat new experience. I had never been in a place where a crowd of people merrily gathered and their happiness and clamour would be so much that not even a pin drop silence could be heard.
I chucked every so often, myself. I felt this relief within me. Something, which I'd long forgotten, to my blurry memories.
My 'current' parents always reprimanded me that if I hadn't learnt to eat in a silent and stealthy manner, then I was no good and just like the people from the fish market. This was something that my manners teacher insisted my parents to "advise" me, as a part of learning the "arts" of mannerism. Seriously though, it was a pain.
The first time I went to the fish market with George was when I was seven. I had been so terrified at the time and asked Hilbert again and again whether my parents were thinking of dispensing me or not...
Of course, when I inevitably went there, my vision of the place completely changed. About two years later, I had donated a heavy amout of money to the fish markets, for which that place is now this country's top three businesses and also, a tourist area.
"Your Highness," Hilbert averted my train of thoughts, "about before..."
Mr. Avelon, and his family, all gazed towards me and quieted down when I stood up and raised my glass that had been half filled with wine.
It was customary in my country to raise a glass of wine, whenever an announcement needed to be made and heard. Occasionally, after a battle or joust, it was of great honour if the King would raise his half filled wine for the victor.
And everyone knew whom I had raised my glass for...
"A toast," I smiled and nervously declared, "to a very brave little girl. For rescuing and defending us, when even the times, were hopeless. To Gloria!"
"To Gloria!!!" the crowd cheered with me.
"And a request..." I proclaimed, to which everyone grew silent.
I realized now, just how much, my actions measured. It could easily be counted as an honour, or a death sentence, if I made the wrong impressions.
Yet, a king must always smile and walk with dignity and grace, I reminded myself.
"It has been a new experience for me to have a family visit my castle, in a long, long time." I tried to lighten the mood, but they all glanced at each other and didn't respond, as I expected, "Which is why, from the depths of my heart, I warmly welcome everyone and wish if you might be willing to reside in this castle along with I."
"That's very kind of you, Crown Prince," Gloria uttered, to my surprise, "but I- we... need to know if what you are stating might be an order, or not."
Clever as usual, she hit that sour point.
"Obviously," I looked around the long table, "it is but a humble request. Especially since living in this huge castle becomes lonely from time to time."
I paused a bit and continued straight to the point.
"Besides, from the incidents that have been occurring as of late," I masked myself with a worried face, "it is my responsibility to look after each and every one of my soon-to-be, in-laws. I feel that we all are more powerful and safe if we stay together than apart. What do you say?"
Gloria was fuming with anger by now. She sat back into her chair with a cheerful smile, but when our eyes met, I instantly knew she could easily assassinate me if she ever wanted to.
Everyone else cheerfully agreed, with both my loyalty and logic. So the questions regarding living here or not were quickly solved in a flash.
"I say, Prince Charles," Mr. Windstorm whispered in a low tone, "I'm hoping that you understand what I'm saying."
"Of course," I nodded, "I agree with both of your statements. It has indeed been hard for her to recover here and your home back in Ador is definitely not an option."
"I couldn't agree more," Mrs. Windstorm added, "Gloria requires a place for herself. One where the thought of her eldest brother will hardly be on her mind. Your highness, if you please..."
"I can do that. However, father and mother, do keep in mind that little Gloria will without a doubt be totally against going there. With her current state of mind, I fear, even the slightest of behaviours are putting her on alert." I told them clearly.
"Really?" Mr Windstorm seemed confused.
"Oh my, don't tell me you haven't noticed it dear?" Mrs. Windstorm asked, slightly shocked, "Little Glow always has this stoic face whenever she is alone or wakes up from her sleep. Its not healthy for a child to behave like that... especially not a girl! She doesn't smile as often and there are times when she stretches a smile to cover her emotions..."
"And please Charles," she turned her head to me and smiled, "you don't have to be so formal and call us family at the same time. Just be yourself and lighten up. I'm Serene and that's my dear husband Avelon. You can just call us mom and dad."
"Hahaha..." I nervously laughed, "it might take a while I think, m-m-mo-m-mom."
"Hey, what's going on? Why is your face so red, Charles?" Gloria stated as she opened the door wide, without a knock.
"George is looking for you," Ririna closely followed behind her, "Your highness."
"No need to be so polite when it's just family." I smiled as brightly as I could to disguise my embarrassed face.
The three of us nodded slightly in agreement before I left the room and Ririna took me to meet George while the couple stayed back with Gloria to discuss about the important matter.
"That reminds me," I thought to myself, "I should write a letter of recommendation to the principal of Magic Training School. She is an acquaintance of the royal family, so she probably won't say no, to me. Ah... but will Gloria even agree to go to school at this point!?"
I couldn't help but be mad at that jerk, Fred and feel so helpless for Gloria. "Looks like her cruel fate even followed her here..." I mumbled to myself, yawning as I stared off into the wide horizon that exceeded beyond the grasslands over the edge of the forest.
There was nothing I could do after all. Even I, the future King, was no match. Hope was the only thing that kept me going... but what will I do in the future? About Fred, about Gloria... and about myself?
I just cannot imagine a happy ending...
"What?" my voice seemed to crack.
By this point both Fred and Charles were glaring at each other.
"Your trick didn't work much, eh?" Charles became sarcastic more and more as the atmosphere around him tensed.
Fred produced a cunning half smirk and his face, darkened crudely.
"I don't know what game you both are playing..." my anger and sorrow piqued and words spouted from my mouth, "But stop this NONSENSE!"
Who was the one angry? Who was crying? Grade or Gloria??
"Fred," I took a few meagre steps forward, "just say that nothing's true. Come on. Let's go home. I don't care anymore... so... so..."
As I went towards him, one step at a time and ignorant of Charles's warnings, it became awfully too late by the time I realized... he was mumbling a spell.
I jerked with disbelief and in a momentary pause, just before he imprisoned me in what seemed like an ice prison that inadvertently made me lose consciousness, he replied...!
With silence and only mouthing the words! He had those soft, concerned eyes that meant that he cared!!
Just those words were enough to make me feel that there's still time for Fred to return... he, he replied, "See you soon, as well..."
"Wait? Wha-" were the last words I uttered realizing he's gonna leave me again... alone.
Voices began to form. My head ached for a while and my memories were all fuzzy. The words were so unclear and dizziness overwhelmed me even more once I opened my eyes.
"Who...?" I timidly spoke unable to properly think.
"Glow!!!" A large crowd of people, clamoured, surrounding me with smiles and tears on their faces.
"Who are you people?" I asked them with a frown between my eyebrows.
Suddenly, the atmosphere that was so full of commotion and laughter, turned oddly vigilant. There was silence now and the awkwardness didn't make me feel any better.
"I feel like I'm forgetting something... something... I don't know, important?" I desperately tried to remember.
"Its Fred. Isn't it?" a twelve year old boy spoke up from among the crowd. He had dark black hair and deep brown eyes.
"Fred...? Charles...?" My voice went into a soft whisper.
"AHH, AH!" I yelled at the sudden throbbing of my brain!
The excruciating agony that was popping up all over my body and didn't leave, left an almost familiar sensation. I was too busy to even have the time to recall anything, but then, all these people grabbed both my hands and feet and pushed me down on the bed.
They repeated again and again, "Remember" and "Endure."
Tears poured down my eyes and even blinking became tough.
The dark haired kid, calm as he was while I stared at him viciously said one thing during the whole mayhem, "A mere side effect. This should pass and there's no big deal."
"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" I thought to myself as he stood there, seemingly emotionless, "Who does Charles think he is...?"
In a heartbeat, my mind went blank and I lost all sensation. Exhausted, Tired and pitiful... my memories began recollecting, little bit at a time.
I was zoned out and with nods all around me, they let me free of their grasp.
I burrowed my nails as hard as I could on the bedsheets underneath me. It was an unbearable torture to remember 'his' life events, as much as 'hers'.
Until I had drunk the entire bitter cup of tea, did my brain reluctantly stop.
"Urrghhhh!" I moaned.
"Remembered?" Charles asked bluntly.
"Mhm." I nodded. A drop of tear flowing down my left cheek, as if there was nothing more miserable than my current situation. I exhaled reluctantly.
"This was the only solution we had left. Either that, or you'd be frozen in that ice prison forever... you're parents had a very rough time choosing. It's not an easy decision." Charles told me as he patted on my hair, gently.
"Mom? Dad?" I looked at the two tall worn out figures I couldn't recognize before, "I'm so sorry!" I wailed out loud as I hugged them tightly.
"Its alright sweetie," Mom hugged me back and rubbed my back until I would calm down.
"Heh, we're just happy that you're here now." Dad snorted and smiled, as he hugged me back as well.
I cried for ages and didn't stop short. It hadn't been long ago that I was a baby with a weakness for tears... But it felt as if I hadn't cried in a truly long, long time! I was so sad! And so relieved! And so devastated... all at the same time!!
After being introduced to the two girls from before, I had some porridge and a fun time chit chatting to soothe my heart.
Eldest sister Ririna was a blonde with big brown eyes and a very sexy smile. Elder sister Britney had a dazzling smile as well with a friendly attitude. She had chocolate brown hair and puffy brown eyes. So despite the fact that they ever so often argued a little, they were very loving and tried their hardest to distract me.
However, the moments I sat alone on my bed or just woke up from a nightmare, everything around me seemed to be crumbling down... Tears trickled down without intention and when it was in front of someone, the atmosphere turned even more awkward and tense.
I knew what I was doing... forming a barrier to protect myself. Cowardly, but safe.
Often during the afternoons, I would stroll around the castle, or have "tea" with Carmine and mother. Fresh air this and fresh air that.
Occasionally though, whenever I saw Britney or waved at her, she'd stare at me with shock and then sheepishly smile and walk away. At first, I thought she might've been avoiding me or something. But then... it became suspicious.
At some point, I began doubting Britney and tried to spy on her, until Charles grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me into his study. I bitterly looked at him, my back against a wall, with a 'What?' expression, but said nothing.
He stayed silent as he locked the door of the study after Mr. Hilbert came in.
I was so confused at this point that it became more and more of a task to keep myself in check.
"You've got doubts on Britney?" Charles asked with very keen eyes as he sat on his armchair.
"None of your business." I rashly blurted out.
"In my castle, everything that goes on, is my business. So spill." he was in no mood to squabble.
"Not sure. With my mentality." I replied as the two of them stared at me, concerned and apologetic.
"Its neither of your faults." I replied remembering how much Charles and Hilbert had kept me safe, despite keeping me in the dark.
"Thank you, Lady Gloria." Hilbert exclaimed with tears forming in his eyes. He was a man who looked one and was another. Seemed cold, but was a softie.
"Yeah..." Charles was relieved.
"Back to business," he went on, "I realize that you're going through some rough times now, but I do not want you to pry your nose into dangerous places any further."
Charles paused and then sighed and seriously glared at me. After sighing a few more times in the next minute, he turned to Hilbert, who in turn, nodded in agreement to something.
"Something's up." I had a gut feeling.
< Charles's POV >
By the time I could confirm whether I should tell her or not, Gloria began to fidget and I realized she has already suspected something's going on... "There's no other option." I think, turning towards Hilbert, one more time. "I know she will eventually wonder off again..." I sighed reluctantly.
"Your Elder Sister Britney has been running about in the castle grounds from the moment you arrived..." I informed Gloria, glancing at her and then back onto the important documents, "Now, if Fred were here, I wouldn't ask you or get you involved in any way possible. But, it seems-" I paused and then gasped at my own words.
I tried to cough and act tough to clear the dismantled atmosphere, but it was to no avail. Gloria had indeed sunken back into that dark pit, which took her ages to return from.
"I'm sure Lord Fred," Hilbert tried his very best, "will return very soon, Miss Gloria. You should keep a diary and write all your thoughts and adventures in it. Besides, if I meet him again, I'll gladly knock him out, chain him and drag him to the dungeon. He can't escape from there...!" Hilbert winked at the little girl, who stared at him in awe for a moment and giggled.
"That's so sweet of you." She replied with a smile.
I just nodded at her and didn't say a word. Mainly, because I knew... I knew what Hilbert meant, in contrast to how he spoke.
Even in the past, Hilbert had strongly disagreed and disliked Fred. They would bicker non-stop until one of them won. They got along only and only if, they shared a similar goal or a similar enemy. An incredible team, but totally destructive individuals.
In time, it became an unspoken rule in the kingdom to avoid the both of them whenever people saw them together. Later on, even I was added on that list for several reasons.
So obviously, Hilbert wanted to drag him in as a criminal, now. Not as some innocent man who got lost in his path of life...
"In any case," I ruffled my silky straight hair, "I strongly suggest that you do not follow Britney around all on your own like that. If something happens to you..."
"I can handle those Darklings! Seriously...!!" Gloria tried to share her own point of view, "I've battled them before!"
"Oh, sure," I frowned and raised an eyebrow, "and where has that exactly led to...? Hmm?"
"Okay, so maybe I'm sort of clueless when it comes to those irritating black marble thingies... But-!"
I paused her with a finger when she tried to explain.
"Those marble thingies, as you say, are the most basic of basic spells that the Darklings use. They're what they call, 'Hyper Ball,' an explosive tiny time bomb that will cause a minor explosion and burn your skin. But what's really destructive about those things isn't that at all! Rather, the Hyper Balls also release a special acid when the flame bursts, which in turn can melt you into mush. Get the picture?" I lectured her.
"But I'm fast enough for the lightning attacks and the cloudy things!!!" Gloria became more and more insistent.
"Look, the first one you had defeated was mostly by LUCK. The Darkling had erupted mysteriously by herself (?), and most importantly, you had back up at that time." I logically explained, much to the kid's disappointment.
"But, but, but..." Gloria tried her best for countering my words, looking confused and pale.
"Honestly, this time too," I glanced at her and kept eye contact, "What would you have done if I hadn't arrived in time to save your butt?"
"Ahem," Hilbert coughed, "Language, sire."
Seriously? I thought to myself, now's not the time Hilbert. But I knew those words wouldn't be appropriate for a king-to-be. So instead, I just mumbled a "hmm."
"Let me tell you this," I cruelly added, despite not wanting to hurt her, "If it just so happens that Britney has comrades and not who she appears to be, then with just five or six Darklings present here... even you're parents will not survive."
Finally, Gloria's head tilted towards the floor, seemingly coming to her senses.
"I suggest you open your eyes properly. Wake up and see... before your actions cost the lives of the people around you, at present." I advised, looking at the documents once more.
"I know." a soft whisper came from her tiny lips that showed neither a smile nor a frown.
"Might I suggest," Hilbert spoke up, "perhaps put a nickname to this mission? It always makes the search easier..."
"Mhm." Gloria barely nodded her head. She still stared down on the floor and I couldn't even see her face anymore.
"Fine," I sighed, confused, "we'll name the perpetrator as 'ICE'. But, remember, nobody apart from the three of us in this room must know!"
"Sure. Bye." She left, slamming the door.
"That girl..." I feel my irritation clearly imprinted on my face, "why is she so angry over such small problems? I can see she is upset. She doesn't need to take it out on the door!"
"Young master," Hilbert seemed disappointed, "You may know better than the best of scholars in this kingdom, but you are an absolute disaster when it comes to a girl's heart!"
"I told you not to call me that! I'm not a kid!!" I exclaimed, angry and even more confused, "And besides, why are you reprimanding me like that when I did nothing wrong??? I just stated the FACTS, Hilbert."
"Yes," he replied indifferently, "yes, you did."
I couldn't understand him and thought that he'd give me an advice as 'usual,' but he shook his head in response. His face produced a cunning crescent smile.
"Please think about it yourself. You are, SUPPOSEDLY, an adult, after all, yes?" Hilbert chuckled.
"Why are you taking HER side?" I questioned Hilbert, feeling a pint of jealousy.
"Well, you ARE an adult," his words hurt like thorns, "I'm merely a babysitter, and Lady Gloria IS a CHILD. I'm just looking out for her, Your Highness. Nothing else..."
"Whatever." I burried myself back into the documents when I realized that this old man was making fun of me.
"I'll go help set up the dinner table, sire." Hilbert was laughing in between his teeth. His words were so provoking that it made me go nuts!
"I know." I replied, "Call me when everybody's already there."
"Of course, Your Highness." Hilbert obeyed.
I couldn't put my finger in it. But his obedience, sort of, ticked me off. I still felt that he was actually making fun of me...!
Dinner tonight seemed a somewhat new experience. I had never been in a place where a crowd of people merrily gathered and their happiness and clamour would be so much that not even a pin drop silence could be heard.
I chucked every so often, myself. I felt this relief within me. Something, which I'd long forgotten, to my blurry memories.
My 'current' parents always reprimanded me that if I hadn't learnt to eat in a silent and stealthy manner, then I was no good and just like the people from the fish market. This was something that my manners teacher insisted my parents to "advise" me, as a part of learning the "arts" of mannerism. Seriously though, it was a pain.
The first time I went to the fish market with George was when I was seven. I had been so terrified at the time and asked Hilbert again and again whether my parents were thinking of dispensing me or not...
Of course, when I inevitably went there, my vision of the place completely changed. About two years later, I had donated a heavy amout of money to the fish markets, for which that place is now this country's top three businesses and also, a tourist area.
"Your Highness," Hilbert averted my train of thoughts, "about before..."
Mr. Avelon, and his family, all gazed towards me and quieted down when I stood up and raised my glass that had been half filled with wine.
It was customary in my country to raise a glass of wine, whenever an announcement needed to be made and heard. Occasionally, after a battle or joust, it was of great honour if the King would raise his half filled wine for the victor.
And everyone knew whom I had raised my glass for...
"A toast," I smiled and nervously declared, "to a very brave little girl. For rescuing and defending us, when even the times, were hopeless. To Gloria!"
"To Gloria!!!" the crowd cheered with me.
"And a request..." I proclaimed, to which everyone grew silent.
I realized now, just how much, my actions measured. It could easily be counted as an honour, or a death sentence, if I made the wrong impressions.
Yet, a king must always smile and walk with dignity and grace, I reminded myself.
"It has been a new experience for me to have a family visit my castle, in a long, long time." I tried to lighten the mood, but they all glanced at each other and didn't respond, as I expected, "Which is why, from the depths of my heart, I warmly welcome everyone and wish if you might be willing to reside in this castle along with I."
"That's very kind of you, Crown Prince," Gloria uttered, to my surprise, "but I- we... need to know if what you are stating might be an order, or not."
Clever as usual, she hit that sour point.
"Obviously," I looked around the long table, "it is but a humble request. Especially since living in this huge castle becomes lonely from time to time."
I paused a bit and continued straight to the point.
"Besides, from the incidents that have been occurring as of late," I masked myself with a worried face, "it is my responsibility to look after each and every one of my soon-to-be, in-laws. I feel that we all are more powerful and safe if we stay together than apart. What do you say?"
Gloria was fuming with anger by now. She sat back into her chair with a cheerful smile, but when our eyes met, I instantly knew she could easily assassinate me if she ever wanted to.
Everyone else cheerfully agreed, with both my loyalty and logic. So the questions regarding living here or not were quickly solved in a flash.
"I say, Prince Charles," Mr. Windstorm whispered in a low tone, "I'm hoping that you understand what I'm saying."
"Of course," I nodded, "I agree with both of your statements. It has indeed been hard for her to recover here and your home back in Ador is definitely not an option."
"I couldn't agree more," Mrs. Windstorm added, "Gloria requires a place for herself. One where the thought of her eldest brother will hardly be on her mind. Your highness, if you please..."
"I can do that. However, father and mother, do keep in mind that little Gloria will without a doubt be totally against going there. With her current state of mind, I fear, even the slightest of behaviours are putting her on alert." I told them clearly.
"Really?" Mr Windstorm seemed confused.
"Oh my, don't tell me you haven't noticed it dear?" Mrs. Windstorm asked, slightly shocked, "Little Glow always has this stoic face whenever she is alone or wakes up from her sleep. Its not healthy for a child to behave like that... especially not a girl! She doesn't smile as often and there are times when she stretches a smile to cover her emotions..."
"And please Charles," she turned her head to me and smiled, "you don't have to be so formal and call us family at the same time. Just be yourself and lighten up. I'm Serene and that's my dear husband Avelon. You can just call us mom and dad."
"Hahaha..." I nervously laughed, "it might take a while I think, m-m-mo-m-mom."
"Hey, what's going on? Why is your face so red, Charles?" Gloria stated as she opened the door wide, without a knock.
"George is looking for you," Ririna closely followed behind her, "Your highness."
"No need to be so polite when it's just family." I smiled as brightly as I could to disguise my embarrassed face.
The three of us nodded slightly in agreement before I left the room and Ririna took me to meet George while the couple stayed back with Gloria to discuss about the important matter.
"That reminds me," I thought to myself, "I should write a letter of recommendation to the principal of Magic Training School. She is an acquaintance of the royal family, so she probably won't say no, to me. Ah... but will Gloria even agree to go to school at this point!?"
I couldn't help but be mad at that jerk, Fred and feel so helpless for Gloria. "Looks like her cruel fate even followed her here..." I mumbled to myself, yawning as I stared off into the wide horizon that exceeded beyond the grasslands over the edge of the forest.
There was nothing I could do after all. Even I, the future King, was no match. Hope was the only thing that kept me going... but what will I do in the future? About Fred, about Gloria... and about myself?
I just cannot imagine a happy ending...
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