Because the schedule indicated that there would be a 15-kilometer long-distance running training on the third day, most of the students were ready to go to bed after returning to the dormitory. Because I can’t confirm whether I can run the whole course tomorrow.

Although everyone thinks that long-distance running is the highlight and requires a lot of energy, but for now, the meditation that started at 6 am on the third day already makes people want to vomit.


Make an announcement before going to dinner. Yukimura collapsed on the spot and couldn’t move.

“Are you okay?” Qinglong said.

In fact, Yukimura’s performance was already there yesterday. Although he is a top student in the written test, as far as summer vacation is concerned, he also likes to go to the library to study. He is very similar to Horikita Suzune, but his physical fitness is quite poor.

Horikita would occasionally go for a run with him, but Yukimura couldn’t keep up with Kiyotaka in this aspect, and he found it very hard for the basic requirements of the school.

“Although I really want to say I’m fine, but my feet are numb…wait a minute.”

It seems that the content of this course is more difficult for Yukimura than he imagined.He froze for about two minutes, patiently waiting for the numbness to subside. Among the other students, Ishizaki didn’t seem to be meditating smoothly either. He leaned forward and twisted painfully.


This is a test of concentration.


Even though some people have good physical fitness, they have no idea how to meditate.

“Albert, give me a hand.”

He is also a laggard.

Albert leaned over silently, grabbed Ishizaki’s arm, and pulled him up.

“Wow! Can’t you gently pull me up! Let me go!”

Ishizaki fell to the ground with a bang.


Seeing that kind of interaction actually makes people feel a little bit interesting.

But the other students in the group may only regard Ishizaki and the others as troublesome people because of Ishizaki’s status as a gangster.

This is probably the same for Ryuuen. Qinglong has already learned from Hirata that Ryuuen joined Hirata’s group, but even though Hirata is constantly mediating, Ryuuen seems to be ignored. Although he hadn’t reached the point of being bullied, Long Yuan really acted like an ordinary student, without any previous arrogance and self-confidence.

The condition of Class C is not very good.

As for the information that the girls got from Megumin, Hiyori from Class C became the leader of Megumin’s group, but the big group joined by that group had a lot of people from Class C and Class D, like the third grade. There are 9 D classes, so, in fact, there are more people who are lagging behind.

So Hiyori from Class C, who is the team leader, should be under a lot of pressure.

After the long-distance running training was completed, Yukimura, who had no physical fitness, lay down after returning to the dormitory, almost unable to move.

“Hey, you seem to be working hard.” At this time, the first-year dormitory was broken into by senior students.

She is the senior of the second and third grades.

“Yo, Lingkouji-kun, you are here too.” Nan Yunya greeted Qinglong pretending to be Qinglong.

It seems that he brought the senior students over, and a second-year senior handed him a box of playing cards.

“Actually, we came to play, and at the same time, we felt that cooking was too tiring, so we came to play a game of drawing cards with you. The loser will have the winning group responsible for cooking.”

The arrangement is that each of the three grades is responsible for the morning and evening dinners for two days.

Today’s breakfast and dinner were made by the second graders, and yesterday by the third graders. Tomorrow will be the first grader according to the plan.

That is to say, if they win the draw with the representatives of the third and second grades here, then the cooking work for the next few days will fall on the first graders.

It’s just that drawing ghost cards depends on luck, and the playing cards are all new and haven’t been opened, so it’s not necessarily the upper grades who can win.

There was a little movement among the first-year students, such as the students in Class A of the first grade. As students of Class A, they have enough pride, so if they can not participate in cooking, they still feel that they can try.

It’s just that Hashimoto and the others didn’t speak but looked at Yukimura.

Yukimura thinks pears are huge.

He doesn’t like gambling. It’s just that it’s an invitation from a senior senior, so it’s hard to refuse.

“Let me do it!”

Ishizaki immediately joined the battle, and at the same time sat down at the table, showing that he wanted to play.

In this way, there is no way to refuse.

Yukimura had no choice but to bite the bullet and go.

“Won’t Koenji-san participate?” However, Nagumo didn’t go to see Yukimura, but unexpectedly looked at Koenji Rokusuke who was sitting on the second-floor bed and combing his hair in front of the mirror.

“Oh. I don’t know you.” Gao Yuansi said.

“It doesn’t matter if I don’t know you, as long as I know you.” Nanyun Ya said, “You are a very unique person.”

He said, “So you want to join the student union in the future?”

“Student Council? What’s the point of joining that kind of thing? I refuse.” Kouenji felt that Nan Yun might have malicious intentions.

“Generally speaking, no one will reject me.” Nanyun said, “But I will give you another chance, Koenji!”

“Why did you specifically request Koenji?” Ishizaki couldn’t help it. “This guy is very vicious, and he is very out of gregarious. He even left the team for training.”

What he was talking about was that during the long-distance running training, Koenji Liusuke’s physical fitness was obviously very good, but it was simply unreasonable for him to abduct and chase some wild boar in the middle.

And this guy even robbed his second-floor bed. So Ishizaki is full of fire.

“Of course he has to be invited.” Nanyun said, “Because he is the only independent student in this school, and this is not even comparable to Ayanokōji-kun.”

“…” Qinglong did not participate in his topic.

It seemed that Kiyotaka didn’t feel motivated, so Nagumo continued, “Student Koenji is very unique. You think he is alone and doesn’t fit in with the group, but that’s wrong, because they don’t need to get along with you. There is a rule in the school , as long as you spend 20 million private points, you can go to the class you want, and he can do this.”

“Or he has already figured out what to do. He has been contacting senior students, hoping that they will sell him points when they graduate. But Gao Yuanji, it’s a pity. Although the conditions you gave are good, but The second-year students still trust me the most. Therefore, even if you try to poach them, it is useless.”

It turns out that Nanyun’s invitation was fake. In fact, it was because his subordinates were almost bribed by others.I was dissatisfied, so I came to find fault, “Buying and selling points is very informal, so I have already reported it to the school.”

“The school will prohibit it.”

It was only here that Nanyun smiled. “I’m very sorry to have ruined your plan.”


Koenji looked at Nanyun, “It’s true that you saw through it, but this is just one way. I still have other ways to be promoted to Class A, so I’m not angry at all.”

“Is it.”

Nan Yunya stopped bringing up this topic, and immediately started the Turtle Card betting activity. .

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