When it was about four o’clock in the morning, Qinglong yawned. He finally felt sleepy.

And at his feet, there is “Love Metronome” written by Teacher Xia Shizi

This story is a bit strange, similar to Touma Yukina’s Baixue story, but the heroine Yukari is far less courageous and loyal than Touma, and she doesn’t give you the first-hand experience, but it is a good story in the end, so Qinglong got the enjoyment.

After setting the regular alarm clock on his phone, he chose to go to bed. Because Kato-san will come over the next day to give her impressions, so let’s make some preparations before she comes.

Kiyotaka had the experience of girls coming to the room, but both Horikita and Kushida were only active in a small area, and it was only in the school, not like nowThis really comes home. So proper preparation is necessary.

Especially Qinglong had to check whether there were any strange numbers in his computer.

The result was excellent, no, but a bunch of r-fans.

In other words, the settings here are only obsessed with the two-dimensional dimension and have no interest in the three-dimensional dimension. This is really his style.

After ensuring everything was safe, Kiyotaka woke up to clean up, and then started sending messages to harass Megumi Kato.

It’s not that he’s unkind.

But Kato Megumi was still a little worried about him, so he could create an image of an abandoned house to make her feel at ease.


As long as Kato-san is ignorant and approaches him, then a rich woman like Shiwa-senpai or Eiriri… Bah, such an outstanding classmate will surround him because of jealousy.


Kiyotaka likes Hei Changzhi, so although the current Kato-san has excellent facial features and looks delicate, he is actually not alluring to him at all. It’s just that he has a good vision and thinks that if Kato-san grows his hair, he might become a goddess, so he has no prejudice against Kato.

after all.

It is simply impossible to travel to the animation world and not want to do anything to the heroine.

While walking out and looking at the map to make records, Qinglong found that he had arrived at Detective Po.

Detective Po, this is a slope that doesn’t shake too much, and Qinglong also remembers that in the original book, the male protagonist met Kato Megumi here, and then couldn’t help but feel that the other party was the girl he wanted to pursue in the game and in his dreams.

But that was just the initial impression of seeing Megumi Kato’s dazzling scene, so will this girl who makes people fall in love at first sight be here now?

Standing at the bottom of the slope and looking up, Qinglong suddenly felt that pink cherry blossom petals were blowing in his face. Qinglong’s season has become summer in the actual teaching, but it’s only spring here.

When walking along the road all the way, I can smell the aroma of cherry blossoms in the air, but now I have the illusion of being directly covered by cherry blossoms.

It was indeed an illusion, and he couldn’t help blocking the petals with one hand, but when he took his hand away, he saw a beautiful girl with short hair standing on the top of the slope. He couldn’t help looking towards her.

And this girl, isn’t she quite cute?

“An Yi-jun, what are you doing here? Didn’t you say that I went directly to your house? 々?” The other party made a voice.

And this sound awakened Qinglong. Qinglong originally pressed his chest with one hand, but now he couldn’t feel it.

Well, my heartbeat will not speed up at all, because the other party is not wearing a skirt, but just pants, so I can’t see anything here.

“Kato, I think waiting for someone at home is a painful thing. I can’t wait to know your impressions after reading it.” Qinglong said.

“So you came out to greet me?” Kato Hui said, “Although there is only one road from my house to yours, isn’t it possible that the road diverges and you don’t meet each other?”

“Ah… this—”

Qinglong touched his head.

“An Yijun is really a very simple person.” Kato Megumi judged.

Then let you think a little more about it.

Qinglong felt that he could establish a harmless image of humans and animals.

So Qinglong said, “Then Kato, do you know where this is?”

“Where is it?” Kato Megumi tilted his head cutely, “Isn’t this a place called Detective Slope? It seems that there is a credit investigation office nearby and it got its name from that.”

“No!” Kiyotaka kicked the ground with a reckless performance, “This is the place where Kato and I met for the first time. On that day, I saw you, and then I felt as if I saw you in my dream. The heroine of the game that came out! So why don’t you remember this kind of place!”

“This kind of place…?”

Classmate Kato showed doubts in his eyes, “But wasn’t it when we first met in the first grade, and we have been classmates for a year.”


That’s it, so it’s because Qinglong hasn’t paid attention to the other party for a year.

This is a very rude thing, but Qinglong thinks it is normal, because he also spent 4 months in the practical teaching, but he still can’t put the names of all the students in the class, because some people really What’s more, it’s too unfamiliar, and I don’t even want to pay attention to it.

“Anyway. What worries me now is you, Kato.”

Qinglong decided to fool around, “By the way, how can you go to a house of the opposite sex on weekends?”

“Is there any problem?” Kato asked. “Or is An Yi’s room a super-closed mode where no one will hear even if you call for help?”

“It’s impossible.” Qinglong immediately denied it.

In fact, he was also observing Kato when he asked the question just now. And Megumi Kato’s performance was not as ordinary as she said in her tone.

Probably still a little nervous.

She probably got her soul back after sleeping, and then regretted coming to his house a little bit.

She is a girl, so this kind of thing must be dangerous.

So what she said just now is actually confirming Qinglong’s performance.

But Qinglong immediately denied it, almost proving his innocence.

Not only that.

“In short, let’s go first.” Detective Po is not very far from Qinglong’s home, so the two arrived at their destination very quickly, “Please don’t mind a little mess. ”

“Ah… a standard otaku room.”

Maybe it was because he confirmed Qinglong’s innocence, so Kato followed him directly to the entrance this time, and then entered his room.

Then she was quickly fascinated by the large number of hanging paintings and figures.

This is a ready-made room that doesn’t need to be decorated at all, and if some behaviors are harmless to humans and animals, then probably Kato-san will never say such things as not coming to the house in the future.

So Qinglong took out a stack of game discs in a snap.

“Then let’s start, first choose one you like to play with.” Qinglong said.

“Eh? Shall I choose?” Megumi Kato said in surprise, “Isn’t it about Kasumigaoka-senpai’s [Love Metronome] today? Yukari’s choice?”

Yukari is the heroine of [Love Metronome].

“And An Yi, didn’t you say last night that you like Yukari so much?” Megumi Kato was surprised.

“Of course I (Qian Dede) likes Yukari.”

“Then why—” Kato’s eyes fell on the game CDs that Qinglong took out, and each CD had an image of a new girl he didn’t know.

If it is said that Qinglong likes the heroine in Sister Shiyu’s novel, then here is…

“No, no, no, it can only be said that you are too young.” Qinglong said, “As a person who likes the second dimension, both the second dimension wife and the second dimension husband have to change every four months.”

“It’s like I like Yukinoshita Yukino very much, but Mai-senpai immediately fell in love with Mai-san Sakurajima after she appeared, and now I’m still very interested in Horikita Suzune, but this doesn’t mean I don’t like them. And they also I will definitely not mind that I also like the heroines of other works.” Qinglong said.

“…” Kato.

Although he didn’t know Yukinoshita Yukino, or Mai Sakurajima and Horikita Suzune, Kato could still tell that he must be talking about the heroine of the two-dimensional animation.

In other words, he is completely addicted to the second dimension.

“Student An Yi is really a real otaku.” Kato Megumi said. .

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