Everyday, I Fight!
4 Chapter 4: Helen's Turn
Yesterday was the same old, same old, except that I was almost avoided by Carmine the entire day, while Helen bugged me like crazy!
Today, however, Helen was planned something different for me. Her face that stenched of 'plot' with rubbing lips and grittingteeth hinted a large drama. Trouble, as I can figure.
She had a thing against me and I have no clue why. All I can say is that ever since I woke up this morning, followed by the heavy smelly perfume from my diaper, she had been peering her huge eyes at me. I could feel that daggers were being aimed towards me as if I was a training equipment.
Everytime she would stare for a while, then click her tongue with disappointment and then put on a thinking face. One time she gleamed with a delightful face; the next thing I know, I'm wearing a pajama like outfit. A small tank top and something like the pajama pants...? I've yet to fully grasp fashion anyway. Might as well leave it at that.
Mom, on the other hand scratched her hair and then gleamed at me with a face I didn't like. Before I could react, I was dragged away as she mumbled something and did my soft little boyish hair. It was something similar to the pixie cut, girls are used to in my old world. However, mom had a way with her hands and did my hair naturally, not cutting a single hair, or damaging them.
The feeling came even better than the saloons. It was pure relish! I felt as if I'd been drowning in a sweet scented water.
The drool from my mouth toppled down, but in an instant, I could feel envy being directed toward me. Now Helen was conjuring something up to her sleeves.
Just as mom was putting me into my cradle, "Hey, mom," Helen started, "Why not use the timing and teach this thing to crawl?" then she snorted.
Mom, who had not been fazed by her daughter's words, simply smiled. "Good idea."
"No," my father came out into the living room looking perfectly trimmed and ready, "how about after daddy~ comes home~?"
"But what if she fell over?" Helen strongly accused, "Or tried escaping the cradle...!"
I see. So she was trying to ignite the fire. Then adding fuel to that small flame to enhance it, huh. What a brat!
"You've sure gotten quite the temper," mom said with worry, "is this the side effect of awakening, I wonder?"
"Its not like that!" Helen pouted with a frown.
"You know, Helen," dad softly spoke with a stern voice, "your baby sister cannot speak yet. She barely utters anything except crying... so crawling might cause further problems."
Dad was serious. Apparently, in this world, a baby is always ready for crawling when he/she can speak a word like papa or mama. Babies speak words at 3 months age and the can crawl by 8 months. I had learned this recently, but due to the expired time, I didn't know what to do.
"How about waiting for papa~!" dad suggested with a charmed smug all over his face, "but if you wanna~ then, how about-"
"Not happening." mom shook her head and then produced a dark simper plastered on her face, "Dear, you're getting late..." She took his briefcase as if it was a shield and tugged and pushed him out the door elegantly, still smiling.
"So scary!" I thought, "Never make mom angry. Note to self."
As I tossed and turned myself in the cradle, I could feel two propelling auras, piercing at me.
The first one was Helen, who had a lot of pent up frustration.
The second was a rather gentle and shy one with a more confused daze. Peeping at me, was, Carmine.
The telephone rang and mom hurriedly went to pick it up. She seemed quite thrilled by the phone call, arousing within me, a speck of suspicion. Though I heaved an uncertain sigh and eventually let out the bad thoughts.
"I shouldn't be thinking like this... it's wrong." I assured myself.
She got very excited over the phone and then her expression went purple. She hung up the phone and left with a few words, "I'll be back soon. Eat lunch, okay?" and the door closed with the lock.
Before anything, let me recollect the certain, yet exhausting functions of telephone here. One, they are used with magic and consume quite a bit of mana. So rare homes have telephone access.
Two, only powerful and capable mages are able to connect their voices together or call so that they can talk in real time. Otherwise, the telephone is more of a recording voice that passes through, like voice messages.
Three, the structure of the telephone is slightly different. Picture a normal landline telephone, however, not any of the call buttons. There is a huge translucent glass over that area and a single button at the top left corner of the phone. Press it and hold it for listening to the voices left behind using to connected cord.
Double tap the same button to record your voice. Then the signal will be transmitted once you place your hand on the translucent glass and the recorded voice with the silver glow will disappear.
Just by adding your will, the nearest phone to your certain someone, the connection will reach. Of course that also means that there are several flaws, but there aren't many magic researchers in this world or scientists that can improve them.
Perhaps nobody has thought about this peculiar phone functions thoroughly yet...? May be that's why.
Of course, listening is much easier since it doesn't require much magic. You still need to be at least at the Lead Class, 1st stage though. However, the message won't last long and deplete over time.
For example, a fresh message that is recorded and sent, if immediately arrived, will be bright golden color. At that point, the caller is still at the other end, so if the receiver calls back, the connection is made, but a huge amount of mana is gone and it takes long time to consume that power back.
Colors that have fresh messages goes like this: golden, yellow, orange, red. Red means that there isn't much left. Afterwards, the glow will disappear and nothing will be left behind.
"Okay then," an all too familiar voice interrupted my train of thoughts, "let's teach ya how to have some fun!"
Helen picked me up. I was in the demon's clutches... what to do? No matter how much I panicked and sweated, it was to no avail.
I was led to the Baby Room and put on top of the crimson red carpet. It was soft and silky.
"Now hop to it," Helen suggested, putting me down, "Crawl baby, or I will skin ya alive!"
She's threatening me! How vexing! This little pinhead.
Carmine who had been silently lurking in the shadows, came into the room and picked me up.
Though brave, I was too much for her, so we both fell. She toppled down and thankfully I secured my landing when I fell on top of her.
The once jealous little brat, was now sweetly putting on airs, to aid me. How cute.
"Hmph, you're too small to even carry her." Helen protested with a grin.
"Am not!" Carmine shot back in a fierce tone, "Babwy Gow wikes Caaarmi better!"
Even if it were an argument, I could clearly verify that Carmine wasn't good in it. She had the temper, but she often let it lose and even more so, caused a mess. For a child, this was her best shot, I bet.
At that moment, a nostalgia hit me as I mumbled to myself, "Fight on~!!!"
Since children grow up too fast, it's best they learn from the fights now and how relationships work... unlike me, who had to learn everything the hard way. After all, reincarnating wasn't planned by me. What if I died like everyone else and never got a chance? This was a precious point in my new life and enjoying the moment now as it is would be the best!
"Did she say so?" Helen asked.
"She-she... she called my name! Not Yows!" Carmine bravely confronted her sister.
"Oh, really," Helen deviously smirked, "then shall we try again? Baby Glow has to answer."
"Yea." Carmine agreed.
They came towards me like giants about to squash a measly fly. I shook in desperation regarding what these two had in mind.
As I was picked up, I saw Helen bend down, sitting. On the other end of the room, Carmine did the same. "Now, go and call her," Helen ordered with a deep bitter-sweet voice, "come back and say mine. If you cannot, then I will tie you upside down!"
At the sheer burst of her ridiculous threat, I crawled like crazy to where Carmine sat, teary eyed as I approached her.
"Uwah~Uwah....ah haha....!" I whimpered and cried until my eyes turned red.
Carmine stoned on me as I cried next to her. I think she got a traumatic shock as though I had blamed her. Helen, who had watched everything, came to me and then bowed like a knight, "I'm sorry, seems like it was too much," she said, her voice still slightly stern, "there, there. It's all better now." she patted my back as she held me up into her arms.
Not exactly as good as mother, but relatively caring.
"Don't cry little one, it's okay." Helen continued, "Helen won't scare you anymore. I'm sorry..."
So she can apologize! Then how is she always like that? Why?
"I was jealous." Helen mumbled softly into my ear as I blushed and continued to sniffle. She probably thought I couldn't understand her at all ... lol.
Teary eyed and still in her arms, I heard something. A chime... the doorbell! Was mother back home already? Lucky me!
Nobody answered. Helen was shocked as she hurriedly put me down on the carpet, while Carmine went pale with horror.
I suddenly saw how Helen just reached both hands towards her denim trousers and took out the daggers from her knee pockets. She was slow in movement and with a slightly scared expression, she positioned herself. Much like a fighter.
Carmine, clutched my right arm, very tightly and seriously stared at the barely opened door. Then, as short a whisper, "Burglar," Helen pronounced.
Now my senses were aroused. More importantly, how did they know? I thought it was mother, but they instantly knew who it was at the door... why?
I didn't know. Precisely the fact that bothered me.
Then, quick as a flash, Helen threw the dagger from her right hand. The dagger perpendicularly flew in between the tiny space that separated the door and the wall.
Something had fallen and hit the ground as the loud sounds echoed throughout the house.
"Who's there!?" an unfamiliar hoarse voice grumbled aloud.
Looks like even in other worlds, these types of undertrained scums exist... the poor guy, I felt pity for him.
Steadily and brimmed with cautiousness, Helen peeked through the door. Guess what I did when Carmine's grab loosened? I trotted myself as fast I could with four legs and silently gazed into the place Helen blankly stared.
A man with almond colored complexion, a broken nose and quite the beard (fake, I pressume) stood still in the living room, straight across hallway. He wore a ridiculous Victorian era short hat and dark modern day sunglasses.
Why can't people just pick a comfortable, single and simple style here? I wonder to myself most times... yet the answer just never comes.
He wore a grey trench coat until it covered his ankles, a white henley shirt, and possibly, pitch black pants. His hands remained inside the coat pockets.
"Lead class, 2nd stage," Helen murmured to herself as I listened, "Mana is..." she stopped with a half frightened half excited expression.
Her face lost colour, "...Unknown." She said without much effort.
How prickly she must feel, I thought, to be unable to capture the essence of the enemy.
A mage has to be able to single out another mage's ability. That's why when they awaken, they go through various examinations and are tested in field and practice sparring. Through this, the new born mages are able to detect another mage's class, stage and their mana essence.
The hardest is the essence detection. If the opponent is stronger and more experienced, the harder it gets. In Helen's case, things are similar, since she has just returned from camp not too long ago and didn't do enough to keep herself as fit. So her ability went down.
However, a deathly stare suddenly erupted from the other end of the hallway, as the man slyly grinned. Helen's eyes met his as she slammed the door shut. Of course, he heard that.
Then, panicked, she locked the door to buy sometime, tried to open the jammed window, yet to no avail. Then, panicking back and forth, an idea hit her, as she picked me up and put me into the cradle.
I didn't question her. She bent down and rummaged something somewhere. Then she took me into her arms, gently with a sour expression on her face.
The seriousness affirmed the little sister as she nodded and took me tightly packed in my arms. Then, Helen closed the cupboard door.
"So she's planning to fight alone." I thought, slightly depressed and sad, "I doubt she will win though. Logically speaking from experience, it's unlikely she might win... about 25% chance."
I ransacked my brain, but couldn't comprehend on what to do. Then, my heart stopped still as I heard various noises coming from the other end... what was going on?!
I had no choice as I shot open the cupboard door with all my might and pulling myself away from Carmine's grasp.
Helen and that scrawny man fought each other, but Helen looked worse off, as the man only had his hat cut in half. No 'serious' injuries yet.
Since the man was tall and his attention focused on Helen, he didn't notice me. Since my mana has yet to be awakened, he doesn't feel threatened and couldn't detect my presence, all thanks to Helen.
Carmine who was shaking in fear, stared at the man, stiff and pale. Whatever I had to do, I must do it hurry. Before this girl begins to wail.
The toy thin rope (obviously, magically infused) was close to the man's feet so I grabbed hold of it. I crawled to his feet as the poor fool remained in the same position. Then I loosely strapped it around his feet. This took a lot of energy too!
I crawled over to Carmine, "Cayyy mi~ Go, go!" I tried to hint her with all my might.
Whether she understood or not, she stopped crying and put on a brave face. Only then did she notice the rope under the man's feet lightly tied.
I held the other end and pushed it towards her hand. "Go, go!" I repeated, this time with an enthusiastic smile.
Now something made sense to her. "Got it," she replied.
Carmine rushed to the tricycle at the edge of the room and tied the end she had with it. Tip-toed to the opened doorway for enough space. Then the tug of war started.
The rope caught hold of the man's feet as he struggled a bit and then pulled into balance.
The tricycle wasn't strong enough, especially with Carmine's weight. She was too light for the load she pulled. However, despite that, just as the man lost his concentration from Helen, she cunningly made the first move.
She stabbed him lightly in the stomach then pinned him down with the knives scattered around him. He hissed in pain and agony.
Carmine quickly got off her tricycle and rushed outside as she cried for help with desperation. The Windstorm Clan along with various other onlookers gathered around and soon, we were saved before the man regained consciousness. He had to be taken to the hospital. Later on, he was arrested, of course.
"I saw that, Ba-" Helen paused, "no, Glow."
So I was brave enough for her to admit me as an equal...? No baby or cuddles anymore... I'll definitely miss that!
However, contrary to my thoughts, she picked me up with a pleased expression, "Thank you, for saving all of us. You were really brave, little sis." Helen thanked me with a warm hug.
I guess all this little girl ever wanted was someone close to her and a companion. She must have had a life experience in training camp so as to make her this indifferent! Oh well, all's well that ends well. Yes, now that even the unapproachable Helen has been conquered, my peaceful life isn't far away~! Yay!
Today, however, Helen was planned something different for me. Her face that stenched of 'plot' with rubbing lips and grittingteeth hinted a large drama. Trouble, as I can figure.
She had a thing against me and I have no clue why. All I can say is that ever since I woke up this morning, followed by the heavy smelly perfume from my diaper, she had been peering her huge eyes at me. I could feel that daggers were being aimed towards me as if I was a training equipment.
Everytime she would stare for a while, then click her tongue with disappointment and then put on a thinking face. One time she gleamed with a delightful face; the next thing I know, I'm wearing a pajama like outfit. A small tank top and something like the pajama pants...? I've yet to fully grasp fashion anyway. Might as well leave it at that.
Mom, on the other hand scratched her hair and then gleamed at me with a face I didn't like. Before I could react, I was dragged away as she mumbled something and did my soft little boyish hair. It was something similar to the pixie cut, girls are used to in my old world. However, mom had a way with her hands and did my hair naturally, not cutting a single hair, or damaging them.
The feeling came even better than the saloons. It was pure relish! I felt as if I'd been drowning in a sweet scented water.
The drool from my mouth toppled down, but in an instant, I could feel envy being directed toward me. Now Helen was conjuring something up to her sleeves.
Just as mom was putting me into my cradle, "Hey, mom," Helen started, "Why not use the timing and teach this thing to crawl?" then she snorted.
Mom, who had not been fazed by her daughter's words, simply smiled. "Good idea."
"No," my father came out into the living room looking perfectly trimmed and ready, "how about after daddy~ comes home~?"
"But what if she fell over?" Helen strongly accused, "Or tried escaping the cradle...!"
I see. So she was trying to ignite the fire. Then adding fuel to that small flame to enhance it, huh. What a brat!
"You've sure gotten quite the temper," mom said with worry, "is this the side effect of awakening, I wonder?"
"Its not like that!" Helen pouted with a frown.
"You know, Helen," dad softly spoke with a stern voice, "your baby sister cannot speak yet. She barely utters anything except crying... so crawling might cause further problems."
Dad was serious. Apparently, in this world, a baby is always ready for crawling when he/she can speak a word like papa or mama. Babies speak words at 3 months age and the can crawl by 8 months. I had learned this recently, but due to the expired time, I didn't know what to do.
"How about waiting for papa~!" dad suggested with a charmed smug all over his face, "but if you wanna~ then, how about-"
"Not happening." mom shook her head and then produced a dark simper plastered on her face, "Dear, you're getting late..." She took his briefcase as if it was a shield and tugged and pushed him out the door elegantly, still smiling.
"So scary!" I thought, "Never make mom angry. Note to self."
As I tossed and turned myself in the cradle, I could feel two propelling auras, piercing at me.
The first one was Helen, who had a lot of pent up frustration.
The second was a rather gentle and shy one with a more confused daze. Peeping at me, was, Carmine.
The telephone rang and mom hurriedly went to pick it up. She seemed quite thrilled by the phone call, arousing within me, a speck of suspicion. Though I heaved an uncertain sigh and eventually let out the bad thoughts.
"I shouldn't be thinking like this... it's wrong." I assured myself.
She got very excited over the phone and then her expression went purple. She hung up the phone and left with a few words, "I'll be back soon. Eat lunch, okay?" and the door closed with the lock.
Before anything, let me recollect the certain, yet exhausting functions of telephone here. One, they are used with magic and consume quite a bit of mana. So rare homes have telephone access.
Two, only powerful and capable mages are able to connect their voices together or call so that they can talk in real time. Otherwise, the telephone is more of a recording voice that passes through, like voice messages.
Three, the structure of the telephone is slightly different. Picture a normal landline telephone, however, not any of the call buttons. There is a huge translucent glass over that area and a single button at the top left corner of the phone. Press it and hold it for listening to the voices left behind using to connected cord.
Double tap the same button to record your voice. Then the signal will be transmitted once you place your hand on the translucent glass and the recorded voice with the silver glow will disappear.
Just by adding your will, the nearest phone to your certain someone, the connection will reach. Of course that also means that there are several flaws, but there aren't many magic researchers in this world or scientists that can improve them.
Perhaps nobody has thought about this peculiar phone functions thoroughly yet...? May be that's why.
Of course, listening is much easier since it doesn't require much magic. You still need to be at least at the Lead Class, 1st stage though. However, the message won't last long and deplete over time.
For example, a fresh message that is recorded and sent, if immediately arrived, will be bright golden color. At that point, the caller is still at the other end, so if the receiver calls back, the connection is made, but a huge amount of mana is gone and it takes long time to consume that power back.
Colors that have fresh messages goes like this: golden, yellow, orange, red. Red means that there isn't much left. Afterwards, the glow will disappear and nothing will be left behind.
"Okay then," an all too familiar voice interrupted my train of thoughts, "let's teach ya how to have some fun!"
Helen picked me up. I was in the demon's clutches... what to do? No matter how much I panicked and sweated, it was to no avail.
I was led to the Baby Room and put on top of the crimson red carpet. It was soft and silky.
"Now hop to it," Helen suggested, putting me down, "Crawl baby, or I will skin ya alive!"
She's threatening me! How vexing! This little pinhead.
Carmine who had been silently lurking in the shadows, came into the room and picked me up.
Though brave, I was too much for her, so we both fell. She toppled down and thankfully I secured my landing when I fell on top of her.
The once jealous little brat, was now sweetly putting on airs, to aid me. How cute.
"Hmph, you're too small to even carry her." Helen protested with a grin.
"Am not!" Carmine shot back in a fierce tone, "Babwy Gow wikes Caaarmi better!"
Even if it were an argument, I could clearly verify that Carmine wasn't good in it. She had the temper, but she often let it lose and even more so, caused a mess. For a child, this was her best shot, I bet.
At that moment, a nostalgia hit me as I mumbled to myself, "Fight on~!!!"
Since children grow up too fast, it's best they learn from the fights now and how relationships work... unlike me, who had to learn everything the hard way. After all, reincarnating wasn't planned by me. What if I died like everyone else and never got a chance? This was a precious point in my new life and enjoying the moment now as it is would be the best!
"Did she say so?" Helen asked.
"She-she... she called my name! Not Yows!" Carmine bravely confronted her sister.
"Oh, really," Helen deviously smirked, "then shall we try again? Baby Glow has to answer."
"Yea." Carmine agreed.
They came towards me like giants about to squash a measly fly. I shook in desperation regarding what these two had in mind.
As I was picked up, I saw Helen bend down, sitting. On the other end of the room, Carmine did the same. "Now, go and call her," Helen ordered with a deep bitter-sweet voice, "come back and say mine. If you cannot, then I will tie you upside down!"
At the sheer burst of her ridiculous threat, I crawled like crazy to where Carmine sat, teary eyed as I approached her.
"Uwah~Uwah....ah haha....!" I whimpered and cried until my eyes turned red.
Carmine stoned on me as I cried next to her. I think she got a traumatic shock as though I had blamed her. Helen, who had watched everything, came to me and then bowed like a knight, "I'm sorry, seems like it was too much," she said, her voice still slightly stern, "there, there. It's all better now." she patted my back as she held me up into her arms.
Not exactly as good as mother, but relatively caring.
"Don't cry little one, it's okay." Helen continued, "Helen won't scare you anymore. I'm sorry..."
So she can apologize! Then how is she always like that? Why?
"I was jealous." Helen mumbled softly into my ear as I blushed and continued to sniffle. She probably thought I couldn't understand her at all ... lol.
Teary eyed and still in her arms, I heard something. A chime... the doorbell! Was mother back home already? Lucky me!
Nobody answered. Helen was shocked as she hurriedly put me down on the carpet, while Carmine went pale with horror.
I suddenly saw how Helen just reached both hands towards her denim trousers and took out the daggers from her knee pockets. She was slow in movement and with a slightly scared expression, she positioned herself. Much like a fighter.
Carmine, clutched my right arm, very tightly and seriously stared at the barely opened door. Then, as short a whisper, "Burglar," Helen pronounced.
Now my senses were aroused. More importantly, how did they know? I thought it was mother, but they instantly knew who it was at the door... why?
I didn't know. Precisely the fact that bothered me.
Then, quick as a flash, Helen threw the dagger from her right hand. The dagger perpendicularly flew in between the tiny space that separated the door and the wall.
Something had fallen and hit the ground as the loud sounds echoed throughout the house.
"Who's there!?" an unfamiliar hoarse voice grumbled aloud.
Looks like even in other worlds, these types of undertrained scums exist... the poor guy, I felt pity for him.
Steadily and brimmed with cautiousness, Helen peeked through the door. Guess what I did when Carmine's grab loosened? I trotted myself as fast I could with four legs and silently gazed into the place Helen blankly stared.
A man with almond colored complexion, a broken nose and quite the beard (fake, I pressume) stood still in the living room, straight across hallway. He wore a ridiculous Victorian era short hat and dark modern day sunglasses.
Why can't people just pick a comfortable, single and simple style here? I wonder to myself most times... yet the answer just never comes.
He wore a grey trench coat until it covered his ankles, a white henley shirt, and possibly, pitch black pants. His hands remained inside the coat pockets.
"Lead class, 2nd stage," Helen murmured to herself as I listened, "Mana is..." she stopped with a half frightened half excited expression.
Her face lost colour, "...Unknown." She said without much effort.
How prickly she must feel, I thought, to be unable to capture the essence of the enemy.
A mage has to be able to single out another mage's ability. That's why when they awaken, they go through various examinations and are tested in field and practice sparring. Through this, the new born mages are able to detect another mage's class, stage and their mana essence.
The hardest is the essence detection. If the opponent is stronger and more experienced, the harder it gets. In Helen's case, things are similar, since she has just returned from camp not too long ago and didn't do enough to keep herself as fit. So her ability went down.
However, a deathly stare suddenly erupted from the other end of the hallway, as the man slyly grinned. Helen's eyes met his as she slammed the door shut. Of course, he heard that.
Then, panicked, she locked the door to buy sometime, tried to open the jammed window, yet to no avail. Then, panicking back and forth, an idea hit her, as she picked me up and put me into the cradle.
I didn't question her. She bent down and rummaged something somewhere. Then she took me into her arms, gently with a sour expression on her face.
The seriousness affirmed the little sister as she nodded and took me tightly packed in my arms. Then, Helen closed the cupboard door.
"So she's planning to fight alone." I thought, slightly depressed and sad, "I doubt she will win though. Logically speaking from experience, it's unlikely she might win... about 25% chance."
I ransacked my brain, but couldn't comprehend on what to do. Then, my heart stopped still as I heard various noises coming from the other end... what was going on?!
I had no choice as I shot open the cupboard door with all my might and pulling myself away from Carmine's grasp.
Helen and that scrawny man fought each other, but Helen looked worse off, as the man only had his hat cut in half. No 'serious' injuries yet.
Since the man was tall and his attention focused on Helen, he didn't notice me. Since my mana has yet to be awakened, he doesn't feel threatened and couldn't detect my presence, all thanks to Helen.
Carmine who was shaking in fear, stared at the man, stiff and pale. Whatever I had to do, I must do it hurry. Before this girl begins to wail.
The toy thin rope (obviously, magically infused) was close to the man's feet so I grabbed hold of it. I crawled to his feet as the poor fool remained in the same position. Then I loosely strapped it around his feet. This took a lot of energy too!
I crawled over to Carmine, "Cayyy mi~ Go, go!" I tried to hint her with all my might.
Whether she understood or not, she stopped crying and put on a brave face. Only then did she notice the rope under the man's feet lightly tied.
I held the other end and pushed it towards her hand. "Go, go!" I repeated, this time with an enthusiastic smile.
Now something made sense to her. "Got it," she replied.
Carmine rushed to the tricycle at the edge of the room and tied the end she had with it. Tip-toed to the opened doorway for enough space. Then the tug of war started.
The rope caught hold of the man's feet as he struggled a bit and then pulled into balance.
The tricycle wasn't strong enough, especially with Carmine's weight. She was too light for the load she pulled. However, despite that, just as the man lost his concentration from Helen, she cunningly made the first move.
She stabbed him lightly in the stomach then pinned him down with the knives scattered around him. He hissed in pain and agony.
Carmine quickly got off her tricycle and rushed outside as she cried for help with desperation. The Windstorm Clan along with various other onlookers gathered around and soon, we were saved before the man regained consciousness. He had to be taken to the hospital. Later on, he was arrested, of course.
"I saw that, Ba-" Helen paused, "no, Glow."
So I was brave enough for her to admit me as an equal...? No baby or cuddles anymore... I'll definitely miss that!
However, contrary to my thoughts, she picked me up with a pleased expression, "Thank you, for saving all of us. You were really brave, little sis." Helen thanked me with a warm hug.
I guess all this little girl ever wanted was someone close to her and a companion. She must have had a life experience in training camp so as to make her this indifferent! Oh well, all's well that ends well. Yes, now that even the unapproachable Helen has been conquered, my peaceful life isn't far away~! Yay!
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