Ayanokoji-kun’s favorite food is fried tempura, and his favorite fruit is bananas.

Ayanokouji-kun’s profile is very good-looking, it must be that Mr. Chabashira’s class is not good, so Ayanokouji-kun has been looking out the window in a daze.

And Ayanokōji-kun smells good.


Although Sakura-san was looking at him with eager eyes as usual today, Qinglong just wanted to avoid such eager eyesSo I looked out the window.

Another two days have passed, and he still hasn’t rejected Sakura, and even let her go shopping together once.

It’s not that Qinglong is not arrogant, but that Sakura-san is too big for him to refuse.

The only downside is that Sakura-san still likes to follow and cling to people. But there is no way to go further with her, because Sakura-san is just a spare tire. Although it is an excessive idea, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the goddess Kiyotaka has always wanted is Yukinoshita Yukino.

Because Yukinoshita is probably the only type who can raise a good-for-nothing husband, and accept him even after he cheats.

This is what he likes most about her.

“In comparison, the shogunate system appears to be more rigorous…”

It’s the twelfth day of school, and it’s also the class of the head teacher, Mrs. Chabashira Sae.

Although Chabashira-sensei is very good-looking and has beautiful legs, making people want to stare at her all the time, but the class she taught, sorry, Kiyotaka couldn’t tell the difference between this and the kind of teacher he met in the past who could hypnotize people to sleep What a difference.

“What are the morphological characteristics of that era?” Mr. Chabashira was still in class, “I said this content ten minutes ago, please tell me about it, Kiyotaka Ayanokōji.”

However, Qinglong found out that he had been named unexpectedly.


But the students were all surprised.

Because this school seems to indulge students very much. Not only is there no after-school homework, but no teacher even asked questions during class. So very pleasant.

but now.

The teacher wants to ask questions?

The students immediately turned around, even the students in the front row were the same, staring at Qinglong with sympathy in their eyes.

And does Qinglong know the answer to this question?

He was wandering just now. God knows there must be a ghost.

Kiyotaka looked at the seat next to him, but Horikita was sitting straight.

Wow, Horikita-san, won’t you save me?

Well, for a good student like her, she has no interest in those who don’t listen in class, so she won’t help at all.

So Qinglong looked at Airi.

“This is—” Airi frantically flipped through the book.

Airi is also not good at all, because she was also distracted looking at him throughout the class.

It’s just that Cha Zhu never asked him any questions before. Was it so conspicuous that he was distracted? Obviously Sudou is still sleeping, and Yamauchi is still reading manga, they are more conspicuous and unscrupulous, aren’t they?

Qinglong stood up.

“What, don’t tell me you haven’t listened to anything!” Teacher Chazhu looked at him with a cold face.

This is the teacher’s normal operation, so Qinglong was chosen as the target of killing chickens and monkeys, but is this possible?

If Chazhu couldn’t bear the students’ disobedience, he should have brought up the question the next day when he discovered it, instead of asking it suddenly now.

In summary.

Qinglong used his invincible brain to analyze calmly, and finally came up with the answer.

This is Chabashira Sae pointing at him.

Qinglong recalled that Chazhu in the original book was also a student of this school in the past. He took class D to climb up to class B and failed when he was very close to class A, so he kept his obsession. That is to say, even as a teacher, she still hopes to fulfill her long-cherished wish.

That’s why in the original book, she forced and threatened Brother Lu to take Class D to take off.

And now?

Has it already started?

“Eh—” Now he is being watched by the whole class, and Chazhu is also watching him, “Actually, I am not listening.”

This is really a bold statement.

Even though only 10 of the 40 students in the class are attending the class, many people still admire him after hearing Qinglong’s answer, because this is a real warrior.

“However.” Qinglong continued, “I was thinking about more important things.”

He said, “When I entered school, I introduced myself as fond of money, but now I’m really worried that the school won’t give each of us 100,000 next month.”

“What does it mean?”

A student raised his head and said, because if Qinglong can’t answer the question, it’s okay to laugh at him, but the 100,000 points per month is his source of living expenses, because it’s only the 13th now, but the 100,000 points given by the school have already been paid. I spent 7788, and I still have 10,000 points left to pass this month, and then I borrowed 20,000 from a friend, planning to have 100,000 points next month anyway, so I will pay it back next month, but now I say There is no more than 100,000.

This is directly related to whether he can repay the loan.

“Because in the past few days, I found that the students in other classes were very strange. They were obviously provoked, but they endured not to quarrel, let alone fight.” Qinglong said.

“…” Sudou.

And the red-haired Sudou Ken, who is good at sports, didn’t say anything. He thought it was Kiyotaka who was talking about him. Because of his excellent physical fitness, he joined the basketball club and became a member of the regular selection directly. The other party did it. Because he is not wrong. If you are bullied, you will fight back, so forbearance does not exist.

“I thought it was weird, so I bought the news from the seniors in the third grade for 5,000 points. It turns out that the school will give freshmen an initial class evaluation score of 1,000 for each class, and deduct points for behavioral norms in the first month. , so I wonder if a lot of points have been deducted in our class.

And the living expenses charged by the school every month are the evaluation score of this class X100. So it means that we will definitely not have 100,000 next month. ”

While talking, Qinglong looked at Teacher Chabashira’s expression, Chabashira’s face was expressionlessBut that didn’t stop him from continuing.

very good.

He decided to behave a little rubbish. Because if you are too good, you will be caught by Chabashira Sae just like in the original book, and you will take D class to A class.

Take class D to class A? are you OK?

I’m sorry, I can’t do it, you can change someone.

So like this, he used moderate methods to make the students in class D wake up, and then just get some points to live a life of salty fish. After all, he was ready to fly solo.

“Why, why is this—”

And after such remarks appeared, even though they were still in class, the students immediately exploded.

“So how many will we have next month?” It was Kushida-san.

But the rich and lovely appearance is mostly pretending, because she bought such news from him a long time ago, that is to say, she already knew about it.

Then why is Kushida still pretending to be surprised now that she’s number 13? Wouldn’t it be better for her to remind the students earlier?

It’s very simple.

Kushida wanted to be friends with the whole class and even the whole school, and once she said such troublesome things, some students might complain about her, which would be detrimental to her image, so she pretended not to know.

“I don’t know. It depends on how everyone’s points are deducted.” Qinglong said, “I hope it’s not true.”

“What should I do if it is true?”

But the students directly blew up the pot.

“Calm down, everyone!” Hirata-kun stood up, “Don’t panic, teacher, can you tell us the details?”

“No comment.” But Mr. Chabashira behaved very coldly.

This made such a voice come from the students below.

“But it’s probably true.” A boy named Yukimura Teruhiko said, “If the points next month don’t reach 100,000——”

“But it’s also possible that we perform well and give us extra points. Is this the case, teacher?” A student cleverly obtained information from Teacher Chabashira.

“No comment.” But Mr. Chabashira’s answer was really annoying.

“In short.” In the end, Hirata-kun stood up, “everyone, get over it. In order to get enough points for the next month, it is better not to do things like being late and leaving early, playing with mobile phones in class, reading novels in class, and picking boogers in class, and stick to it first. For a while, two weeks, okay?”

“This school is really poisonous.”

“But that’s the only way.”

“Gaoyuansi, you still put your feet on the table, take them off!”

“Yo, aren’t you still holding your phone? Now is the time for class.”

“…” Chazhu didn’t speak, because since I know it’s time for class, you all should be quiet!

But she didn’t say it.

Just looking at the students of this year’s Class D. They were smarter than the previous students, and they were aware of the school’s exam at this point in time.

Then what will they become?

Then the time finally came to May 1st, the day when the class evaluation scores of each class were determined.

“You have a new transfer message, please accept it.”

When Qinglong arrived at the school, he received the message at 7:40.

This is the school’s transfer information, and the transfer information is also marked with the words that Nan Yunya told him that the school’s team leader is ZT.

Then look at the transfer points.

Not bad, Class D, Qinglong almost laughed.

Because the transfer received from the school was 800 points. The living allowance obtained is the class evaluation score X100, that is to say, only 8 points are left after deducting 1000 points from their class.

ps: The increase in collections has slowed down. Is there a big guy who wants to give a reward?

At present, the debt is 10 more, and when it is put on the shelves, it is guaranteed to be 5 more, so it is 15 more when it is put on the shelves. Is there anyone else who wants to give a reward and an evaluation ticket? .

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