Everyday, I Fight!
24 Chapter 22: Physical Abilities
"Yo, Glow! Wait up!" I heard Ana's voice.
A tap from behind me and behold that cheeky girl appeared.
"Ana! What took you so long?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
I only hoped she wasn't foolishly stalking some good looking kid somewhere.
"Urgh, don't even mention it. As usual it's that witch." Her eyebrows formed a frown.
I couldn't help but titter a little, "Come on, that stupid secretary isn't all that scary, you know?"
"Ha! To you, may be. You're the expert." Analise suspiciously stared at me, surveying me head to toe, "How do you hide so fast anyway? In fact, where do you hide? It's almost as though you vanish the moment that witch enters the room!"
Even though she was dum- I mean, slightly more slow witted than most people, her intuition was spot on!
Over the course of the past four years, tricking Analise was easier than everyone else, but if her suspicion rose even a bit, then she was like the shadow of Sherlock Holmes.
Not to mention how her mouth ran faster than a horse. There was no way I would expose about the secret passageways to her of all people... The whole school will be in danger!
"I'm lucky, that's all. Besides everyone knows she is out to get me. I get help from others from time to time as well."
"And who might these 'others' be? I, for, one have never seen these people you speak of." Lucy attacked from the other side.
"Perfect," I thought to myself. "I dodge one bullet and out comes the other."
If Analise was the shadow, then Lucy was Sherlock in disguise. What a combo!
"Actually you have seen them, but you've never paid any attention to them." I pretended to avoid the main topic, "Besides, we all know that if someone as smart as you cannot find me, then Jo Lin will never be able to catch me!"
I hated that sound Lucy made. I was well aware what that tone of voice indicated. A knife to my throat, to be exact.
"Hahaha! So true!" Analise agreed with me, laughing heartily, not even understanding the hardships bubbling within me.
My stomach growled loudly in all this tension and from the way people around me snickered, I was sure everyone heard. I shrunk in embarrassment, not knowing what to cover... my face or my stomach.
As far as my two smartass friends were concerned, well, they laughed loudly along with the crowd.
"It is lunch break, of course I'm hungry... you girls are so cruel!" I muttered, feeling ashamed and fleeing towards the cafeteria ('lunch area' as they call it in this world).
"Hello, Miss Adel, how are you?" I greeted Ms. Adel with a broad smile.
"Gloria! What a pleasant surprise! I see you're skipping class as usual." Miss Adel greeted me the usual way.
It's not like she's ever reprimanded me for not going, but I can't help feeling guilty every time she said that. Somehow, the more I compared her to my grumpy mom back home, the less they seemed alike.
"I can't help it. Your Secretary has too much time on her hands to stalk me." I winked at her, stating my recent problems.
"I understand what you are implying... let's see what I can do." Miss Adel winked back with a slight nod.
"You know me so well, Miss Adel!"
It's so strange that even in the past 3 and a half years, we're still not friends. Don't get me wrong, I get that we are casual around each other and are not exactly on the same level as acquaintances anymore, but it's not like we're chummy with each other either. I, for one, have never really asked Principal Adel regarding her personal life... ever.
In a sense, she already knew a lot about me, no doubt. I respect her and I'd love to get to know her better. But, I also want to keep being distant like so, a little while longer...
"Should I tell her I saw the Secretary wandering around in one of the secret passages?" I thought at the back of mind, sighing heavily, "Nah, may be later. So long as I'm not caught, it doesn't really matter, I suppose."
Ms. Adel cleared her desk that was filled with paperworks. I helped her out a little, but she was persistent that I don't move while she handles her own junk.
Well, thanks to her habit of doing her own work, even the Secretary dares not disturb her without reason.
"Speaking of which, since the kitchen is empty right now, and you have a basket full of snacks (again)," principal Adel's eyes were twinkling, "would you be a dear and brew some of your exquisite tea, like last time?"
"What," I whined, complaining as usual, "Now??"
"Please sweetheart... my mind has been aching since morning..."
She was acting, yet again.
"Sure... and I wonder who it was, the one laughing hysterically at 9 am during the morning assembly today when the Secretary sat on a whoopee cushion (my doing) and embarrassed herself."
"Bu-but Miss Adel! It's just 2 pm!" I insisted.
"Precisely why you'd better go sooner than later." She was quite demanding, "The cooks will be back after an hour or so. They will be preparing for a few things today."
We had a brief staring competition.
"Fine!" I agreed with a huge pouty face.
"I can't just refuse her now. She will definitely trick me into brewing some for her later on, anyway!" I lamented on past experiences.
After having tea, I packed up everything and promised to go back and do the afternoon classes. While it was true that I had no intention of skipping, however, while going through the secret passages... I noticed a black figure lingering nearby.
By instinct, I hid behind the bushes as soon as I got outside. A moment too late and I would've been caught...!
"Good thing I've never stopped practicing my reflexes..." I sighed with relief, "but who-"
The answer presented itself as the person turned around. I flinched, almost revealing myself, but quickly withdrew.
The Secretary... of course.
"She's so close..." I thought nervously, "don't tell me she knows about this passage too."
However, contrary to my beliefs, she turned around and was just taking the left turn.
I had two options. One, leave the suspicious secretary wearing a brown robe in the middle of day, alone. Or Two, follow her to fulfill my curiosity.
I chose the latter option. So I followed her.
Every step of the way, I had to be careful. There was no time to clear my thoughts or turn around and walk away.
The trees and bushes were getting thicker and thicker. Thank God, I was small in size and flexible enough. Otherwise things would've gotten a lot worse.
She stopped in front of a dirty wall covered by mud and vines. If I didn't see so for myself, I would have never believed that Jo Lin would transverse through it.
"My mind is blown." I mumbled to myself and about five seconds later, went through the vines myself.
Honestly it would be much more easier if I had the cloak with me, but I never expected an outcome like this to happen.
Seriously, living in peace has numbed my survival instincts.
Usually the secret passages I've seen so far have all been quite lit up. Yet this one was as dark as charcoal. I couldn't use something to brighten up the place because Jo Lin would notice me. Besides, the ground was slippery and wet.
It was a pain in the ass. I truly regretted not choosing the first option.
The moment I relaxed my muscles a little bit, something creaked... like a door, and bright light beamed into the passageway. I hid in the shadows, panting and fixing my breath.
"I've never heard a passage door sounding so... creepy. Is it rusty?" I thought to myself, trying to take short breaths, "More importantly..."
I turned, poking my head out, "she didn't notice my presence, right?"
The Secretary walked in silence, out of the passage and into the light. My eyes were still hazy.
In light steps, I followed the Secretary. However, I didn't go over to the other side. I remained by the door, hiding stealthily. (A/N: Idiot MC.)
Before I saw anything else, the door creaked shut. Darkness was everywhere, once again.
Then it happened again. My eyes felt bright and burning. In a few moments, I could see the cave (?) clearly. This was the second time I've felt this sensation ever since that incident back at the dorm room three and a half years ago.
It was strange and nostalgic, but my eyes felt hot. It was slightly painful, but anything was worth it rather than being stuck here.
"There should be a way to open the door." I muttered, quite desperately, "Miss Adel told me before that there's always a switch. So..."
And there it was!
The only problem was 'if' the door would make a loud noise again. In case someone heard it from the otherside, in worst case scenario if that someone just happened to be the secretary... I'd be f**ked up. (A/N: As much as you hate reading '*' I hate writing '*' every time. But, I don't want to be reported, so I'm playing it safe.)
"But what choice do I have?"
"Here goes nothing!" I prepared for the worst as the door opened.
It creaked, yes. I jumped and hid behind the third bookshelf to my right.
The bad news was that Jo Lin heard the squeaky sound and came rushing towards the door. The good news was that she arrived after I jumped, so I'm safe.
I peered towards her direction and used the books as a shield.
She was confused and silent for a while. Then she looked left and right cautiously. I tried to stay as still as possible. If I so much as flinched, she might notice me.
The library in M.T.S is the Continent's fifth most largest Library.
It's divided by two sections. The Regular Section used by Years 1 to 3, and the Upper Section used by Years 4 to 7 (and teachers). The Regular Section is actually allowed to be open to the whole school, but specifically meant for the juniors who were restricted from using the Upper section.
Why am I babbling all this? Well, right now, I'm in that very Regular section of M.T.S's library.
"Its weird..." I began thinking deeply while also warily observing the Secretary, "why would she come here through a secret passage like that? If anything, with the power and access she has, even if she were to waltz in the Library at midnight, only a fool would stop her."
"Excuse me." A light tap on my shoulder.
"Yaah!" I screeched and stopped short.
It was someone, seemingly older than me in age, but a junior.
"Oh no." I flinched to turn and see.
Jo Lin had definitely heard my scream. She was coming this way...!
I was freaked out of my wits.
"Did she recognize my voice? Should I get rid of the witness?" I panicked, silently.
"Ah," the boy in front of me looked past me and had a small smile on his face. "I got you, please climb into that box over there." He pointed.
"???" I stared at him confused, but didn't have the time to argue.
I climbed into the carton and he closed the lid above. I felt some weight on top of me. Possibly books?
"You there!" I heard the Secretary's voice.
"Yes Ma'am?" The boy responded, his voice sounded calm, not scared in the least.
"Were you the one making noises in the library just now?" Jo Lin's voice was strict and I'm 90% sure she had some suspicion combined in her tone as well.
"Noise? No ma'am," the boy acted surprised, I think, "I am here with my classmates on a group project assigned by Mr. Frost. They're in table 35, over there. I apologize if they made a mistake somehow..."
"Hmm," the Secretary's voice sounded displeased, "Mr. Frost, is it? I'll be sure to check."
"Ah... yes." The boy replied.
"What is your name?" The Secretary asked.
"Brian Aqua Fedel, ma'am." The boy introduced himself.
"It seems you at least have manners, so I will let it go. For now." Jo Lin's voice sounded even more unsatisfied.
"But if I find out you were lying to me just now, then mark my words, boy." Her voice turned scarier, "Your days in M.T.S will officially end."
Silence followed after that.
"How much longer must I be stuck here?" I thought, agonizing in pain. "I'm a ten year old girl for Pete's sake!"
After a few minutes passed by, the lid opened and I was pulled up. My muscles felt numb. Thank goodness two girls held me from both sides and helped me out...
"Th-thank you." I was short of breath, after trying to control it for so long.
The two girls helping me squealed and I felt the sensation of that in full impact.
"I cannot believe that SENIOR Gloria is thanking us...!" Another boy beside Brian exclaimed, elevated.
"... I see." I faked a smile and tried to collect myself.
"Excuse me," I got their attention, but the embarrassment was eating me up inside, "it might seem presumptuous of me, but I just want to ask you guys... are you by chance, my fans... or something?"
"YES!!" they all replied in unison, loud and clear.
"No wonder they helped me without any reason..." I thought to myself, "so that's why."
"I hope you guys won't tell anyone about this little event with Miss Secretary, okay?" I suggested with a smirk plastered on my face. I had to act confidently so they wouldn't ask me silly unwanted questions.
"If you do, then I'll be in big trouble. In exchange though, how about I help you guys with your homeworks for today? I don't like being indebted to others, you see."
"No Alison, you made an error in that spell." I pointed out to her, "Please go through it once more. See, you've written 'eceta', whereas it should be 'ecera'."
"Ah. Silly me, thanks!" Alison blushed, full of joy.
"Looks like having your idol for a tutor isn't as helpful as I thought." I felt somewhat guilty, with just the thought of it, "But I'm glad these kids are attentive and hardworking!"
I was relieved. They saved me and they promised not to speak a word of that incident as long as I helped them study.
But I wonder why I keep feeling that I've forgotten something rather important...
"Why is magic important?" Brian asked a question from the text book.
"To morph, to mend, for chaos and for growth." I replied, exactly matching my answer to the book.
"Yeah, but I can't write that. I have to explain this in my own words..." he sulked.
"Haha," I snickered, "that's 'cuz you need to understand the importance of magic and the weigh it carries."
"That's true," Alison nodded.
"Oh! Oh! I know!" Maqila raised her hands up high, expecting to be praised.
Her voice was quite loud.
"Shh...!" I exclaimed, "Turn your voice down."
"Ye-yeah, sorry." Maqila whispered, "I know the answer. In my opinion, magic is something which is only possible by the use of mana. Mana is used in everything everyday, so it's as important as breathing."
"Your answer is strange." Orion was quick to point out, "It doesn't make sense."
"You have another opinion, smarty-pants?" Maqila raised her voice again.
This time Brian and Alison shushed her.
"Hmph, as a matter of fact, I do." Orion smirked, then looked at me, his eyes sparkling, "Senior Gloria, will you listen?"
"Sure." I replied, faking a smile yet again.
"Magic is important because the civilizations from the beginning of life and even now, require it. We, humans, have weilded it and maintained it for generations. Where thought process ends, magic begins. Therefore, even something as lowly as technology is depended on it. If we didn't have magic, then humans would have no hope of surviving." Orion lectured.
"As if." I thought to myself, "that's stupid in every sense of the word. Argh~ but how do I tell them the reality? It's annoying to hear him blabber on any longer..."
"What do you think, Senior?" Brian turned to me.
"Well..." I was caught off guard and didn't know what to say, "Magic is an important essence in our everyday life, but we must utilize it with caution, not overconfidence. It can even self destruct, you know?"
"Wow~" all four of them said altogether, "You know so much!"
"Nope, I'm pretty sure you guys didn't really think before you answered." I sighed, lost in my thoughts.
"Hahaha... is that so?" I nervously chuckled, regaining my composure, "Perhaps it's because I'm older than you. When you guys will get into 4th year, you'll learn a lot too."
What else was I supposed to say? Tell them that I finished all the magic books in the Regular section by the end of my 1st year? Or that I've been using the secret passages to enter the Upper Section secretly, ever since my 2nd year?
I can't really say all that. My head hurts.
Before I left, the juniors asked me a silly question. They asked about my thoughts regarding the principal.
As everyone in the entire school knows already, Ms Jo Lin and I have never been in good terms. EVER.
In case of the principal, however, it wasn't like I was favored by her or anything. In front of others, we had to act distant.. So I was stuck in an awkward position by this question even though I tried to keep up my false smile.
The first thought that popped up in my mind when they asked me was, "a partner in crime." I couldn't just tell them that though.
So I compromised and replied, "An angel... maybe? She is a just person, so I respect her very much."
Honestly the brats stared at me like I was a hero of some sort. I ended up blushing a bit. Emotions have been harder to control... ever since I reincarnated as the opposite gender.
"Close the door, already." Lucy had a smug look on her face, while saying so.
"Yeah..." I couldn't stop staring at them.
I took a closer look and things looked even more unusual. I had a hunch that perhaps they were having a drawing competition.
I coughed a little and Analise handed me a glass of water with a worried face.
"Is this a miracle?" I stared at Lucy, confused.
Seeing me raise an eyebrow filled with doubt, Lucy chuckled and nodded. "Yes, we're doing our homework together. Wanna join in?"
"Uh huh." I replied, wondering whether this was a drunken dream.
"But I haven't had anything with alchohol in it... do I have a fever?" My mind had a hard time processing this idea, so I checked my temperature.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a fever.
"Stop staring. I'm gonna poke your eyeballs out if you do." Analise stated, annoyed as hell.
"Ah, sorry. It's just phenomenal... that's all." I smiled, feeling guilty all of a sudden.
Analise has always been allergic to home works and anything related to studying, so she would always copy mine, right before classes begun. Ever since we met.
Lucy hates copycats and they're usually on bitter terms regarding this 'fragile' topic.
I have never seen them work together on anything, other than that one group project back in 1st year. They've never agreed to do homework together and I couldn't just ask Lucy, since Analise would end up sulking again (even though she's never done her own one).
"I wish I had Google, then I could've confirmed whether the sun had risen from the East or West today..." I pondered, sarcastically.
In the end, we ended up doing our homework together until curfew. It was chaotic, to be honest. Full of disagreements, of course. Nonetheless, I had a good time.
The lights were turned off soon after and my two roommates were sound asleep.
"Uhh..." I heard Analise mutter, still snoring, probably having a nightmare.
Time and again, Lucy would grind her teeth or smack her lips and turn from one side of her bed to another.
It's been a few years since I've seen my family back in Felue. I stopped directly exchanging letters after Jo Lin had returned from her suspension. Thankfully though, Helen and Carmine have been by my side, so I don't miss home too much.
Besides, M.T.S has started to feel like another home to me. I'm so used to everything and everyone (even the Secretary). Now even the lonely feelings of 'not experiencing a regular lifestyle', doesn't bother me anymore.
Midnight rolled around, but I wasn't asleep like the rest of the world. I twisted and turned on my bed. At the pit of my stomach, grew anxiety. My mind dawdled, fearing of a similar problem from Year 1.
I removed the lamp from the side table beside my bed and threw the windows wide open. Sharing a room between three people was no longer hard... but, still felt cramped from time to time.
The cool breeze on my face felt soothing.
"There's gonna be a mana test this year, yet again..." I thought to myself, not feeling the least bit reassured, "even though Miss Adel assured me that she'll take care of it, I can't help being cautious."
It had been a long time since I was forced to trust someone like this. I've never felt this helpless before.
I shivered just thinking about it.
"But what about the physical education class this year... how will miss Adel handle that? It's a new subject, not to mention this year we have a brand new teacher teaching it... Urgh! Why do problems pop up every time I feel a shred of hope?!" I snapped, feeling frustrated and angry, but having nobody by my side.
"I hate this."
Tears filled my eyes, as the memories of J began coming back to me.
I sighed again and again, still not feeling any better. "Treasuring something is really harsh."
Cruel thoughts emerged and I kept feeling this void that 'what if' I get betrayed again? Will I be able to stand up a second time, or will I fall down deeper in darkness and lose myself completely like before? If it had to be like that, then being reincarnated held no meaning whatsoever.
I hated everything. So, so, so much.
"Why am I stuck?" I mumbled into the silent night, but didn't get a reply.
Whether you called it physical education or gym, the meaning didn't change. It could also be called a training camp, to be fair.
The moment I saw the phy.ed/gym teacher, Mr. Renis Gragg, I had a hunch that we wouldn't get along. For one, he seemed very strict. Another reason would be that he was escorted to the gymnasium by Jo Lin.
He divided the boys and the girls into seperate groups and made sure to specify how 'weak' girls were compared to boys. Of course the other side found it funny, but we girls had to take in the humiliation.
"What a sexist." I whispered to Analise.
"Seklist, what?" Analise's loud voice drew attention.
The gymnasium had an echo sound effect, so even Mr. Gragg and the Secretary heard it.
"You lot!" Jo Lin pinned on us.
"The so-called troublemakers I presume?" Mr. Gragg frowned, scanning us.
The Secretary nodded.
"If I hear any complaints from anybody here... then prepare for doom you three!" Jo Lin exclaimed furiously.
"Don't worry Miss Lin, these brats will never be able to cause any trouble in my class anymore." Mr. Gragg said confidently.
"I certainly hope so." Jo Lin had a slight simper on her face, but then turned to us, glared and left.
The moment she left, Mr. Gragg punished Analise, Lucy and me into doing two hundred push ups.
"If you lose count then start over from scratch again." He actually said that.
The rest of the girls had to only do fifty push ups and stretch ten times. Afterwards, they had to run laps round the gym. On the other hand, the boys had a free period. They were sent outside and returned after phy.ed was over.
"That's so unfair!" I heard a girl's voice.
"Do you want 200 push ups as well young missy?" Mr. Gragg's expression turned cold.
"Uh- n...no, no sir."
"Then don't meddle in things you don't understand."
I had to do something and fast. Of course ditching my friends during lunch was wrong, but I needed to. There was only one person who could help me with this new monstrous teacher... the principal!
"I can't do that." She told me.
"Excuse me, what?" I was shocked.
"I said, I can't do that." Miss Adel repeated.
"What! Why?!"
Miss Adel heaved a long and heavy sigh.
Then, almost in a monotonous voice, she replied, "I have heard about both your complaints and came to a conclusion that you should learn to adjust with your new teacher. Give him a little chance, how about that?"
"Say what?" I was dumbfounded by her words, "Have you met him?!"
"Yes, I have. He does have some temper, a bit pushy and has a sort of one-sided mentality towards his own gender... but Mr. Renis Gragg is a very good and rational teacher." Miss Adel gave me one of her angelic super smiles.
"B-but I have my suspicion!" I confidently stated.
"That's what you said last year and I had to fire that new mathematics teacher. As I recall it, he was investigated and nothing came up." Miss Adel's eyebrow lifted as I gave a nervous chuckle.
"Well, maybe I was being a little bit over the top that one time." I tried to mask my guilt.
"No, no more excuses. I cannot allow this year's classes to be delayed a second time."
The Principal continued, "Besides, sir Gragg has already been checked, three times. He's clean. He has excellent recommendations and I find no faults in him."
"But he's-"
"Not another word. He has his flaws, but so does the Secretary, you and everyone else. If I keep firing people like this, then M.T.S will have to shut down. I hope you understand, yes?"
Again with that blasted sarcastic smile! It's always the first symptom Miss Adel shows when she gets pissed off in the slightest. It's scary, honestly.
"O-okay." was all I could say.
I quietly left the principal's office through the secret passages, not really sure what had happened a few minutes ago.
I short sigh left my mouth before I finally realized I was rejected just now... and in a humiliating way at that.
"Hehehe..." my blood veins popped up and I swore revenge, "HAHAHA...!!"
The first thing I did the moment school was finished for the day, was to head over to R:002 and have a chat with Helen.
However, it seemed that Helen shared more of Miss Adel's "rational opinion" compared to mine. Know why? She thought I was going "over board"!
I didn't want to waste my valuable time with her, so I thrashed the door shut and left.
"Idiot." Was all I heard from the other side, almost in a whisper.
"I'll show you!" I yelled while stomping my feet all the way back to my dorm room.
"What is this!?" Secretary Jo Lin's scream initiated the success of our plan.
"Get over here Mr. Gragg!"
The whole school probably heard her by now as more and more students began gathering in the hallway just outside the teacher's lounge.
It helped us blend into the crowd and I felt so alive!
The teachers were all standing at the entrance of the room, but with my small height (since I'm a girl, otherwise I'd be a lot taller by now) it was easy to peek inside. The other students were struggling, but I must say, me and ma'girls did quite a fantastic job if I say so myself.
Mr. Gragg was really close to his desk filled by a bunch of flowers. He's allergic to pollen, so his skin was getting pink-ish by the minute.
However, Miss Jo Lin was so overcome by rage that her eyes were staring daggers at the flowers, searching for any evidence left behind by the so-called 'admirer", while the helpless gym teacher was struggling to get her grip off of his collar.
"Looks like the pollen is working well." I thought to myself, quite proud, "Poor thing, struggling against a woman... serves him right."
A wicked grin probably plastered all over my face as I felt my smile form from one ear to the other.
The more he scratched, the worse the allergic reaction became. His lips began swelling up.
"Ugh..." Lucy and Analise exclaimed, clenching their stomachs.
I guess girls their age would think of this as 'ugly' and find this scene disturbing. But I'm used to it, so that's fine.
"Are you sure he's alright?" Olivia asked me, her eyes filled with tears.
"I'm certain." I smirked confidently, "He might faint, but don't worry, he'll be fine."
As G, it was not that uncommon for me to see people die of allergic reaction. Seen them die with my own eyes and I've been responsible for them dying like that occasionally.
Killing Mr. Gragg wouldn't be that big a deal, but right now all I wanted was to teach the guy a lesson. Of course, before I did the deed, I made sure to check all his past records and medical ones too.
I wouldn't want him to die accidentally after all. That'd be troublesome. Besides, I'm the most obvious suspect. But Helen won't get me in trouble and Miss Adel won't really reveal the secret passages... as long as Mr. Gragg isn't on his deathbed.
"Three medium type healing potions would cure him, or even thirty smaller ones." I whispered to my gang.
"That's expensive." Lucy added, still feeling dizzy as she clutched hold of Analise's arms.
"I'm pretty sure that the school can afford at least ten small potions." I whispered back.
"Healing potions aren't magic, Glow." Analise intervened the conversation, "Smaller potions will run out of effect after 3-5 days. Medium ones will only last about 3 months at most, but if his body is weak, he might really die."
"Weak? Him?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Glow has a point." Olivia sided with me, despite looking extremely anxious herself.
While we were on the side lines whispering and debating, Jo Lin had finally realized what her actions caused and immediately sent a teacher to fetch the Principal.
"You four!" She pointed her fingers at us. "How dare you laugh while this man is in such danger!"
Everyone's attention turned towards us and I knew things would be over now.
After Miss Adel arrived, she glared a very disappointed look at me and agreed with the Secretary's punishment for us. In fact, she even extended the time of our punishment from three days to a whole week.
Helen reported everything in a letter to Charles and even my parents found out. They had a different punishment in store for me for when I return after exams, or so they had written back.
Obviously Miss Adel knew I was the one who was solely responsible for this incident, but she also included my accomplices.
When I went to meet her, after she had 'summoned' me, the principal's office was not at all like how I had known it to be in all these years. Just by her mood swing, the whole room changed from a bubbly sunshine mood to a heavily dark themed one.
As the Principal, Miss Adel showed me no sweetness. Despite my arguments, nothing changed and I was forced to accept everything.
"They should've known better." She told me, her eyes as frigid as her voice. There was no smile in it.
"Being lunch ladies?"
"Yes, precisely. Let the whole school know what happens to immature troublemakers." She curtly stated, "Had the man died accidentally, then you and those 'best friends' of yours would've been banished from my school, immediately. You should count yourself lucky for receiving such a light punishment. I'll see to it that this little prank of yours remains a mystery... But there will be no next time, mind you."
"Yo, Glow! Wait up!" I heard Ana's voice.
A tap from behind me and behold that cheeky girl appeared.
"Ana! What took you so long?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
I only hoped she wasn't foolishly stalking some good looking kid somewhere.
"Urgh, don't even mention it. As usual it's that witch." Her eyebrows formed a frown.
I couldn't help but titter a little, "Come on, that stupid secretary isn't all that scary, you know?"
"Ha! To you, may be. You're the expert." Analise suspiciously stared at me, surveying me head to toe, "How do you hide so fast anyway? In fact, where do you hide? It's almost as though you vanish the moment that witch enters the room!"
Even though she was dum- I mean, slightly more slow witted than most people, her intuition was spot on!
Over the course of the past four years, tricking Analise was easier than everyone else, but if her suspicion rose even a bit, then she was like the shadow of Sherlock Holmes.
Not to mention how her mouth ran faster than a horse. There was no way I would expose about the secret passageways to her of all people... The whole school will be in danger!
"I'm lucky, that's all. Besides everyone knows she is out to get me. I get help from others from time to time as well."
"And who might these 'others' be? I, for, one have never seen these people you speak of." Lucy attacked from the other side.
"Perfect," I thought to myself. "I dodge one bullet and out comes the other."
If Analise was the shadow, then Lucy was Sherlock in disguise. What a combo!
"Actually you have seen them, but you've never paid any attention to them." I pretended to avoid the main topic, "Besides, we all know that if someone as smart as you cannot find me, then Jo Lin will never be able to catch me!"
I hated that sound Lucy made. I was well aware what that tone of voice indicated. A knife to my throat, to be exact.
"Hahaha! So true!" Analise agreed with me, laughing heartily, not even understanding the hardships bubbling within me.
My stomach growled loudly in all this tension and from the way people around me snickered, I was sure everyone heard. I shrunk in embarrassment, not knowing what to cover... my face or my stomach.
As far as my two smartass friends were concerned, well, they laughed loudly along with the crowd.
"It is lunch break, of course I'm hungry... you girls are so cruel!" I muttered, feeling ashamed and fleeing towards the cafeteria ('lunch area' as they call it in this world).
"Hello, Miss Adel, how are you?" I greeted Ms. Adel with a broad smile.
"Gloria! What a pleasant surprise! I see you're skipping class as usual." Miss Adel greeted me the usual way.
It's not like she's ever reprimanded me for not going, but I can't help feeling guilty every time she said that. Somehow, the more I compared her to my grumpy mom back home, the less they seemed alike.
"I can't help it. Your Secretary has too much time on her hands to stalk me." I winked at her, stating my recent problems.
"I understand what you are implying... let's see what I can do." Miss Adel winked back with a slight nod.
"You know me so well, Miss Adel!"
It's so strange that even in the past 3 and a half years, we're still not friends. Don't get me wrong, I get that we are casual around each other and are not exactly on the same level as acquaintances anymore, but it's not like we're chummy with each other either. I, for one, have never really asked Principal Adel regarding her personal life... ever.
In a sense, she already knew a lot about me, no doubt. I respect her and I'd love to get to know her better. But, I also want to keep being distant like so, a little while longer...
"Should I tell her I saw the Secretary wandering around in one of the secret passages?" I thought at the back of mind, sighing heavily, "Nah, may be later. So long as I'm not caught, it doesn't really matter, I suppose."
Ms. Adel cleared her desk that was filled with paperworks. I helped her out a little, but she was persistent that I don't move while she handles her own junk.
Well, thanks to her habit of doing her own work, even the Secretary dares not disturb her without reason.
"Speaking of which, since the kitchen is empty right now, and you have a basket full of snacks (again)," principal Adel's eyes were twinkling, "would you be a dear and brew some of your exquisite tea, like last time?"
"What," I whined, complaining as usual, "Now??"
"Please sweetheart... my mind has been aching since morning..."
She was acting, yet again.
"Sure... and I wonder who it was, the one laughing hysterically at 9 am during the morning assembly today when the Secretary sat on a whoopee cushion (my doing) and embarrassed herself."
"Bu-but Miss Adel! It's just 2 pm!" I insisted.
"Precisely why you'd better go sooner than later." She was quite demanding, "The cooks will be back after an hour or so. They will be preparing for a few things today."
We had a brief staring competition.
"Fine!" I agreed with a huge pouty face.
"I can't just refuse her now. She will definitely trick me into brewing some for her later on, anyway!" I lamented on past experiences.
After having tea, I packed up everything and promised to go back and do the afternoon classes. While it was true that I had no intention of skipping, however, while going through the secret passages... I noticed a black figure lingering nearby.
By instinct, I hid behind the bushes as soon as I got outside. A moment too late and I would've been caught...!
"Good thing I've never stopped practicing my reflexes..." I sighed with relief, "but who-"
The answer presented itself as the person turned around. I flinched, almost revealing myself, but quickly withdrew.
The Secretary... of course.
"She's so close..." I thought nervously, "don't tell me she knows about this passage too."
However, contrary to my beliefs, she turned around and was just taking the left turn.
I had two options. One, leave the suspicious secretary wearing a brown robe in the middle of day, alone. Or Two, follow her to fulfill my curiosity.
I chose the latter option. So I followed her.
Every step of the way, I had to be careful. There was no time to clear my thoughts or turn around and walk away.
The trees and bushes were getting thicker and thicker. Thank God, I was small in size and flexible enough. Otherwise things would've gotten a lot worse.
She stopped in front of a dirty wall covered by mud and vines. If I didn't see so for myself, I would have never believed that Jo Lin would transverse through it.
"My mind is blown." I mumbled to myself and about five seconds later, went through the vines myself.
Honestly it would be much more easier if I had the cloak with me, but I never expected an outcome like this to happen.
Seriously, living in peace has numbed my survival instincts.
Usually the secret passages I've seen so far have all been quite lit up. Yet this one was as dark as charcoal. I couldn't use something to brighten up the place because Jo Lin would notice me. Besides, the ground was slippery and wet.
It was a pain in the ass. I truly regretted not choosing the first option.
The moment I relaxed my muscles a little bit, something creaked... like a door, and bright light beamed into the passageway. I hid in the shadows, panting and fixing my breath.
"I've never heard a passage door sounding so... creepy. Is it rusty?" I thought to myself, trying to take short breaths, "More importantly..."
I turned, poking my head out, "she didn't notice my presence, right?"
The Secretary walked in silence, out of the passage and into the light. My eyes were still hazy.
In light steps, I followed the Secretary. However, I didn't go over to the other side. I remained by the door, hiding stealthily. (A/N: Idiot MC.)
Before I saw anything else, the door creaked shut. Darkness was everywhere, once again.
Then it happened again. My eyes felt bright and burning. In a few moments, I could see the cave (?) clearly. This was the second time I've felt this sensation ever since that incident back at the dorm room three and a half years ago.
It was strange and nostalgic, but my eyes felt hot. It was slightly painful, but anything was worth it rather than being stuck here.
"There should be a way to open the door." I muttered, quite desperately, "Miss Adel told me before that there's always a switch. So..."
And there it was!
The only problem was 'if' the door would make a loud noise again. In case someone heard it from the otherside, in worst case scenario if that someone just happened to be the secretary... I'd be f**ked up. (A/N: As much as you hate reading '*' I hate writing '*' every time. But, I don't want to be reported, so I'm playing it safe.)
"But what choice do I have?"
"Here goes nothing!" I prepared for the worst as the door opened.
It creaked, yes. I jumped and hid behind the third bookshelf to my right.
The bad news was that Jo Lin heard the squeaky sound and came rushing towards the door. The good news was that she arrived after I jumped, so I'm safe.
I peered towards her direction and used the books as a shield.
She was confused and silent for a while. Then she looked left and right cautiously. I tried to stay as still as possible. If I so much as flinched, she might notice me.
The library in M.T.S is the Continent's fifth most largest Library.
It's divided by two sections. The Regular Section used by Years 1 to 3, and the Upper Section used by Years 4 to 7 (and teachers). The Regular Section is actually allowed to be open to the whole school, but specifically meant for the juniors who were restricted from using the Upper section.
Why am I babbling all this? Well, right now, I'm in that very Regular section of M.T.S's library.
"Its weird..." I began thinking deeply while also warily observing the Secretary, "why would she come here through a secret passage like that? If anything, with the power and access she has, even if she were to waltz in the Library at midnight, only a fool would stop her."
"Excuse me." A light tap on my shoulder.
"Yaah!" I screeched and stopped short.
It was someone, seemingly older than me in age, but a junior.
"Oh no." I flinched to turn and see.
Jo Lin had definitely heard my scream. She was coming this way...!
I was freaked out of my wits.
"Did she recognize my voice? Should I get rid of the witness?" I panicked, silently.
"Ah," the boy in front of me looked past me and had a small smile on his face. "I got you, please climb into that box over there." He pointed.
"???" I stared at him confused, but didn't have the time to argue.
I climbed into the carton and he closed the lid above. I felt some weight on top of me. Possibly books?
"You there!" I heard the Secretary's voice.
"Yes Ma'am?" The boy responded, his voice sounded calm, not scared in the least.
"Were you the one making noises in the library just now?" Jo Lin's voice was strict and I'm 90% sure she had some suspicion combined in her tone as well.
"Noise? No ma'am," the boy acted surprised, I think, "I am here with my classmates on a group project assigned by Mr. Frost. They're in table 35, over there. I apologize if they made a mistake somehow..."
"Hmm," the Secretary's voice sounded displeased, "Mr. Frost, is it? I'll be sure to check."
"Ah... yes." The boy replied.
"What is your name?" The Secretary asked.
"Brian Aqua Fedel, ma'am." The boy introduced himself.
"It seems you at least have manners, so I will let it go. For now." Jo Lin's voice sounded even more unsatisfied.
"But if I find out you were lying to me just now, then mark my words, boy." Her voice turned scarier, "Your days in M.T.S will officially end."
Silence followed after that.
"How much longer must I be stuck here?" I thought, agonizing in pain. "I'm a ten year old girl for Pete's sake!"
After a few minutes passed by, the lid opened and I was pulled up. My muscles felt numb. Thank goodness two girls held me from both sides and helped me out...
"Th-thank you." I was short of breath, after trying to control it for so long.
The two girls helping me squealed and I felt the sensation of that in full impact.
"I cannot believe that SENIOR Gloria is thanking us...!" Another boy beside Brian exclaimed, elevated.
"... I see." I faked a smile and tried to collect myself.
"Excuse me," I got their attention, but the embarrassment was eating me up inside, "it might seem presumptuous of me, but I just want to ask you guys... are you by chance, my fans... or something?"
"YES!!" they all replied in unison, loud and clear.
"No wonder they helped me without any reason..." I thought to myself, "so that's why."
"I hope you guys won't tell anyone about this little event with Miss Secretary, okay?" I suggested with a smirk plastered on my face. I had to act confidently so they wouldn't ask me silly unwanted questions.
"If you do, then I'll be in big trouble. In exchange though, how about I help you guys with your homeworks for today? I don't like being indebted to others, you see."
"No Alison, you made an error in that spell." I pointed out to her, "Please go through it once more. See, you've written 'eceta', whereas it should be 'ecera'."
"Ah. Silly me, thanks!" Alison blushed, full of joy.
"Looks like having your idol for a tutor isn't as helpful as I thought." I felt somewhat guilty, with just the thought of it, "But I'm glad these kids are attentive and hardworking!"
I was relieved. They saved me and they promised not to speak a word of that incident as long as I helped them study.
But I wonder why I keep feeling that I've forgotten something rather important...
"Why is magic important?" Brian asked a question from the text book.
"To morph, to mend, for chaos and for growth." I replied, exactly matching my answer to the book.
"Yeah, but I can't write that. I have to explain this in my own words..." he sulked.
"Haha," I snickered, "that's 'cuz you need to understand the importance of magic and the weigh it carries."
"That's true," Alison nodded.
"Oh! Oh! I know!" Maqila raised her hands up high, expecting to be praised.
Her voice was quite loud.
"Shh...!" I exclaimed, "Turn your voice down."
"Ye-yeah, sorry." Maqila whispered, "I know the answer. In my opinion, magic is something which is only possible by the use of mana. Mana is used in everything everyday, so it's as important as breathing."
"Your answer is strange." Orion was quick to point out, "It doesn't make sense."
"You have another opinion, smarty-pants?" Maqila raised her voice again.
This time Brian and Alison shushed her.
"Hmph, as a matter of fact, I do." Orion smirked, then looked at me, his eyes sparkling, "Senior Gloria, will you listen?"
"Sure." I replied, faking a smile yet again.
"Magic is important because the civilizations from the beginning of life and even now, require it. We, humans, have weilded it and maintained it for generations. Where thought process ends, magic begins. Therefore, even something as lowly as technology is depended on it. If we didn't have magic, then humans would have no hope of surviving." Orion lectured.
"As if." I thought to myself, "that's stupid in every sense of the word. Argh~ but how do I tell them the reality? It's annoying to hear him blabber on any longer..."
"What do you think, Senior?" Brian turned to me.
"Well..." I was caught off guard and didn't know what to say, "Magic is an important essence in our everyday life, but we must utilize it with caution, not overconfidence. It can even self destruct, you know?"
"Wow~" all four of them said altogether, "You know so much!"
"Nope, I'm pretty sure you guys didn't really think before you answered." I sighed, lost in my thoughts.
"Hahaha... is that so?" I nervously chuckled, regaining my composure, "Perhaps it's because I'm older than you. When you guys will get into 4th year, you'll learn a lot too."
What else was I supposed to say? Tell them that I finished all the magic books in the Regular section by the end of my 1st year? Or that I've been using the secret passages to enter the Upper Section secretly, ever since my 2nd year?
I can't really say all that. My head hurts.
Before I left, the juniors asked me a silly question. They asked about my thoughts regarding the principal.
As everyone in the entire school knows already, Ms Jo Lin and I have never been in good terms. EVER.
In case of the principal, however, it wasn't like I was favored by her or anything. In front of others, we had to act distant.. So I was stuck in an awkward position by this question even though I tried to keep up my false smile.
The first thought that popped up in my mind when they asked me was, "a partner in crime." I couldn't just tell them that though.
So I compromised and replied, "An angel... maybe? She is a just person, so I respect her very much."
Honestly the brats stared at me like I was a hero of some sort. I ended up blushing a bit. Emotions have been harder to control... ever since I reincarnated as the opposite gender.
"Close the door, already." Lucy had a smug look on her face, while saying so.
"Yeah..." I couldn't stop staring at them.
I took a closer look and things looked even more unusual. I had a hunch that perhaps they were having a drawing competition.
I coughed a little and Analise handed me a glass of water with a worried face.
"Is this a miracle?" I stared at Lucy, confused.
Seeing me raise an eyebrow filled with doubt, Lucy chuckled and nodded. "Yes, we're doing our homework together. Wanna join in?"
"Uh huh." I replied, wondering whether this was a drunken dream.
"But I haven't had anything with alchohol in it... do I have a fever?" My mind had a hard time processing this idea, so I checked my temperature.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a fever.
"Stop staring. I'm gonna poke your eyeballs out if you do." Analise stated, annoyed as hell.
"Ah, sorry. It's just phenomenal... that's all." I smiled, feeling guilty all of a sudden.
Analise has always been allergic to home works and anything related to studying, so she would always copy mine, right before classes begun. Ever since we met.
Lucy hates copycats and they're usually on bitter terms regarding this 'fragile' topic.
I have never seen them work together on anything, other than that one group project back in 1st year. They've never agreed to do homework together and I couldn't just ask Lucy, since Analise would end up sulking again (even though she's never done her own one).
"I wish I had Google, then I could've confirmed whether the sun had risen from the East or West today..." I pondered, sarcastically.
In the end, we ended up doing our homework together until curfew. It was chaotic, to be honest. Full of disagreements, of course. Nonetheless, I had a good time.
The lights were turned off soon after and my two roommates were sound asleep.
"Uhh..." I heard Analise mutter, still snoring, probably having a nightmare.
Time and again, Lucy would grind her teeth or smack her lips and turn from one side of her bed to another.
It's been a few years since I've seen my family back in Felue. I stopped directly exchanging letters after Jo Lin had returned from her suspension. Thankfully though, Helen and Carmine have been by my side, so I don't miss home too much.
Besides, M.T.S has started to feel like another home to me. I'm so used to everything and everyone (even the Secretary). Now even the lonely feelings of 'not experiencing a regular lifestyle', doesn't bother me anymore.
Midnight rolled around, but I wasn't asleep like the rest of the world. I twisted and turned on my bed. At the pit of my stomach, grew anxiety. My mind dawdled, fearing of a similar problem from Year 1.
I removed the lamp from the side table beside my bed and threw the windows wide open. Sharing a room between three people was no longer hard... but, still felt cramped from time to time.
The cool breeze on my face felt soothing.
"There's gonna be a mana test this year, yet again..." I thought to myself, not feeling the least bit reassured, "even though Miss Adel assured me that she'll take care of it, I can't help being cautious."
It had been a long time since I was forced to trust someone like this. I've never felt this helpless before.
I shivered just thinking about it.
"But what about the physical education class this year... how will miss Adel handle that? It's a new subject, not to mention this year we have a brand new teacher teaching it... Urgh! Why do problems pop up every time I feel a shred of hope?!" I snapped, feeling frustrated and angry, but having nobody by my side.
"I hate this."
Tears filled my eyes, as the memories of J began coming back to me.
I sighed again and again, still not feeling any better. "Treasuring something is really harsh."
Cruel thoughts emerged and I kept feeling this void that 'what if' I get betrayed again? Will I be able to stand up a second time, or will I fall down deeper in darkness and lose myself completely like before? If it had to be like that, then being reincarnated held no meaning whatsoever.
I hated everything. So, so, so much.
"Why am I stuck?" I mumbled into the silent night, but didn't get a reply.
Whether you called it physical education or gym, the meaning didn't change. It could also be called a training camp, to be fair.
The moment I saw the phy.ed/gym teacher, Mr. Renis Gragg, I had a hunch that we wouldn't get along. For one, he seemed very strict. Another reason would be that he was escorted to the gymnasium by Jo Lin.
He divided the boys and the girls into seperate groups and made sure to specify how 'weak' girls were compared to boys. Of course the other side found it funny, but we girls had to take in the humiliation.
"What a sexist." I whispered to Analise.
"Seklist, what?" Analise's loud voice drew attention.
The gymnasium had an echo sound effect, so even Mr. Gragg and the Secretary heard it.
"You lot!" Jo Lin pinned on us.
"The so-called troublemakers I presume?" Mr. Gragg frowned, scanning us.
The Secretary nodded.
"If I hear any complaints from anybody here... then prepare for doom you three!" Jo Lin exclaimed furiously.
"Don't worry Miss Lin, these brats will never be able to cause any trouble in my class anymore." Mr. Gragg said confidently.
"I certainly hope so." Jo Lin had a slight simper on her face, but then turned to us, glared and left.
The moment she left, Mr. Gragg punished Analise, Lucy and me into doing two hundred push ups.
"If you lose count then start over from scratch again." He actually said that.
The rest of the girls had to only do fifty push ups and stretch ten times. Afterwards, they had to run laps round the gym. On the other hand, the boys had a free period. They were sent outside and returned after phy.ed was over.
"That's so unfair!" I heard a girl's voice.
"Do you want 200 push ups as well young missy?" Mr. Gragg's expression turned cold.
"Uh- n...no, no sir."
"Then don't meddle in things you don't understand."
I had to do something and fast. Of course ditching my friends during lunch was wrong, but I needed to. There was only one person who could help me with this new monstrous teacher... the principal!
"I can't do that." She told me.
"Excuse me, what?" I was shocked.
"I said, I can't do that." Miss Adel repeated.
"What! Why?!"
Miss Adel heaved a long and heavy sigh.
Then, almost in a monotonous voice, she replied, "I have heard about both your complaints and came to a conclusion that you should learn to adjust with your new teacher. Give him a little chance, how about that?"
"Say what?" I was dumbfounded by her words, "Have you met him?!"
"Yes, I have. He does have some temper, a bit pushy and has a sort of one-sided mentality towards his own gender... but Mr. Renis Gragg is a very good and rational teacher." Miss Adel gave me one of her angelic super smiles.
"B-but I have my suspicion!" I confidently stated.
"That's what you said last year and I had to fire that new mathematics teacher. As I recall it, he was investigated and nothing came up." Miss Adel's eyebrow lifted as I gave a nervous chuckle.
"Well, maybe I was being a little bit over the top that one time." I tried to mask my guilt.
"No, no more excuses. I cannot allow this year's classes to be delayed a second time."
The Principal continued, "Besides, sir Gragg has already been checked, three times. He's clean. He has excellent recommendations and I find no faults in him."
"But he's-"
"Not another word. He has his flaws, but so does the Secretary, you and everyone else. If I keep firing people like this, then M.T.S will have to shut down. I hope you understand, yes?"
Again with that blasted sarcastic smile! It's always the first symptom Miss Adel shows when she gets pissed off in the slightest. It's scary, honestly.
"O-okay." was all I could say.
I quietly left the principal's office through the secret passages, not really sure what had happened a few minutes ago.
I short sigh left my mouth before I finally realized I was rejected just now... and in a humiliating way at that.
"Hehehe..." my blood veins popped up and I swore revenge, "HAHAHA...!!"
The first thing I did the moment school was finished for the day, was to head over to R:002 and have a chat with Helen.
However, it seemed that Helen shared more of Miss Adel's "rational opinion" compared to mine. Know why? She thought I was going "over board"!
I didn't want to waste my valuable time with her, so I thrashed the door shut and left.
"Idiot." Was all I heard from the other side, almost in a whisper.
"I'll show you!" I yelled while stomping my feet all the way back to my dorm room.
"What is this!?" Secretary Jo Lin's scream initiated the success of our plan.
"Get over here Mr. Gragg!"
The whole school probably heard her by now as more and more students began gathering in the hallway just outside the teacher's lounge.
It helped us blend into the crowd and I felt so alive!
The teachers were all standing at the entrance of the room, but with my small height (since I'm a girl, otherwise I'd be a lot taller by now) it was easy to peek inside. The other students were struggling, but I must say, me and ma'girls did quite a fantastic job if I say so myself.
Mr. Gragg was really close to his desk filled by a bunch of flowers. He's allergic to pollen, so his skin was getting pink-ish by the minute.
However, Miss Jo Lin was so overcome by rage that her eyes were staring daggers at the flowers, searching for any evidence left behind by the so-called 'admirer", while the helpless gym teacher was struggling to get her grip off of his collar.
"Looks like the pollen is working well." I thought to myself, quite proud, "Poor thing, struggling against a woman... serves him right."
A wicked grin probably plastered all over my face as I felt my smile form from one ear to the other.
The more he scratched, the worse the allergic reaction became. His lips began swelling up.
"Ugh..." Lucy and Analise exclaimed, clenching their stomachs.
I guess girls their age would think of this as 'ugly' and find this scene disturbing. But I'm used to it, so that's fine.
"Are you sure he's alright?" Olivia asked me, her eyes filled with tears.
"I'm certain." I smirked confidently, "He might faint, but don't worry, he'll be fine."
As G, it was not that uncommon for me to see people die of allergic reaction. Seen them die with my own eyes and I've been responsible for them dying like that occasionally.
Killing Mr. Gragg wouldn't be that big a deal, but right now all I wanted was to teach the guy a lesson. Of course, before I did the deed, I made sure to check all his past records and medical ones too.
I wouldn't want him to die accidentally after all. That'd be troublesome. Besides, I'm the most obvious suspect. But Helen won't get me in trouble and Miss Adel won't really reveal the secret passages... as long as Mr. Gragg isn't on his deathbed.
"Three medium type healing potions would cure him, or even thirty smaller ones." I whispered to my gang.
"That's expensive." Lucy added, still feeling dizzy as she clutched hold of Analise's arms.
"I'm pretty sure that the school can afford at least ten small potions." I whispered back.
"Healing potions aren't magic, Glow." Analise intervened the conversation, "Smaller potions will run out of effect after 3-5 days. Medium ones will only last about 3 months at most, but if his body is weak, he might really die."
"Weak? Him?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Glow has a point." Olivia sided with me, despite looking extremely anxious herself.
While we were on the side lines whispering and debating, Jo Lin had finally realized what her actions caused and immediately sent a teacher to fetch the Principal.
"You four!" She pointed her fingers at us. "How dare you laugh while this man is in such danger!"
Everyone's attention turned towards us and I knew things would be over now.
After Miss Adel arrived, she glared a very disappointed look at me and agreed with the Secretary's punishment for us. In fact, she even extended the time of our punishment from three days to a whole week.
Helen reported everything in a letter to Charles and even my parents found out. They had a different punishment in store for me for when I return after exams, or so they had written back.
Obviously Miss Adel knew I was the one who was solely responsible for this incident, but she also included my accomplices.
When I went to meet her, after she had 'summoned' me, the principal's office was not at all like how I had known it to be in all these years. Just by her mood swing, the whole room changed from a bubbly sunshine mood to a heavily dark themed one.
As the Principal, Miss Adel showed me no sweetness. Despite my arguments, nothing changed and I was forced to accept everything.
"They should've known better." She told me, her eyes as frigid as her voice. There was no smile in it.
"Being lunch ladies?"
"Yes, precisely. Let the whole school know what happens to immature troublemakers." She curtly stated, "Had the man died accidentally, then you and those 'best friends' of yours would've been banished from my school, immediately. You should count yourself lucky for receiving such a light punishment. I'll see to it that this little prank of yours remains a mystery... But there will be no next time, mind you."
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