
In Qinglong’s room, everyone sat together.

“That… I’m also there, isn’t it a bit inappropriate.” Sitting on the right side, Ichinose Hoonami looked a little embarrassed.

Because all the students at the scene were from Qinglong’s class, and she was the only one from another class.

“It’s okay.” Qinglong said, “Anyway, Ichinose-san paid the money well.”

“Hmm—” Ichinose froze for a moment.

This is rather sad, because this meeting is a meeting for the [winners] of this final exam.

from the afternoonJudging from the English and mathematics test papers, the papers Qinglong gave them were exactly the same.

So the test papers of Class A have been leaked, and they can get 50 points for the exam this time. From this point of view, it can indeed be said to be the winner.

“But here, first of all, I want to celebrate that Ichinose-san can return to Class C.” The little angel Kushida toasted Ichinose.

“Then I wish you all the best of luck in securing your position in Class B in this exam.” Ichinose said. “Although my current mood is very complicated.”

Because the position of Class B was their previous position, but now they want to congratulate others but——

“No.” Qinglong looked at her strangely. “After this exam, my class is not Class B, but Class D.”

Horikita-san drank tea alone, but Kushida-san showed a smiling face. Kushida felt that there was a hole, because if there were only the three of them, she could show her true colors, but now there is one She was by her side, so she had no choice but to continue to pretend to be the angel Kushida.

“Huh?” Ichinose opened her eyes wide.

Because isn’t this a celebration banquet to celebrate Qinglong’s class winning again?

She knew that he had successfully exchanged the answers of the test papers with Mr. Long Yuan.

So isn’t everything within Ayanokouji-kun’s calculations?

“Because I used Kushida-san to do a bitter trick.” Qinglong said, “So if the test paper spreads out, Ryuuen will become suspicious, because if the test paper spreads out, Kushida still behaves like that, then it will be very contradictory. And Ryuuen is very Smart, then trying to use Kushida again for bitter tricks will be useless.”

“Yes, is that so?” Ichinose was a little surprised, because it meant that Kiyotaka sacrificed 50 points in the class in order to let Kushida-san continue to be the bomb in Ryuuen’s class.

Ichinose was about to say something, but the phone vibrated.

“Sorry, sorry—someone asked me out.” Ichinose looked at the phone and quickly stood up and said, “I’m sorry, my classmates are looking for me, so I can only go back first.”


Qinglong sent her to the entrance and then turned back.

But the expression of Kushida-san, who was sitting there just now like a little angel, changed instantly.

became a lot colder.

This is her undisguised appearance, “So why did you bring Ichinose here?”

“Because she is the monitor of an excellent and wealthy class.” Kiyotaka said, “She is also easier to talk to than Ryuuen. The money from Ryuuen’s side is to pry his mouth open, but Ichinose doesn’t need it. Ichinose If Seto’s current class wants to climb up, it’s not me, she must spend money, and now we have a good relationship with this money, and we can accept it all in the future.”

This is really an exaggeration. X2

Did you treat Ichinose as a walking coin?

The thoughts of Horikita and Kushida got a high degree of agreement this time.

“Then let’s review the plan this time.”

Because there were no outsiders, Qinglong and the others stopped covering up.

Their plan is simple.

Kiyotaka, Horikita, and Kushida formed a line to deceive Ryuuen. There are many poor students in Longyuan class, and there are some people who want to deduct 10 points for each subject, so their only way is to buy and sell test papers with people in Qinglong class.

Ryuuen chose Kushida, but can he completely trust Kushida in such an important matter?

So this requires everyone to act.

After driving Long Yuan to a dead end, he had to pay a high price for the test papers.

First of all, students in Qinglong’s class plan to make up lessons without distinction. This is to declare that their class only wants to be safe. And Qinglong is in charge of the Macha bug disturbing Longyuan, asking for a conspiracy.

Horikita is in charge of distributing the test papers.

Kushida was in charge of continuing to be a spy.

Then he intentionally made Long Yuan feel full of confidence, and then backstabbed.

And in the end, to put a tail on it, in order to allow Kushida to continue to be a spy next time, he acted in the scene where Kushida was kept in the dark.

It’s just that Kushida’s acting skills are definitely qualified.


“Horikita, your acting skills are still too bad.”

Kiyotaka and Kushida immediately criticized Horikita Suzune.

“Is that so?” Horikita didn’t expect to be held accountable.

“Of course.” Kushida said, “I used my bet with you to take the math test to confuse Ryuuen.”

“Then after my exam, you should come over eagerly to ask about my exam situation, because this is like a bet, isn’t it? And the students in the class, do you think they are all good things?”

Kushida said, “Two students were bought by Ryuuen for 200,000 yuan. They acted as Ryuuen’s eyes, so your acting skills are really not enough.”

“Is that so—” Horikita really began to reflect. “It’s just how can you act so real when you know it’s fake?”

“Hehe, what should I do?” Kushida-san changed from the Spartan mode to the little angel’s appearance, and the instant conversion seemed to make the room a lot brighter, “Of course I’m all sincere. So it’s not acting but real.”

“I treat all my friends equally and uniformly, including you, Horikita. About tomorrow morning, I will be waiting at the door of your room again. And your leg has not fully recovered yet, what can I do for you?” place?”

This is really scary.

Kiyotaka felt that the title of best actress should go to Kushida without a doubt.

But Kushida’s behavior means that she will take overIn the past six months, I should have settled down a bit. At least not directly against Horikita Suzune.


Ryuuen’s failure this time also meant her Kushida’s failure. If she insisted on betting on mathematics with Horikita, then she must lose, so considering this, she slowed down her dislike of Horikita and treated her [equally].

Kushida-san is very knowledgeable about current affairs.

So, in such a pleasant atmosphere, Qinglong made the final reckoning.

Long Yuan’s class is in debt of 7 million, but they don’t have many points left in the preferential treatment exam, so they only pooled 1 million, and the remaining 6 million will be returned to 800,000 every month.

But one thing is very important.

The reason why Qinglong didn’t distribute the answers to the test papers obtained from Longyuan to the students this time was very simple.

On the one hand, it is to let Long Yuan (Qian’s Zhao) have an explanation. He loses money every time, even under the pressure of violent rule, so he gave them 50 points so that they can get extra points after the exam this time.

But this 50 points is just for looking at, because this 50 points belong to Qinglong, and Long Yuan’s class will exchange this 50 points for money for him when the school distributes money on the 1st of every month.

In other words, he did the same thing as Long Yuan. Long Yuan sold it directly to Class A in the small island exam because he valued the stability of Class A’s score, so it was safe for Class A to raise money for him, and Qinglong was the same , It is not safe to just put the scores in your own class. Eggs can never be put in only one basket.

Therefore, in this exam, Horikita exposed the information that his brother is the student council president to Kushida, and Kushida’s completely became a bomb in Ryuuen’s class, and Ichinose’s class paid 500 Wan, Longyuan suffered a blood loss, and a cooperating spy appeared in Class A.

The real winner is him.

ps: There will be a transition in the next chapter, and I will write 50 chapters of the passer-by heroine, please continue to support me, okay~.

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