Long Yuan’s voice came over.

In class C, it is clear that school is over, but all the students are gathered in the class, and Long Yuanxiang directlySitting at the podium.

And the atmosphere in Class C was almost frozen. Because Ryuuen who was sitting on the other side of the podium was threatening them.

“Looking back, the reason for the failure of the sports festival exam this time was indeed because of Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.” Ryuuen said.

“It’s just that Longyuan is already over?” A boy said, “Isn’t the focus now on the next final exam? We can’t do it at all in partner exams.”

“Yes, if you fail, you will be expelled from school.”

“My partner’s grades are not good either!”

“Long Yuan, didn’t you take our 20,000 points per month? You have to take responsibility!”

The poor students in Class C started arguing.

“It seems that Long Yuan is also having a headache. The students who don’t study well don’t think about working hard, but want to get a shortcut.”

Kiyotaka said to Ichinose.

Kiyotaka and Ichinose hid outside the window of Class C, and he asked Ichinose to use the silent mode, but even if he lowered his voice, he might be discovered, so he is now replying to the message with Ichinose.

This kind of person needs to borrow a mobile phone to talk when the person is by your side. 26 I experienced it once yesterday, but I didn’t expect to have it again today.

[Hmm——] In fact, Ichinose also felt conflicted.

Because all the students in her class worked hard, even if Shibata made such a mistake, everyone forgave him, comforted him, and didn’t take it to heart, saying that this time the exam should work harder and regain the ranking.

This is a very warm group.

In the end, she was passed by such a class C. She thought it was unfair.

“Shut up! You want to die, don’t you?”

However, facing such chirping little sparrows, Long Yuanxiang directly knocked on the table, the sound made the noisy students wake up suddenly, and then fell silent.

It seems that Longyuan’s violent rule is real.

Violent rule is like campus bullying, talking with big fists.

And it’s fine for the weak to obey.

“You think I want to say Ayanokōji Kiyotaka!” Long Yuan kicked the table.

“Our opponent this time is still Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.” Ryuuen Sho said, “If you want to pass the exam, then you can just go to Ichinose and the others. After all, the class like the Holy Mother is the one who is most afraid of dropping out. So exchange our test questions with them, and they will exchange test questions with us, so that you can pass.”


Being shot suddenly, Ichinose felt aggrieved. And completely underestimated.

“But this plan was destroyed by Class A. So we went back to the original point.”

Ryuuen suddenly stopped talking, but at this moment his follower Ishizaki wrote the words [Ayanokōji Kiyotaka] on the blackboard with chalk.

“Ayanokōji Kiyotaka!”

Ryuuen Xiang said, “Remember this name for me, this guy has at least squeezed more than 20 million points from you!”

[Mr. Long Yuan is adding hatred to you. ]

Ichinose joined Kiyotaka’s chat.

“Yeah.” Qinglong didn’t think much about this, but Ryuuen was not a person who liked to talk nonsense, and Ryuuen deliberately picked his name out, on the one hand to create an enemy for the students of Class C.


If a group is lazy, but if there is a common enemy, then for the stability of their own lives, others will unite.

So he wanted to make the class stronger.

On the other hand.

Qinglong kept quiet.

And Long Yuan continued. “This is the enemy, now and in the future, only in the past—”

He paused, “At the sports festival, someone must have betrayed the class and leaked the information to him. Then he was able to prepare the recording pen so cleverly.”

“That’s why I gathered you together today to find out this betrayer!”

The students in Class C fell silent for an instant.

Because everyone knows how dangerous it is to speak at this time, and they may be regarded as traitors in the class.

“The recorder—” However, someone still stood up and spoke.

It’s Mio Ibuki.

“Ibuki, what do you want to say? Do you want to say that you are a traitor to the class?”

Ryuuen was quite satisfied with the fearful gazes of others, but Ibuki almost slapped him in the face when he stood up.

“I want to say whether Ryuuen’s rule is wrong or not. I want to confirm this.” But Ibuki was not afraid at all when Ryuuen stared at her coldly.

When Ryuuen first wanted to use violence to rule the class, she was the first to stand up and resist.

In other words, she was not afraid of Ryuuen from the very beginning.

“So many failures.” Ibuki said, “Then he used crooked methods, but in the end it didn’t work.”

This is probably to accuse Long Yuan of cheating and cheating at the sports festival this time, and everyone was blackmailed instead.

“The sports festival this time was indeed my mistake.” Ryuuen did not evade responsibility, “But this is also the leak of our class entry form. Or, we want to attack Horikita Suzune and Sudou The plan was told by this traitor a long time ago, so it led to this failure.”

“Is that so… But isn’t Ayanokōji an honest man?” Yibuki said.

“Yibuki, are you out of your mind?” Long Yuan opened his eyes wide, “Are you still talking to that old and cunning Ling Xiaolu at this moment? Do you know how to judge people?”

“Let me tell you, AyanokoujiQinglong is a fraud, a liar, a bastard, and a scam! “Long Yuan said.

Because he has been fooled by the other party at least 4 times.

Then this kind of person can actually be called an honest person.

Long Yuan felt that he would vomit blood.

“First of all, during Kojima’s exam, have you forgotten? I asked you to go to class D, but you were picked up by Ichinose directly. Isn’t it because Ayanokōji Kiyotaka found out that it was disadvantageous, so for his own class, So I sold you directly to Ichinose.” Ryuuen said.

“Sell it in three seconds—” Ibuki seemed to have been brainwashed by Ryuuen. “Does that mean that Ayanokōji has always acted?”

“I’m sure!” Long Yuan said, “Because no matter how you look at it, it’s a fact that he now holds tens of millions. An honest person can get so many points? Liar!”

“So I was cheated?” Yi Chuan murmured.

“You were deceived.” Long Yuan felt a headache.

[Sell? ]

Recalling the old story, Ichinose couldn’t help but recall that at that time, Ibuki was on their way with the excuse of resisting Ryuuen. At that time, Kiyotaka really pushed Ibuki to her directly.

In other words, Qinglong was a very cunning person at that time, so did he deliberately throw the spy to her?

Isn’t this a super villain?

“This is slander.” Qinglong quickly denied it. “I didn’t find out so much at that time, and Ibuki was really beaten at that time, how could I question whether it was fake after the girl was beaten.”

[Is that so——] But Ichinose already looked at him with disbelieving eyes.

Hey, hey, hey Ryuuen, you’re too much, it’s fine that you’re brainwashing Ibuki, but you’re even washing out Ichinose.

Kiyotaka felt that it would be dangerous for Ichinose to continue listening, so after thinking about it, he put the phone in a hidden place in the corner outside the window, and he directly pulled Ichinose to retreat first.

ps: I can’t help but make the sound of a fat house. .

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