Kushida understood why Kiyotaka was looking for her.

She has the contact information of all grade students, and as a qualified “friend”, she will deliberately remember the interests, family background, various deeds, appearance and… voice of each classmate.


Even the number can be set as unknown. But if the other party didn’t change their voice… then as long as it was a first-year voice, she could hear it.


So she is a tool person?

But Kushida looked at the wall clock on the wall, it was already half past eight, and leaving Kiyotaka here would not be a good evaluation of her.

“I understand.” Kushida then played the recording file.

[Ayan Koji Kiyotaka]

[Ayan Koji Kiyotaka]


And judging from the other party’s voice, it was a fairly young voice, which meant it was a student.

but.After confirming repeatedly, she nodded, “This is the voice of a senior named Maezawa from class B of the third grade.”


“Third grade?”

Qinglong looked at this guy in surprise. He thought this guy was only in the first grade, but now that she’s in the third grade, has she already infiltrated it?

“Is this the forest test?” Qinglong asked.


Kushida nodded, “I had dinner with this senior during lunch.”

“This is Maezawa’s senior.” Kushida said, “Mizusawa in class C of the first grade has a senior boyfriend. This is their junior high school thing, and this senior boyfriend is in this school. Ze-senpai. When Mizusawa-san came to talk to me about his concerns, I investigated this senior and heard his voice from a distance. Then I saw him again at lunch, so there should be nothing wrong.”


You have quite a lot of breaking news here. However, this statement is acceptable.

Qinglong nodded.

But Kushida herself showed lack of self-confidence, “But it’s not enough to just use the voice, I’ve seen on TV that some people can change their voice—”

That’s the type of voice actor. As for voice actors, it is possible to imitate other people’s voices with talent and learning.

And what Kushida said is right, it cannot be ruled out whether this “unknown” person borrowed someone else’s voice to mislead him.

But that’s not a problem.

If it is misleading, then this unknown person has also had contact with this senior Maezawa, otherwise he would not be able to collect the other party’s voice samples. That is to say, as long as we start from this senior Maezawa, then Shun Teng can touch melons.

After receiving the important news, Qinglong returned to his room.

After all, there is still a little angel guarding the house in his dormitory.

Today he went out to read with Hiyori, but lent his room card to Ichinose Hoonami.

Although I entrusted the other party to clean up for me, but.

“Ichinose, don’t you think you’ve worked too hard? And I said you can go back or read the books I put on the shelf after you clean up as you please.”

After Qinglong returned to his room, he found that his dormitory had become completely new.

It’s not that he doesn’t like cleanliness, but that some people do it too cleanly.

“I don’t really want to read today.” The woman who had waited in the dormitory for two hours said, “And I always feel that you will be happier this way.”


You won’t be happy at all, Ichinose.

He doesn’t need a hardworking wife.

In his ambition, he wants to have many maids who can do housework at home in the future, so Ichinose, you don’t need to do housework at all.


Kiyotaka probably knew why Ichinose didn’t leave after helping her.

Because just yesterday afternoon, the student union issued an announcement stating that accountant Nan Yunya was exempted from the status of accountant.

This is probably because Nayun broke his promise and attacked the girls in class A of the third grade and was fired by Horikita Gaku.

It’s just that Ichinose seems to think that Kiyotaka is targeting Nagumo for her sake.


To be honest, there is no such thing, because in the Ichinose incident, Nagumo himself was responsible, and this time, Nagumo also contributed to his blackmail of Class A of the third grade, so Ichinose was completely misunderstood It’s just this kind of misunderstanding, Qinglong felt that there was no need to unravel it.

It’s just that his attention was not attracted by the fact that there was a beautiful girl in his dormitory, but was drawn to his own water glass.

This is a ceramic water cup. The mouth was quite big, and Ichinose washed it dry and turned it upside down to drain the water.

“Hey, Ichinose, do you think someone’s hands will get stuck in the kettle and they won’t be able to get out?”

Looking at the cup, Qinglong suddenly thought of the fact that he had seen Horikita’s hand get stuck, and then he himself stretched into it out of curiosity and got stuck.

“It’s like this kind of water glass. Do you think someone will find it interesting and put their hands in it and get stuck?”

“Probably… no.”

Ichinose also looked at the cup, “Also, the mouth of the cup is so big, you can take it out with your hand.”

“It’s like this.”

Ichinose turned the cup upside down. She thought that Kiyotaka was trying to say something profound, but this kind of thing can be demonstrated directly. “Don’t worry at all, the diameter of the mouth of the bottle is compared to the size of the curled fingers—”

She put her hand into the cup.

“Ah—” Ichinose suddenly let out a small exclamation.


its stuck.

“Ah, this scene reminds me of the warning label on the light bulb manual, please don’t put this thing in your mouth! But why would anyone think of putting the light bulb in your mouth?” Qinglong said calmly.

“Please stop talking!”

Ichinose called for help immediately. “Hurry up and help me take out your hand! There is class tomorrow! I don’t want to bring a water glass to class.”


She, Horikita and him are actually the same people, and they all feel that this state is pure… stupid.

So Qinglong, who had experience, immediately went to buy soap water for her.

Runhua. .

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